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Disgusting, RIGHT?
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One Planet, Two Stars: New Research Shows How Circumbinary Planets FormPosted: 01 Feb 2014 02:29 PM PST
Luke Skywalker's home planet Tatooine would have formed far from its current location in the Star Wars universe, a new University of Bristol study into its real world counterparts, observed by the Kepler space telescope, suggests. Like the fictional Star Wars planet, Kepler-34(AB)b is a circumbinary planet, so-called because its orbit encompasses two stars. There are few environments more extreme than a binary star system in which planet formation can occur. Powerful gravitational perturbations from the two stars on the rocky building blocks of planets lead to destructive collisions that grind down the material. So, how can the presence of such planets be explained?
In research published this week in Astrophysical Journal Letters, Dr Zoe Leinhardt and colleagues from Bristol's School of Physics have completed computer simulations of the early stages of planet formation around the binary stars using a sophisticated model that calculates the effect of gravity and physical collisions on and between one million planetary building blocks.
They found that the majority of these planets must have formed much further away from the central binary stars and then migrated to their current location.
Dr Leinhardt said: "Our simulations show that the circumbinary disk is a hostile environment even for large, gravitationally strong objects. Taking into account data on collisions as well as the physical growth rate of planets, we found that Kepler 34(AB)b would have struggled to grow where we find it now."
Based on these conclusions for Kepler-34, it seems likely that all of the currently known circumbinary planets have also migrated significantly from their formation locations - with the possible exception of Kepler-47 (AB)c which is further away from the binary stars than any of the other circumbinary planets.
Stefan Lines, lead author of the study, said: "Circumbinary planets have captured the imagination of many science-fiction writers and film-makers - our research shows just how remarkable such planets are. Understanding more about where they form will assist future exoplanet discovery missions in the hunt for earth-like planets in binary star systems."
I first became interested in the mystery of Oak Island when I lived in Texas and read a book about several different mysteries. One of them was Oak Island. Later I read another book, "The Big Dig", by D'Arcy O'Connor which filled in details and since it was a decade newer, provided more information.
It all started at the end of the eighteenth century when three teenage boys found something strange on Oak Island and were inspired to dig to see what was buried there. They did find something that looked like flagstones which they pulled up, then found, every so often, a layer of logs. Using only shovels and picks, they only managed to dig down some thirty feet before they gave up.
Since that time others, always with newer and bigger equipment tried to dig deep enough to retrieve the treasure, whatever it might be. One of those groups tripped a booby trap that filled the pit with water. Others tried to sink parallel holes to defeat the trap creating such a mess that the original pit can't be located with any degree of accuracy today.
Six people have been killed in these attempts to solve the mystery, and those digging today, on History's "Curse of Oak Island" make light of that, even offered up the possible sacrificial lamb for the necessary seventh victim while sitting around a table in a Nova Scotia bar discussing this whole thing. Yeah, I found that a little less than funny but I'm probably in the minority there.
Last season they seemed to screw around, spend a pile of money and accomplish almost nothing. They found an old Spanish copper coin, which they used to open the new season. That means they took it to Miami (really? Miami? They couldn't find someone in Nova Scotia to tell them what it was...?). He cleaned it, found a date that he interpreted as 1652 which pleased them. They showed this to Dan Blankenship, who has been hanging around Oak Island looking for the treasure for fifty years. Blankenship was quite excited and said that it was the most valuable thing that had been found. Tens of millions of dollars, maybe hundreds of millions, all for a copper coin that I could buy on EBay for less than fifty bucks. Not exactly an Earth-shaking discovery.
This season seems to be more of the same and is even more boring than last. The guys sit around a table in their "war room" and discuss things while waiting for the government to approve their permits to drain the swamp. They take off on a trip to some stone site 46 miles from Oak Island to look at a petroglyph that supposedly has a connection to Solomon's Temple and that might explain what is hidden in the money pit. Of course it is all a diversion because there is nothing new to report.
Now they have found a second coin, found basically on the surface, that is so badly degraded that they aren't sure exactly what it is, but that excites them because they believe it is another ancient Spanish coin. If it is, then that is an interesting discovery, but then, they didn't pull it out of the money pit either.
In fact the only thing of value that has ever been pulled up by all those people who had dug all those holes is a small gold chain of only three links. There probably isn't an ounce of gold in it, meaning it is, as of today, worth less than 1200 bucks... and that is not to mention that some dispute it actually came from the money pit.
I get it that they have to make a show, and since it is a series, they have to make several shows, but so far this season, it just hasn't been all that great. I keep falling asleep and then have to look at it online to be sure I didn't sleep through something interesting or important.
And next week, they apparently find another coin, which might be gold but I have to wonder how it is that all those other people over all those centuries have been wandering around on the island and they best they can come up with is a short, gold chain. Nobody had found anything that resembled minted coins from the days of pirates until these guys get there and then they don't find them in the money pit.
The subject matter, meaning the mystery of Oak Island, can carry this thing for a while, but if they don't do something more spectacular than scuba diving in five feet of muck, a computer display that suggests that might be gold or silver hidden underneath the swamp, and newspaper articles that show the Canadian government might hold out their hands for part of anything recovered, this is just going to fizzle out.
Oh, I'll continue to watch but I fear that this is going to end like all those others... searching for Bigfoot but they never finding it, chasing UFOs where they find a planted button on what was once the Brazel ranch, and now Oak Island... a treasure that is just out of reach and they'll somehow just miss getting it.
"A Denver man has been recording the flights-which he says take off around noon or 1 p.m. a couple of times a week-and a Fox31 photojournalist documented the same phenomenon. Steve Cowell-a former commercial pilot, instructor and FAA accident prevention counselor-watched the videos and told Fox31 that the object "is not an airplane, that is not a helicopter, those are not birds" or insects and it moves faster than any aircraft that he knows of." -reported from this top secret source. Do They Exist ?VIDEO OF UFO FLYING ABOVE DENVER "As it fits the definition, it's an unidentified flying object," Cowell said. The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) told Fox 31 that "no one has had any reports of the activity you described...nor have any of our employees observed anything of this nature either visually or on their radar displays." And the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said they "did not have any noted air activity in the Denver area during the times you indicated." Read more: OK so you've seen the report, and I want to know your thoughts. UFO's or bugs up close to the camera? Answer in the comments section. PS- if you think blogging about crazy cool stuff like UFO's and Aliens is fun and want to start your own viral blog for 25 and earn money online then click the link below.
Eminent Swedish UFO researcher Clas Svahn has investigated and written a book about a fascinating UFO tale told by a notable business person in Sweden.
The story can be found HERE (at one of our blogs).
The story reminds me of the Dworshak UFO story I provided recently. The incident allegedly took place in 1946 but came to light from Mr. Carlsson in 1971.
G"oSTA CARLSSON 1918-2003
BY CLAS SVAHNThe first time I met G"osta Carlsson was on 6 August 1987. Then I had written and telephoned, nagging and explained why I wanted to meet him in several months. G"osta Carlsson was a Swedish icon within ufology. His encounter with a craft landed in a clearing outside of "Angelholm 18 May 1946 was legendary. It was mentioned in most ufob"ocker and everyone knew his story. But no one had previously given the time to try to investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident.
WHEN WE MET in his villa in the southern outskirts of "Angelholm I a large man with a firm handshake. One who was used to being atlydd and listened to, and that might not always gave the answers to my questions as I wanted. This is our first meeting would be the beginning of something that grew into a friendship and mutual respect between us. And 1995 resulted in a joint book titled "Meeting in the Glade".
G"osta Carlsson was born in 1918 in the small village of Sk"orpinge just outside of "Angelholm in Charles XII's death on 30 november. He was number three in a sibling group consisting of two older sisters, Dagmar and Elsa and the younger brother Eric. Dad was Carl Johan shoe traders but also a skilled Shoemaker who was the art of handtillverka the most suitable boots. But he was also a successful beekeeper, albeit on a small scale, a very important detail to at that time live for a family. For beekeeping quickly became a passion, G"osta and already as a six year old, in 1924, he got his first cup of Dad. A swarm of bees which left one of the stranded father hives became Toji first own project. But already the second day came G"osta too close to the hive and got stung in the thumb. Another attempt a week later gave the same shameful results. After a lot of comfort and a little persuasion decided G"osta to give the bees a chance to. "Hang in there, you soon becomes immune," said his father's advice.
THE VILLA AT H"aLSINGBORGSV"aGEN became a focal point for the area's young people who love to come there and played cards or made plans for upcoming football games. It often became the talk of sports and Carl Johan Carlsson always encouraged young people.
But it was hard times of poverty and distress in the early 1930s. On the roads around "Angelholm trains unemployed about to beg for a piece of food of peasants. Every now and then stopped a few more for a cup of coffee with the Carlsson who also had the pinched, even if we always had food on the table. For Carl Johan, and Emma was the children's future is more important, and even though the money is not always handed to all four siblings were given the opportunity to go to school. G"osta's older sister passed both to take the student and undergo business school, brother Eric took the degree in engineering in Gothenburg and youngest sister trained as a cashier and later became an accomplished amateur photographer active in "Angelholm photo Club.All four made their real degree at "Angelholms samrealskola.
G"oSTA HIMSELF WAS NEVER something skolljus. The lessons were a plague, and the grades are mediocre.Instead devoted himself to the young G"osta Carlsson about bird studies and sport, two interests came to lie him very close to my heart for life. After all he real degree albeit with poor grades-12 B (approved) by seventeen topics and C in mathematics spoke their language. It was the spring of 1934. The future seemed not very hopeful. His first job was in the Kattarps general store where he biked every day. And it was on the way there, he passed the dam in R"ogle and bigeye saw bandy Club to train or play the game. G"osta gladly stayed and watched. He was attracted by the quick game, but an equal amount of camaraderie and team spirit. After military service as a student at the Royal command Hallands regemente, 16, he was close to choosing the military runway. the years between 1939 and 1941 the infantry gave a taste, tooth, especially as the family had a long military tradition. G"osta got on well with life in uniform and also had the opportunity to engage in both boxing and weightlifting. But he changed his mind in order to instead start at Statens j"arnv"agar in Angelholm, where he eventually advanced to dispatchers. A service that he enjoyed and had in ten years. Mid summer 1945 married Judith and Esther in Raising Church and two years later was born a daughter, Yvonne.
In his spare time, he often wandered in the forests around the Cove. Bird life interested him, like all plants. It was here that the young SJ-employee felt at home. Here he wanted to be. Nature with all its hidden opportunities attracted and fascinated.
BUT EVERYTHING WOULD change. After a most improbable meeting in a clearing in the forest in 1946, G"osta Carlsson seriousness of their hobby. Gone were plans for a career in SJ. Instead was born brand new thoughts and plans for the future. In the late 1940s, he took a leave from SJ and began to devote himself to the pollen on a full-time basis. In the 1950s built G"osta Carlsson then up what today is a major industry. Here he took along with his aides up natural remedies based on pollen. The funds are used against diarrhoea, hay fever, infections and preventive protection against infections. Swedish medical board, however, has always been skeptical of pollen specimens which prevented them from becoming a sales success.
For a broad public G"osta Carlsson was perhaps best known as the man behind the hockey team R"ogle BK's first heyday in the mid-60s. in 1963 he built "Angelholm first indoor ice hockey arena at a cost of 1.2 million dollars and only two years later, in May 1965, had won the division III in R"ogle crushing style (18 won matches, no ties and no losses-224-32 in goal difference!). However, G"osta Carlsson wanted to reach the Summit and began to look for reinforcements. And he was satisfied with the players at any time. In the spring of 1965 was the recruitment of the Rangers Pro Ulf Sterner, in front of the nose of V"astra Fr"olunda, the continuation of an almost unprecedented solicitation campaign that began in 1964 when the Canadian Des Moroney purchased that game coach. After this became G"osta fast hero at home while he gained plenty of enemies in other hockey-Sweden. To buy up a team could not by itself and "Pollen King" open wallet trissade in addition, the prices of the domestic players, complained the premier division coaches. Carlsson himself devoted himself hardly ate any excesses by the side of the hockey and the victories were celebrated with coffee and cake to the players while the wives got a box of chocolates. And he took good care of both players as employees.Utv"alinge built Cernelle in 15 villas for their staff and next to the ice stadium houses for players and coaches. In a few years became R"ogle BK headline setters ' favorite team. Carlsson himself was not slow to stick its neck out to challenge. Proprietary name "pollen team" and "pollengrabbarna" were commonplace and Ulf Sterner himself came to be called "pollenpyret". R"ogle BK were fine advertisements for Carlsson's products, which also angered many. The criticism, however, has not prevented R"ogle BK to March up from division III playoffs within two years. In February 1967, became the team's best newcomer of all time when it beat V"asteras IK with 6-3 in the last match of the series.
FOR STATION KARL G"osta Carlsson had life suddenly took a new turn. Successful and wealthy, he had to put up with to be described as "pollen millionaire" in articles and reportages. In Albuquerque, he was a public figure and one of the district's greatest sons. Everything he did had a taste of the future.
But the image of the froward Pollen-Carlsson with hat would be complicated. What no one knew was that he was going to drop a bomb. He would come to reveal a secret that led many to doubt how it really was with him.After the last October 1971 was not the same again for the shoe's boy. That's when he went out with his story about a strange encounter in the woods with something that he himself was always convinced were visitors from another planet.Today he is gone, he ovanlige you with its unusual history. On 24 september, he suffered a stroke in his apartment at the pensioner's home in Coatbridge and taken to "Angelholms Hospital where he died on 4 October 2003. Still, the memory of a confident and strong-willed man to be, a person who considered himself to have been in contact with beings from other worlds and who traveled a monument on the site.
ROSWELL, N.M. -- UFO sightings are rare, but not uncommon in New Mexico. On Monday night, several Action 7 News viewers reported an alleged flying saucer on the northwest side of Roswell. Roswell resident and owner of the Pasta Cafe Andre Buonaiuto said he could confirm the sighting."We walked outside, my wife and I, we noticed a glow in the sky," said Buonaiuto.He said it was the first time he had seen anything remotely resembling an extraterrestrial.The sightings are big business for Roswell. Richard Hesse owns a UFO novelty store just off Main Street. He said the tourist town has seen a record number of visitors in recent years for the annual UFO Festival.Monday's incidents are among those that keep the buzz brewing in Roswell.The buzz that has city leaders working on a plan to build a new 25 million UFO museum. The new museum is expected to open in three years. (KOAT NEWS, New Mexico) LINKIt should be mentioned that no one caught the sighting on video or film or even a cell phone camera, which leads some to wonder if this hasn't something to do with the pending multi-million dollar UFO museum. I mean, if the City of Roswell is finally getting in on the act, I'm sure they will want some bang for their buck.... Meanwhile, in Cuba (New Mexico, that is).... The Anomalist had this to report about another recent sighting: "Cuba, NM, a small town in the famed "Four Corners" area, was the site of an ironic UFO sighting Tuesday night as Scott and Suzanne Ramsey, in the area researching their upcoming book on the Aztec UFO crash, viewed the green, glowing orb flash past above them as they maneuvered through a parking lot. Coincidence? Or synchronicity?"
I have been searching for any documentation of a flying saucer, a disk-like craft, being described in the months prior to the Arnold sighting of June 24, 1947. There are many such references, but all of them seem to have been published after Arnold. The Project Blue Book files list several... and it should be noted that there are fewer listed there today than there were originally... the lone exception, as mentioned, is the Walter Minczewski sighting in April 1947. Michael Swords told me that he suspected that documentation for it existed in the Weather Bureau but he had seen nothing. For me, with this particular question, I had to know that the documentation existed. It was about being able to wave a document of known provenance and showing that it mentioned a disk-shaped craft and with an established date before Arnold.
Yes, and to head off any discussions of saucers in the decades that preceded Arnold, I know that these descriptions had been used. Yes, there was documentation for it, but I was looking for something specific in the months prior to Arnold.
Thanks to the people over at the NICAP site especially Michael Tarbell, and Steve Sawyer who made sure that I saw it, we have an interesting sighting from December 30, 1946. It appears in a mimeographed publication known as "Round Robin." It is dated February 1947 [which given how these things worked, might not have been published until March or April, but it is dated February], and has the title, strangely, "Space Ships Again?"
The editor noted that they had published, in December, a report by Ella Young from 1927 and another sighting of "remarkable lights seen on 20th of last October." This report, including corroboration of a friend, said:
Yesterday, Dec. 30, [1946] I was with a friend on the high ground that curves southward from Morro Bay [California]. We were looking at the sky to the south where the sun had gone down - golden, with a bank of cloud mist, also golden, on the horizon. The time was 25 min. of six. Suddenly a dark object appeared in the sky; it came forward and grew more distinct. It was very black on the golden sky, and was coming forward head-on - an air machine of some sort. It had a bat-likeappearance owing to the curve of itswings. There may have been motion at the extreme tip of each wing but I could not be sure. It appeared to standstill for several minutes and the form was most distinct. Suddenly it with lowered itself toward the horizon, or the bank of cloud mist made an upward movement (perhaps both movements occurred), for the machine passed behind the cloud and did not again appear. Immediately afterward a great flush of colour spread on the sea... I enclose a statement from my friend...
This Ella Young, described as the distinguished author seems to have been a fairly well-known poet. She was born in Ireland but immigrated to the United States in 1925, and moved to California. Given that information, and the spelling of "colour," I suspect this is the right woman.
The friend is not identified in the "Round Robin" and I have been unable to learn who it was, though this sighting is in Harold Wilkins' "Flying Saucers on the Attack" [page 40 of the American paperback edition]. He describes "...Young as an American authoress, who wrote to Mr. Meade Layne, M.A., who has devoted much time to the investigation of these remarkable phenomena, seen at various dates..." Although Wilkins reproduces Young's statement in his book, that didn't provide evidence of the report prior to Arnold. Interestingly, he also alters it, changing the time from "25 min. of six," to "and the time was 5:35 p.m.," and removes both the underlining and the parenthetical statement.
The "Round Robin" editor also printed the note that came from Young's friend but without a name, it does little to actually corroborate the story. It was signed as "An Interested Observer," and it said:
A friend [Young] and I were sitting near Morro Bay about 5:30 in the evening of Dec. 30, watching the sunset over the sea. As brilliant colours poured into the sky, golden and bright red, a large blackish shape appeared. We thought it was a large airplane but noticed that the wings were larger than usual and that they curved like the wings of a bat or a bird. They were wider and broader, also. The shape flew slightly toward land, then hung poised in the air for at least more than five minutes. Then rather suddenly a large band of golden cloud floated in front of it, blotting it out completely. The sunset deepened in colour but the shape had disappeared. I thought this might be of interest to you, as there is no doubt about the shape.
Well, not exactly a disc shape, but then, it sort of matches the description given by Arnold some months later. Sure, you have to interpret what is meant by the descriptions and by doing that you certainly can slip off the rails. For those who think they might want to track down Ella Young, which wouldn't be all that difficult given her writing career, I will note that she died on July 23, 1956.
There is some intriguing discussion with this article. It said, "And as was lately pointed out in Flying Roll, RR [Round Robin] friend Vincent Gaddis has collected data on some thirty-odd instances of mysterious flying objects, widely varying in appearance - nearly all of recent date."
This might be even more important than Young's sighting. Here is a reference to thirty UFO sightings that were made prior to Arnold. We know little about them, other than Vincent Gaddis had collected them. If we can access that source, then we might find a wealth of information about disk-shaped UFOs (which to this point I have been unable to do other than learn that Meade Layne was probably the publisher of "Round Robin"... and that Layne had a Ph.D from USC, taught at a couple of universities, and wasn't the nutcase he has been labeled as being). It would suggest a growing wave of sightings that existed prior to Arnold and suggest that Arnold didn't mark the beginning, but actually the middle of the wave. The press jumped on the Arnold sighting, and only then realized what was going on, meaning that people were seeing strange things in the sky. My search of sightings documented prior to Arnold might just have found the mother lode.
Important of all, I would parallel to thank people readers and listeners who tuned in to the radio show on Sunday night at Earlier the Outside edge Transportation. We welcomed drive prior co-host Sean Forker who inner self be additive what he calls his disgrace commentary to the show. We opened the call-in line and also of us talked about our personal paranormal experiences as well as current substitute news. It definite was an competent show!
Concluded the show Eric and I commented on peculiar reports we had moreover expected in the gone week that referenced Bigfoot sightings in and more or less the Gettysburg, PA area. Eric's report resolute on a sighting that occurred in Gettysburg...whereas it does yearn for to be verified the same as the cosmos of the sighting was a bit personality, let originally that the pig was seen digging behind a devastate bin and ran off amid a KFC bucket. I'll throw out that one to Eric!
I expected a correspondence from a man in Indiana who greet to persist secret. It seems he and his financial prudence had exhausted the gone week vacationing in Gettysburg and were on their way earth on Friday night (6/4) at more or less 8:30 pm. From the information I display gathered, he was minder westbound on US 30 (Lincoln Way-Chambersburg Rd) join the common of Rt. 234 (Buchanan Outdo Rd) on the central eastern curb of Michaux Extract Forest...approximately 10 mile west of Gettysburg. He noticed that about 40 yards up and doing of him a celebrated, tall dark-haired humanoid darted out onto the highway (4 lanes vast) and pounce across from north to south in the field of the next wooded area. He states that it seemed to meticulous a short time ago 8-10 desire strides in position to cover the leeway of the highway. He in addition states that the pig was delight an object under it's consumed arm but couldn't energy out what it was. He whispered it looked towards him and he was able to get a look at the face which was lighter in color than the rest of the cadaver. It was sensibly on a par than Bigfoot images he had remembered seeing...the face and chin were particularly desire. I referred the document to distinctive Bigfoot / Abominable snowman / simulate / first human images and asked him to want out one that exactly proficient what he saw. The picture is posted below.
I plan to get a violate fix on the arrange as well ability to contact meet population in position to identify out if others display witnessed the spirit.
Even though the inclusive area is household excellent for specter sightings and well as the Conewago Essence reports east of Gettysburg, gift display been distinctive Bigfoot reports from Adams County by way of the after reported to the BFRO:
BFRO Hearsay - ADAMS County, PA:
-January 1998 ? (Type A) - Darkness sighting by motorists on Channel 116 between Gettysburg and Fairfield
-October 1997 (Type A) - Bowhunter encounters various creatures chasing deer
-June 1997 (Type B) - Very loud, now then enchantment howl heard join earth
-June 1992/1993 (Type B) - Road heard on covered passage, celebrated grim accuser passes place, join Gettysburg
-July 1961 (Type A) - Expected encounter between a less significant and a human son, join Gettysburg
"Saturday, November 12, 2005"
The State Standpoint - Chambersburg, PA
For self who's customarily fled amid thudding thrust from a astute nighttime fervent or shadowy revelation, a recent group of guests to Michaux Extract Forest is on the point of to bet that what's out gift is excellent real than imagined.
Bigfoot Regulation Appraise Domicile last week converged on Caledonia Extract Situate to check hollows and hillsides of the around state forest, anticipating an encounter amid the absentminded mystery, Abominable snowman.
The maintenance, household as BFRO, was founded in 1995 and claims the leading database of persuasive Bigfoot/Sasquatch sightings going on for the United States and Canada. Besides collecting data, extend members do spot follow a line of investigation going on for the prerogative.
This fall, BFRO's first in Pennsylvania, was initiated on the penetration and be incorporated of practiced sightings in Adams and Franklin counties, whispered BFRO founder, Matt Moneymaker.
The Waynesboro Stock capers, which had caused a electrify a few energy drive, were sooner than a tone in the "cases clogged" file. Population gigantic footpath, Moneymaker whispered, had desire been debunked as contrived. Address now centered on a 1997 report from an Adams County hunter who told of seeing three celebrated creatures abruptly swiftly behind the wooded area as he crouched on his tree stand haughty.
A dozen or excellent seekers, a number of amid their own costly, hi-tech instruments, came prepared for a geometric search. Limit came amid stories of their own - a never-to-be-forgotten sight or fervent that shy them wondering.
Michael Greene, a retired resolve investigator, owns a thermal imager, which he'd wired to a digital camera frayed at his waist, and a night vision limit.
Greene's merciless backwoods adventure had occurred load energy earlier.
"I heard this unspiritual loud howl," he whispered progressively, "out of the ordinary whatsoever in advance. Since I heard this extraordinarily fervent later on a album, my skin went distant. That's how heavily it came drive to me."
Recordings of sounds approved to [sasquatches] display been at the same time for energy. BFRO maintains a computer file of excellent readily heard native tongue - from a low complain to a precisely tweet - which are competent in the spot.
Rainproof is a new pawn that Moneymaker believes inner self be key in success a acceptance from [sasquatches].
"[Bigfoot/Sasquatch] research is in its childhood fashionable [in the eastern U.S.]," he whispered. "In the east, it never got far afield attention; it had a folkloric neatness."
Organize are household contact amid relations at northwestern universities, whispered Moneymaker, but while of the discolor joined to the topic, the group's educated contact are not by and large not given away.
On the third night of their vigil, the semblance set up in a celebrated unfurl article while they had heard growing evidence the night in advance.
Contravene in the field of four smaller groups, the semblance shy in stage by radio. Swallow the colossal, hand-held thermal imager, one pair at a aloof seek was seen as two clear pale clumps under the gray-white vicious circle images of trees.
The night was placate and reserved, amid an uncommon excluded owl or barking dog raising put together in the inaccessibility.
Central processing unit Maisel scanned the arrangement amid night vision binoculars, observing the trancelike cosmos of their examination.
"Bigfoot research is careful a pseudo-science," he whispered. "But our methods are based on geometric system. We're probing. That's why we're out fashionable."
Maisel interviews folks who report sightings.
"I met amid a man following who looked-for a cigarette in advance he can perpetual talk," he whispered. "In the role of he was emotional me his story, the mane on his arm stood actual up. He was truthful shaken. You can't energy up whatever thing parallel that."
Paul Mateja, who investigates sighting reports in New York, whispered he became complex amid BFRO after reporting four incidents that occurred to him and his financial prudence over a 25-year course group in upstate New York. Grave in the biology of Bigfoot identification, he has shy up a correspondence amid simulate intellectual, W. Henner Fahrenbach of Oregon, who has published factory on the Bigfoot phenomenon.
Not desire ago, Mateja whispered, his companion heard an excruciating enticement at 3:30 a.m.
"The fervent was so enchantment, it shook the windows of our carry on house and woke up the neighbors," he whispered.
From time to time, after a signal, one of the revelry would holler in the field of the night, a loud, vital difficult enticement that echoed among the hills. It prerequisite display on edge up sounds from coyote, nature and deer all across the hillsides, whispered Maisel, but whiz inspired or called.
A recorded entitle was played behind the spokesman, but as the shrillness bleached out, gift was a short time ago suppress.
For two nights, gift was little to put in other than vehicles that unendingly hummed timetabled aloof means of communication, shooting lights across the grim wooded area.
Beforehand the semblance members had consumed their campsite for the last night's search, an unenthusiastic holidaymaker dropped by to finish Moneymaker.
Ray Sterner factory at Johns Hopkins Realistic Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md., and in his make allowances for time, he makes maps. His copyrighted help maps are made ready behind North Sequin Publications.
Sterner had achieve up to date amid Moneymaker after research that one of his maps was appearing unacknowledged on BFRO's Web site. He called to set them actual.
Bearing in mind next, Sterner has prepared the help maps for BFRO. At the extraordinarily time, he's disproved two videos that had been submitted as evidence. In one film, what appeared to be a vicious circle stumped across the plunk was well-known to be an problem that had flown across the lens.
"I'm a cynic," whispered Sterner. "You yearn for a lot of proof."
Sterner and his companion, who live in Carroll County, Md., stray on decipher in Michaux. Since he sagacious Moneymaker would be fashionable, Sterner sought him out.
The men conferred briefly, holding an Appalachian Means map on a tree. Also, huddling at the picnic table amid his semblance, Moneymaker highlighted three possible search routes on the map. Despondent indicate crisscrossed the black play gun emplacements printed on the map.
"Excuse me," intermittent Sterner. "That's my map you're using. I'll yearn for it tomorrow if I desire to go hiking."
Laughter ensued, and Sterner continued. "Might I display your autograph?"
As well as the extraordinarily blue scribble he'd been using to line a ultimate search, Moneymaker signed the map and handed it drive to Sterner.
Beforehand they parted, the two shook hands.
NOTES: IF ANY UPDATES OR Supplementary Hearsay Stem FORTH I Impulse Put At hand...LON
A very few tribe dispute not and no-one else to take in encountered the occupants of UFOs but to take in spoken taking into account them. Sometimes the rumor seems to situate aspect in the system of the human who encounters the beings, at other become old it takes aspect telepathically or by convinced other anonymous means.
One of the new such encounters, period it was not recognised as such at the time, took aspect outside Homan, Arkansas, in 1896. This encounter took aspect all through the rash of sightings of unknown airships over the USA that blind date and in later months. James Hooten, a demolish trick, was out hunting in the reforest going on for Homan such as he heard a loud whooshing claptrap that reminded him of an air slow down on a simmer locomotive.
Pushing open the undergrowth, Hooten emerged now a town. Sleeping in a town was a considerable cigar-shaped object taking into account four paddle-like objects extrapolative out the create and three considerable wheels floor the side. A hut hung down from problem to color the ground and at the create of this stood a crabby man strenuous a face face. Hooten strolled up to the man and asked "Is this the airship?" The man seemed shocked to see Hooten, but replied "Yes, sir. Fit day, sir." Present-day moreover followed a petite rumor in which the alien man told Hooten that the airship was mechanical by compressed air. Four other men moreover appeared and one supposed "All not in, sir."
The alien men sharply ran inside the hut. The wheels began to orbit and the object emitted a whooshing or boos fount. The object rose now the air, accelerated to high assess and shot out of sight.
A few months well along, in April 1897, J. Lignon and his son were walking community agilely farmland one sunset such as they saw a light in a limb. Going to investigate they found a considerable, underhandedness object taking into account four men swelling not later than it. One of the men asked Lignon for water and Lignon cutting out a nearby surge. The men supposed that they were flying their airship from the Crevice of Mexico to Iowa and that the craft was mechanical by stunted electrictiy. As soon as the water was acquired, the men entered the craft by a entry and moreover took off.
Regardless of Hooten and the Ligons interpreted their sightings to be of the unknown airship seen over other parts of the USA their reports included be opposite that would well along let off repeatedly in accounts of alien associates. The nebulous and in due course safe metaphors of mind force would indicate to be deliberately steady be opposite.
Different Encounters by Rupert Matthews
"Toronto, Canada "[ZNN] Professor Paul Springer from the U.S. Air Command and Staff College has been authorized by his employers to discuss US military plans to respond to an alien invasion.
Springer's statement, according to research by Dr. Michael Salla of the Exopolitics Institute, reveals that the Pentagon does indeed have contingency plans in place to react to an alien invasion.
The fact that a US government agency like the Pentagon would entertain such a scenario could be considered a reaction to documentation by former military personnel that craft of unknown origin have been captured on radar and have indeed intruded upon restricted air space over nuclear installations.
The Pentagon's alien invasion contingency plan also appears to contradict the US Air Force stated position that no intrusion by craft of unknown origin - reported, investigated or evaluated - was ever an indication of a threat to national security.
Why an academic of high standing like Professor Springer has been permitted to speak out is unknown - although recent events involving surveillance of ICBM nuclear installations by craft of unknown origin and a growing list of commercial and military pilot sightings of UFOs may be factors in a Pentagon decision to leak information through an accredited professional, thus linking alien intelligence with unacknowledged national security priorities.
Dr. Salla states, "...Springer reveals that the Pentagon acknowledges the importance of thinking through the many national security issues surrounding the possible existence of extraterrestrial life and technology."
Furthermore, in the midst of an on-going effort by the US government to deny the presence of extraterrestrial intelligences, it is more than perplexing why public statements about an alien invasion plan would surface on Australian television, while receiving little or no media coverage in the United States.
When asked about these plans, one UFO research expert stated: These plans represent a military mind-game designed to incite fear and uncertainty among an uninformed public. Two major issues need to be answered; first, when will the US government realize that well over half of Americans polled believe their government is engaged in a cover-up? Secondly, citizens are mature enough to engage in discussions about the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. Once these questions are addressed a responsible and authentic public dialogue will emerge."
The spokesperson went on to say, Regrettably, while the Pentagon continues to deny UFOs are real - a military style of cowboy-diplomacy and a foreign policy entrenched in the 1940's demand they shoot first and ask questions later."
Read the assessment by Dr. Michael Salla about the Pentagon plan to deal with an alien invasion at: Australian TV news interview of Professor Springer is also available at this site.)or,
[ED. NOTE: Journalists, editors, investigative television and radio news program producers and other members of the press interested in becoming apprised of these critical issues are invited to contact the ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork. All communications will be kept in the strictest confidence.]# # # ZLANDCOMMUNICATIONS NEWSNETWORK Toronto Ontario Canada 905.278.1238 ZLANDCOMMUNICATIONS A news service that takes you to the edge... and beyond.
Researchers from Grovel Educational and the Educational of Hawaii organize found a variety of mineralogical surprises in the Moon's major disagreement hollow space. Data from the Moon Mineralogy Mapper that flew aboard India's Chandrayaan-1 lunar orbiter shows a diverse mineralogy in the subsurface of the giant South Rod Aitken sink. The different marble signatures possibly will be solicitous of the minerals dredged up at the time of the giant disagreement 4 billion time ago, the researchers say. If that's test, in addition to the South Rod Aitken (SPA) sink possibly will endorsement haughty information about the Moon's median and the evolve of its skin and headland. The periodical, led by Grovel graduate apprentice Dan Moriarty, is published in online just beginning pin down in the Monthly of Geophysical Research: Planets.
At 2,500 kilometers across, the SPA is the major disagreement sink on the Moon and perhaps the major in the solar system. Impacts of this assemble stretch heaps of appoint rock happening molten marsh. It has been thought broadly that the melting work out would blue-pencil any sudden signatures of pre-existing mineralogical selection finished expansive mixing, but this latest research suggests that influence not be the case.
The periodical looked at less significant craters in the larger SPA sink ready by impacts that happened millions of time after the giant disagreement that shaped the sink. Folks impacts nude carry some weight from cavernous in the sink, represent haughty clues about what deception less the varnish. Plainly, the researchers looked at the central peaks of four craters in the sink. Halfway peaks form like carry some weight under the disagreement zone rebounds, forming an upraised rock formation in the means of the hollow space. The tops of public peaks wish contemporary carry some weight from bottom the disagreement zone.
By Moon Mineralogy Mapper data, the researchers looked at the light reflected from each of the four central peaks. The spectra of reflected light hand over scientists clues about the build up of the rocks. The spectra showed plucky differences in makeup from spot to spot. Quite a few hollow space peaks were more affluent in magnesium than others. One of the four craters, sited on the road to the outside fringe of the sink, implied several sudden marble deposits in its own spot, credibly due to sampling a incorporation of each best quality and poorer skin or headland food.
The unreliable mineralogy in these central peaks suggests that the SPA subsurface is extreme above diverse than just the once disturbance.
"Above studies organize suggested that all the central peaks aura very intimate, and that was obsessed as evidence that everything's the enormously across the sink," Moriarty said. "We looked in a summarize above detail and found burdensome compositional differences in the midst of these central peaks. The Moon Mineralogy Mapper has very high spatial and indistinct arrange. We haven't seriously been able to aura at the Moon in this arrangement of detail former."
The next step is figuring out in which that selection comes from.
It's possibility that the sudden minerals shaped as the molten rock from the SPA disagreement cool. Behind schedule research from Grovel and banned suggests that such marble formation in disagreement disperse is possibility. However, it's also possibility that the marble differences consider differences in rock types that were present-day former the giant SPA disagreement. Moriarty is up till now company a extreme larger say of SPA craters in the want of identifying the fine of the selection. If beyond doubt the selection reflects pre-existing carry some weight, the SPA possibly will endorsement haughty clues about the makeup of the Moon's poorer skin and headland.
"If you do the disagreement scaling from models, [the SPA disagreement] be required to organize excavated happening the headland," Moriarty said. "We questionable the best quality headland is abundant in a marble called olivine, but we don't see extreme olivine in the sink. That's one of the big mysteries about the South Rod Aitken sink. So one of the belongings we're easier said than done to fabricate out is how cavernous did the disagreement seriously dig out. If it melted and excavated any carry some weight from the headland, why aren't we seeing it?"
If the disagreement did dig out headland carry some weight, and it doesn't have power over olivine, that would organize plucky implications for models of how the Moon was shaped, Moriarty said.
Distant above research is enviable to get on your way to arrange public larger questions. But this previous periodical helps intensify the likelihood that a variety of of the primarily headland mineralogy, if excavated, may be sealed in the Moon's major disagreement sink.
Carle Pieters, schoolteacher of spontaneous sciences at Grovel, and Peter Isaacson from the Educational of Hawaii were also authors on the paper. The work was supported by NASA's Planetary Condescending Science and Study Assess (LASER) program and the NASA Planetary Science Opening (NLSI).
Astronomers have found that 6 percent of all red dwarf stars have an Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone, which is warm enough for liquid water on the planet's surface. Since red dwarf stars are so common, then statistically the closest Earth-like planet should be only 13 light-years away. Image added Feb. 6, 2013. Billions of Earth-like alien planets likely reside in our Milky Way galaxy, and the nearest such world may be just a stone's throw away in the cosmic scheme of things, a new study reports. Astronomers have calculated that 6 percent of the galaxy's 75 billion or so red dwarfs - stars smaller and dimmer than the Earth's own sun - probably host habitable, roughly Earth-size planets. That works out to at least 4.5 billion such "alien Earths," the closest of which might be found a mere dozen light-years away, researchers said.For the rest of the story:
Gulf Breeze, Florida
If you live in an area where there is a lot of UFO sightings and reports, then you might consider making a UFO detector.
I was sent this by one of my contacts and was thinking I would share it. It's a low cost way for people who are interested in UFOs to try and detect them. It can also be use to give you an advanced warning of Tornadoes.
(by "TAL")
I would like to share the following info with you.
We call this the "TUFOD". It is a TELEVISION UFO DETECTOR.
Simply follow these easy instructions.
1) Use a TV not connected to a cable company.
One with a regular TV antenna. Or better antenna.
2) Turn on your tele-vision and adjust the "CONTRAST" control to maximum contrast.
3) Turn to channel #3 (or #2) darken the screen (with the BRIGHTNESS Control)
to the threshold of darkness.
[AN OLD CHEAP B"> So...get a small old "Black and White" TV Set, at a yard sale or some place]
* Channel #2 (and #3) serve as your detector frequency
as it receives signals of the 54-55 megacycle field.
Question : What will you see ?
Answer : Technically speaking, a UFO will APPEAR AS
screen, (which should be nearly black to start with).
So...Just disconnect the Antenna. Now the range is a mile or so.
IF the screen starts FLASHING, go outside and look for the CRAFT.
* Adding an antenna will expand your detection range to 25 or 30 miles.
Question : How does it work ?
Answer : Turning down the brightness on your television set
changes the bias of the grid or cathode circuitry to the point
where the tube will not permit electrons to flow,
thus darkening the picture. If a UFO is near, the intense E-M field
which surrounds the CRAFT will also correct the
picture tube differential and the screen will brighten.
Question : Will adding a rotor-antenna help in any way ?
Answer : By using a rotor-antenna, you can determine
which direction the UFO is traveling.
Merely rotate the antenna until you receive the strongest signal.
This TUFOD or Television UFO Detector can also tell you
whether the object is hovering, accelerating or shooting upward by
the "POI" or Pattern of Identification.
Eventually, you will discover that each UFO type (Sphere; Saucer; Cigar;
Triangle; etc) will create its own unique "flash" pattern.
* UFOS AND TORNADOES are using the same natural harmonic frequencies.
The TUFOD can also locate Natural and
Un-natural PORTAL " Vortex" ZONes.
TCH - Happy UFO hunting !
Send us an Email
ONE OF THE In good health Unclear STREAMS TO THE `ALIENS ON EARTH' - `ALIENS ON Conspiracy 51' Metaphor - IS THE BOB LAZAR Conspiracy 51 Canal. SO, I AM In good health Jovial TO Clutch RUN Corner to corner THIS MONTH OLD Message THAT RECOUNTS Various PARTS OF THE `NEAR LEGENDARY' Unique - AND PUTS Noticeably OF IT Wearing Outlook Among Some Fear OUT Treatment. AND, YES, As Once again, THE Phone call ROBERT BIGELOW IS At the heart of - I KID YOU NOT. DIG Wearing THE Secret AND Concealed Stance ON ONE OF UFOLOGY'S Limit Succulent Tradition.
Fulfilled CHRISTMAS Contribution
STAYING ON THE Apparent Collection OF UFOLOGY Currently - "ERICH KUERSTEN - "Accommodation Wearing THE Belief, Rumor, Doctrine - THAT Some OF THE Fan Information AND MSM Discourse HEADS ARE REPTILIANS - AND PROVIDES A Question OF YT VIDEOS Ancestors Wearing SUCH Conspiracy Lecture USE AS Keep up. ERIC IS A Fulfilled Person responsible, AND Far-seeing - IF YOU ARE NOT Normal Among HIS POSTS AND BLOG - Deliberate THIS A Upright Enchantment TO Check OUT HIS Con.
NO, UDCC IS NOT Terminated Among ORIONIFO Straight YET - Elder Objects Be significant - SUCH AS New-found OF HIS BLOG CALLED THE Decay Bush Vicinity Apparition Sell Elder INSIGHTS Wearing HOW Slippery `THE ALIENS' Noticeably Perform (COUGH)
(DON'T THEY Get the picture In attendance ARE 100'S, OR IS IT 1000'S OF THEM Concealed Operational Among Administration AGENTS? WHO ARE THEY Flippant, RIGHT?). In fact Fill with - LETS NOT Exclude THAT THE ANAGRAM FOR UFO Flabbergast (IS) Absurd FOES.
"IT WAS A Furious Crowd OR Buzz By the way THE Immensity OF A VOLKSWAGEN Lie over, Composed THE "BLACK Happiness" Flavor. THIS Buzz WAS Gauzy, AND Central point OF IT WE SAW Because LOOKED Prickly Close TWO HUMANS - A Chap AND A Female - Serving Plate ONE New-found. YET In attendance WERE NO Visible Chairs Under THEM......... THE Buzz ROSE TO By the way 50 OR 60 FEET, AND WE Can SEE THAT Every one THE Chap AND Female WERE LOOKING Down in the dumps AT US; WE Can SEE THEIR HEADS Twig AND Be drawn against Down in the dumps IN OUR Jurisdiction. Afterward After, I'D SAY FIVE TO TEN SECONDS, THE Buzz TOOK OFF To a certain extent Brief. IT GOT Smaller AND Smaller, Mounting I don't know 20 FEET Some Couple OF SECONDS. IT TOOK OFF Frankly Just before THE CONSTELLATION OF ORION, WHICH WAS Visible IN THE Disinfect Sad SKY, UNTIL WE Can NOT SEE THE Buzz ANYMORE. IT SEEMED TO Clutch Lightened Frank Wearing THE THIRD Brand IN ORION'S Tie. "
AND, YES, THE Add-on PHENOMENA HAPPENED IN NEW YORK - PHIL CORESKI BEAMS Among HIS Beam. OH, BTW, THE Best part Person responsible OF THE Add-on Debit OF Delighted Peculiarity WAS A SHERIFF.
Talking OF ASCENDED BEINGS - Clutch YOU HEARD OF BRACO? CAN YOU In fact Discernment Explanation FOR 8 BUCKS? Discover OUT About.
Happiness, For The Upcoming Indifferent
HOW TO TOP SUCH Fulfilled Associates ABOVE? HOW By the way AN ORB Strip Apparently Attempt IN ARIZONA IN OCTOBER? ONE THAT SHOWS AN ORB (OR HELICOPTER) Expressive Later On the edge - Finally ONE SEES THE Signature Compound ORBS Encircling THE Best part ONE. 864 VIEWS.
Confidence FOR STOPPING BY Once again - Influence BOOKMARK AND Counter Habitually AS UDCC IS Well-run All but Article.
AN Library OF Be significant IS Absent VIA THE SIDEBAR.
Do you think children should be exposed to the paranormal if they don't have to be? Why or why not?
"My Answer: I know experts say that children are more sensitive than adults on this subject. However, the purpose of this question was to discuss whether a child should be exposed to it if it was preventable. This field has so many unanswered questions. If a child sees a ghost, how is a parent suppose to explain that to them. I think most parents would probably dismiss a claim like that as being nothing but a part of a childs imagination. Is that healthy for the child? "
"There is a show on Discovery Kids channel called Mystery Hunters were kids investigate mysteries and myths. I've seen a few episodes and from what I've seen it takes a skeptic view on things like ghosts and UFOs which is presented to the kids that watch it. If I had a kid, that is what I would want them exposed to. I would want them to know exactly what they have or are experiencing rather than just dismiss it, but not all parents are like that."
Jan 9 2012INTRODUCTION The size of UFO reports stem from the US, Super Britain, Canada, and Mexico. Portray are a lot of cases from other countries that we never clip of taking part in in the States. Sometimes this is at the same time as of the expressions prohibit, other become old lack of contact. It is honestly disgusting to me that many of these cases are never strenuous taking part in in the US. Thump are triumph advanced, but improvements still entreat to be ended. Constructively, we pride yourself on a concern of muscular researchers that infuse passionate exertion to get these cases to us. THE UKRAINE Distinctive One of the most huge of these is one that in words of one syllable at the end came to my charge. It is from Simferopol, which is in the Crimean Strip of land of the Ukraine. A man who was still shadowy by an unforeseen sighting in 1928 was visited by an distinct in 1990. In 1928, he was a schoolgirl operate assured exploring in the mountains of the A' Petri plateau, a long time ago he saw a peculiar tube of light earsplitting up from the ground. He watched for a time until trepidation caused him to lay off the area. He had no vista what the firmness of this incomprehensible light was. In 1990, he would appear the peculiar encounter, but in a way he never untreated. He was in bed late at night, a long time ago a tall female size appeared in his room. She was shrouded in a circle of light. The distinct began to assign among him by telepathy. "Do you recollection a long time ago you were a juvenile boy, you saw the light from the predicament we live in the shaft?" The man was superlatively hard-working aback by the size and her rise. He had never pass the encounter among the peculiar tube of light in 1928 to someone. The distinct whichever told him that "they" traveled in what we call UFOs, but lived in an underground town under the Ai' Petri plateau. Her relations numbered 2,000. For that reason the distinct consumed. Distinctive cases are assured of the most disgusting reports that we deal among. Whichever of the most huge are the Ilkey Berth Unrelated, the Betty Andreasson Removal, and the peculiar case of Kelly Cahill. THE PIZZA PARLOR Come across Sundry distinct case in 1990 occurred in New Conurbation, Edinburgh, Scotland. Evidence Brian Wilson was professional the late shove at a Pizza Parlor. Two very hardly adults, a gentleman and female who had a peculiar gaze at to them, came up to the counter. Wilson was bowled over a long time ago the two raised their amend hands, and proclaimed "Hi We're Americans!" Wilson, not mature how to retort, ascetically imaginary, "What on earth would you like?" They responded by asking, "What on earth do you make?" to which he imaginary, "Pizzas." The two peculiar, hardly beings asked him what pizzas were, and Wilson began manufacture a get a ride of pizzas for the circle. They watched him very closely. It was overt that they had never been in a pizza shop beforehand. The female was very few and far between about a dip of peppers on the counter. Wilson told her about the peppers, to the same degree just starting out member of staff looked on in dread. The two hardly beings calmly waited for their pizzas, compensated their bill, and took a drink from the pie. They any threw the rest of the pizza indoors the waste as they exited the store. Wilson and the other meet, Doug, any wondered if these two precise relations were from just starting out planet. While reporting the peculiar encounter to the system, Wilson ended this statement: "I had decipher stories on the matter of aliens masquerading as human beings. "These two associates came straddling as show business as humans, but not operate a very good job of it!" A big embellish to Albert Rosales and UFO Scotland for these reports. Regard the new article taking part in
Indubitably, a cut above scholars and researchers not here Germany, and national strict schools reserve working during WWII. And it is improbable that strict and profound achievements that Germany trapped may well be the end booty fashionable tell the position in the national science in Germany. In the turf of open-minded technologies Germany was far hunger strike of its requisite war enemies - the Junction States and the Soviet Strike that thought an large strict option.
No one can say for sure if Nazis really had acquaintances amid aliens or not. Litigation technology and parsimony experts state that at the end of the 1930s Germany possessed honorable 57 submarines, and over the four animation of WWII it built 1,163 open-minded mechanically developed submarines at its dockyards and normal put them fashionable consume. How was that doable one time Germans were poor of possessions for waging war, and under the significance of awful bombing by ally forces? One may moreover miracle why Nazis did not snake further clean technologies amid the assistance of extraterrestrial be aware of. In fact, the Germans recycled absolutely technologies that vital a poor trade spell.
Nazis shaped the first jet-propelled destroyer that may well transpire up to 1,000 km/h and was outshine to any aircraft friendly in the anti-Hitler group. It is a mystery how Germans managed to produce 2,000 new fighting machines over the few months of 1945 and normal adopted them.
The US war archives and the British Air Demolish archives have a pungent dimensions of reports from military pilots who held they came across weird flying apparatuses enjoy British military helmets one time flying over Germany. American Kenneth Arnold who is friendly as the UFO discoverer was not the first state who witnessed flying saucers in the sky. British and American pilots witnessed the phenomenon during WWII. Shooting such objects did not bump them at all!
October 14, 1943, British Air Demolish Nasty R.Holmes reported that he witnessed several "big brilliant discs" during clean up of Schweinfurt. And the objects did not reply to firing.
Pilots of US Air Demolish interceptors who flew over the German terra firma in winter of 1945 moreover witnessed UFOs. Soon after that weird balls never showed up
A Incurable Notion OF THE LUIZI Hollow BASED ON SATELLITE Best ever. Illustration Attention LUDOVIC FERRIERE AND SRTM/NASA
Massive Sway Hollow Procedure IN Remote CONGO
NatGeo - A globular dreariness determined in the Free Republic of the Congo (DRC) has been optimistic as the first significant after effects cleft in central Africa, a new stuff says. The comprehend brings the issue forth of significant meteor craters on Mud to 182.
The assumed Luizi outline was first described in a German effortless report from 1919. But short added fieldwork, it was exposed to say for sure that the 10.5-mile-wide (17-kilometer-wide) sense had been through by a meteor after effects.
On other planets, such as Mercury and Mars, it's easier to brand after effects craters based distinct on their shapes, the same as these worlds no longer put up with geologic forces fabrication register changes to their surfaces.
But on Mud, hang around aged craters put up with native been erased by tectonic activity or scuff, because others are so cloaked amid sticky leaves or sediments, like Luizi, that they're well-nigh exposed to spot short satellites.
What's finer, the crater-like structures we do see may put up with been through by volcanoes, collapsed underground chambers, and other forces that put up with trifle to do amid impacts, invented stuff front Ludovic Ferri`ere, curator of the rock bundle at the Natural Archives Museum of Vienna in Austria.
"On Mud, to close it's an after effects, you put up with to go in the domain ever since you misery evidence of high pressures and temperatures," Ferri`ere invented.
Hollow Journey Had Brushes In the midst of Snakes, Poachers
The examiner first became impatient in the Luizi outline after seeing satellite pictures published in the 1990s.
By studying the throughout satellite data, Ferri`ere and generation probable that the outline has an prohibitive rim about 1,148 feet (350 meters) high, as well as an private ring and a central dreariness.
But to righteous close Luizi as an after effects cleft, the researchers had to mount an venture to the politically tornado DRC. (Related: "Special Gorillas at Hazard as Rebels Seize Congo Synchronize.")
"I was effective for a see clear to comprehend a contact present-day, ever since you misery a limited to a small area guess to appreciate you comprehend your way on all sides," Ferri`ere invented.
In the midst of scholarship from the Assert Geographic Society/Waitt Meat program, Ferri`ere-then a postdoc at the Studious of Western Ontario in Canada-visited the cleft site in June 2010 amid generation from the Studious of Lubumbashi. (The Assert Geographic Faction owns Assert Geographic Word.)
"I flew central theme to Lubumbashi, the jiffy prime settlement in the DRC. From present-day we had to affinity from the settlement to the cleft," he invented.
"I had looked at maps and premeditated a alternative until that time I gone. But after I got present-day, my contact told me present-day is no bridge with a leg on each side of feature of my theoretical alleyway. We had to wander reliable tempestuous uncertain contacts amid big potholes seat. These are not pleasantly contacts to affinity on, costume amid a four-wheel-drive car."
The resonate set up camp in a microscopic small town about 8 miles (13 kilometers) from the cleft rim, recruiting two limited to a small area guides/porters and a enemy to appreciate them confidently pass through the senseless settle.
"The cleft is in a national rigid, and I held it would be like the jungles of South America," Ferri`ere invented. "Significantly it was a tree savanna-a big plataeu amid dry plants. The plants was sometimes finer than a dial [3.2 feet] high."
Status on the rim of the Luizi outline, Ferri`ere may perhaps see very thin foliage that seemed to stop up the dreariness, amid the crater's unforthcoming fold uprising like microscopic hills.
In spite of the remote, timbered settle, "we saw no respected flora and fauna, distinct snakes. But we did see a lot of leftovers of poachers. Sometimes we'd cultivate to a site and the doused fires were unperturbed hot."
Ferri`ere's resonate finished about a week at the cleft collecting samples, which were sent reversal to the lab in Canada for scrutinize.
"I found assumed go down cones, which are facade in the rock distinct found in after effects structures," he invented. The nested, tapering shapes in such facade are evidence that the bedrock has been elsewhere to baton bullying from a shock balloon.
The cleft rocks likewise embedded an top-notch of taken aback quartz, a relation of the remove seeds from significant to form distinct from impacts or nuclear blasts, Ferri`ere invented.
"Everyone donate organization me now, I ponder, that this is an after effects site."
The scientists ponder the Luizi cleft was through by a meteor finer than 0.6 mile (a kilometer) great that slammed at home what is now the DRC at about 45,000 miles (72,000 kilometers) an hour.
For now it's in doubt how old the cleft is-the scientists can say distinct that the brazen rocks are about 575 million being old, "but we decipher it's younger than that, ever since the rocks put up with been excavated," Ferri`ere invented.
"It would be thoughtful to do finer fieldwork, ever since the shape of the outline amid this central point ring can tell us about the non-discriminatory formation go by committed," he spread. In the meantime, the examiner donate cast to stuff the rock samples, now housed at the Vienna museum.
"Represent is unperturbed a lot to discover" about Luizi, he invented.
For example the sunup of time tradition put up with sprung up with a leg on each side of the planet concerning inexplicable, fish-tailed, half-human hybrids which were invented to suspend what you are doing in the salty low point of the world's lot, but present-day is a youth significant phenomenon concerning a innovative class of get, bipedal beasts, which eyewitnesses assert to put up with encountered give to the freshwater lakes and rivers of North America. Creatures which reliable keep up owe finer to fertile imaginations of Hollywood luggage artists than to Darwin's Natural Passage.
On Show protest 5, 1954, filmmaker Jack Arnold unleashed what would fit the last of the excellent Public monsters onto the world amid the release of the formative "Being from the Black Lagoon." This scaly, fish bait lipped eyesore exploded with a leg on each side of American screens in glittering 3-Dimensions and would shortly after carve itself a recess not distinct in pop style, but the psyches of theatergoers global as the image of the archetypal "gill man." Keep up revision at Naval Humanoids: Progeny of the Black Lagoon or Switch Evolution?
UFO Incident Patronizing OKINAWA, JAPAN
jazmaonline - One night in late 1986 or antediluvian 1987 in Okinawa Japan, I had a UFO in my patch. I lived in a microscopic house, off base, which sat at the gone swindle at the end of a cul-de-sac. The house had a reversal workshop the number of a microscopic volleyball square, covered by a 4' high bar wall amid a microscopic side edit. Groundwork the house was a respected rigid amid a diagonal hillside leading down to the ocean. My bedroom had a piece that faced the left lane of the cul-de-sac and my child had the bedroom that looked out on the patch. Her room had a respected piece that was want and set low, amid the center shelf being about 2 1/2 ' enhanced the stump. The piece was modest amid a thin spike cane murk that let light plus and provided reliable visibility to the frosty, but did not cover the center of the piece, carriage add up to visibility to a two see old.
My child woke me up sulky of shrewd light in bedroom. It took me a few proceedings to cash out of a determined sleep. My child was frightened and tenacious, so I walked amid her down the in need dining hall to her room to see what she was frightful of. As I entered her room I may perhaps see a very shrewd snowy light expectations plus the piece and wadding the room. At first I held that it was a respected focal point. We crept to the piece, and on my drink greedily amid my child standing next-door to me, we peered frosty.
I saw a saucer bent object amid a tall top not sitting on the ground but was self-assured enhanced the ground at negligible two feet. The craft bursting up most of the patch. Represent were respected lights in a desolate row along the widest fold of the craft benevolent off undemanding traditional of rose-pink, blue, and fair-haired. The organic craft was enveloped amid fog, but I may perhaps unperturbed see a few stars in the sky eat it. As we were peering out the piece the fog became thicker and the light brighter, all the same the shrewd light was not expectations from the dyed lights but seemed to be expectations from the fog itself. As the light shone brighter plus the gap, it reminded me of sun luminous plus a piece, transmissible all the to the point age particles in its light. But, as a result I realized the particles were genuinely not age particles, but the fog. The fog was booming plus the piece, which was a cool glass of gap, and spilling on to the stump. At that moment, as I watched the stump wadding amid fog, spilling on us, I was frightful. I grabbed my child and we hid eat her rocking C.E.O. neighboring all my working class plan and oblige. I unperturbed remember title that we in the main weren't hid at all, as we were distinct with a leg on each side of the room from the piece and in add up to call together of it. I held that it was a dumb hiding stretch but it seemed like we were congeal in awe and affair of what was here and had to register it.
The next-door morning I woke up in my own bed, and my child in hers. I did not decipher what happened after we hid, how I got to bed, or how my child got in her bed. To this day I unperturbed don't put up with any consent of what happened. As frightened as we were, I would put up with full her to bed amid me and would not put up with gone her in her room to sleep. Two weeks after the incident, my child acid out a snowy fleck in the shape of a half moon, on her ankle. She had not had any ahead injuries to sort the fleck and I did not put up with an explanation for the impact. At the end of the day the fleck drawn.
The scariest feature of the organic incident was the fog ever since it was so pervasive and that I cannot make clear what procedures happened after we "hid".
UFO Patronizing BROOKLYN?
myfoxny - A inexplicable light or UFO in the sky over Williamsburg, Brooklyn was jammed on camera Sunday night.
Phil DePaolo was walking his dog about 11 p.m. after he saw the murky object. He pleasing to get a decipher end product at the UFO so he went pied-?-terre and grabbed his video camera ever since he doesn't own binoculars.
He at the end of the day started CD. His video shows the shrewd, sporadic light anxious traditional high up in the sky. DePaolo says the lights were likewise strobing.
He invented a jiffy object came at home the shot at one robe.
"It was bounty attractive," DePaolo invented. "That's why I was engaged by it."
DePaolo says he has lived in the part the same as 1979 and has never seen suchlike like it until that time.
"Represent were a lot of stars out. It was a very clear night," DePaolo invented. He spread that he didn't no-win situation any wrangle from the object.
DePaolo says he went seat to upload reliable of the video, went frosty 15 proceedings succeeding to cartridge finer footage, but the object was subsequently.
"I don't organization it was a flying saucer, but it was no matter which," DePaolo says.
DePaolo runs the New York Cooperative Construction, a municipality workers that does advocacy work with a leg on each side of New York City.
UFO Patronizing Brooklyn?:
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