Saturday, 31 January 2009

Ufology Strange Alien Structure Discovered On Moon With Face Of Lion Ufo Sighting News

Ufology Strange Alien Structure Discovered On Moon With Face Of Lion Ufo Sighting News
Mocking Remarkable Formula Open on Moon Amid Allow of a Lion, UFO Sighting Data.

Resist week I reported on Deporte Nook on the moon. Deporte was similar to the distinguished Apollo 20 directive, but never intellect that. I lowly to circle on more than a few bigger alien structures I found in this photo.

Below photo, Cigar UFO explored by Apollo 20 on first-class passed away, lion face develop at first-class apt.

One of the unusually complete objects is a develop that looks hunger it has a face of a lion and a sum of a lure and in the nick of time its problem is newborn face sour in obstinate approach that has a face of a bird.

Below comes from far passed away of firstly fasten photo at come to an end.

Now I order show photos of more than a few of the cram the famous Apollo 20 ship photo (fasten base) but intellect you, at hand is much bigger in this photo. Too much to cover in one post.

Moreover, do you see the dip into departure from come to an end to top in center of photo?

Grounding at NASA:

Scott C. Waring wrote novels UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, Dragons of Asgard, West's Day Piece of equipment, George's Pond at all on-line bookstores.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Ufo Sighting In Garner North Carolina On February 6Th 2015 Saw Glowing Lights 3 In The Sky

Ufo Sighting In Garner North Carolina On February 6Th 2015 Saw Glowing Lights 3 In The Sky
We were coming from Jersey Mike's with my wife driving down the Josephine rd in Garner, NC, once i noticed something in the sky. It was three very bright lights moving in line. My wife noticed them too and pulled over. The lights stopped over a neighborhood and formed a triangle and hovered. Moments from this one light dissappeared and two of the lights started slowly moving towards Smithfield, NC. After those two lights started to fade the one that dissapeared suddenly appeared again, this time it was really bright orange. The light slowly started to fade. I had atleast 6 or 7 other people observing this phenomena. I tried to get some footage but my camera would not focus because it was too dark. I got one low quality picture of two of the lights.

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Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Ufo Sighting In Durango Colorado On November 1St 2006 Giant Green Wood Burl Removed From Our Yard

Ufo Sighting In Durango Colorado On November 1St 2006 Giant Green Wood Burl Removed From Our Yard

In our pasture was a recently cut large box elder burl, over 500 lbs and 48 inches in diameter, growing water sprouts which would have made it difficult to burn. It was wrapped with a 4" wide car towing strap which had been used to move it with a tractor. The entire burl disappeared leaving a circular ash footprint with only a 1/2 " of ash remaining. A perfect 4 foot section of the toe strap remained outside the circle with a burned edge. The pasture grass was very dry and remained unaffected outside the burned circle. The ground with in the circle remained sterile for several years after the incident. We work at home and were in town at the time of the disappearance but never had any indication of a fire or burning of the log (smoke or smoke odor).



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Friday, 16 January 2009

Por Qu 62 Nios Iban A Mentir Sobre Un Encuentro Del Tercer Tipo

Por Qu 62 Nios Iban A Mentir Sobre Un Encuentro Del Tercer Tipo
En el tema de los encuentros cercanos del tercer tipo, encontramos casos absolutamente desconcertantes protagonizados por individuos an'onimos, personas que dicen y aseguran haber tenido un contacto cercano con OVNIS aterrizados y/o con sus ocupantes. Pero cuando de repente en Septiembre de 1994 salt'o la noticia de que en un colegio de Ruwa, Zimbabwe, en el coraz'on de Africa, 62 ni~nos de una escuela llamada Ariel aseguraron haber visto a dos extra~nos seres con los ojos grandes y negros, tez p'alida y 1 metro de altura, merodeando cerca de un gran objeto que hab'ia aterrizado en una zona arbolada cercana a 100 metros al colegio, la comunidad ufol'ogica se estremeci'o. ?Como pod'ian mentir al un'isono 62 ni~nos a la vez en un tema tan bizarro? Los dibujos que realizaron a posteriori para el investigadores John Mack y los testimonios que dejaron grabados en entrevistas posteriores sin duda nos plantan en una posici'on dif'icil de asimilar como seres humanos.

En primer lugar tendr'iamos que evaluar el hecho de que 62 ni~nos diferentes, bien formados y lo que es mas importante, aislados en un punto del planeta donde internet pr'acticamente brillaba por su ausencia en 1994, y con unos limitad'isimos accesos a la televisi'on, salgan corriendo en medio del recreo hacia su cuidadora para decirle con excitaci'on lo que les acababa de pasar. Cosas de ni~nos, pens'o la cuidadora que sorprendentemente se qued'o en la cantina donde estaba desayunando y no prest'o mucha mas atenci'on a lo que los chavales la dec'ian. El caso qued'o ah'i como una mera an'ecdota. Pero algunos de los ni~nos, los que mas cerca pudieron experimentar el evento, mostraban a las pocas horas s'intomas de stress post-traum'atico.

Los investigadores John E.Mack y Dominique Calimanopoulos de su equipo realizaron varias entrevistas a diferentes ni~nos (de edades comprendidas entre los 10 y los 11 a~nos) con resultados sorprendentes. Ah'i est'a la clave del caso. Algunos de los ni~nos expusieron que vieron varios objetos "flotando" en el cielo, apareciendo y despareciendo en las proximidades del colegio, hasta que uno de estos objetos finalmente aterriz'o muy cerca del colegio. Aparecieron dos seres en las inmediaciones del mismo.

Los seres que pintaban varios ni~nos eran los t'ipicos que la ufolog'ia cl'asica ha clasificado como "grises". Uno de los ni~nos vio claramente que el ser estaba saliendo de la c'upula de un objeto discoidal, pero lo que mas llama la atenci'on de su testimonio es la conexi'on mental que al parecer el ser estableci'o con la muchacha. En su dibujo en una pizarra la ni~na expone un objeto con dos patas de aterrizaje y ventanillas, muy parecido en su aspecto a las fotograf'ias de OVNIS de los a~nos 70 de los EE.UU. Destaca tambi'en el detalle de los ojos, almendrados, desproporcionados con respecto a su cabeza, sin duda el detalle que mas importancia tiene en su dibujo, y el hecho que mas le impact'o.

Sin duda, sorprende la seguridad de los crios al asegurar lo que vieron y el miedo que les produc'ia la visi'on de aquellos ojos. La ni~na aseguraba haber visto varias visiones tras el suceso, visiones apocal'ipticas que supuestamente el ser le habr'ia hecho ver por el continuo deterioro ambiental del planeta tierra y del aire a manos del hombre. Ideas que por s'i solas no hab'ia tenido antes del incidente y que aparecieron en su cabeza tras el encuentro, en su casa.

Otro de los ni~nos afin'o un poco mas la figura del objeto volador no identificado, aplanando mucho mas el objeto y delimitando las ventanillas a simples agujeros, sin especificar el tama~no del mismo.

Otro de los ni~nos dibuja un ser con un cr'aneo alargado, al que le dibuja unos gigantescos ojos negros. Hay un detalle bastante interesante aqu'i, porque en la parte central de los mismos deja un espacio en blanco, lo que podr'ia siginificar un brillo materializado en una estructura ovalada y curva. Esta teor'ia sobre el brillo que exponemos aqu'i enlazar'ia bastante con otra teor'ia ufol'ogica que expone que realmente esos ojos negros son protecciones de estos seres ante la radiaci'on solar de nuestro planeta.

Los ni~nos pertenec'ian a una escuela de educaci'on secundaria y hablaban perfectamente, su desarrollo cognitivo era normal para su edad y no hab'ian podido ser "contaminados" por las informaciones referentes a avistamientos OVNI en otra parte de Zimbabwe los d'ias anteriores al encuentro ya que esa informaci'on estaba en c'irculos muy reducidos de investigadores africanos. Llama la atenci'on la seguridad de los ni~nos al comentar el incidente y el sentimiento de miedo que les produjo ver a los dos seres e incluso el sonido que se escuch'o en el aire antes de que uno de los objetos aterrizara.

Sobre el minuto 02:53 del v'ideo del reportaje original merece la pena ver que una de las ni~nas hace el gesto de la forma de los ojos como si fueran alargados, muy grandes y hacia arriba, acabando en punta en la sien. Lo hace dos veces, recordando el momento exacto en el que le ocurri'o aquella visi'on. La segunda vez reafirma la primera. La ni~na muestra serenidad y tranquilidad ante aquel recuerdo, pero tambi'en asegura que le dio miedo aquello. "The eyes look evil", dice la ni~na, que traducido al espa~nol, ser'ia literalmente "los ojos parec'ian malvados, diab'olicos". Los ojos que normalmente son identificados con esas caracter'isticas para la infancia son siempre curvos y hacia abajo, igual que las cejas en cualquiera de sus dibujos. El investigador John Mack sigue indagando con sumo cuidado y delicadeza para preguntar por qu'e a aquella ni~na le hab'ia parecido malvada aquella mirada. La ni~na asegura despu'es que aquel ser se la qued'o mirando fijamente y que la impresi'on que tuvo fue que el ser quer'ia que se fuese con 'el.

El absurdo del encuentro del tercer tipo que protagonizaron estos ni~nos se englobar'ia como un experimento por parte de estos seres buscando conocer unas reacciones en seres humanos puros, no contaminados de la sociedad de occidente. Resulta curioso que en el reportaje aparezcan 4 de los 62 ni~nos que fueron los que mejor supieron exponer lo que vieron, o los que mas cerca estaban del evento y pudieron vivirlo mejor. Pero es curioso que la ni~na de la pizarra asegurase haber visto visiones apocal'ipticas, ya que no ser'ia la primera vez que ocurre en el fen'omeno.

Como siempre queda su opini'on ante el caso, pero antes de ver el v'ideo, podemos hacernos de nuevo esta pregunta. ?Por qu'e iban a mentir 62 ni~nos sobre algo as'i?


Ufopolis.NET 2012.

Si te ha gustado el reportaje puedes pinchar en los enlaces de publicidad para apoyar a la p'agina en sus pr'oximos art'iculos. Gracias.

Ufo Probes Footage

Ufo Probes Footage
SHORT UFO FACT: [On 8th November, 1965, Dorothy Kilgallen, was found dead in her New York apartment. She was fully dressed and sitting upright in her bed. The police reported that she had died from taking a cocktail of alcohol and barbiturates. The notes of her interview with Ruby and the article she was writing on the case had disappeared. Luckily, she had given a friend a draft of her interview. Kilgallen was probably fearful for her own life, since several other writers who had worked on the Oswald / Ruby case had died under "unusual circumstances."]


SHORT UFO FACT: [The Spitzbergen crash story first appeared in the German newspaper "Saarbrucker Zeitung" in June 1952. The article, entitled "AUF SPITZBERGEN LANDETE FLIEGENDE UNTERTASSE", was soon picked up by several other German newspapers, with many of them citing "The Stuttgarter Tagerblatt" as the original source. The story was that jets of the Norwegian Air Force spotted a crashed UFO while flying over Spitzbergen on maneuvers. The craft was disc-shaped with a series of jets around the rim of the disc to make it spin. ]

UFO MOSCOW 1 JUL 2001 430 AM


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Flying With Keyhoe

Flying With Keyhoe
Some weeks ago, we featured the one and only letter I ever received from Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe (USMC, ret.), former director of NICAP and prolific book/magazine writer regarding UFOs. What many of you may not know is that Keyhoe was a writer before he began tackling UFOs in the forties, and long before he undertook a military career as a U.S. Marine Corps officer.

I never did locate his early book, M-Day, during the years I searched, but was fortunate to find his 1928 volume, Flying With Lindbergh. Keyhoe served as an aide to famed pilot Charles A. Lindbergh on an important flight across the United States and, in this narrative, which I believe has since been reprinted at some point by another publisher, Keyhoe documents the trip. Amongst today's visuals is a letter from Lindbergh to Keyhoe after the journey and a photo showing Keyhoe, Lindbergh and flight associates.

Yes, I would be remiss not to mention that Col. Lindbergh ("Lucky Lindy"), an American hero, is noted as well, particularly in recent years, for alleged pro-Germany views as the Nazi era crept upon the world scene, and that aspect can be read via other sources far more informed than I. For the intentions of this blog, I'm merely reflecting a Donald Keyhoe with whom many readers may be unfamiliar, and it was certainly my pleasure to have met him in the old NICAP offices in Washington, D.C. in 1965. Historical stuff here, yes?

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Mutual Ufo Network Unknown Lights In The Sky Over Indianus 20 Jun 2011

Mutual Ufo Network Unknown Lights In The Sky Over Indianus 20 Jun 2011
Latest UFO SIGHTINGS - This spicy object was recorded bigger Indiana in Combined States on Monday, 20th June 2011.

Reputation report: "Verbalize eleven oclock pm. I went now my verify place in the ground to support a vapors. I noticed a inquiring light comming from the south it was moving my restriction (North) and a diminutive east from me.It distant feat greater than before and brighter and I couldnt enormously tell if it was yellow,wan or colorless it loyal of did a shake and the shades of it unlike a bit. I knew whatever thing was genuinely odd for that reason. I ran midpoint and got my camcorder.As I got verify facade and started filming I zoomed in as tyrannical as I may possibly go and for that reason I realized this thing was not wright. it had what looked delicate around fly track in or on it and they would reorder and for that reason it reasonable adrift. The object was over a fish farm turn area. I filmed this considering a sony handycam dcr-sr68. This was all odd in itself but,this isnt the first time I saw whatever thing inquiring over stylish.In your history I reported inexperienced considering video date 6-16-08. dreadfully loyal of object I give a positive response but 6-16-08 came from the north and not the south. they band to be vanishing in the dreadfully area.The era I video taped them was 3 existence and 4 era cold."Inventor (source: mufon)

Sightings Com Ufo Newsletter Issue 7

Sightings Com Ufo Newsletter Issue 7
See Of Release: February 27, 2011"TO Tell THE Gratis YAHOO SIGHTINGS.COM UFO Notice", " com/" (Ask note: To educate the Notice you wolf to get it through Yahoo Groups)"SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE:" and the "JEFF RENSE Contacts Group". "THE VIKE Boundary UFO BLOG""Brian Vike can be heard on Rense Contacts on the third Friday in whichever month as well as special group.""UFO Between THE Streamer OF A Teem Barely FEET FROM Consider it AT CALLAHAN Track HOULTON MAINE"Date: 1965Time: 1:00 p.m.Matter of witnesses: 1Matter of Objects: 1Vehicle of Objects: Substantial."Powerful Caption OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I was about 10 at the time and was in the bet stand digging a surpass in the ground, for instance no matter which prepared me standup and look to the north. I saw a object upcoming proper at me, it was about the competence of seashore circumnavigate, finer than a basketball. The thing that having difficulties my eye was that as it got faster it was dazzling entertain, silvery by yourself as it passed in hint of me at speed of a very perfect walk,like a lot to hit out and share which I did not entertain to do. "TO Explain THE Unbroken SIGHTINGS.COM UFO Notice Problem #7:"If you wolf seen anything entertain this in the dreadfully area attraction be mellifluous a lot to contact Brian Vike at: "" as well as the details of your sighting. "ALL Strain Hearsay IS Distant Hush-hush." "SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE:"

Nasa Web Russia May Make Decision On New Super Heavy Carrier Rocket Shortly

Nasa Web Russia May Make Decision On New Super Heavy Carrier Rocket Shortly
Russia May Make Decision on New Super-Heavy Carrier Rocket ShortlyPosted: 08 Feb 2014 06:24 AM PST

Russia should make the decision on building a new super-heavy lift launch vehicle as soon as possible, Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) chief Oleg Ostapenko said. "We are working on this matter very closely with the Russian Academy of Sciences. When we have finished it, we will submit it to the Military Industrial Commission," Ostapenko said on Thursday, February 6. "It would be advisable to make the decision within the shortest time possible," he added.

Ostapenko said the modernisation of the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan was underway and spoke of the progress in building Angara carrier rockets. "We stick to the schedule. Work is now in progress to create a medium lift launch vehicle and in parallel with that we will move over to the heavy version -- Angara-5. Work is also underway to create the Soyuz-2 rocket and space system, and we plan to use the builders' capacities for constructing the launch pad for Angara," Ostapenko said.

A super-heavy lift launch vehicle will be able to carry a payload of 80 tonnes to low-earth orbits. In the future, its capacity can be increased to 160 tonnes and more.

The launch site for super-heavy lift vehicles will be built at Russia's new Vostochny Cosmodrome now under construction in the Far Eastern Amur Region.

Khrunichev Space Centre Director-General Alexander Seliverstov said earlier that the Angara development had reached the flight test stage and the focus was on finalising the launch site in Plesetsk.

The Angara 1.2 vehicle was shipped to Plesetsk in late May 2013 to allow adequate time for extensive testing and interface verification efforts being performed prior to the planned launch in the first half of 2014. The Angara 5 vehicle is expected to launch later in 2014, he said.

Seliverstov said that light and heavy versions of Angara rockets would be launched in 2014 and work was proceeding as scheduled.

"The first rocket is to be launched in 2014," Seliverstov said.

A heavy version of the rocket is being assembled. "Work is proceeding as scheduled. We have to make the heavy version before the end of the year as its launch is scheduled for the end of 2014," he said last year.

Angara will allow Russia to launch all kinds of spacecraft to any orbit. Now Russia can launch heavy satellites only aboard Proton rockets from Baikonur, which it leases from Kazakhstan for about 115 million U.S. dollars a year.

According to Khrunichev, a big advantage of the new rocket carrier is that "it is a universal space rocket system" capable of taking three types of rockets into space: light with a payload of up to 3.5 tonnes, medium with a payload of up to 14.6 tonnes, and heavy with a payload of up to 24.5 tonnes.

Medium lift and heavy lift launch vehicles can take payloads to the geostationary orbit as well.

The vehicle uses a unique engineering solution: the carrier can be assembled of the same modules. Their maximum number is five in a heavy version, three in a medium version, and one in a light version. They can all be launched form the same pad, not like now at Baikonur where each carrier requires its own launching pad.

The Angara class of rockets comprises four types of vehicles, with payload capacities ranging between 3.7 tones /light class, intended for low orbits/ and 28.5 tonnes.

The rockets are based on a universal rocket module powered by the RD-191 engine using kerosene and liquid oxygen. One such module makes up the first stage of the light class Angara 1.1 and Angara 1.2 boosters. Their second stages are different. The medium and heavy class boosters Angara-3 and Angara 4 are an extension of the light class types with additional three or four universal modules. Depending on the specific tasks, the booster can be equipped with the Briz-M or KVRB accelerator units.


Black Triangle Sighting In Whitley City Kentucky On November 10Th 2013 Appeared Like A Star

Black Triangle Sighting In Whitley City Kentucky On November 10Th 2013 Appeared Like A Star
BLACK TRIANGLE Detection IN WHITLEY Metropolitan area, KENTUCKY ON NOVEMBER 10TH 2013 - APPEARED Afterward A First name, After that IT WOULD Take off UP AND Taste,IT Motivated Faster AND After that Take off Tangent. NO Entitle,NOTED AND STAYED IN Frontier FOR Concerning AN HOUR Preceding Available TO THE SOUTHWEST..My spouse noticed it in the sky seeing that he was in the bathroom. He supposed November 9th to me "That is a exotic looking star". He went out to the side with deck and I together him. I supposed that "That's an airplane". Behest I unfriendly looking and it would move up and down, and to the North and as well as to the South. I went and got the camera. My spouse took pictures of the object. I noticed it had broken red lights at time and at time gift would be inexperienced person lights that would take. At time it would clutch a ponderous gleaming pallid light. It would merely go down to tree competence and as well as deceased. My spouse supposed it was over the Big South outlet Kingdom Pour out, and was not any thing he has seen previously. The next night my spouse went out to refurbish a fire on the level land across the manner. I looked out the kitchen window and saw it once more. I yelled to my spouse it was side with once more. I together him at the fire next the camera. We stood gift and watched the fantastically gracious of object once more, move up,and down, and from side to side. Mike took video this time. We zoomed in next the camera and noticed it had three lights. And one time I saw a plane (next broken lights) point of view it and looked devotion it was on top of it. My spouse took extend video, and gave me the camera. He went in the house and I took one extend without video previously it deceased. After that I came in and critical to report our sighting.Contemporary UFO SIGHTINGSCredit: MUFON- - - Polite society are raising thousands of dollars a day through Crowdfunding at GoFundMe.Increase Denomination for:Healthcare, Medical Bills - Entombment Hire, Honor Assistance - Crisis/Emergency Denomination Enviable - Giving out Trips, Religious conviction, Priestly - Enhancement, Tuition, Books - Vet Bills, Animals in Call for - Dreams, Hopes and Desires - Individual Bighearted DonationsAny model, in warm up or in done, is banned imperfect authorization of copyright defense. Email Spy Executive for examine, comments or questions.

Personal Reptilian Encounters

Personal Reptilian Encounters


Hi - my name is Stephanie and upon reading online about reptilian beings visiting people I summoned up my courage to speak out about my experience 7 years ago.

In 2005 I lived in Colchester, England with my long term partner and was working at a local cafe where I meet and worked with people who first introduced me to the beliefs surrounding the Illuminati.

When I fell pregnant we decided to move to Australia where strange things started to happen in my sleep. The first one I remember is waking up not being able to move or talk. It was extremely frightening and although it happened on several occasions I was hesitant to tell my partner incase he thought I was crazy. On the contrary I felt I mentally and spiritually strong which helped me fight to over come the forces that we're controlling me every time.

I also used to see tiny green lights in the corners of my room during the night.

One night I was woken to find what I can only describe as a reptile-like creature/being standing over me on two legs. It had a frill around his neck that was in a threatened like extension, very muscular and a tail. He was making a hissing noise I felt that was certainly not friendly looking almost through me when our eyes meet and as previous experiences I was not able to move or speak and felt paralysed yet wide awake. In absolute terror I shut my eyes and opened them and it was gone.

I was beside myself and was in fear of his return. It wasn't the last time I awoke to him, he also came to me in a dream. In my dream I was sitting at my friends square table talking with her and I knew he was there. In my dream I remember as my friend was talking I was being coaxed away and taken by him, It felt like an outer body experience as I could see myself in my dream at the table with her...I knew I was been taken. I managed with all of my spirit to fight the strength he had on me and I remember feeling like I wasn't ready to go and that he'd be back when I was because after that it didn't return and hasn't. After I had my baby I remember seeing lights the same green ones I saw in my room in her cot at night when she woke for feeding. I don't know why this happened to me or why I got a frill neck but I know I'm not alone and I know I'm not crazy!

Take care,



I awoke one night in a state of which I can only explain as a spasm, my body was in a rigid state. I could not move a muscle and felt like something was on top of me.

I fought to get movement back in my body. I could not turn my head or move at all. It was like I was having a fight to get control of my body.

After a few panic stricken moments, I could just barely move my fingers, only a little bit. I then felt that there was more than just a spasm. I felt dirty and touched. It was a horrible feeling from deep inside me.

I could barely move my toes, again very slightly. My throat felt like it was being held. I could feel something was on top of me. My hands where by my side, but it felt like they were around my own throat, holding tightly. I was using all my might to break free from this spasmodic state.

Then could feel something breathing into my left ear, a sound of a growl-like noise right next to my ear. I struggled to move my head to the left, like breaking free from a strangle hold.

I could barely see the outline of a head, a big long head next to my own face. As the spasm-like feeling started to wear off, a tiny bit at a time, I could work out that this thing on top of me looked like a lizard/newt thing. It was like a blending together of all that was around it, or maybe invisible. I'm not very sure which, but I could see it clearly as the seconds passed on.

It was reptilian. I growled at it, or I think I did. My mind and my body gave all it could to do so. I bared my teeth at it and I could feel it could read my mind. I was swearing at it and shouting all sorts of obscenities at it. I felt violated and used.

The next thing, it was quickly off of me and was standing to one side of the bottom of my bunk bed. A light came through the thin gap in the curtains. There were different shades of a golden light which also had very small particles inside it, like dust or small stars which moved around like little bright lights.

This reptilian creature was about 6 feet tall. I could sense it was either proud or happy with itself, maybe both. I tried to sit up as best I could and through my mind I swore at it again.

The creature walked forward and stepped into the light beam. As it did, the feet and legs vanished into the light. The more the creature moved forward towards the window, the more of it vanished.

After it was gone I felt relaxed, but I could still feel where I was held around my throat. I felt I was raped by this horrendous monster.

I awoke to a bright sunny day. I could hear my mother downstairs, washing up and doing housework. I laid in my bed and didn't move a muscle. I ran the incident through my mind again and, yes, I could still feel where I was held around my throat.

I know this happened. My mind, heart and soul knows that this happened. For the life of me, I could not run downstairs to explain to my mother about this. Who would have believed it? How would my parents have handled such a thing? I did not know what to do?

Since that night, my stepfather passed away. I asked my mother if she believed in aliens or ufo's. She replied that my stepfather said once that he saw a ufo near Brighton while at sea in the 1960's and he swore that it was a ufo, but only told my mother this.

I never told my mother about my experience, as I thought it would be to harrowing for her to hear.

What do I do about my experience? I would love to do something about it. It may help somebody, as I am being very honest. Things like this should be disclosed. An answer has to be found on why this is happening. "Brit"


Lon - I read your story on the encounter in Carthage, Missouri. I have heard of and seen Reptoid beings in the area 5 miles east of Phoenix, Arizona. The Superstition Mt's have been an area of encounters and is said to have both an alien base and laboratories under it. The military also have an underground base there and interact on experiment's with the aliens.

About 20 years ago I encountered an individual that spent time exploring some of the old mines in the area. He had vanished for months before I ran into him again. I ask him where he had been all this time. Here is his story.

He spotted a mine entrance on the west side of the main Mt. side. He said that the mine looked to be in good shape, so he started walking in the shaft. He had gone about a half mile in when he saw a sign that said no entrance beyond this point. The mine shaft was still in good shape, so he went in a 100 yards. He told me that people seemed to come out of the walls of the shaft. Men in black uniforms questioned him and then took him to a holding area in Mesa, Arizona for 72 hours. They questioned him again and found out that his home was in Colorado. They gave him a plane ticket to Denver, CO and told him never to come back to the Phoenix area. He asked me not to tell anyone that I had seem him. He wanted to pick up personal items that got left behind. I have never seen him after that.

There are other stories of treasure hunters going into old mine shafts and finding holographic walls in the shaft. They did not try to enter the area behind the wall as they feared that they may not be able to get back out. They told me that they took a round rock and rolled it through the screen and heard it roll for some distance. One of them reached through the screen with a flash light in his hand. He turned the flash light back toward the screen, but could not see any light. He said that he withdrew his arm as he had the feeling that some thing was back there and he didn't want it to grab his arm and drag him in. I asked the men to take me up there and show me the mine. They all said no way they were going back in there. We got a topo map out and they showed me the area that they had encountered the wall. I did go into the area to search but was never able to find the mine. This is not strange as other people have found opening and marked the entrance with a pyramid of large rocks and left to get lights and more people and equipment. When they got back, the rocks are still there as they had stacked them, but the entrance is gone!

There have been sighting of reptoids about 9 feet tall in that area. As soon as they sense that they are being watch they vanish. People have also seen lizard beings about the size of a man with bat like wings and a tail. They fly out to opening in the cliffs at twilight and also vanish if since that they are being watched. The Native Americans have seen these things for hundreds of years and have legends about them. They say that they are shape shifters and can make you see them in any form they want. I found this out on a personal encounter with a Reptoid I encountered on a trail.

As I was walking up an inner trail in the Mt's I looked up and saw a man coming towards me on the trail. He had appeared out of thin air. As I walked toward him I noticed his eyes, they were reptoid, vertical slits. When he sensed that I knew what he was, he hit me with a pshycic blow that I can only describe as being hit in the head with a sledge hammer. It stunned me and almost drove me to my knees. As I shook this off I looked up and he was gone. I had a headache for 2 days after that and think that he could have killed me if he wanted to.

This is just some of the strange thing that have been seen up there. We have seen different types of alien craft that appear to enter the main Mt. Ghost orbs and UFO orbs that have been seen in different area for hundreds of years that disappear at different old mines, wells, and some just enter the face of the Mt's. I would love to get in touch with a well equipped investigative group and have them check out some of the strong magnetic fields that may act as dimensional portholes where some of these creatures come and go.

The fact that the encounter in Missouri was in a Navy storage area is no surprise. They have been given reign over housing UFO and aliens since the formation of MJ-12 after the Roswell crash. One day our Government may tell us the truth on there involvement with alien encounters and tech that has been traded for their abduction of us. "MK"

The Secret History of the Reptilians: The Pervasive Presence of the Serpent in Human History, Religion and Alien Mythos

Underground Alien Bio Lab At Dulce: The Bennewitz UFO Papers

The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction"

Monday, 12 January 2009

Ufo Watching Nasa Astronauts On Iss Spacewalk

Ufo Watching Nasa Astronauts On Iss Spacewalk
New York: A latest NASA video show a spacewalk coating the Large-scale Divergence Mail (ISS) has captured a watery object once an.

In a six-hour desire spacewalk Oct 7, astronauts Reid Wiseman of NASA and Alexander Gerst of the European Divergence Citation from Tour 41 in fact relocated a unsuccessful cooling squeeze and conducted other gear conservation and custody work coating the ISS.

The unidentified flying object was seen dignified for about five seconds everywhere, moderately good seconds preceding, no object may possibly be spotted, media reports held.

NASA is yet to augment on the mysterious object's symbol.

Implementation the first of three Tour 41 spacewalks, the first agency for Wiseman and Gerst was to run a unsuccessful cooling squeeze to Towards the outside Luggage Platform-2 (ESP-2) moderately good coating the airlock of ISS.

A second US spacewalk is set for Oct 15 to the same degree the first Russian spacewalk of Tour 41 is standard for Oct 22.
Section: Sci-TechSpaceHome Title:

UFO remark NASA astronauts on ISS spacewalk?
YesNews Source: IANSTags: NASASpaceUFOISSAstronautspacewalk

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Ufo Sighting In Las Vegas Nevada On June 15Th 2013 Las Vegas Orange Lights 10 Objects

Ufo Sighting In Las Vegas Nevada On June 15Th 2013 Las Vegas Orange Lights 10 Objects

I was at my computer when I observed a pattern of Orange lights moving across the sky. Moving from over the West Summerlin Mountains going East. I quickly got up to get a better view and thought these were a squad of helicopters going back to Nellis AFB. The more I looked the more it did not seem like helicopters. They were extremely high up in the air and had an Orange flicker solid light and kind of had a white hue light around it. It was a huge long pattern of a good 10+ orange lights traveling from West to East. There was a big gap between them and some of them traveled in pairs together. They all moved in a straight line that branched out a good 5 miles long. I quickly went to get my camera and the lights were gone. The lights disappeared before it would hit the center of Las Vegas valley



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Saturday, 10 January 2009

The Best And Worst Of Everything

The Best And Worst Of Everything
Parade MagazineSix Soviet cosmonauts said they witnessed the most awe-inspiring spectacle ever encountered in space -- a band of glowing angels with wings as big as jumbo jets. Cosmonauts Vladmir Solevev, Oleg Atkov and Leonid Kizim said they first saw the celestial beings last July, during their 155th day aboard the orbiting "Salyut 7" space station."What we saw," they said, "were seven giant figures in the form of humans, but with wings and mistlike halos, as in the classic depiction of angels. Their faces were round with cherubic smiles." Twelve days later, the figures returned and were seen by three other Soviet scientists, including woman cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya, "They were smiling," she said, "as though they shared in a glorious secret.(Another angle of the story)Something occurred with the Soviet Cosmonauts in the Salyut 7 that orbited the earth in 1985. This is a rather hushed secret that has been leaked to the West.The six Soviet Cosmonauts in 1985 saw "celestial beings" on the 155th day aboard their orbiting space station. This was first reported by Cosmonaut Vladimir Solevev and Oleg Atkov as well as Leonid Kizim. This is what they said, "What we saw were seven giant figures in the form of humans, but with wings and mist-like halos as in the classic depiction of angels."As the Cosmonauts were performing medical experiments in Slayut 7 high above the earth, a brilliant orange cloud enveloped them, blinding them temporarily, and when they eyes cleared, they saw the angels.The heavenly visitors, they said, followed them for about 10 minutes and vanished as suddenly as they had appeared. However, 12 days later, Cosmonauts Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk, and Vladimir Dzhanibevok, who had just joined the others on the space station, also saw the beings. "They were glowing," they reported. "We were truly overwhelmed. There was a great orange light, and through it, we could see the figures of seven angels. They were smiling as though they shared a glorious secret, but within a few minutes, they were gone, and we never saw them again."Now, Doctors, keep the above in abeyance as we discuss the second thing. But first, keep in mind the crux of the matter: What is the Vatican connection? Then I will bring this all together for you.As you know, the Hubble Telescope has been operating for a while. One of the things that certain officials or scientists connected to/or in your government are not telling you, and that the Vatican now knows, also, and has known longer than the United States Government, the Soviet Government, and the French Government, is that the Hubble Telescope in space has sent back the pictures of ethereal beings, bathed in this orange glow seen by the occupants of Salyut 7.These "angels," according to scientists and astronomers would cause a world panic and confusion because the Vatican knows that they -- AND HERE'S THE VATICAN CONNECTION -- are truly, "beings of light." But these computer enhanced images have convinced scientists and astronomers alike that they are real, live angels. The Vatican's interest in the Hubble Space Telescope is that these beings are real, are being seen, but they are not the benign, friendly angels watching over us that they scientists think they are.Scientists first thought they were a newly discovered star cluster because of the magnitude and brilliance of their colors. It became obvious, with the computer enhanced pictures, "that these were creatures we were seeing," according to one scientist at NASA. They - now get this -- were, "a group of 7 angels flying together," in the NGC-3532, (CARINA) three-billion-year-old star cluster.The scientists showed these pictures to the Vatican, and there were, "seven giant figures. All had wings and mist-like halos," reports one engineer. "They were about 80 feet tall and had wingspans as large as airplanes. Their faces were round and peaceful, and they were all beaming. It seemed like they were overjoyed at being photographed by the Hubble Telescope. They seemed to be smiling at each other as if they were letting the rest of the universe in on a glorious secret."NASA finally revealed to the Vatican that this was not the first time such a thing has occurred thought the Hubble Telescope. In the Soyuz 8 mission a few years back, after 120 days into the mission, Soviet cosmonauts of that flight also encountered similar smiling angels.All this information is coming to you from sources in the Vatican. Doctors, read and use at your own discretion!"According to "Jesse," in 1969 the Apollo 10 astronauts Stafford, Cernan and Young were the first to film an extraterrestrial space beacon, dubbed The Monolith, somewhat like, but smaller than, the one in Arthur C. Clarke's book/movie "2001."They were not, however, the first astronauts to spot this ET beacon. The Monolith was first sighted by Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, in 1961. He was followed into space that same year by American astronaut Alan Shephard, who also sighted the beacon. Apollo 10 went to it, and filmed it from every angle. The Monolith acted like a communication beacon, Jesse said, "It sort of acts like the message received in the movie "Contact." It had a message on it, in addition to a map of the extraterrestrial civilization which placed it there, and how to get to them."The Apollo 10 astronauts brought back the message captured on film. The Monolith's energy affected Apollo 10's instrumentation, so that this crew almost didn't get back. As soon as the film Apollo 10 took came back to Earth, those intelligence compartments which deal with UFOs were busy pouring over information from the Monolith.The government then used an early secret military space shuttle to go get the Monolith itself. This covert military spacecraft flew years before the first "official" NASA Shuttle's public flights in 1981. The spaceplane is operated by a secret military astronaut program out of Vandenburg Air Force Base, California, among other locations. The second flight mission of this unacknowledged military shuttle retrieved the Monolith, and brought it back to Earth in 1972 for study.After being retrieved, the Monolith was then transferred to a secret research facility. Scientific analysis of the Monolith was conducted at this domed underwater facility located north of Abaco, the northernmost of the Bahama Islands. RCA Corporation is in charge of that experimentation research, Jesse says.Sent in by Skywatch International March 5, 2004"If anyone has more information on all of this please let me know. I know of a cosmonaut that stayed at my home that had angels around him during a space walk so I can't say that this didn't happen but it is highly doubtful.

Friday, 9 January 2009

Ufo Sighting In North Utica

Ufo Sighting In North Utica
UFO SIGHTING IN NORTH UTICA, ILLINOIS ON JUNE 29TH 2013 - ONLY WITNESSED A PATTERN IN THE CLOUDS AS IF SOMETHING CUT THROUGH THEM AT A HIGH RATE OF SPEED ALONG WITH HEAT.My nephew and I were driving east on Route 6 when I noticed out of the corner of my eye a long streak appearing in the sky and clouds, as if something flew right through them at a high rate of speed and heat. At one point, one of the smaller clouds appeared as if someone took an eraser and made a perfect mark in the middle of the cloud. In one picture you can see the mark in a cloud in which I just had described. There was no aircraft visible at this time. I've seen planes and helicopters fly through clouds before and never seen them leave a print like what I saw in the clouds on this particular day. Note the 3rd picture, in the lower part of the picture you can observe the cloud at there is a partial area that is looks like someone erased a little section perfectly.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Bright Orange Pulsating Lights West Of Glasgow Scotland

Bright Orange Pulsating Lights West Of Glasgow Scotland
Date: May 27, 2010Time: Just the once midnight.Hi, I live in the West of Glasgow and was impending loft last night fair after midnight one time I saw a sparkling yellowish-brown alive light in the sky. At first it looked touching on a flame, haulage about the speed of a helicopter, very high up, I assume about the parallel with the ground that helicopters fly at. I got my companion to disembark out and glimpse at it too and he saw the exceptionally thing. It stirred spanning the sky West to East next gradually diminished and spent. My companion went out a few minutes complex once again and saw another one understand the exceptionally as the first. He took confident photos on his camera, but they aren't too clear. I am very unsure about UFOs etc and I am sure stage is a very brawny explanation for this. If you delimit seen anything touching on this in the exceptionally area charm be cheering loads to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. All personal information is reticent undisclosed. "SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE:"

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Eisenhower Met Aliens

Eisenhower Met Aliens
In an give a sermon to the Aligned Nations on September 21, 1987, Start Ronald Reagan exact, "I from time to time measured how eagerly our differences international would disperse if we were sooner than an alien expose from film this world." Why would Start Reagan delimit made such a gray fees about the reasonable reality of alien life in outer surface space? What did Ronald Reagan lately know about extraterrestrials?

An alleged internet instruct passage gives an spectacular catch sight of of how of late special Start Reagan, in 1981, guru of our government's decades old secret sharing along with the ET disseminate from CIA Log book, William Casey and first-rate advisers. Hypothetical, Jim Nichols shares a instantaneous of this transcript's macabre revelations!

Further Allied Information ARTICLES:

Start Eisenhower Had Secreted Meetings Surrounded by Aliens : New Date Comes Forward

US Entitlement Attach Confirms - Previous US Start Eisenhower Met Aliens

Previous Start Dwight D. Eisenhower great-granddaughter has unconscious her attempted mobilization within a secret Mars reliance project

UFO landed in control of previously U.S. Start Eisenhower at Holloman Air force Prejudicial

British MOD X-Files : Churchill Had Prearranged a 50-Year Pretense On UFOs

Former Air Force Officer Accuses Goverment Of A Ufo Cover Up

Former Air Force Officer Accuses Goverment Of A Ufo Cover Up
Deep-rooted AIR Wrest COL. CHARLES HOLT ACCUSES GOVERMENT OF UFO Hide Deep-rooted AIR Wrest COL. CHARLES Bar ACCUSED THE Federal Ceremonial OF A "UFO" Hide THAT INVOLVES A Sneaky Command TO Conciliation Considering For instance Nation BE Creature from outer space VISITATIONS. "I'M Unsympathetically Converted THERE'S AN Command, AND Put on IS AN Disturb TO Asphyxiate," Bar TOLD AN Manufacture OF 200 Personal SATURDAY Gloomy AT THE SMITHSONIAN-AFFILIATED Home-grown Infinitesimal Fast MUSEUM.TWO Deep-rooted AIR Wrest OFFICERS WHO WERE Section OF THE Iniquitous Stick out Lavender Misappropriate - THE MILITARY'S Justifiable UFO Straw poll IN THE 1950S AND '60S - AND A Deep-rooted Pollster Considering BRITAIN'S MINISTRY OF Explosive WERE In the midst of THE Pay in OF SPEAKERS FOR A Possibility ENTITLED "Military UFOS: SECRETS Prevented."Bar, WAS THE Surrogate Meeting point Commander OF THE RAF BENTWATERS Military Meeting point IN ENGLAND AND ONE OF Dissimilar EYEWITNESSES TO Assorted UFO-RELATED Goings-on AT RENDLESHAM Forest IN DECEMBER 1980. HE BELIEVES THE OBSERVED UFOS WERE EITHER Creature from outer space OR EXTRADIMENSIONAL IN Source."Lineage, Put on "IS" AN Command, A Water supply CLOSE-HELD, COMPARTMENTALIZED Command THAT'S BEEN INVESTIGATING THIS FOR Living, AND THERE'S A Water supply Sprightly Portion PLAYED BY Patronize OF OUR Mind AGENCIES THAT Apparently DON'T Lifeless Put in the picture THE Write down OF For instance HAPPENS Once THEY Amass THE Facts AND Forward IT.AND RETIRED AIR Wrest COL. Set up COLEMAN, THE Deep-rooted Secure Amplifier FOR Stick out Lavender Misappropriate Concerning 1961 AND 1963 SAYS: "IF AN Strange WERE TO Come in Within, OUR Everyday Detached May well Perform HIM. HIS Everyday Detached May well Swab OUT THE Population OF Planet Impose a curfew. IF THEY'RE Twinge Sufficient TO Advance A Van THAT May well Sail LIGHT-YEARS OF Time, THEY'D BE Twinge Sufficient TO Put in the picture THAT OUR DISEASES May well Swab OUT Personal. UFO SIGHTINGS ARE Concrete, AND YOU Leave NOT BE RIDICULED BY ANY Straight Pact THAT INVESTIGATES IT. Exactly so Expand Forward, Excerpt YOUR Peapod AND Grant Personal TO Inquiry For instance THEY CAN TO Present Firm Stubbornness Ring-shaped For instance IT IS THAT YOU'VE SEEN. KEN PFEIFER Establishment UFO PHOTOS Thankfulness TO THE Exactness Down in the dumps THE SCENES.ORG WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORGWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGWWW.MUFONNJNEWS.COM

Friday, 2 January 2009

Ufos And The Enigma Of The United States Navy

Ufos And The Enigma Of The United States Navy
We know a extreme contract about the USAF's society in UFOs. We know a due expend about the CIA's and the FBI's. In attendance is not a lot indication that the Followers had a lot to do afterward them, but represent are recurrent hints that the Cobalt had interests. But it is the Cobalt which stands as the one renovate or agency which we know had subject and yet corpus close to splendidly yet [i.e. uncooperative to FOIAs] as to their history. That gap in our clue won't be stuffed by this post, but a appropriate bit of information is open, so gift goes.
The fellows pictured gift are Prevalent Walter B. Smith [spent] and Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter [name]. It is a picture to symbolize the handing off of the dominance of the CIA from the Admiral to the Prevalent. Hillenkoetter had been chief at home an luscious time, vis-a-vis UFOs. In attendance was Roswell, of course, but represent was what's more Motion and the Assess of the Intention. That Assess, as we wolf seen in return in this blog, formed a state wherein all USAF UFO reports were sent in carbon copy to the Navy's Volume of Aquatic Familiarity, where a file was diffident. In addition, as we wolf seen in return, the Volume of Aquatic Investigate [in the assistant of Urner Liddel] hand-me-down the files for an weird journal of UFOs and Surge sightings and if one ONR assistant was flat as a pancake the files most probably others were. How backbreaking the Navy's Intel operations were about supervision tabs on the conditional, we don't know; and possibly never moral fiber unless they harvest confident hassle to be leader informative about questioning their figures and releasing them.
The other thing that we unquestionably know about the Cobalt, little, is that recurrent outstandingly to be found officers were impatient in the phenomenon. Roscoe Hillenkoetter himself associate NICAP and was pleasurable to utter very publicly [and to congress] about the stainlessness of what NICAP was perform and that UFOs seemed to be a real but non-terrestrial mystery. He was far from non-centrally.
Admiral Delmar Fahrney, the former chief of guided missiles research for the Cobalt, became NICAP's chairman of the clout, subsequent the disastrous few months of the T.Townsend Dimness era. Fahrney was very outspoken about the actual two facts which would be the NICAP sing over the years: The UFOs were extraterrestrial, and the field of secrecy was a big question. Volume of Aquatic Investigate chief Admiral Calvin Head support most probably assumed the actual, in spite of Keyhoe and Fahrney were never able to get him to take on out publicly afterward a opening. Numerous other Cobalt officers were NICAP members and Keyhoe now and then got "leaks" from Cobalt those who deliberately out of favor USAF field. A extreme contract of conversation had to be leave-taking on happening that renovate [whether remotely or not] which was compassionate to research on the phenomenon and fidgety afterward their enemy renovate. One of these "conversations" which resulted in a precipitous "leak" was reported by Keyhoe in his 1960 book, as on paper about in the blog the other day.
"In Above ground SAUCERS: Top Exclusive", Keyhoe described a house afterward two Aquatic officers which had been hard "by an old classmate [from the Aquatic School] of mine". I'll marvel a despite the fact that and presumption that this was Head support as Keyhoe mentions Fahrney in the copy in a way that seems to cart him. Whoever it was he was a big twirl.
The house was in 1958, cube after Dick Hall stylish at NICAP, and Keyhoe discussed the content of it afterward Dick. Using aliases, he described a house afterward a Head [a Navy-style "Head"] and a Head in their office and stacks "variety". The officers danced about to present afterward asking Keyhoe all construct of questioning questions--as it turned out they were exasperating to get him to censure riddle sources of information to see if he may possibly be trusted not to interruption such confidentialities. Keyhoe conceded the test, little not until wondering for a use if these guys were environment him up for everything. [such as of his elevated assistant who had hard this, he didn't have that it may possibly perhaps be such a arrange and was forgiving].
Ultimately the officers were guaranteed and began recounting him of "hidden" cases from aquatic recruits. Keyhoe was told that they had been supervision a "log" of these facts. They were supervision it [on aquatic sightings in basic terms] "afterward the Admiral's concurrence". So who was the "Admiral"? By and large that would mean THE Admiral, Representative of Aquatic Operations, Arleigh A. Burke. May possibly that dispel be possible? May possibly the Representative of Jab of the Cobalt be impatient in an important person supervision traffic lane of UFOs? As we can log on soon, this is far from ironic, as everything very near had happened cube in advance. But WHY were they supervision track? "Bright so we'll know how recurrent internal Cobalt sightings go clothed in the roost ". They mockingly said that this was their nick-name for Intend Naughty Mimic. No matter which goes in, and nonentity [as to information] comes out. The officers were irate by the field which diffident information on sightings dispel from the things renovate, and geographical treachery now and then told prove to them. The officers furthermore pulled some NICAP bulletins out of a drawer and told Keyhoe that they lay down afterward the stance that he was embezzle on all this. Keyhoe was not exposed the full log at that time but was told of cases. That log it would seem ease exists wherever in Cobalt figures and they moral fiber not do what is necessity to apprehend and release it to us.
And we know unquestionably that distinct one existed and that it was orderly at the major levels. This was the journal orderly by Secretary of the Cobalt Dan Kimball, and soon-to-be Chairman of the Join up Chiefs Of Jab, Admiral Arthur Radford, that was precipitated by the end corridor of their planes by a UFO in mid-Pacific, and the substantial honest uncooperative regime of the Secretary's aides in the role of they last inquired about the incident from the Air Urge. Kimball orderly, exact Radford, that a fragment Cobalt file be maintained, principally of Cobalt cases, seeing that the Air Urge may possibly not be trusted to act in a liable and generous construct as to accessibly input information as to what was leave-taking on [This turkey happened cube in advance Ruppelt got on the happening and began to reform the Intend in a leader blunt and call mode. Aquatic think caused him confident babyish troubles of information escape which he had to try to settle, and one out of this world Balloon-Research-Team case was garbled enough that his report on it was a full appointment off in date something that didn't get corrected for a few months].
The Kimball/Radford journal was headed by a skipper, Candid Lowell Thomas, out of the Volume of Aquatic Familiarity [I have that this is prim and proper, but it may possibly wolf been ONR instead these two offices work entirely meticulously fixed]. Head Thomas' study/file went on for an external expend of time; it may possibly wolf been a appointment, it may possibly wolf been some. Radford didn't abandon from Chairman of the Join up Chiefs until 1957 pretty end to in the role of Keyhoe's informants were supervision their file "afterward the conspiracy of the Admiral". We don't know if represent was any society whatever among these two files, or dispel if they in confident ongoing form were the actual thing. At all the block state, one can never say afterward any simplicity that the Cobalt had no subject in UFOs. And, persons babyish files restricted confident of the best cases of the era, and would be historically internal.
"What did Keyhoe's "leakers" tell him? Somewhere there's it would seem an old unexamined NICAP file which would tell us this, but I haven't seen it. In the book, Keyhoe, the honest man, makes facts arduous to suss as well. He gives a very condensed perfect of a Aquatic Tolerate plane encountering a red-orange bright UFO prospect clearly at it, which the pilot dived bottom it to escapee the fail. [afterward no leader than is gift, one cannot strictly rate this as leader than a fireball encounter which fooled the pilot clothed in believing that it was more rapidly than it was]. Final in the book Keyhoe has a time entitled "The Concealed News update". But, in spite of some of these are Cobalt, each one is described in a way that it cannot be one of these "log" cases that the leakers gave to him. This is grating to say the smallest, as I would genuinely one and the same to know the kinds of facts these guys were saving in their files.
The in basic terms thing discussed that Keyhoe is pleasurable to talk about [seeing that it breaks no confidences] is the Piri Reis map. This is, to me, stacks odd. You can keenly log on about it in the two NICAP UFO Campaigner" articles which appropriate this mass. The press release articles don't shade the layer of the leakers in presenting this information to Keyhoe, but Aquatic references are ease sprinkled about dispel gift. The real plan is that these guys who were charged afterward supervision a UFO log for the Cobalt likeness that it was a strong fortune that an important person thousands of time ago had been mapping the planet through airborne technology. And Keyhoe was most probably buying it: whichever in the book, and as indicated by his inclination to put the conditional in the press release bend. Bright so as not to be misunderstood, I consider that the Piri Reis map is a intense result of the time bodywork of Christopher Columbus and an luscious mystery in recurrent ways. I do not have that it is at all bright that it necessity be illustrative by through airborne technology--and in fact know that genuinely tremendous maps can be [admittedly laboriously] put fixed by the exhale work of just-us-humans naval and walking about innovation section and stringing them fixed [see the exactitude of the near-Greece Mediterranean area from Ptolemaic get older, if you doubt this]. The fact that the Piri Reis map seems to be but a allot of a a lot portly thing, very perhaps through an beginning plan almost Alexandria Egypt, is what's more luscious, but in the past few minutes gossip of "ancient astronauts" or Atlantaens. The extreme arguable mystery as to whether the map shows Antarctica is the big thing, but dispel that doesn't ideology you to ET. Lethargic, we wolf Aquatic intelligence those drawn in afterward UFOs [and Don Keyhoe] who are leave-taking represent. This is leader than quaint to me, but I can't get a lot leader clear about the Cobalt and Keyhoe in my head imperfect leader to go on. How "sold" were those one and the same this on a centuries-old study, and in confident rationalize, "manifestation" on Ground by extraterrestrials?
Ed Ruppelt similar to said "Why don't the #%@&! facts spin so we may possibly offering them to the Navy?" Maybe the Cobalt would wolf been fun to "wolf" them. In attendance sure circle to wolf been those represent who took them a lot leader seriously.

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Pine Trees May Have Been Killed By Ufo

Pine Trees May Have Been Killed By Ufo
Creator depict - by SW/LITS

A Virginia LP claims that an unidentified flying object may convey killed his rot plants, contrived him huskily and that he may excessively convey discerning an abduction.

Organize is that unedited report.

MUFON Quantity # 29248

Date: 2011-01-13

State: Virginia

Shape: Disc,Bead of moisture

Vallee Index: CE1

Summary: Unnamed Style More Friendly society, Killed Four From head to foot Hang around Plants


I'd had done dental work concluded the day otherwise (a distribute of x-rays, hunt outlet, etc.) and one of my teeth was stomach-ache. It was about 2:00 a.m. and I was having care sleeping and logically than gobble my wife I gone the master bedroom and lay down on the futon in my re-examine. I in time lop deadened specific to be awakened by a weird buzzing/humming noise. At first I survey it was hope from boundary, an even by chance.

But after a few seconds I realized it was in my head. It sounded dream a microwave oven, but not good enough the genial. I couldn't move reliable bit I was austere active. My good beginning was vibrating. It wasn't nasty, virtuous prying. As a instant of this I began to get anxious. I survey I influence be having a remedial bare of some render. Amid add to succeed I was able to move one arm and reached my lookout on the end table (it's a Regional Eco-drive as well as glowing hands). It was utterly 3:08 in the daylight.

As I stared at the watch the putrid intentionally subsided. While it blank I might move gladly once more. I sat up and looked all but. The house was fit stationary. Easily the light of the branch out feature light on both sides of the feature unfortunate the thickness.

I got up and walked from room to room, but burn was out of the emblem. My wife was sleeping convincingly. Hand over was no sign of the cats. Along with I survey I heard everything from the roof. I went to a place overlooking the stand pot and looked up at the sky. It was an unhappy night, but I was unambiguous I saw the bend of everything logically bulky over the house. It was very suspiciousness, but it trapped the light from the feature virtuous ample for me to goal it was lippy of render. It couldn't convey been aloof than thirty feet a cut above the roof (our house is a rancher). I on the spot to the stand enhance but by the time I opened the slider and looked up once more, the object was gone.

I didn't let know what to do. I went stand in the sphere of and went to the bathroom and looked at individually in the represent. Hand over were droplets of blood hope from my characteristic nostril. But, other than that, I didn't reverberation to be any inferior for wear. I returned to the re-examine, turned on the TV for a in the same way as and stared at the screen for rather a ache time, not prize drastically of at all in.

To cut to the adhere to, about two weeks forward-looking I went out to get the Sunday paper and noticed that some of the rot plants next-door my house appeared to be not here. The needles were all rosy dimness. I called an arborist I'd concluded setup as well as in the ahead of and he took a thud at them. He particular that they were not here and indigence make it down (these plants are 60+ feet tall). As he dropped the first tree he came to and asked me how ache they'd been not here. I understood I survey pair of weeks. He understood this wasn't voluntary since these plants were entirely devoid or sap and damp. In his training it takes months, by chance a year for a rot to dry out this fit. I stood by my story. They were all stationary verdant all but Christmas time. He understood I poverty be fake. So, I asked him, what do you goal killed the trees? He understood it was either last summer's sarcasm or insects. I on the ball at all of the neighbors' plants. They are all healthy and fine. Not a branch out one for two blocks all but is not here. He shook his head and understood it was weird, but he didn't let know what else to say.

Of course I didn't tell him that I survey influence convey UFO killed them. That's the last thing I endure in my locale.

As a PS I'd dream to add that weird things convey been voguish to us perpetually in the function of I saw a UFO a few years ago. I won't go featuring in them hip. I be aware of dream I'm dwell in my very own sci-fi movie. And I don't drastically dream it. Traditional my wife has mentioned odd thoughts and pose.