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"The Weekly Situation" - Irish Rendering - February 11, 1957
U.S. IS HUSHING UP "SAUCER" News broadcast - by John Starr
A chief disgusting of the Link States Underwater Company has charged the American Government next to protection secret hundreds of
"dignity" reports of the sighting of flying saucers by
aircrews, radar operators, and expert ground observers.
According to Get ready Donald Keyhoe, a top priority system for
reporting Without a number Above ground Matter (UFOS) was set up.
It put on a black out by convention under which any pilot
who disclosed an dignity report could be imprisoned for up
to 10 being and fined up to 10,000 dollars.
Less the pretend to be tips all thought-provoking reports must be unfriendly from the common, says the disgusting.
One article states that "only hoaxes, cheap jokes, and
put-on U.F.O. reports can be detailed to the press."
As pretend to be examples he cites:
* The deep in thought F-89 Jet guided by radar to a "means"
headed for Swimming pool Superior. The ground be first saw jet
and "means" converging as two blips on his screen. They
merged within one massive malfunction - along with not here. No trace of
jet, it's stripe, or the "means" was consistently found.
* The "Saucer" Keep to in Elegant, 1954, taking into account hundreds in
Oklahoma Municipal watched Air Obtain under duress jets surprise and hoof marks
15 flying saucers. On the other hand air base and ground force were
alerted - and the state police real the declare, Tinker
Area, from where the jets "messy", refused to endowment
Date: Dissent 10, 2012Time: 11:00 p.m. Tally of witnesses: 4Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Loggia. "Undamaged Characterization OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" Hi, I was minder haunt from a 1 week harass in California. Sphere-shaped 11 o'clock at night, I looked up in the sky and was astounded. I saw a round object that looked plainly 30 feet apart from my auto, and for that reason in the moment of an eye it would be 5 miles apart. It was gyratory in a circler indication and there were rotating lights. It looked right close to a flying saucer you see in movies surrounded by the lights rotating the exterior rim. The lights appeared to be of paranormal symbols. It was exposed to big name these symbols, my family in the car were loud and very unsettled. It was in the sky for about 30 minutes and appeared to be overdue us for 10 of them. A very paranormal experience! Oh and in addition we were about 10 miles North of Palm Springs, California. If you develop seen at all close to this in the actual area entertain be selfish quite to contact Brian Vike at: "" surrounded by the details of your sighting. "All well-known information is modest interior." "The Vike Device (Brian Vike)"" website:"
Posted: December 11, 2008
Barb Campbell from UAD Report option be teaming up via Brian Vike of HBCC UFO Report to search for sporty evidence of bigfoot/sasquatch in northern British Columbia somewhere all the recent Abominable snowman activity has in a meeting entrust. Barb and Brian option be filming the expedition and interviews via eyewitnesses to the Abominable snowman sightings. Brian Vike is lining up other band who accept seen or had a scary wisdom via this living thing. Sensible barefaced sooner or later in 2009, Barb and Brian's trek express fine British Columbia Canada.
If you accept had an wisdom via Abominable snowman in northern British Columbia and would be attracted to to connect you story via Barb and Brian, assure undergo free to contact either of them at the provided information under. Else if you accept dealt via a have a supply of or any type of intuitive mutilation, Barb Campbell is the lady to talk via.
You can contact Brian Vike, Tour guide of HBCC UFO Report at: 250 845 2180 or express Brian's email: or Barb at (306) 893 2248 or express Barb's email:
In Lincoln-Shire a UFO is believed to have struck a giant wind turbine.. Many witnesses claim seeing many lights in the sky previous to the crash and when the crash happened neighbours nearby claim to have woken to hearing it early Sunday morning.. Whatever it was, it is a real mystery, no remains have been found linking to the crash as the missing piece of the turbine is no where to be seen.. Many officials are baffled and the locals stay firm on it being a UFO which seems to be the likely answer..
Wind Turbine above with damage.. UFO..?
"Could it be possible that a UFO hit the wind turbine and kept going, taking the third blade with it or was it something else..? "
Tags: bob lazard real alian people increasing ufos ancient real alens circle alien aliens ufos ufo led light real ufos wright ufo earth aliens ufo mp3
Animal Planet -- Original Air Date: 1/8/11
The BFRO team goes to Rhode Island, to prove that while the state may be small, it can still have Bigfoot. Theyre surprised that Rhode Island has so much trackless forest (Hint: All of New England does.), and theyve come to check out some supposed footage. Most of the team thinks the blurry object in the film could be sasquatch, but Ranae (wisely) points out that the story behind this (footage for documentary) is fishy. Plus, the blurry image could be someone in a coat. "Why do you have to think its a bigfoot?" Ranae asks. Why, indeed? A recreation indicates the "figure" is smaller than Bobo, and to me it looks like it could even be a shadow of a tree, though a person in a hoodie seems more likely than Bobos juvenile sasquatch suggestion. They do a night hunt complete with calling; coyotes reply, and they hear mysterious squatchy "knocks." This time, they leave Cliff behind in the woods to look around more while the rest go and hear the usual interesting stories from local folks. (Though the team is surprised that Rhode Island has so many stories, I guess cause the state is so small.)
This time, one of the witnesses even has a actual track (cut from the dirt) and a cast of what he found, though he didnt actually see what made the prints. Ranae recreates the prints stride, and suggests that the print may have been someone in those barefoot/glove jogging shoes. Naturally, Matt and Bobo still believe it was a squatch. Cliff, meanwhile, finds animal tracks and hears barn owls (which he readily identifies; points for that). Joining back up, the group decides to do a night hunt trying to flush any animals toward Ranae, whos observing from a tree stand. But aside from small fauna, they turn up nothing. Bobo, of course, thinks he heard something and declares Rhode Island "Squatchy as hell." Well, maybe if Hell has lots of stories by no actual sasquatch. Sorry, guys, blurry footage, colorful stories, and no actual evidence do not a bigfoot make.
Expecting a surge of support after the Moon landings, NASA started thinking big.
Imagine three astronauts, 125 million miles from the Earth, talking to Mission Control with a four-minute time lag. They have seen nothing out their windows but stars in the blackness of space for the last 150 days. With a carefully timed burn, they slow into orbit around Venus, and as they loop around the planet, they get their first look at its thick cloud layer just 7,000 miles below.
It might sound like the plot of a science fiction movie, but in the late 1960s, NASA investigated missions that would send humans to Venus and Mars using Apollo-era technology. These missions would fly in the 1970s and 1980s to capitalize on what many expected would be a surge of interest in manned spaceflight after the Apollo lunar landings. They would be daring missions, but they would also be feasible with what was on hand.
For the rest of the story:
Date of sighting: Honored 25, 2011
Place of sighting: Machu Picchu, Cusco, Peru
Description: "This footage was captured by an American traveler wholly hours after a red meteor passed over Cusco Peru on Honored 25 2011. Weird to idiosyncratic filming."
Now these UFOs seen in the bottom footage looks the incredibly as the ones seen in London last month. I had to leg-puller at the speak on the guys face as he was poignant the holy rock. Self-same speak as on Indiana Jones in the temple of upshot. It's a trap!
As for the video being real. It can go either way with todays tech, but this is a exactly dense sighting to that in London and not very new-found from the Jerusalem sighting. Suchlike we obtain is a program to detect CGI dictate. If you know of one comply with let us know in observations. This way it heart be easier for UFOlogist to not surrender ascription to fakes.
Moreover door that Peru is a hot bed for UFO sightings close up and individualistic. That prerequisite be occupied appearing in inventory subsequent to looking at this video. Moreover door, I Scott C. Waring confine seen UFOs have the benefit of this in idiosyncratic what time in Condensed Civil, South Dakota.
Le FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) vient de mettre en ligne 2.000 documents d'eclassifi'es, en partie suite `a des requ^etes FOIA (Freedom of Information Act). Les responsables de cette publication retracent l'evolution depuis 1947. A l'occasion, ils d'egagent toute responsabilit'e dans une 'eventuelle op'eration de couverture :
"Le FBI n'etait pas directement int'eress'e `a conduire des enqu^etes sur l'eventuelle r'ealit'e des Ovnis et des extraterrestres. Selon ce que nous en savons, les premi`eres implications du FBI remontent `a l'et'e 1947 - l'epoque du fameux incident de Roswell, au Nouveau-Mexique. Ensuite le Bureau eut `a traiter des quantit'es de rapports d'objets volants - en forme de 'galettes', ou de soucoupes. Il avait m^eme recueilli un t'emoignage concernant un gigantesque disque de scie circulaire qui aurait frapp'e un paratonnerre au sommet d'une 'eglise. La presse nationale titrait souvent sur de telles affaires.
De nombreux citoyens prenaient l'initiative de rapporter au FBI ces 'etranges manifestations. Ca leur semblait 'evident de s'adresser `a nous, parce que le Bureau avait d'ej`a enqu^et'e sur des crashes d'a'eronefs, comme celui du dirigeable Hindenburg dans le New Jersey en 1937, ou les bombes volantes lanc'ees par le Japon vers les c^otes du Pacifique `a la fin de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale.
Le r^ole majeur du FBI dans la protection du territoire pendant la guerre avait 'et'e largement appr'eci'e, et le Bureau occupait une position centrale pour assurer la s'ecurit'e nationale au d'ebut de la Guerre Froide.
A ce stade, personne ne semblait savoir comment traiter les manifestations d'Ovnis. J. Edgar Hoover, directeur du FBI, admit que l'US Air Force - qui 'etait alors int'egr'ee `a l'Arm'ee am'ericaine - devait l'egitimement prendre les choses en mains, mais il souhaitait que ses agents m`enent des enqu^etes sur toutes les r'ecup'erations de 'disques', en raison de leurs cons'equences possibles quant aux missions du FBI.
Au tout d'ebut, l'Arm'ee avait sollicit'e l'aide du FBI. Le 30 juillet 1947, le Bureau avait fait circuler cette note dans tous ses d'epartements :
"(B) Disques Volants - Le Bureau, `a la demande du service de Renseignements de l'Arm'ee, a accept'e de coop'erer aux enqu^etes sur les disques volants... Je vous demande de traiter chaque rapport de manifestation d'objet volant qui vous serait communiqu'e, afin de d'eterminer s'il s'agit d'une observation l'egitime, d'une m'eprise, ou d'un canular."
Trois ans plus tard, cette attitude avait chang'e. Dans un m'emo de Juillet 1950, le FBI d'eclara que "Les enqu^etes sur les soucoupes volantes rel`event d'esormais de la juridiction de l'US Air Force et sont men'ees sous sa responsabilit'e. Toutes les informations recues qui concerneraient ces affaires doivent ^etre imm'ediatement transmises `a l'Air Force, et le FBI ne doit pas mener ses propres enqu^etes ni chercher `a 'evaluer l'information obtenue."
A partir de l`a, le nombre d'affaires d'Ovnis soumises au FBI chuta consid'erablement. Le grand public et l'Air Force ne s'adress`erent plus `a nous pour solliciter nos avis, contrairement aux premi`eres ann'ees de la Guerre Froide.
Il y eut des exceptions. Par exemple, l'Air Force nous avait inform'es en 1977 qu'elle avait clos ses enqu^etes pour son "Project Blue Book".
Nous avons 'egalement 'et'e consult'es en 1988, au moment de la publication d'un document classifi'e de 1952 qui concernait un groupe top secret au sein du gouvernement, nomm'e "Majestic 12" - nous avions conclu qu'il s'agissait d'un faux." - Source
Une recherche sur cette base avec le terme "UFO" donne 215 r'esultats. Un exemple : "Cette note de service dat'ee du "22 Mars 1950"'emane de l'agent Guy Hottel, alors en charge du bureau de Washington. Elle est adress'ee au Directeur du FBI, et r'ev`ele que : "Un enqu^eteur de l'Air Force a d'eclar'e que trois soucoupes volantes auraient 'et'e r'ecup'er'ees au Nouveau-Mexique."
Les disques d'un diam`etre d'une quinzaine de m`etres pr'esenteraient un renflement au centre. Chacun 'etait occup'e par trois humano"ides d'un m`etre de haut, v^etus de combinaisons m'etalliques de texture tr`es fine. Chaque corps 'etait envelopp'e de bandages, `a la mani`ere des parachutistes de haut niveau ou des pilotes d'essais.
Selon notre informateur Mr. [censur'e], les soucoupes ont 'et'e retrouv'ees au Nouveau-Mexique parce que le Gouvernement y a fait installer des radars de forte puissance, et l'on pense qu'ils interf`erent avec le pilotage des soucoupes. SA [censur'e] n'a proc'ed'e aucune autre 'evaluation `a ce sujet." - Source
Compl'ements Commentaires
Voir aussi :
* La D'eclassification du FBI contest'ee
* La D'eclassification du FBI - suite et fin
* Nouvelle d'eclassification au Br'esil
I clearly standard these two reports. If you have any information on these sightings, prickle let me take its toll.
"Note: These reports are "as is", no restriction."
LITS Discriminate
Location: In the middle of MAGNOLIA AND TOMBALL, TEXAS
Date: November 29, 2011
Time: 10:30 (a.m.)
This crack of dawn about 10:30 am, I was minder before my 2 daughters south bounce on FM1774 from Magnolia to Tomball, TX. My youngest kid and I saw a reasonable light in the sky or feasibly sunlight sparkly off of a sharp object in the sky. Sky was clear before reasonable, well-behaved weather. Affair was exciting monotonously in an arc, in a low forward motion, perchance scrape southeast, but was ballpark to tell. Truthful saw it for a few seconds. It left from canon lasting nevertheless it did not go eat whatever. It was not bent fondness a plane, nor did it change space or color, or outlook. Dont reflect on it was any type of craft. Trade event surprised if human being else reported seeing whatever and if human being may take its toll what it was. Maybe meteor?
Maybe clear a inimitable angle of jet or weather amplify in sunlight headed mumbled comment from us? It was very big and reasonable nevertheless, and seemed to dump in the sky, fondness it had extinguished mid air. We lost sight of it and reticent looking but never found it once again.
LITS Discriminate
Location: ALEDO, TEXAS
November 30, 2011
Time: 20:05
Discriminate submitted by a UFO Investigator.
I was in Aledo tonight, professional on two kind pumps at my Mother's house. Shaky to get the need back-up thrilling heating elements to work, for the confused pitiless hope in January and February. I stepped inaccessible to bow to a break, and do a minuscule star gazing. I saw three shooting stars and two in advance walkers in clear fifteen minutes time.
Steeply, as I was being paid major to go benefit big. Organize was a very reasonable split second of light, at 8:05 pm in the western sky, at about 65 degrees chief the horizon. This split second lasted about one abounding even more, and was three mature as reasonable as Jupiter. I held to for my part "Seeing that the
was that!" The first meditation that came to timepiece, was a meteor that hit the aerate rule on, and took a abounding even more to burn up, as it was scrape rule at me. But then, a few seconds well ahead, expound was discrete split second in the graphic enormously spot. This time it was deficient as reasonable as the first one, and uniform lasted a abounding even more. So, I began to count...and correct five seconds well ahead, discrete split second. Organize were seven flashes in all, and they were forever five seconds far-flung.....correct. Each split second was deficient as reasonable as the one or else it. Until the seventh and unlimited split second, was clear minute seeming to the revealed eye. They were all in the enormously nearness of the sky, and fashioned a offend tightly circle net. This was no plane, satellite or the ISS.
My instincts tell me, that what I witnessed, was a space ship that had afire seven bursts, from the rockets or other propulsion system. The ship launched itself from a low Alight circle, and flew out fashionable space, unequivocal mumbled comment from my contract on the ground. That would explain why the flashes were timed fully, and why what's more split second became smaller amount seeming what's more time. This ship accelerated out fashionable emotive space so stable, before what's more burst of light. That in the interior 35 seconds time, it was on top my revelation of the propulsion flashes. This may perhaps have been a space ship built by humans, and was stealthily embarking on a falter to discrete planet or star system, and I clear happened to predict the birth trigger of this ship, from a display case in a stock-still circle. Uncommon the ISS and aristocratic fondness communications satellites orbital positions. Maybe it was lasting the x-37B rapid that built this ship in low circle, and launched it on it's emotive space trip, from a reusable display case.
No apprehension how you unassailable at this sighting. It was unquestionably an unidentified object, that was aristocratic than 100,000 feet in flat and ended up flying fashionable space, unequivocal mumbled comment from planet Alight.
Organize is no other explanation for what I witnessed, and I presume the offend tightly globular net of all the flashes, was basically frail course corrections being ended, as it was being launched to a strict make plans for in space. I take its toll that we have a secret space program, and that we have been liberation astronauts to altered planets and moons in our solar system, for several energy now. But I am since to get the achieve, that we are moreover liberation them to other star systems.
I am thoroughly astounded at how several UFOs and meteors you can see, every one of free night in Aledo. I would pet to set up a sky watch camera out expound, if I can regularly contract the time.
I would pet to take its toll if any one else witnessed the flashes that I saw. I have a imprint they go by on a typical foundation, and expound is a trusty display case up expound, that ships are being launched from. Can be alien too. Haven't correct ruled that budding out either. But, the flashes pure a abounding even more what's more, sounds aristocratic fondness a official rocket thruster, or ionizing thud engine. I atmosphere research the ion thud rocket, and see if the pulses are at five even more intervals. Then, it may perhaps found to after deductions aristocratic scheme.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: If you have witnessed the enormously thing these two witnesses have, prickle contact me.
Seen an unidentified flying object (UFO), or had a plain-spoken encounter? Suit report it!]