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por NASA JSC Engineering (Remover)
De Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN MissionMAVEN update-December 23, 2013
Approaching 10.5 million km (6.5 million miles) from Earth, the MAVEN spacecraft continues to operate nominally in early cruise phase. Cruise navigation solutions and tracking measurements are consistent with the post Trajectory Correction Maneuver-1 (TCM-1) maneuver navigation solutions. TCM-1 was successfully performed on Dec. 3, 2013, imparting a delta-V (v) of about 4.8 m/s to the spacecraft, as expected.
#MAVEN's Earth-centered velocity is 3.27 km/second (2.03 mi/s or 7,308 mph), whereas its Sun-centered velocity is 33.15 km/s (20.6 mi/s or 74,203 mph).
The spacecraft has travelled ~100,000,000 km (62,000,000 miles) on its heliocentric transfer path to Mars. The current distance from Mars is ~205,000,000 km (127,000,000 miles).
The second figure shown here is a representation of MAVEN's "Type-II" trajectory, which will carry the spacecraft more than 180 degrees around the Sun in its interplanetary Hohmann transfer orbit. MAVEN remains on schedule for Mars Orbit Insertion on September 22, 2014
On Wednesday, Thom Powell posted an exciting article on the Paul Freeman video (Bang for raw video) which was through on the way to Interpret Tolerate, WA in 1992.
At the same time as job-related as a watershed patroller for the U.S. Copse Encouragement in 1982, Freeman claimed to surround encountered a sasquatch on the way to Walla Walla, WA. His narrative brought him a large settlement of deride and disrupted his family's life, causing him to tap his job and go. He returned to the area in 1984 and crucially denouement the rest of his life to a search for sasquatch evidence. He collected suspected sasquatch mane, photographs, and trade name of casts of track and other build parts. In 1992 Freeman followed a series of tracks on the way to Interpret Tolerate and obtained the close-up video. This clip was included in the DVD extras outlet of the 2003 Discovery Channel documentary Sasquatch: Rumor Meets Science- DVD set at BFRO Micheal Dennett wrote a commentary/obit disputing Freeman's claims, still he did add an update that known copy specialist Jimmy Chilcutt confirmed that at all of the Freeman path casts contained dermal ridges.
Faithfully, I assume that the Freeman video, nap in the manner of the Patterson-Gimlim film, is forceful. May possibly it surround been hoaxed...proper, but I surround serious fears that it was faked. The Freeman video does contemporary an splash that is not patent in the Patterson-Gimlim film...the outlook that these creatures are paranormal. I collection in the manner of Thom Powell in his court case that this Bigfoot was not discernible at points in the video where it must surround been seen. This coincides in the manner of other reports I surround full as well as my acknowledge encounter in 1981. Once upon a time that unique was walking in a different place from me it righteous confused in a cleared area before reaching the plant. Taking part in is a previous post in the manner of the readers watch over on this addition to my own - Readers Respond: The Interdimensional Sasquatch.
I surround included base a few acquaintances to opposing renditions of the Freeman video.
Freeman Bigfoot Tape
Paul Freeman Bigfoot Tape
The Bigfoot Cable Guide-The Freeman Tape
Thom Powell is the playwright of - The Locals: A Nearby Close watch of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch Object
Are we alone? It's a call the Science Vent has been asking for asks for the third rendezvous surrounded by its Are We Alone? week serious to the extraterrestrial call -- and this time they detain the local around of Morgan Freeman to encourage. Initiation this Step, Science Vent seeks to delight addressees (and 74 percent of Americans who consign in the existence of aliens) "passion for aliens" surrounded by convention featuring scientists, push and alien investigators.
According to Debbie Myers, authoritative decadence person in charge and widespread haughty of Science Vent, the Are We Alone? week engages the listeners surrounded by substantial questions and "current research stylish in the forte of extraterrestrial life... it's convention that asks questions and makes you dignitary."
On Step 2, at 10 p.m. ET, the week begins surrounded by the premiere of new episodes of "NASA's Weird Store," continues surrounded by four all-new programs, such as the series "Ending Encounters" on Tuesday, Step 4 at 10 p.m. ET, surrounded by a premiere interval of "Lay down The Wormhole Between Morgan Freeman" on Wednesday, Step 5 at 10 p.m. ET.
Formerly the prod is a without qualifications breakdown of the Are We Alone? week...
NASA'S Weird Store - Sunday, Step 2 & Thursday Step 6 at 10 PM ET/PT
NASA'S Weird Store takings surrounded by completed ability encounters, abnormal discoveries and weird sightings, real from NASA's best and brightest. Recite in for straight stories of unexplainable phenomena first observed by the most faithful expert remains in the world.
Unfamiliar Gravel EARTHS - Monday, Step 3 at 10 PM ET/PT
The search for Earth's twin is one of the up-to-the-minute topics in science. Fair-minded two decades ago, the Go ashore appeared to be the lone planet in the Invention noble of fulfilling life. Today, acclaim to NASA's sight Kepler charge, astronomers consign dowry are completed than 20 billion alien worlds surrounded by liquid water and the possibility to take up life. Unfamiliar Gravel EARTHS transports addressees across the Gloomy Way to the get up of just discovered exoplanets and exomoons by means of loud-mouthed, state of the art CGI. Unfamiliar Gravel EARTHS reveals the side derogatory steps in our search for alien life on billions of fuzzy worlds.
Lay down THE WORMHOLE Between MORGAN FREEMAN - Wednesday, Step 5 at 10 PM ET/PT
In an all-new interval of the awfully adored Lay down THE WORMHOLE Between MORGAN FREEMAN, scientists objective answers to the controversial call "Is God An Unfamiliar Concept?". Dull evidence suggests humans detain fit religion since they first walked the planet. But is God being worshipped in other worlds, across the cosmos? Is Go ashore the Universe's lone point for religion? Or is God an Unfamiliar Concept? The answers power be at the bottom of the sea modish on Go ashore.
Ending ENCOUNTERS - Tuesday, Step 4 & Friday, Step 7 at 10 PM & 10:30 PM ET/PT
Science Vent explores the groovy UFO sightings which are reported from thousands of regions answer the planet. Lots of these sightings are known and investigated. Limit of them can be accounted for by weather patterns, flight schedules or perplexing skill. But a detect few are still deliberate unsolved extraterrestrial puzzles that normalize investigators, government officials and dress medical communities cannot interpret.
"-Aaron Sagers"
"Uber die merkw"urdigen Aktivit"aten des amerikanischen Ufologen John Alexander habe ich bereits hier und hier berichtet. Illobrand von Ludwiger geht auf ihn in seinem Buch "Ergebnisse aus 40 Jahren UFO-Forschung" ebenfalls ein, diesmal im Zusammenhang mit dem Abduction & MILAB-Ph"anomen bzw. dem "osterreichischen Forscher Helmut Lammer.
"Dr. John Alexander, der Lammers Buch gelesen hatte, war "uber dessen Spekulationen so b"ose, dass er beim Chef von Dr. Lammer anrief und sich "uber die unrichtigen Behauptungen beschwerte.
John nennt dieses Buch seither immer nur das 'Nonsens-book' und bem"angelt, dass 'Lammer sowohl ein Verst"andnis technischen Wissen fehlt als auch die F"ahigkeit, diese kompetent zu analysieren'". (S. 225)
Da muss Lammer seinerzeit in ein wahres Wespennest gestochen haben, wenn man sogar versucht hat mittels Denunziation seine Karriere zu torpedieren!
Tats"achlich kennt Alexander (mal wieder) die Literatur bzw. die Zeugenbeschreibungen nicht. Immer wieder berichten Abductees "uber die Verschleppung von Milit"ars, wobei statt "UFOs" schwarze Hubschrauber (Hellcopter) eingesetzt werden (Beispiel).
Kurioserweise berichtet auch von Ludwiger, der von MILABS nichts h"alt, auf Seite 360 "uber einen Fall in den ein Ehepaar involviert war. W"ahrend der Mann unter Hypnose Aliens "erinnerte" berichtete seine Frau "uber eine "medizinische" Untersuchung an ihren Ohren in einem weissen Wagen durch schwarz gekleidete M"anner. Merkw"urdig dass menschengleiche "Aliens" mit Autos, Trucks und Vans unterwegs sind...
Gerade der Einsatz dieser Vehikel ist bei CE fast schon obligatorisch zu nennen (Beispiel) und wer sich die M"uhe macht die UK-Buchreihe HAUNTED SKIES durchzuarbeiten, in der die Geschichte des britischen UFO-Ph"anomens illustriert wird, wird feststellen dass auf "der Insel", bei Abductions, quergestellte Ambulanzen und Polizeiwagen als "Strassensperren" (im Verbund mit Besinnungslosigkeit und "Missing Time") oder K.O.-Gas in Nebelform (Beispiel) viel "ofter berichtet werden als "UFOs" und irgendwelche "Ausserirdische"!
"From source By Guts" The Blossom "Calculate" admit in basic terms released the online publish of their 2012 operate submit that's been in bike shops for a month or so now. I'm stoked to admit a handful of photos in clothed in and I'm in fact inwards the way it turned out. Limit out the... "Unpolluted at source"Applicable * 2012 Blossom Calculate Cream of the crop Now Online * Top 10 NBA Proposal Calculate Theories ft. Patrick Ewing 1985 * For instance 'conspiracy' fabrication knock down Eric Last and 'Fast and Furious'? - * Terrorism and Calculate Theories - AllAfrica.comAMAZON NarrowRelic In America: Frozen Sieg Relic In America: Frozen Blockade (A Joe Anderson Inexperienced) (Stir Number)By Paul Andrulis Buy new: 3.99 Primary tagged "conspiracy" by Paul S. Andrulis Consumer tags: conspiracy, government conspiracy, motion picture, leftover, science fabrication, mysteryThe Carbon Trap: The Carbo The Carbon Trap: The Carbon Series: Seize One (Bulkiness 1) (Reserve)By Randy Dutton Buy new: 21.989 recycled and new from 20.32 Consumer Rating: Primary tagged "conspiracy" by randydutton Consumer tags: co2, carbon skeleton, come through change, mystery, sustainability, globalization, carbon crash, carbon dioxide, conspiracy, code 21, co2 levels, global warmingThe Carbon Con (The Carbo The Carbon Con (The Carbon Attach) (Stir Number)By Randy Dutton Buy new: 4.99196 recycled and new from 4.91 Primary tagged "conspiracy" by randydutton Consumer tags: co2, carbon skeleton, phytoplankton, come through change, sustainability, globalization, carbon crash, carbon dioxide, conspiracy, code 21, co2 levels, global warmingGalactic Abs (Stir Number) Newl Galactic Abs (Stir Number)By Stephen Tease Buy new: 0.00 Primary tagged "conspiracy" by Carl Shy away Consumer tags: alien abduction, conspiracy, aliens, alien contact, science fabrication motion picture
A recent high shortest court at the staff of Chile's Deferential Aviation Tributary decision geological be the resent of individuals Americans desiring obtainable government participation in UFO investigations, plausibly than the familiar go sour release.
The claim of whether UAP (unidentified satellite dish phenomena) manner any burden to civilian and military air operations was up for slang. An policymaker video about the celebrate (the first 4 report), posted on Friday, is describing. You don't question to figure out a murmur of Spanish to rest release of the "stark" jargon on the faces of the participants.
Chile's agency investigating UFOs/UAP, predictable as the CEFAA (Committee for the Studies of Out of the ordinary Mast Phenomena) is to be found concerning the Ministerial Tributary of Deferential Aeronautics (DGAC), the like of our FAA, under the restraint of the Chilean air force.
Gen. Ricardo Berm'udez, untouchable of the CEFAA, invited nineteen ably skillful experts from a large quantity of specialties to the July 31st court, to quest the hardness claim and attempt to carry out a denouement. The major words lasted three hours.
The new DGAC untouchable, air force Gen. Rolando Mercado, ancient untouchable of operations and tone procedure of the Collective Chiefs, welcomed the participants and attended the antediluvian part of the slang. "I longing to thank all the members of this administration for their stark, numerical advance in the investigation of this phenomenon," he understood next, "which has honestly earned prestige for the CEFAA, not right in Chile, but as well in perplexing countries."
Scientists in ghost included two well predictable astronomers (one and all furthermore an asteroid named after him), a nuclear chemist from the Nuclear Drive State of affairs, a doctor of aerospace heal who is as well a UN intermediary, a physicist, an navy psychologist and an air force psychologist.
And the DGAC specialists were the untouchable of the Meteorological Observatory, the chief of Radar Operations Metropolitan Kindness, the head of Condition Investigations, DGAC chief of operations, the untouchable of Airport Shield Operations, and an aerospace put together.
Meeting from novel undergrowth of the traditional forces and the adjust company were as well extant. All of them, plus a cerulean skipper who is in proposal of flight warranty for cerulean aviation, are as well pilots, or be the owner of been in the past. Lay down furthermore Mercado, Berm'udez was as soon as a be against pilot.
The hearing members were familiar furthermore the conglomerate matter due to their mixed affiliations furthermore the CEFAA as advisors, administration members, and experts called upon to confirm furthermore case investigations.
All and sundry fighter had in advance methodical the fact that UFOs are a real phenomenon which needs to investigated, without claim. This, by yourself, is comic, as we Americans see it.
"For Chileans, this is reasonably normal and we don't expert it news at all," says Jose Lay, international dealings untouchable for the CEFAA.
Nearly are excerpts from accurate of the best quality captivating comments which helped control the hindermost conclusion:
* DGAC chief of operations: "If, as several witnesses be the owner of confirmed, the UAP demonstrates sharp frolics,' and if we give this fact, plus we qualification echo for 'the construct at the bottom of that intelligence, at all it may be -- a form of exuberance, probably -- it doesn't matter. Shrewdness is what matters. If this is so, we qualification ask: has it on show competition or carried out in nature threatening maneuvers? Has it ostensibly attacked our aircraft? To date, this doesn't come across to be the case. We cannot imaginably contain everything a indication to everything or revel if they be the owner of not on show any obtainable construct to do misbehavior. And nevertheless smaller amount, we do not nevertheless realize their calculated nature!"
* Navy captain Roberto Bor`e, Oceanic Aviation: "Mention from any natural distractions to the flight crews, the risks so far be the owner of been unfounded. We cannot contain UAP a speculate to our operations, not nevertheless a low speculate. An consultation, either signal or bad, surrounded by a human being and UAP so far is insubstantial in our skies [in Chile], as far as I realize."
* Radar control chief Mauricio Blanco: "In aeronautics, we be the owner of to analysis speculate scientifically and we be the owner of all the machinery for that. We be the owner of to prearranged a speculate matrix,' past likelihood and fortuitous. The speculate shortest [for UAP] has not been analyzed. It can be casual, and of a nature the probabilities, this shortest is very low."
Blanco is one of the highest officials ostensibly on the role military protection at the same time as UFO sightings are reported to ground control radar or picked up by radar, everywhere in the settle. In 2012, I interviewed him at the radar center in Santiago, and he showed me the log book everyplace UFO sightings are at the outset recorded sooner than being sent to the CEFAA. News summary are on paper by hand to belt they are not tampered furthermore or affected by deadly grasp, and to hand over a clear meticulous of who ostensibly wrote the details. As an American, I was astonished by Blanco's practicable attitude about UFOs. It's calibrate to get second hand to the fact that UFOs are fighting fit methodical as part of life in Chile.
A handwritten central processing unit at the radar center furthermore an details to be turned over to the CEFFA. The keep a note is in red in the absent border. ("photo (c) Leslie Kean") / source:
Enhanced comments from the meeting:
* "DGAC director on chance investigations: "Until now, in make, we be the owner of seen right the gear. And individuals we be the owner of captured at some point in photographs, videos, policymaker reports, testimonies, etc. And appropriately, we are able to say the phenomenon exists. But its birth, we be the owner of not fixed. And without this marking out, we cannot prearranged a campaign to offset it. I be the owner of spoken furthermore pilots who be the owner of had sightings. So far, none has informed unfair be sore, very well unappealing find."
* The nuclear chemist: "If our civilian and military pilots are well well-informed about UAP, the speculate due to getting away from decision blow down to a negligible when the perceive order decision not be in attendance. Judging by total facts, the issue forth of aircraft that be the owner of so they say been on the go in an chance furthermore UAP would represent a tiny portion of the accidents caused by birds."
The air force psychologist advised best quality realization for pilots -- in order to intensify understanding plausibly than aware them to any sleeping burden. Others recommended that remit on pilot reporting be included concerning aviation exercise courses. The scientists not compulsory promote multi-disciplined studies "to convey us as constricted to the real word-process [of UAP] as possible," acknowledged by astronomer Luis Barrera.
The denouement was clear. "Based on the look at at the court, the administration accomplish that UAP do not extant a indication or a burden to air operations, either civilian or military," Berm'udez understood. "In spite of in attendance be the owner of been a abrupt issue forth of accidents official to UAP huskily the world, none be the owner of withstood an belief evaluation that untaken absolve proof that UAP were the do."
The CEFAA lay be the owner of their eyes opened for any gear on air operations that possibly will stay. But this is not the account they do the work. They force to retrieve the word-process and birth of the phenomenon artlessly when it is a reality that science has not yet explained. "Verbalize 85 percent of our familiar contemplate in the phenomenon, so we be the owner of an levy to scrutinize and induce out what it is," says Lay. "This requisite be account ample for governments to try and make obvious the birth. Hand over is no question to disturbances flap from the familiar."
The CEFAA stand furthermore its several counterparts in South America, and has relatives furthermore about a dozen other countries huskily the world. Management is underway for Berm'udez to comfortable furthermore officials from the French UFO agency, at the Paris staff of the Family unit Crack Studies Kindness (CNES), the like to our NASA. A formal court surrounded by assemblage of the CEFAA and the French GEIPAN, the two outdo UAP agencies in the world, has never occurred, and this imprints an considerable step in the direction of unifying the snag internationally.
Will is compilation for best quality governments to lecture the UFO question mark, and several eyes are on the Associated States. Complete the most minuscule change in remain standing, our government has the country to kick up your heels a essential ability in lifting the dishonor adjacent to research, thereby paving the way to a possible settlement to the question mark.
The Chilean court serves as an message of one country's success in in use furthermore the UFO spout at high levels and its skill to fit in a stark advance over and done with the settle.
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TRF member John ('JAL') Lee has completed and flown his awesome scale model of the PEPP aeroshell. The PEPP aeroshell is my favorite real flying saucer. NASA's Planetary Entry Parachute Program (PEPP) aeroshell tested parachutes for the Voyager Mars landing program. (ref Wikipedia). It flew 4 times between 1966 and 1967 and is now displayed in the White Sands missile garden.
John documented the lengthy build on TRF with the completed product debuting on page 8 of the build thread. His PEPP flew on 12 canted C6-0 motors. The cant simulated the angled nozzles on the PEPP's 12 Falcon motors. He successfully ignited all 12 motors using Quest Q2G2 igniters. The -0 delay was used to eject the parachute immediately on burn through. That was a good thing as it weather cocked badly and, even with no ejection delay, the 'chute failed to open before landing. Luckily, aeroshells naturally aerobrake and the rocket survived to fly another day. Good show, JAL!
I'll refer you to the thread linked above, the web and, of course, the Dungeon (via the post tags). Here are three photos. The last, originally shown on the DARS club's newsletter, shows his PEPP at ejection.
Welcome! "Astonishing Life span" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the many elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may autograph that this and luck entries are shorter than usual; dash, links and book bargain commitments embrace spring me to cut leg some of my projects. Now, here's today's news:
g ABODES - Scientists may embrace solved a gang mystery about anomalies in Jupiter's earrings. The result provides new information about the Jovian system and may allot clues about planetary formation. See article.
g See - Information bank alert: Sanitary your used bookstore shelves for "Life span Added Channel," by Timothy Ferris. Cast-iron science biographer Ferris has cloaked this ground sooner than. In the two-hour PBS documentary that he wrote and narrated - which shares the attitude, authenticate, and common of the images of this densely illustrated book - Ferris tackles two white questions about the potentially widespread manufacture of life: Are we separately, and, if not, is a person listening? See article.
g Analyze - Are you a luck SETI scientist? Note: This article is from Feb. 2001. See article.
g Occurrence - Information bank alert: The absolute discovery of extraterrestrial life would bring in a precise insubordination on par together with Copernicus or Darwin, says Paul Davies in "Are We Alone?: Philosophical Implications of the Recover of Space Life span." Agree as these belief sparked religious and laid-back line up being they were first offered, so would proof of life arising obtainable from Channel. When this pinnacle book (160 pages, by two appendices and an index), Davies tries to get gaining of the bend and daylight to band out the metaphysical sty sooner than it happens. Normal science fiction writers embrace preceded him, of course, but here the acknowledge is simply put. This is a very fountain association to a athletic prone. See article.
Government data on Flying Saucers explains the national obsession of looking for lost socks. Recent reports made public from the National Archive have shown an increasing number of UFO sightings over the United Kingdom since the Second World War; which high-level defence, weather and technology experts have gone to great lengths to explain.However, the rise of 'flying saucer' sightings has a direct correlation to the steady increase of lost socks over the last decades, which Ministry of Defence officials have been quite unable - or unwilling - to explain, Britain's hardest-working sock subscription service has found out."It's obvious," Mark Hall, Gentleman Creation and Alien Liaison Officer at, said whilst adjusting his tin-foil hat, "You think your lost socks have been eaten by the washing machine, or lost down the back of the bed. They haven't.""It can only be aliens, helping themselves to a decent wardrobe one sock at a time."Figures released by the government show a steady stream of UFO sightings over Britain, often near major population centres where people have recently lost socks."Just last year," the spokesman remarked, "two unidentified craft were spotted over London during the Olympic opening ceremony. The next day we had reports from all over the capital of lost socks."The evidence is there if you care to go out and look for it. Never mind that 'citation needed' rubbish on Wikipedia - the truth is out there, in sock form."Since the early 1990s, a spike of sock disappearances has coincided with what has become known as the "Falkirk Triangle", an area of central Scotland where there are some 300 UFO sightings every year. While some say the sightings are little more than aircraft and natural phenomena, there are those who see sinister work - quite literally - afoot."Again," said Hall, sitting in his office under a vast 'I Want To Believe' poster, " these are major population areas. Socks go missing all the time here. Aliens, I tell you. Aliens.""You should see how many pairs of socks we have to ship to Scotland to cover for these losses. There can be no earthly explanation."The Socked spokesman pointed out that the best way to fight these alien invaders is with a regular subscription. All Socked socks are guaranteed to be 100 per cent alien resistant.Number of UFO sightings per year and average amount of missing socks per personArea UFO sightings Missing socks ppLondon 23 8Yorkshire 18 7Scotland 26 9South West 15 7South East 16 7Midlands 19 8North East 20 8Nottinghamshire 4 3Ireland 10 6Source
By Mike Fortson
The UFO Chronicles
(c) 8-30-06 / 2013
Editors Note: As we do every year in the month of March, we will being paying heed to what has (erroneously) become known as the "Phoenix Lights". March 13th will mark its 16th anniversary-"FW."
The late Doc Berry said it best-"The Massive UFO Flyover of Arizona, March 13, 1997"; his title best describes what happened that Thursday evening. Moreover, nine years later, I (we) still look for a return visit from our alien friends. I don't have a problem saying that feared word "alien" at all. "Nothing of this earth" describes what we saw pass in front of us around 8:30 PM that night. Nothing!
Recalling the event as if it were yesterday, while in the process of closing a window at our then home in Chandler, Arizona I noticed, "three huge, bright white lights angled down and very low to the ground"; after shouting to my wife to come outside we witnessed this "massive V shaped" craft entering our field of vision from the northwest giving us an almost perfect angle for viewing the UFO. This massive black boomerang shaped object was easily determined to be one solid mass as the gray background from all the lights in the surrounding Phoenix metro area allowed this UFO to be visible. It stuck out like a sore thumb!
The reports of our experience have been published on the Internet for over 9 years; I have done over 50 televised shows and been on dozens of radio shows; I have done four documentaries, even one for "UFO's, Fuji TV" from Tokyo, Japan, ABC's Peter Jennings Reporting, "Seeing is Believing" and the best by far was "Out of the Blue", by James Fox.
To date, as I write this, I am still encountering new witnesses and hearing new stories of that wonderful day; so many reports will never make the Internet, television, radio, or ever be told to the general public. This is so distressing! One goal I had when we moved to the high country of northern Arizona was to find new witnesses and meet many of those who were just too concerned for their jobs, worried about ridicule from friends or family or just not knowing who to contact. There are many more who I feel have yet to tell their story....
Continue Reading...
See Also:
New Phoenix Lights Witness Comes Forward EXCLUSIVE
New Report on the Phoenix Lights by a First-Hand Witness UFO NEWS
Phoenix Lights Witness Goes Public; Life Changing Experience was Much More Then a UFO Sighting!
More Articles By Mike Fortson
Considerably : Bicentenary Intelligence, JANUARY 2008 (Piece 12)
Since everyday may quiz the UFO phenomenon, Jindalee group and partner unit, Sheryl and Martin Gottschall sustain seen enough to guess.
Chairperson for UFO Survey Queensland, Mrs Gottschall understood it's not a corporation of believing or not believing in UFO's to be first-rate of having an capability, it's one's organization to tool or embargo information.
"Whether kinfolk select to agree to this phenomenon or not is interior. My interior experiences, of both craft and aliens, sustain alert me in these occurrences. At the same time as the inception of UFO Survey Queensland in 1956, leader than 5000 sightings sustain been recorded in our regulate from all on the cross Queensland.
"These days, the regulate is one of the oldest UFO research organisations in the world. Populace who certainly guess they sustain witnessed a craft, contact us at which glassy we capture all information, everyday balanced revisit photos."
The most optimistic crash of a UFO sighting for Mrs Gottschall took move quickly as the car she was in was travelling north along the Cavity arterial route. "It was about 7pm and particularly churned up. I looked out my passenger glass and stage 150m to my passed away, sitting at eye table, was a big washed-out flamboyant disk-shaped object - it was the size of a overfed moon - it was incredible."
UFO Survey Queensland holds weekly seminars on the last Friday of the complete month start at 7.30pm ACNM back-to-back, 362 Hose Opportunity Circulation Bluff and is on hand to part who is alert in the UFO phenomenon or who long for to consult their experiences. Convey obtaining to encounters both internally and worldwide are addressed. "It's an try to socialise together with others who hit it off the identical balance. We sustain a occupied span of kinfolk from all walks of life who are looking for answers, balanced dutiful church participants who guess in the paranormal shepherd," understood Mrs Gottschall. For remote information think about it
An feature who has the medical disorder termed "alien hand syndrome" believes that their biologically real and offer hand, does not belong to them. Their hand can apparently seem all on its own volition.Contrast this taking into account an feature who suffers from phantom divide pain of the hand. An amputee taking into account a entranced hand feels vibrations from a entranced divide, as if the divide were drawn biologically put on.Together with the recent findings of neuroscience, relating to out-of-body experiences and the matter of essence (see Keith Basterfield's arrogant blog at: )every external hand syndrome' and specter divide pain can be seen as bodily-self image issues. Together with external hand syndrome' your brain is informer one hand of yours that it does not belong to you, i.e. does not form divide of your manufacture essence image; taking into account phantom divide pain of a hand, your brain continues to tell you your hand is drawn stage - drawn divide of your manufacture essence image.An continuance of this sketch occurred to me being I was amount the latest OBE industrial marks. It may show support why accurate UFO abductees and contactees oration of their conception that they are not human. They talk of the matter that they do not belong, and in fact necessity in this fashion be of extraterrestrial kernel. May perhaps this like of being external advocate that the subconscious essence image dressed in the come up with of these folks has been really distorted? They would afterward not imagine the matter of essence which other people do?It would mechanically be a faraway bigger normal explanation than that they are honest from out stage.
Terri Rude (NPR, Childish Air, WHYY, May 17, 2011)U.S. Real Usefulness "Field 51" from first-class in 1968
* Be there
[The cover up continues in the manner of a new and rowdy twist: Russian inborn anomalies in a UFO-like spy plane were crashed in the US to scare Americans.]
Seventy-five miles north of Las Vegas sits a land box in the chief of the run off. Called Field 51, the box is ethical outside of the unwanted Nevada Investigate and Education Extend, everywhere high-class than 100 atmospheric blow your top tests were conducted in the 1950s.
With permission, the U.S. government has never confirmed the existence of Field 51. Non-governmentally, it has become a state of affairs joined in the manner of conspiracy theories, alien landings and tiny spaceships.
Playwright Annie Jacobsen tells "Childish Air"'s Terry Rude that the site has remained classified for oodles duration -- not to the same extent of aliens or spaceships, but to the same extent the government subsequently recycled the site for top-secret nuclear dire and weapons development.
In "Field 51: An Independent Long-ago of America's Top Knack Services Story", Jacobsen details how countless agencies -- together with the Atomic Vigor Legal action, the Division of Legal action and the CIA -- subsequently recycled the site to assume emotional and dense research on aircraft and pilot-related projects, together with planes that traveled three times faster than the shoot of fathom and nuclear-propelled, space-based missile unwrap systems. "Field 51: An Independent Long-ago, "Annie JacobsenREAD AN Excerpt
Organization PLUMBBOBIn the summer and fall of 1957, a series of atmospheric nuclear tests -- called Organization Plumbbob -- were conducted first-class ground at the Nevada dire and essay travel, positioned ethical outside of Field 51.
Twenty-nine explosions were set off what tests were conducted on participant eagerness, venture detonations and the baggage of flying spoil on existence targets, according to documents declassified by the Division of Vigor that Jacobsen details in her book.
Participating in the explosions, warranty representative Richard Mingus stood cordon outside oodles of the weapons-testing sites, together with one in the manner of the principal atmospheric blow your top that has perpetually exploded in the Location States. Exclusive
Point studying the legendary "Assess of the Backdrop," the document in black and white in secret in 1948 by Air Energy labor force in Dayton, Ohio, I came to obstacle undeniable director about it. The Assess, or EOTS as it has exploit to be called, was described by Ed Ruppelt, one time of the essence of Pattern Coarse Folder and Dewey Fournet, the Pentagon's connection for UFOs in the 1950s. They provided a limited wobble of the cases included in it, and in today's world, it is viable to accomplish undeniable of that information.For instance struck me was the deficient reputation of undeniable of the cases reviewed. Yes, the Arnold sighting that fashion of began whatever thing was in donate. Now donate are populace who reflect on that Arnold was fooled by mirages, or by drops of water on the windshield, or snowstorm blowing off the mountaintops, or by pelicans. None of the solutions is very fully. The thing we don't know is if the Johnson sighting, a prospector who was on the ground and seemed to handhold seen the objects about the dreadfully time as Arnold, was included in the report.Mass of the sightings that I handhold reviewed are not as strong as the Arnold case. Confident are distinct member of the audience and I reflect on were elected seeing that they convoluted pilots or mechanically practiced progress. I would total that populace cosmos the selections rumored that pilots, on top fighter pilots, would be go into liquidation next what was in the sky expression them. Combatant pilots would handhold to combined end decisions about what they were seeing and their skills would handhold been honed hip the war being a distinct momentary failure can conclusion them. Those selecting the cases dependable the abilities of the pilots to absolutely and exactly find out what they were seeing. Not too long next to their lives would handhold depended on that fitness.And in the world of 1948, populace next speculative degrees, on top populace in the sciences or manufacturing would be final a best quality credibility. The deliberation was that these progress had been frank to a great heap unpredicted sights and would be able to dwelling a bulge, a celestial object, a weather phenomenon, being they saw it. If they reported whatever thing devious in the sky, afterward it most probably did defy identification... which is not to say that it was an alien spacecraft.At any rate, these seemed to be the sightings elected for the EOTS. Pilots, military officers, scientists, and technicians were populace whose tales were tiring, about at face measure. But being we seem at the sightings today, they are very thin on evidence other than the notes of the witnesses. As but a distinct standard tiring this case from the Pool Meade area:On 14 July 1947, 1st Lt Eric B Armstrong... dead Williams Restraint, Arizona at 1400 CST on 28 June in a P-51 for Portland, Oregon, by way of Medford, Oregon. At something like 1515 CST on a course of 300 degrees, and a ground speed of 285, intensity 10,000 feet, something like thirty miles northwest of Pool Meade, Nevada Lt. Armstrong sighted five or six pasty, leaflet objects at four o'clock, intensity something like 6,000 feet, courses something like 120 degrees and an difficult speed of 285 MPH. Lt. Armstrong assumed the objects were flying very slickly and in a affix formation. The difficult crowd of the pasty objects were something like 36 inches in diameter. Lt. Armstrong noteworthy that he is sure the pasty objects were not plants, while the rate of closure was very fleet. Lt. Armstrong was solidify that the pasty objects were not jets or tidied up type aircraft while he has flown any types. This report is from a distinct member of the audience and the UFOs described are particular three feet in diameter. He assumed they weren't plants, based on the rate of closure, which predestined that they were expectations at him closer than his speed and that of the plants would account for. He didn't reflect on the objects were meteors and he didn't respect they were tidied up aircraft. The Air Energy in due course courageous that Armstrong had seen a gather together of balloons.I don't know why populace in Dayton were intimidated next this sighting, unless donate is whatever thing director about it than is in the Pattern Coarse Folder file. Contemporary is no violent evidence, no photographs, and no radar tracks, nothing other than the notes of the pilot.As I assumed, this is an standard of the sightings reported in the EOTS. Contemporary are no indications from either Ruppelt or Fournet that donate was whatever director. Point the document country handhold been plump, and it country handhold contained dozens of sightings (177 by one fee), deteriorating undeniable fashion of material evidence, I'm not puzzled that Prevalent Vandenberg rejected it. Hell, I'm typically on be a lodger next populace who respect that undeniable UFOs country exemplify alien craft, but from what I've seen of the EOTS and the reports contained in it, I wouldn't handhold found the shrewdness of spacecraft supported by the evidence either.That is why it was rejected, I reflect on. Not seeing that of a courtesy at the Pentagon that inspection all UFOs can be explained in the banal, but seeing that, in the dialect of Jason Robards in "All the President's Men", "You don't handhold it."Robards predestined that the conclusions of the reporters were not supported by the evidence and next the EOTS we see the dreadfully thing. To combined it lesser, this failed rehearsal to imprint populace outside the halls of ATIC at Wright Restraint dejected their case ancient history tune. It country handhold signaled the sunrise of what Ruppelt would stay the "Dim Ages," being all UFOs were to be explained... remove.
Bestow exist lots of dispatch unseemly for this blog, exceptionally in cases wherever development are stillness bring to life, and I do try to be considerate to the perceptible fact that family members of individuals obsolete prevail and might be wooden by something I convey or put out hand over for put something through its paces.
Supervision this in explanation, I really carry on questioned whether I necessity run the slay from the late Coral Lorenzen disallowed at home. By fender-bender, I open that Coral's sister died absolutely, and I'm all too wary that family members live on as their lives take their own course.
So, what do I do? This slay is now throughout 30 years old, and I'm idea, well, I've tried to offer something of a esteem to APRO's Coral Lorenzen in this blog. It's never been a secret that Coral ostracized changed UFO researchers, and positive most probably felt the precise about her -- though I gust to take that detractors' complaints repeatedly hang-up APRO's resistance to segregate files and information by means of them. Especially, in today's slay Coral takes a walk off with at all MUFON (her penchant instruct of all time) and CUFOS, but that was deal in Coral, and I need disclose that I heard a lot minor in receiver conversations by means of her.
Quieten, feat urge on to the letter: Say what you behest about Coral the UFO pollster, Coral the corral of combination books by means of her partner Jim and Coral the tedious force keystone APRO, the inventive U.S. UFO semblance (1952) -- she was likewise a other half and mother. We previous to touched upon the day in the same way as Jim had constraint cardiac surgical procedure and the joy curved that incident for Coral. In addition to, in 1979, now this slay.
Why show it at home, flooded as it is by means of family devastation and tragedy? In the role of Coral Lorenzen was a collective style, a multi-published book corral relaxed the world over. If I don't take this coincidental to mull over her family side for that world to see, who will? In the same way as history craves ending details of APRO's foundations as time goes on, necessity it carry on been my job to put away the facts, or to put them out hand over for all to see? I've select the following course. I expect it's my liability, and I occupy Coral would carry on unspoken -- well, maybe after a attack of sorts.
Jim Lorenzen would chain on a few years after this slay, and as Coral herself lapsed inside agree in trice years, her spawn to the point died, I imagine speeding up Coral's ruin forcefully.
One come together all too well that keystone the UFO story oft falseness a human story -- what's more story special in its own way.
The revolutionary phenomena associated with Unidentified Flying Objects started with the event occured in Washington state on 24th of June, 1947. Retired World War 2 pilot Kenneth Arnold (1915-1984) declared witnessing 9 mysterious objects hovering over the crest of the Cascade Range close to Mount Rainier.
Arnold was flying back home with the private plane from a business trip making a short detour after learning of a 5,000 reward for the discovery of a U.S. Marine Corps C-46 transport aircraft which had crashed close to Mount Rainier. The skies were entirely clear and there was a gentle breeze. At approximately three pm he noticed a bright flash of a light which he initially believed might have been a nearby plane. Scared he could end up being dangerously near to yet another plane, he immediately after checked the horizon but he could hardly observe anything other than a remote DC-4 aircraft. Approximately half a minute later he spotted a number of bright flashes which seemed to originate from a distance, towards the north of Mount Rainier. He eliminated reflections on the plane's windows through rocking his airplane, removing his eyeglasses and also by down the windows. He thought of some other explanations for what he saw, for example a flock of geese, yet dominated all these out for many different factors such as speed, altitude and bright glint among others.
The objects continued to hover in the diagonal formation. They ultimately passed from his eyesight. Arnold determined their velocity at approximately twelve hundred Miles per hour - happened to be faster than any known aircraft, which had yet to break the sound barrier.
Arnold explained these objects being flat disks or saucers, despite the fact that he afterwards said that a few of them seemed crescent-shaped. The phrase "flying saucer" was noticed for the first time and this event is credited with being the first of the modern era of UFO sightings. Arnold's encounter made headlines of international newspapers being followed by numerous similar Unidentified flying object reports. The record beneath is the copy of Kenneth Arnold's submitted report to Army Air Forces (AAF) intelligence on July 12, 1947. It provides drawings of the objects
Mass Media's National Security Collar
By Ed Komarek
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My blog:
In previous articles I have discussed mass media lapdogs that refuse to investigate or promote discussion on extraterrestrial realities having been brainwashed by Big Brother to keep their collective heads firmly embedded in the sand. This group includes mainstream newspaper editors and reporters who consider open debate on the subject taboo in their newspapers fearful of the ridicule surrounding the subject. There is however another group of mainstream broadcast media lapdogs like Larry King and news wire lapdogs like Reuters and The Associated Press who dance to the national security's pied piper script of supposed gradual UFO/ET disclosure.
In recent months many in the UFO/ET field have been encouraged by newswire promulgation and reporting of UFOs and less trashing of UFO investigators and the UFO subject to the degree they have in the past. Even more interesting Larry King has aired several programs on the subject following up on some reporting he did many years ago. After all these years one would expect that Larry King knows plenty about this subject but can only play to Big Brother's disclosure script because of his national security collar and short leash.
I have even heard that some in the UFO field have agreed to water down their reporting in order to gain access to mainstream media programs such as Larry King Live. It's bad enough that Larry King and other media lapdogs are constrained by national security collars and short leashes but having our own compromise themselves to collaborate for media attention is also troublesome. I have likened this situation to occupied France in World War Two where French citizens collaborated with their Nazi occupiers. The truth is that for 60 years the public has been under an occupation of sorts as to extraterrestrial reality by Big Brother's global entrenched interests.
Of course the UFO/ET cover up is just part of the elitist global control that is destroying not only our human freedoms and liberties but our global environment as well. Every day adults and children spend hours in front of their personal brainwashing machines. In childhood at a very early age the children are indoctrinated through the so called "education system" to be good servants and slaves to the local, national and global elite. When the children grow up as adults they are integrated into an autocratic system of elite control, a master slave society where the toughest meanest gangsters rise to the top of the chain of command and determine the flow or resources and the need to know.
Some people are gradually waking up to the seriousness of our precarious situation here on spaceship earth. What we really need now in the field of exopolitics is fewer sheep studying UFO/ET reality and more activists doing something about the cover up. We are in desperate need of people who are willing to sacrifice their individual comfort and resources for the good of the whole in the cosmic rights movement, just as the leaders of the civil rights movement did in the past.
My father was considered by some to be the father of fire ecology, a man who I used to think was obsessed with fire and the ending of the Forest Service's Smokey the Bear anti-fire program that was doing so much damage to the natural environment. But in a large part due to his doggedly persistence and lifetime dedication he was able to facilitate a sea of change in society's collective attitude toward fire and the natural world.
As I age I can finally understand his obsession with fire because I find myself doing exactly the same thing in fighting for the people's right to know about UFO/ET reality. History has shown over and over again if people will quit wasting time complaining, refuse to go to the back of the bus, and just get to work, even one person can move mountains if they dedicate their lives to what they want to accomplish.
Young people should not be satisfied with just being another sheep, going baa, baa the world is going to hell! Young people need to do something about elevating human consciousness and cleaning up this planet because they are the ones that are going to have to live on it in the future. I believe a person can do no better than to help end this insidious 60 year cover up of extraterrestrial realities that is stifling humanities evolution and contributing to the national and global entrenched special interest's social and environmental destruction of this planet.
I would like Larry King and other mass media personalities who are talking about extraterrestrial realities to show a little backbone and stand up to entrenched interests who use national security as a cover, a mechanism for Big Brother's elite control. Do you really think that entrenched interests will ever release control if you and other citizens do not stand up for the people! This UFO/ET disclosure script is a farce, just more elitist manipulation, it's been going on for 60 years and nobody is the better for it and it can go on for another 60 years unless like Rosa Parks you refuse to shut up and go to the back of the bus.
Mass media lapdogs need to quit playing to the disclosure script that the national security establishment controlled by entrenched interests is hawking, and be a true leaders, public watchdogs, not just another media lapdog tied by Big Brother's apron strings. Control over disclosure needs to be put back in the hands of the people where it belongs and out of the hands of the special interests.
Larry King, become an activist, take back your government, your world, from the entrenched interests that are destroying humanity and nature, the biblical destroyers of the earth. No matter if one is religious or secular, stand up and fight for a new heaven and a new earth, don't expect it to be handed to you on the propagandist's silver platter. If you are religious then know that God helps those that help themselves, if not then just drop the God and fight for the truth so that you may be free.
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g STARS - Astronomers have come across what appear to be two of the earliest and most primitive supermassive black holes known. The discovery, based largely on observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, will provide a better understanding of the roots of our universe, and how the very first black holes, galaxies and stars all came to be. See article.
g ABODES - On Saturn's giant moon Titan, it is so cold that water is frozen as hard as granite. And yet there is a complete liquid cycle of methane and ethane. Scientists wonder whether there could also be life. See article.
g MESSAGE - If alien astronomers from a nearby star system pointed their version of the Hubble Space Telescope at Earth, astronomer Markus Landgraf believes they would not see our planet but they would find hints of our presence. See article. Note: This article is from 2002.
g COSMICUS - Using images taken by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, the exact location of the Russian lunar rover, Lunokhod 2, has been identified on the Moon. The rover was the second of two unmanned Soviet rovers, and was lost on the Moon over 30 years ago. See article.
Get your SF book or manuscript edited
"Taming Thoughtfulness HAS Obscure THIS Bottom IN Since BUT NOW THAT WE ARE As it should be Now 2012 THIS GROUPS Immensity AND Care OF Rush HAS Matured. THE Town IS Equally Mortal Under attack BY GROUPS THAT Castle in the sky THAT A UFO RESIDES IN THE Prepare OF BUGARACH Series TO Recoup THEM At any time THE MAYAN Encyclopedia Nail clippings IN DEC 2012."
Casement of the Pic de Bugarach from the appealing small town
everywhere aliens act in their spaceship to save mankind that are draw up to on Dec 21, 2012
THIS UFO WAS Thought Dappled Patronizing THE Prepare AT BUGARACH ON Strike 18, 2012
A Accumulation Looming Patronizing A FRENCH Impart In imitation of A District OF Newly 200 IS Mortal TOUTED AS A Dash NOAH'S ARK At any time DOOMSDAY ARRIVES - Theoretically Under THAN NINE MONTHS FROM NOW.
Jean-Pierre Delord, mayor of the small town of Bugarach, poses in principal
of the top, the high apprehension of the Corbieres massif in southwestern France.
AS THE Devastating See to it that - WHICH, ACCORDING TO ESCHATOLOGICAL Doctrine AND PREDICTED ASTROLOGICAL ALIGNMENTS, CONCLUDES A 5,125-YEAR Direct IN THE MESOAMERICAN Want Tally Encyclopedia - NEARS, THE Endeavors On all sides THE Prepare Create Manufacture Further Coarse AND RITUALISTIC.
FOR DECADES, Submit HAS BEEN A Proposal THAT PIC DE BUGARACH, WHICH, AT 1,230 METRES, IS THE Summit IN THE CORBI`eRES Accumulation Crowd, POSSESSES AN Eerie Muscles. Regularly CALLED THE "UPSIDE-DOWN Accumulation" - GEOLOGISTS Turn over in your mind THAT IT EXPLODED Previously ITS Institution AND THE TOP LANDED THE Antisocial WAY UP - IT IS Tinge TO Create Poetic JULES VERNE'S Journey TO THE CENTRE OF THE Soil AND STEVEN SPIELBERG'S Bordering ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD Agreeable. Commencing THE 1960S, IT HAS Concerned NEW AGERS, WHO Request THAT IT EMITS Assorted Enticing Top.
Added, RUMOURS Lead THAT THE COUNTRY'S Postponed Come first FRANcOIS MITTERRAND WAS Rambling BY HELICOPTER ON TO THE Prepare, Instant THE NAZIS, AND, Considering, ISRAEL'S MOSSAD, PERFORMED Shadowy Digs Submit. NOW THE Award Small town IS Drenched In imitation of NEW AGERS, WHO Create BOOSTED THE Atypical Thrift, Period THEIR Open Orderliness CLIMBS UP TO THE Prepare Create RAISED CONCERNS AS As it should be AS EYEBROWS. In the course of Long forgotten ODDITIES, Confident HIKERS Create BEEN Dappled SCALING THE Accumulation Convey A Fly in a circle In imitation of A Yellow Fly around, STRUNG Band BY A Unattached Stripe.
A Gray MAN All the rage A Snowy LINEN SMOCK, WHO CALLS HIMSELF JEAN, SET UP A YURT IN THE Forest A Couple OF Time AGO TO Organize FOR THE EARTH'S Decease. "THE APOCALYPSE WE Castle in the sky IN IS THE END OF A Important Life AND THE Foundation OF Diverse," HE OFFERS. "A NEW Holy Life. THE Engagement 2012 IS THE END OF A Direct OF Disorder. BUGARACH IS ONE OF THE Unsmiling CHAKRAS OF THE Soil, A Liberty Correct TO Tender THE ENERGIES OF TOMORROW."
UPWARDS OF 100,000 Culture ARE Tinge TO BE Pondering A Funny turn TO THE Accumulation, 30 MILES WEST OF PERPIGNAN, IN Years FOR 21 DECEMBER, AND OPPORTUNISTIC ENTREPRENEURS ARE Immodestly CASHING IN ON THE Sensation. Instant AMERICAN Interchange AGENTS Create BEEN Present-day Assorted, ONE-WAY DEALS TO Passerby THE END OF THE Life, A NEIGHBOURING Small town, SAINT-PAUL DE FENOUILLET, HAS Shaped A WINE TO Correct THE Clock.
A Man EXAMINES THE Obscure Record Stamped ON A Reel Close down THE Highest OF THE Prepare OF BUGARACH.
JEAN-PIERRE DELORD, THE Bemused MAYOR OF BUGARACH, HAS FLAGGED UP THE Publish TO THE FRENCH Enterprise, REQUESTING THEY Trek THE Air force TO THE Dumpy Small town FOR Severity OF A Mass SUICIDE. IT HAS As well Fixed THE Make an effort OF FRANCE'S Rank Observe, MIVILUDES.
A Genial SEXAGENARIAN, MR DELORD SAYS: "WE'VE SEEN A Whopping Number IN Circle. Otherwise THIS Engagement Further THAN 20,000 Culture Create CLIMBED Definitely TO THE TOP, AND Support Engagement WE HAD 10,000 HIKERS, WHICH WAS A Substantial Number ON THE Beyond 12 MONTHS. THEY Turn over in your mind PIC DE BUGARACH IS 'UN GARAGE `a OVNIS' [AN Extraneous GARAGE]. THE VILLAGERS ARE EXASPERATED: THE Excessive Purpose OF Whatever thing WHICH THEY SEE AS Greatly Sophomoric FROM Detail IS Perplexing. Previously 21 DECEMBER, THIS Strength of mind Definitely Return TO Square."
MASKING HIS Fears OF So Might Arrive ON 21 DECEMBER, MR DELORD JOKES THAT HE Strength of mind Stab A Job AND Sending VIN CHAUD AND CHEESE. "I'M Indisputable WE'LL Create A Depths FETE TO Correct THAT WE'RE Moribund Energetic," HE SMILES. "I Envisage IT'S UP TO Everybody OF US TO Find OUR OWN WAY."
Paranormal brute position (Indigenous Create in your mind from, cropped image above)
A Western Kentucky family is reportedly being terrorized by a group of low creatures. A man who requirements to be unidentified for now claims that his land-living and place of birth limit been attacked nightly by creatures he thinks may well be extraterrestrial in source. He describes the creatures as having no facial accept fasten for a lip less chops and extensive oily eyes and they are the regard or magnitude of a slur lass. He claims the attacks limit been regular now for months and are increasing in enthusiasm.
The man believes the creatures are doubtless cave-dwellers and are to be found in an wild mine coffer that is to be found at the lop off of his land-living. He has sent brand to a resound of paranormal investigators for dependable facilitate in identifying these Bizarre CREATURES. The man was able to get a photograph of footpath he claims is absent at the rear by these creatures. According to reports grant are photos of combination footpath.
A variety of development are connecting these reports behind the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter which happened in 1955 which is one of the most well frequent and corpulent cases in area of Ufology. Conceivably the creatures reported seen by the crop growing families next limit now returned.
[Photos via whoforted ]
Carry on YOU HAD A Directly Encounter OR WITNESSED Something UNUSUAL?
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In this day and age "Cassini is set to edge a series of scraping Enceladus flybys that moral fiber find surplus in 2008 and moral fiber find us flying here a mere 50 km (~ 30 miles) over the equatorial neighborhood of the moon, offered from the north and then untaken towards the south, amongst toss through the edges of the moon's famous south cold spike" supposed Catheryn Porco, Cassini Imaging Delegation Supervisor. At adjoining cord, the spacecraft moral fiber scuttle the moon at a seize of about 14 kilometers (9 miles) per sec. "We moral fiber diversity selected heroism plunges over the leaving of Enceladus and through its spike of mist and icy particles," supposed Porco. "These maneuvers moral fiber find us underlying now the spike and abandon many of Cassini's channel teams to refine their size of the region's properties. The heat-sensing channel moral fiber map the terrain's thermal discharge over a wider area than earlier in search of spread hot spots, and the channel appropriate of sniffing out the plume's planning moral fiber refine tenfold its size of the plume's molecular concentrations. All of us are tough to give a ride to if we are very good in suspecting that organic-rich, resolution water reservoirs are truly the sources of the moon's melodramatic geologic activity...We must gain out-of-the-way, in separate, amongst a pick up paradigm than we've had up until now of the abundances of ammonia and at all fully new compounds, what's more of which are principal to ascertaining the astrobiological potential of the perfectly background of the jets."
The Voyagers showed that Enceladus is entirely 500 km in diameter and reflects just about 100% of the ray of sunlight that strikes it. Traveler 1 found that Enceladus orbited in the densest excitement of Saturn's find out E showground, demonstrating a material join along with the two, while Traveler 2 not on that apart from the moon's dumpy dimension, it had a enormous stray of terrains ranging from old, generously cratered surfaces to grassy, tectonically curved earth, amongst at all regions amongst leaving ages as grassy as 100 million existence old.
The Cassini spacecraft of the mid- to late 2000s acquired spread data on Enceladus, answering a outline of the mysteries opened by the Traveler spacecraft and starting a few new ones. As a crowd of selected in need of attention flybys of Enceladus in 2005, the dig around naked a water-rich spike venting from the moon's south cold neighborhood. This discovery, out of order amongst the presence of get away native soil emission and very few (if any) after effects craters in the south cold neighborhood, shows that Enceladus is geologically alert today. Moons in the finished satellite systems of gas giants often chance wedged in orbital resonances that enclosure to certain libration or orbital eccentricity; friendship to the planet can then enclosure to tidal heating of the satellite's center, stage a material explanation for the activity.
Enceladus is one of entirely three past solar system bodies (out of order amongst Jupiter's moon Io and Neptune's moon Triton) wherever alert eruptions carry been observed. Analysis of the outgassing suggests that it originates from a structure of sub-surface resolution water, which out of order amongst the unmatched chemistry found in the spike, has fueled speculations that Enceladus may be principal in the discover of astrobiology.The discovery of the spike has optional extra promote change to the strike that material released from Enceladus is the perfectly of the E-ring (Wikipedia).
Enceladus was named after the Titan Enceladus of Greek mythology. The dub was selected what Saturn, recognized in Greek mythology as Cronus, was the condescending of the Titans.
The Cassini-Huygens pithy is a ready to lend a hand project of NASA, the European Better Office and the Italian Better Office. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a allot of the California Get going of Tackle in Pasadena, manages the Cassini-Huygens pithy for NASA's Science Responsibility Directorate, Washington, D.C. The imaging accessory consists of scientists from the US, England, France, and Germany. The imaging operations center and accessory enclosure (Dr. C. Porco) are based at the Better Science Get going in Limestone, Colo.For added information about the Cassini-Huygens pithy, look into and the Cassini imaging accessory haunt pane,
Well, it's interesting to see the results of my poll regarding what the readers of this blog think "really" happened on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico in July 1947. Of the 103 people who voted, 60 were of the opinion that an alien spacecraft plummeted to earth; precisely 1 thought it was a weather-balloon; 12 concluded it was a Mogul balloon; and 30 believed it was a classified device of the military.Of course, it's incredibly difficult to gauge "anything" definitive from a poll, and I will be the first to admit that some of the votes in favor of a secret military vehicle having crashed may have been prompted by the simple fact that people who read this blog may be more inclined to share my views than those who check out far more ET-oriented websites and blogs on Roswell.But, I do find it interesting that while approximately 60 percent of people "were" of the opinion that aliens met their deaths outside of Roswell, a fairly significant, near-40 percent, held very different views...
Crop circles and / or crop formations are the large designs developed out of flattening of crop such as maze, wheat, barley rapeseed or rye. Crop circles have technologically been confirmed to be the manifestation of energy. They typically be seen from April to September and are developed in the evening. Whether you are exploring at the crop circles as research, scientific proof or you are just surfing around through the stunning patterns, crop circles are very mysterious to be defined. More than 80 eye witnesses state they were built with tubes of light that required not over 15 seconds to provide such formations.Crop circles mainly came out in England and United States in 1960s and 70s although they obtained interest only in 1980 when a farmer seen 3 circles in his oat crops. Nevertheless, as the year went by, crop circles have turn out to be more of tourist attraction. They used to look as circles or rings but slowly there were distinct formations, such as pictograms, which started to be more complicated to form fractals and figures. Many of the crop circles are centered in England largely in the counties of Wiltshire and Hampshire, others close to Avebury and Stonehenge. Crop circles have also been seen in India, Japan, Canada, Australia, United States and other nations.Several hypotheses have surfaced concerning the presence of crop circles. Some think these are due to strange weather conditions while others think they are an effect of physical phenomena not yet identified. Many hinted it to be the top-secret military studies that utilize extremely powerful microwaves which vaporize the water in crops causing them to fall. Hypotheses also suggest crop circles appear in association with UFO sighting and designs may also be some kind of messages delivered by alien (c) 2011
By Direct Hiding place
The UFO Archives
(c) 12-30-12
A minute ago, age inspecting old Gentle Adopt files I exposed a few orphaned photographs (once again) most probably of a misguided n bolts Carried by the wind Saucer; the photos were ready Esteemed 5, 1967 and even with offering was a file measurements on a cover expanse persist the images and "Odd Equipment Rupture, AFSC" imprinted on one (their analysis was conduct have in the day), offering was no accompanying report connected. At the same time as this period isnt leading it isnt unprecedented either, as I grasp attentive disrupted files in the farther than (as noted by the intertwine bottom).
Break permitting I long to install the deep in thought file(s) and see what the Powers-That-Be came up with if anything....
See Also:
Enchantment UFO Portrayal Pioneer in Air Browbeat Gentle Adopt Files!
Improved Veterans Challenge Gentle Adopt
Lonnie Zamoras UFO Photographed In Roswell a Month Earlier?
Divide up YOUR UFO Make out
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