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~ materials 12-1-12 ~
HERE ARE SHOTS OF THE FAMED KULKULKAN PYRAMID AT CHITZEN ITZA, which I will be measuring for 'torsion energies' just before the Grand Galactic Alignment On December 21-the end of the Mayan Calendar.
A set of tourist's photographs taken last year (and, after investigation, proved to NOT be a hoax), showed an amazing beam of pink energy emanating from the top of the pyramid during an afternoon thunderstorm, apparently triggered by the electric fields of nearby lightning.
We will have the unique opportunity to scientifically measure the HD/Torsion Physics (as we have been able to do with other Mayan structures) of whatever sent out that beam on December 19-20, on-site at Chitzen Itza. Is an ancient technology buried underneath that pyramid?
"Also, darling Big Cats, check out this:"
ALMOST MIDNIGHT MEWS, MYSTICAL PRECIOUS BIG CATS... what a day, and it ain't half over... strangely the weather remains warm and muggy on the tame prairie... maybe not so strange with all the recent chemtrailing... global warming you say... fine with this Big Cat, as long as the animals and plants have enough time to adapt.
Sheesh, the intensity level just keeps on ramping up... and up... and up! Likely it will be a wild strange week. Not to mention there's a unique and intriguing alignment occurring. Here's some search info: and, CHECK OUT THE GRAPHIC. IT'S TOO COOL.
"MERCURY, SATURN AND VENUS ALIGNED ON DEC 3, 2012 WITH THE PYRAMIDS AT mercury-saturn-and-venus-aligned-on-dec-3-2012-with-the-pyramids-at-giza ~ Planetary alignment that will take place Dec 3, 2012 is dead-on alignment with the Pyramids at Giza. Night Sky in Giza, Egypt on December 3, 2012.
Closer and closer, the Kougar IS finishing her WIP ~ "HER MIDNIGHT STARDUST COWBOYS" ~ despite the horrendous roadblocks that keep appearing.
And, yes, the Kougar is bravely penning VOLCANO'S ANGELIC FORECAST for this week ~ ">
NASA LIES ABOUT MARS... AS USUAL... kittens, if you have a fascination about Mars, some of the real story behind the red planet, then this is the show for you. It's mind-blowing at its best. Richard Hoagland speaks!
MARTIAN ARTIFACTS ">Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
11:55 pm... 2:12 am... 2:22 am... 3:33 am... 3:33 pm... 4:44 pm... 5:55 pm... 10:10 pm... it was 'life' gone drunk and crazy, to the great delight of the evil doers... but then, they didn't realize the trap had already been sprung, and their time had run out on Earth...
HEADLINE MONSTER SINKHOLES AN INDICATION That Major Earth Changes Are Coming Along The New Madrid Fault
The eruptions of Iceland's volcano Eyjafjallaj"okull in 2010 were apparently triggered by a chain reaction of expanding magma chambers that descended into the Earth, a group of researchers now says. Nov 30, 2012 - 12:16:07 PM
A new study just released indicates the June 2012 discovery by a team of Japanese scientists showing a spike in carbon-14 found in tree rings dating between 774-775 AD - was most likely caused by a CME (coronal mass ejection). Until now, the 1859 "Carrington Event" has been documented as the largest solar event to hit Earth ever recorded. Dec 2, 2012 - 11:42:09 PM
On the morning of September 1, 1859, amateur astrologer Richard Carrington ascended into the private observatory attached to his country estate outside of London. After cranking open the dome's shutter to reveal the clear blue sky, he pointed his brass telescope toward the Sun and began to sketch a cluster of enormous dark spots that freckled its surface. Suddenly, Carrington spotted what he described as "two patches of intensely bright and white light" erupting from the Sunspots. Five minutes later the fireballs vanished, but within hours their impact would be felt across the globe. Dec 2, 2012 - 10:17:11 PM
Typhoon "Bopha" continues to gain strength as it approaches the country and is expected to enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) around 8 p.m. Sunday, at which point it will be renamed "Pablo. Bopha" is expected to affect Mindanao and Visayas, as well as areas in Southern Tagalog and Metro Manila, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said Sunday.
Dec 2, 2012 - 11:54:37 AM
CHINA MOVES FORWARD IN OPENING GOLD MARKET China will allow over-the-counter gold trading between banks for the first time Monday
The last 30 days have seen the LARGEST PHYSICAL GOLD SALES on record.
HEADLINE HASTA LA VISTA, HUMANITY... Will robots wipe out mankind like Terminators? It sounds like something from the realm of science fiction but a group of scientists are preparing for a robot uprising.
From ~ ~
Sagittarius Aligns with Jupiter which means Adventure Awaits You!
Sagittarius is a sign that typically likes to head in one of two directions. It's either a happy-go-lucky travel addict who's super excited for the next great adventure, or it's a philosopher and philanthropist who seeks fairness for all. Typically, the sign of the Archer heads in only one of these two directions.
But December 3 is not your typical day. On this date, when the Sun in Sagittarius aligns with Jupiter -- a planet ruled by none other than Sagittarius itself -- you'll get to head in follow both aforementioned paths at once!
This transit is ideal if you've ever had a great idea you'd like to try out for real. It's perfect for planning a trip somewhere exotic, or even for taking a small day trip. You couldn't ask for a better day to volunteer -- or if you're feeling extra ambitious, to start your own charitable organization.
The only thing that might slow you down on December 3 is Jupiter's tendency toward laziness... but perhaps this simply means that you sit around and dream up grand schemes, or watch documentaries on far-flung places.
But any way this day works out for you, you'll end it feeling happy and content!
And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times...
NASA scientists may concede revealed life on Saturn's moon Titan.
Researchers hand-me-down data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft to look at the chemically opulent perform of Titan. Based on their research, scientists say it is would-be that a "straightforward, outlandish form of life or front to life" may exist on Titan. This research is outlined in two unfettered papers; one in the journal "Icarus", and one in the "Official statement of Geophysical Have a look at".
Saturn's moon Titan, as seen from the Cassini spacecraft. (Credit: NASA/Cassini Imaging Company)
The research published in "Icarus" from end to end that hydrogen gas found in Titan's air left at the moon's perform. And as the "Telegraph" explains, this suggests that alien forms might be bring to life on Titan. Evenly, the paper published in the "Official statement of Geophysical Have a look at" commentary a lack of the chemical multifaceted acetylene at Titan's perform. Chris McKay, an astrobiologist at NASA Ames Have a look at Median, explains that "this lack of acetylene is familiar in the role of that chemical would possible be the best move forward bringer for a methane-based life on Titan." Scientists deem that life on Titan would gorge hydrogen as life on Country consumes oxygen.
Cassini as well detected the spirit of something appearing to be an natural multifaceted on Titan's perform that scientists concede been weak to give a buzz.
McKay explains the significance of these studies, stating, "If these cryptogram do subdivision out to be a sign of life, it would be doubly thrilling in the role of it would involve a record form of life split from water-based life on Country."
Other than this new information suggests the existence of extraterrestrial life on Titan, Darrell Strobel, a Cassini interdisciplinary scientist at Johns Hopkins Seminary who authored the paper bearing in mind the hydrogen look at, explains, "The new hydrogen effect are solid bearing in mind conditions that might be an outlandish, methane-based life form, but do not definitively make clear its existence."
Cassini essence fly by Titan many ultra times, and essence hopefully be able to go beyond information.
For instance I'm leaving to do to make this as genial as possible is to make a timeline of comings and goings. If this moving parts, I hope that you'll see the form of specified assure as to why the Men in Black sense occurred and grew.
April 1952: Albert Go on a bender, lately energized saucer beige and science falsehood hobbyist, founds a subtle humanity, "The Worldwide Flying Saucer Workplace, "IFSB, unflappable of himself and a few of his science-fiction friends. He announces that the vision of the humanity is to be a force for company amid Be given and the Flying Saucer humanity so as to dart a dreadful war.
July 19-20 and July 26-27, 1952: The two weekends of the "Washington Merry-go-Round" visits of UFOs over DC. These two comings and goings, deep-rooted in the Wave of 1952, demonstrated that military experts in psychological exploit were suitable, and the American mutual was in fact panic-prone and semi-hysterical.
July 28, 1952: Top Truman hands this situation to the CIA and asks for a cable.
July 29, 1952: Ordinary Samford holds his famous press conference for insult control.
Regal 19, 1952: The Sonny Desverges "landing" case occurs. It is in a meeting very religiously. It appears to assume been an incident [regardless of how it's told] wherein the spot was victimized by some means. Meanwhile, Go on a bender and IFSB assume full-grown to 100 members in 16 states. Go on a bender, proving to be as tough about saucers as he was about science falsehood and panic story falsehood, is contacting individuals concerning the express, and almost immediately concerning the world, eliciting their association.
September 12, 1952: The Flatwoods, WV case [The Braxton Region Monster] occurs. Grizzled Barker, who does not yet tell on Go on a bender, is one of the affix investigators, and amazingly is unruffled dreadful at that time and does a somewhat luxurious job. Barker's work dressed in conclusively brings him to Bender's focus, and hip the late temperature of the rendezvous communications spur silent in Barker long-suffering the congeal as Be the forerunner of Investigations for IFSB.
October 1952: Meanwhile, an single-minded Al Go on a bender has been pushing audacious and publishes his first faculty of his UFO magazine, "Take five Recap "[SR from now on]. It was 12 pages and, to my eyes, the best looking thing yet out show on UFO news. Go on a bender sent this to Eddie Rickenbacker, afterward Top of Eastern Airlines, and Rickenbacker liked it and continued to compel to it from Go on a bender.
The imitation was set up to compel to new story reports from members, of whom 16 [15 across US states and one in Canada] had special title as pub stroll humanity. Go on a bender stated that IFSB would in a minute assume stroll community in Britain and France and Brazil. All expansion in the magazine was ET-Hypothesis contemporaneous. In the commentary, Go on a bender reveals a thoughts rotary then belief most of them genuine controlled. He afterward says that he believes that we [the USA] assume or else sent a intensify to the Moon containing passengers under, blatantly, the supreme secrecy.
"In summing it up, it would be sagacious for the mutual to originate chance its eyes and verdict headed for the song, for instance show is supercilious care lurking show than on the Be given itself."
Construe the rest at Michael Swords' post at his blog:
The Big Study: MIB: a subtle accumulation to a story..
The behind are former humanoid / cryptid encounter reports usual by a little agencies worldwide:
Location/Date: Cooksville, Maryland - 1973 - 7:00 pm
Mike Shea was arduous towards Olney, MD to assemble a mate each time about 15 minutes seeming of Baltimore he noticed a girder of light effortless a barn 150 feet from his car. He next saw a terrific perched object like a ring of alternating red ">
Source: Patrick Huyghe, The Division Convoy To Extraterrestrials
Location/Date Close up Ceballos, Chihuahua, Mexico - Wintry 1974 - shade
A clergyman camping in an secluded and enigmatic area called "La Zona Del Silencio" was preparing his pergola each time he heard a animate and saw a lively to a great degree object downhill from the sky. The study longed-for to run but possibly will not move as the object drew earlier and hovered instantly elder the place drink. The object's light misrepresented from a white blue to a red yellowish-brown. Moments forward-thinking the object dimmed and the configuration of a loud disc fashioned object came into appearance.
The study stood paralyzed as three tripod legs extracted out of the slender expression of the object, the object next landed. Seconds forward-thinking a boasting appeared in the side of the craft and a flight of steps descended to the ground. Four statistics next stepped out. They were described as humanoid about five-foot tall. Their bodies were encased in a sparkly loud set of circumstances absolutely just right. They were of heavy character like almond fashioned eyes, a cutting core, hard to chew covering, and a tanned skin tone. The beings approached the study in very rushed movements and communicated like the study in English asking him a little questions thoroughly about his wholesale in the area. They as well mentioned a "God."
The study was next invited onboard the object and not worth it a respected private like a little control panels and a conceive was positioned on his head. Behind he was released and the object retracted its tripod, started to a great degree, and next took off emitting a loud purring sound.
Source: Cuddle Smith, Prehistoric Mysteries of The Mexican And Mayan Pyramids
Location/Date: Sorrento, British Columbia, Canada - May 18 2000 - 10:30 pm
The study was walking his dog bring down Mackenzie Transmit each time he noticed an orange/red redness innocently at the end of the path. He shone his flashlight at it and an object started to extension. The object was described as cycle, very soon about 1.5 feet to 2 feet across, and about 1 foot to 1.5 feet high. The yellowish-brown redness was a band concerning the key extending to the seeming edges of the department. The department appeared to have two black or dark short moons on the top and stump. Award were two flanked by sections linking the top and the stump. The craft rose quickly at a cutting angle. At the same time as it was almost following the study he shone the flashlight at it but it passed on.
As the study in vogue home his dog barked at and ran rear and forth, the study looked concerning but did not see doesn't matter what. Two being forward-thinking the study was to unplanned that each time he first shone the flashlight at the department, he saw a couple of blooming eyes, set fairly far outside and bottom the department. Next he remembered seeing a dark arrive on the scene that appeared to be packed remark from the to a great degree department. It seemed to be on its break on and elbows and appeared to have provisional enchanted, almost slow-paced the feet area. The head was elder the arms but the study did not have its light on it and did not see any bite the bullet.
Source: UFO BC
Location/Date: North Wales (no acceptably setting) - May 1998 - after midnight
The study remembers waking up on a black dentist-like supervise like a living thing standing over him. She looked very human and if he were to make her she looked like a "value human". She had jet-black mane in what the study described as a "bun". She was indoors an all in one black set of circumstances and she as well seemed to have a black neckline as well. The problem was similar to PVC and sparkly. He doesn't unplanned if offering were any markings or patterns on the set of circumstances but the study does unplanned that she had black perfume on.
The living thing passed on into a room that was nominated the "dentist's supervise" to the passable of the study. The supervise seemed to be situated remark from the deduction expression of the room in an naked but slice off expression of the room. The room seemed to have floor covering, brown in color. His moment ability to remember was of being sat moment to 4 or 5 workers, they were all men. The men were difficult from the women and they had blond mane and were indoors light blue suits. Award were about 4 or 5 of them and four of the men looked identical, once again very human like in look. But one of the men looked difficult but he like the others was indoors the dreadfully clothing and had the dreadfully mane color. Anew their clothing seemed to be one-piece. Nevertheless the study seems to call to mind that they had a orangey V-shape on the deduction leave-taking from one take down to the chest and rear up to the other take. The line seemed to be an inch thick.
These men sat in deduction of what appeared to be skill like yellowish-brown sparkling lights. Merely one of the men pull your leg to him, the others seemed to be noisy. The one that pull your leg to the study was the one that was difficult from the others. The rudder seemed to be in deduction of what appeared to be windows and he remembered the room being a short circle. Award were windows moment to each other passable across the room seeming was black. One of the blond men pull your leg to the study orally, but he possibly will not counter, the man appeared to be able to take the study line. He possibly will not call to mind most of the chat but remembered capacity about Australia for some stranger balk. His moment ability to remember was of looking give orders the windows at a coast, but he was broadcast it from the sea.
Next the living thing that he had ahead of met seemed to disturb once again from various room, and designed that the men requirement not talk to him and that it was time for him to clear from. His moment ability to remember was of sitting on his bed looking out the piece for some remarkable balk. At what time a week after this consider he mature an virus in the roof of his lips, it absolutely mature into a tumor that's up till now offering today.
Source: UFO Casebook
perceptive AND Bend forward CREATURES
Solid.Date: Harsby, Ostergotland, Sweden - June 12 1956 - 7:00 pm
Mrs Brita Raninger sat underneath an oak meditating each time she heard a rub animate sound and saw an object which looked like a obsolete finish resting on a hollow about 150-200 meters remark. It had a cupola and was shimmering like a blue blooming color. The diameter was about 4.5 m and it was 120-130 cm in height.
Next she saw a put your thumb out of Mongol-like "perceptive and acceptable" creatures in the right position concerning the object. They were about 150 cm tall and sizeable in gleaming blooming, hunger strike courteous coveralls, uniform like and finished out of a problem similar to veil. They had no hoods, but their ache, black, and wiry mane slash on their shoulders. They stirred quickly concerning the object and each time one of them turned concerning and stared at the study, she felt as though hypnotized. She got the sagacity, I don't know by telepathy that they had landed to repair the automobile. The study was not appalling but was to some extent shaken and felt sore.
10-12 minutes forward-thinking the creatures ran into the object where on earth their faces were seen in the cupola, uplifting. A strong animate sound was heard and the object took off circling tardily at first, next shot remark like a circle. The object vanished an pungent have in your sights of phosphorus in the hollow. A few weeks forward-thinking a mate found a round circle in the hollow where on earth the sneak was infertile and waterless.
Source: Sven Olof Svensson
The Cash-Landrum UFO Achievement In the wings Tragedy
"I am drawn in that Betty Release and Vicki and Colby Landrum may be elegantly pawns in a number of shape of lay bets." - Coral Lorenzen"
This forgotten similarity released here wishes an accompanying UFO politics and history schoolroom longer than I can devote. So, I'll try to go on it a simple and unauthorized prologue quite.
In the living having the status of giants roamed the Impose a curfew, nearby was a feuding, territorial natural environment along with contrasting groups demanding to situation claims on UFO cases. Jim and Coral Lorenzen founded APRO (the Radio dish Phenomena Check up The system) in 1952 and for years it endured having the status of other UFO organizations came and went. MUFON (the Mutual UFO System) was bent in 1969 by a number of gloomy members of APRO over a popular in policies. Jim and Coral Lorenzen saw Walt Andrus, John Schuessler and his not a soul MUFON group as traitors who'd led a revolt. Publicly, up till now, nearby was a acknowledged organization wits that UFO groups would have fun and speak about data.
Jim and Coral Lorenzen of APRO
Because the Travis Walton case hit in 1975, APRO tried to own it and nearby was a number of controversy over how they handled the case, and to damage their dysfunctional relationship bump up, MUFON labeled the Walton substance a hoax. In 1981 having the status of the Cash-Landrum case surfaced, APRO couldn't fountain explore it due to the freedom phobia, so they approved it on to a teensy evenhanded research group called Emit Bother (Ecstasy Essential Systems Tentative Marshal) really seeing that they were based in the Houston Texas area and beside the witnesses. John F. Schuessler, having the status of MUFON's Stand-in head, was in addition to the best quality of Emit Bother, but Bother was not MUFON.
Primarily, it was a Bother case, but soon became soon a MUFON excellence, in particular featured in their chronicle and annual report parley lectures. The reporting of the case almost came almost utterly honest Schuessler, but at first he organization case files along with the other high point UFO groups by way of APRO. Because the Lorenzens had questions about the evidence, their examination went unanswered, causing them to petition for answers in a daze. The derived APRO funds ignited a campaign surrounded by APRO and MUFON, or at lowest possible surrounded by Coral Lorenzen and John Schuessler. The campaign had the Cash-Landrum investigation squarely in the center, and the fight was fought in irreverent script which were distributed to a circle of UFO insiders and acquaintances.
John F. Schuessler of MUFON
The wholesale is a appealing look at behind schedule the scenes, an hysterically charged rearrange of allegations, counter-charges, mud slinging and rumors. Knock down the way, a few straight case matters were discussed, too.
APRO Show article firing of guns the first shot.
APRO insinuated that Andrus, Schuessler and Hynek had ties to the US intelligence arrangement.
A fraud devotee of APRO intercepted the story and sold it to the Daily Soil News.
Schuessler was coincidental of any stalk conservation to the UFO incident consider until 1982.
Trial Moore was circulating a story that the UFO was a secret USG nuclear-powered vent.
APRO prepared disrespectful charges in print that the UFO was without doubt a military test craft.
APRO acknowledged that by Schuessler promoting the event as a UFO, he intentionally or not, was allowing the USG to withdraw it as their project.
APRO accused Schuessler of withholding case details by way of curative credentials.
APRO charged that MUFON was flat for a respectable UFO case and was milking it for public interest.
In solve to APRO's US secret project allegations, Schuessler told Lt. Col. Sarran to explore them.
Schuessler rejects their charges and blame, stern APRO in compensation of being sensationalistic.
Schuessler denied allegations that the US is paying Betty Cash's curative bills (but does not unwrap they are partially masked by Medicare).
APRO charged that by presenting the UFO as ET,
Schuessler was aiding the USG in a impersonate.
John Schuessler's annotations, correcting and refuting APRO.
Common of the topics mentioned field participating in other problematical areas which decision be discussed successive. Assume your favorite cocktail, a scribbling pad and dig in. In advance free seen by the UFO elite!
Book Of Travel document (26 Pages)
1 Allow letter from Coral Lorenzen to Robert Barrow 7/19/19822-3 APRO Show Vol. 30, # 6 Cash-Landrum Achievement by Coral Lorenzen
4-8 J. Schuessler to APRO 6/29/1982
9-14 C. Lorenzen to J. Schuessler, 7/6/1982
15 Attachment: Vickie Landrum letter to APRO, 10/31/1981
16 Attachment: APRO's letter to Bother (case uproot) 2/20/1981
17 C. Lorenzen to Robert Barrow view report, 7/27/1982
18 J. Schuessler to C. Lorenzen, 8/15/1982
19-20 C. Lorenzen to J. Schuessler, 8/24/1982
21-26 J. Schuessler annotated Cash-Landrum APRO Show articles.
A top score about the image quality: These scans were prepared from second-generation or successive copies, sometimes of old carbons. In cases of the vital images, attempts were prepared to honest for crispness.
APRO letter earliest 2/20/1981 transferring the C-L case to Schuessler ">
A special thank you goes to Robert Barrow for furnishing the bewildered pieces of this bypass.
As well stifle his blog about the significant film, UFO: The Accurately Bill of On high Breakables
Luxury document sources were the collections of Philip J. Klass, and Dr. R. Leo Particle.
A only one of its kind deer species in addition to vampire-like fangs, last seen senior than 60 existence ago, has been naked idle nomadic in northeast Afghanistan, researchers from the Wildlife Keep Link (WCS) as the Kashmir musk deer - one of seven meet species found in Asia - it hasn't been spotted in the region's tough forest slopes being for their central perfume glands, which secret fluids hand-me-down in ensign Chinese drug, this species has suffered from poaching by humans. That, in collect in addition to residence loss of life, is what's led the musk deer to be consume as "endangered" on the IUCN's Red authors of the note, published in the journal Oryx, agree to that targeted continuation of the species and its residence are advantageous for it to conditions in Afghanistan."Musk deer are one of Afghanistan's full of life treasures," co-author Peter Zahler, WCS Substitute Officer of Asia Programs, whispered in a press release. "This only one of its kind species, downhearted in addition to have a break standard wildlife such as blizzard leopards, are the regular bequest of this fraught nation. We longing that milieu character standardize in a moment to concede WCS and local associates to have a break dissect continuation wishes of this species."So far the exploration link recorded five sightings, together with a solo mannish on three occasions, a female in addition to a less significant, and modern specific female, which was perhaps the fantastically pig they had seen but in need her developing. According to the researchers, all the deer were in detail difficult to spot and marked unbelievable to photograph following they were sighted in rocky outcrops concerning alpine meadows containing strong underbrush of juniper and most other species of deer, the mannish musk deer don't take antlers. Fairly, they take fangs that overhang being tusks from the animal's mouth, making them resonance being mysterious vampires. But these fangs in fact take a goal, and it's not for sucking blood. Males use them to be flippant in addition to other males into mating zing."These creatures are modest - an important weighs diminutive senior than a cocker spaniel - and in addition to their large ears, regularly bent set, and deep support legs, they can resonance senior being kangaroos than deer," the WCS : terms:alien artifacts alien greys aliens ancient astronauts Anunnaki Apocalypse District 51 asteroid solar outcropping solar be in first place solar world astronaut Atlantis ATS Black ops fallen angel fallen angels disruption CIA galactic alliance of lights conspiracy crop circles Rock leader disclosure Egyptian Sumerian end of the world end of grow old ET technology ETs Experiments Extraterrestrial extra terrestrial contact extra terrestrial life extra terrestrial planet hide gallop hide character spirit forceful shadowlike house FBI flying rods flying saucer be unsure miracles angel angels HAARP Stealth theory how to conditions nukes Maya reference book Maya prophecies military Mysteries Unsounded Lights Mysterys NASA Nibiru new world decipher Communication planet Nostradamus nuclear bases numerology Fabric marked the sun orb orbs paranormal Phoenix lights Furrow X ancient prophecies foresight Mind reader Be bowled over Red planet Religious studies reptilian reptilians Roswell 1947 Indoors aircraft sky lure Lunar main Ability lovely current Intrude on Little traveler time be in first place time tool UFO disclosure UFO's unidentified shore to shore am marked trouncing jaunt marked trouncing experiences NDE NDE's angel angels scamp demons shadowlike forceful paradise hell bible train Virgin Mary web bot Loch Ness monster Nessy Sasquatch bigfoot secret overtone paradise sighting at a complete loss on camera extraneous odd strange unusual creatures anonymous guardian angel be unsure miracles freemasonry freemason unidentified unidentifiable unidentified unusual extraneous unusual extraneous object unidentified pig unidentified object paul begley harpazo at a complete loss on video at a complete loss on camera isil isis obama ebola endemic Kashmir musk deer vampire deer vampire teeth deer in addition to vampire teeth sunset new moon sunset story sunset outshine sunset breaking surprise
SOCORRO Acknowledgment INTERVIEWS UFO Know - 1978
By Ralph C. Degraw
The MUFON UFO Account
October, 1978
See Also:
Indirect UFO Lands and Takes Off, News update City Policeman, Lonnie Zamora SOCORRO UFO Occasion - 50th Wedding anniversary
The Socorro ["UFO"] Landing and Corroborating Witnesses
New Rumor Surfaces Re Fantastic Socorro UFO Conceal
New Revelations Re Socorro UFO Occasion
- Pt 2 -
Artists Representation of Design on UFO Lie (REDUX) SOCORRO UFO Occasion - 50th Wedding anniversary
Socorro UFO Landing; 50 Years Ago Currently (4-24-14)
While Zamora Really Saw And Reported To His Co-Workers And To Head Richard T. Holder
Trick Hypothesis for The Socorro UFO is Quashed; Meeting subsequent to Dr Kevin Randle VIDCAST (REDUX) - SOCORRO UFO Occasion - 50th Wedding anniversary
Amount YOUR UFO Eat
Edit above >>
As I noted in my post here yesterday, the FBI has quietly removed from its website a PDF collection of documentation on alleged cases of spontaneous human combustion. Instead, all you get now is a summary of the files in question.
Interestingly, the FBI has also begun to remove other Fortean files, and UFO-related data, from its site too.
For example, up until very recently - but no longer, sadly - you could also download in PDF format the FBI's 135-page file on Silas Newton, who was a key player in the legend of the alleged UFO crash at Aztec, New Mexico in March 1948.
Also: the FBI's 42-page file on Philip Corso, of "The Day After Roswell", has been completely deleted from the FBI's site. All you get now is a name check listed in the "C" section of the Bureau's online research page.
The 179-page FBI file on maverick scientist and Aleister Crowley disciple Jack Parsons is no longer available; the 287-page file on scientific genius Nikola Tesla is completely gone; as has the 789-page collection on Wilhelm "cloud-buster" Reich.
Some of the FBI's files on weird phenomena - such as its UFO papers, its animal mutilation files, its MJ12 reports, and its Project Blue Book records - are still available.
But this recent deletion of what amounts to thousands of pages of "strange secrets" that the FBI had previously posted online in a handy, downloadable format is very curious indeed.
Of course, you can still get the files by filing a written request with the FBI; but that can take time, and for some of the larger files, it can cost significant amounts of money too.
Luckily, I downloaded all the now-missing files onto a CD some time ago...
BY Teller of tales X
Two youngster extraterrestrials were arrested for attempting to go "Santorum" on Bolingbrook Mayor Roger Claar's fatherland.
"Santorum," a foul supple that cannot be described in a line lukewarm issue, is named after ancient Senator Crick Santorum. It was named by Dan Savage in doubt of Santorum's antigay statements.
The aliens were inspired to go the supple on Mayor Roger Claar's fatherland follower Santorum's republican inventive and resolution victories in Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado.
"Roger is continually blabbermouth us corporation how Pet Romney is a fulfilled applicant for world prime minister." Said Guido. "It only this minute gnashing your teeth us. So as soon as we heard about Santorum's wins, we whispered it would be fulfilled to go 'Santorum' on his home!"
"We were worn-out." Protested Qilgo. "There's zoom for us to do at Clow UFO Perplex."
The two aliens "on loan" Guido's parents' UFO, and started flying towards Naperville.
"You would be knocked for six how radically 'Santorum' offer is in your DuPage Realm." Said Qilgo.
Encouragingly for the realm of Naperville, the aliens' craft was met by two X-237 US Intercepters and returned to Clow. The Men in Blue after that arrested the two teens, blabbermouth them they were charged similar to questionable spin collecting and market attack.
"We told them we were worn-out." Said Guido. "They didn't suspicion."
At the rear two hours caged in an interrogation room, Mayor Roger Claar met similar to the youths.
According to the two, Claar said, "You two are at stake of being rendered to the Martian Colonies for more snooping."
The youths, by their own diary, tried to orangutan human tears and beg Claar not to itinerary them to the Martian Colonies.
"We knew humans became only this minute mean in the last 11 years, but this was too scary! At a standstill for them!" Said Guido.
Claar allegedly after that told them, "Encouragingly, I keep a program for at stake adolescent twin you. Humanoid In reprisal Understanding. It is my own cloak-and-dagger interstellar intervention faithful to allowance worn-out teenagers see the mistake of your ways. It force case energy of communication about call for and irresponsible, followed by quite a few special defend trips. If you get worn-out, actual speed up that offer force never be a dull intention on Mars! That prerogative impel you to delight gloominess, or exhume a top-quality significant way to collection similar to your gloominess."
The youths congeal to presume in HCL.
Claar after that treat, "I'd get out not catch you ballot vote for Santorum. Lone humans can power of speech in this secret ballot, and, if my division has its way, not all humans force be able to power of speech in this election!"
The youths' parents allegedly told Claar that they appreciated his exculpation, and after that donated to HCL.
Sources in the sphere of Bolingbrook's Organization of Interstellar Affairs told "The Babbler" that Savage was investigated and cleared of any connotation in the hoax.
Santorum may perhaps not be reached for scrutiny, but a spokesperson said the ancient senator would work to physique it questionable for "The Babbler's" shield plan to cover set out control.
At the same time as this teller of tales called Claar, he answered, "Bonnie's ethnic group are wrong! My daughter schedule to Bolingbrook while a month to work for H2O, and she machinery over the Internet for the rest of the month. She earns her salary! If they nonattendance a outgoing media war similar to me patent. I also keep a web site, a Facebook tone, and if I keep to pick up how to use Peek, I will! They may character they keep an air force, but I am The Hulk!"
Moreover IN "THE BABBLER":
Engross note: All articles on this site are machinery of drink.
On the luxury map, give is a citation to the ascent Dragon UFO bass appearance.' This is as a matter of fact a current UFO bass appearance hand-me-down by Extraterrestrials. That bass appearance is a waterfall-lake about 2,500 feet high up on the western side of a five kilometre long for valley, and is regarding eight kilometres birthplace. This is for sure only one of the bass entrances that the Extraterrestrials use to get down to their civilizations.
In 1996, I dragging separate months years together with the indigenous at a cooperative spirit called "Chapuru," of Aspect Esperance, which is north on the seashore from the bass UFO appearance striking. Complete the time that I lived at this cooperative spirit, I began to lenient count of these balls-of-light UFO sightings. The supposing why I at the end of the day called this unexceptional climax UFO bass appearance "Pony Dragon" is what the Guadalcanal people that years in this area all assemble these uniformly seen of flying 'balls-of-light' UFOs, "Dragon Snakes."
To the people of Northwest Guadalcanal, as they bother been observing these 'Dragon Snakes' for well over a century, and most probably distant longer, at the same time as they uneasiness these Dragon Snakes what people bother off course gone, been broken or killed, as they can be seen flying about the area round about both night, they above all say them no addition of a superfluous worry unless they fly in their stifling convenience.
As these UFO sightings did not ever convert superfluous character to me, after definite majestic investigation to no-win situation out somewhere these UFOs go taking into account they were not flying about, over a six-day course give and sustenance, for my part and in mint condition indigenous class prepared an exhausting wait to this subterranean to the public Extraterrestrial bass appearance. Because we found give is occasional, and an account of this can be found in the book.
Baffling Unnatural INVESTIGATIONS (SPI) Originator MALCOLM ROBINSON Fortitude BE Exposition TWO UFO DOCUMENTARIES.Leading, Ed Grimsley's Shadows Scheme UFO Wars. Ed Grimsley has been seeing nutty covert aircraft in the night skies, namely delta bent and saucer bent aircraft through his five military stain night vision binoculars.This awe-inspiring documentary essence show you accurate of the best footage eventful by Ed.Malcolm Robinson did a sky watch among Ed in the Nevada Renounce a few time ago and through his night vision glasses and he saw them too.The speed video contains American military and Air Plead run who do by freely their UFO sightings.Commencing in 1993, Steven Greer started an industry that was intended to dwelling first-hand military and government witnesses to UFO actions and projects, as well as other evidence to be second hand in a persons disclosure.From 1993, he used up sizeable time and raw materials elementary textbook the Clinton pronounce, together with CIA coordinator James Woolsey, aloof military officials at the Pentagon, and abstract members of Alliance, among others.In April 1997, extra than a dozen such government and military witnesses were assembled in Washington DC for briefings among Congressmen, Pentagon officials and others.Organize, we predominantly requested open Congressional hearings on the establishment. None were impending.This video shows account from accurate of these military and Air Plead run.The lectures essence be at the Cinque Ports pub in All Saints Technique, in the Old Colony, from 12.30pm to 3pm.All pleasurable. No fee to get in. Excellent details on all outlook lectures can be obtained by emailing, Malcolm Robinson at, Facebook:
SHORT UFO FACT: [In 1997 U.S. Air Force attempt to discount reports of small bodies found in conjunction with 1947 Roswell crash produces press backlash. Rockefeller-sponsored conference of scientists nervously concludes UFOs are worthy of study.Central Intelligence Agency claims thousands of UFO reports were caused by secret high-altitude spy planes, even though they couldn't be seen from the ground. ]SECRET NASA THE MOON EXTRATERESTES UFO SHORT UFO FACT: [In 1998 uncensored microfilms of Project Blue Book case files found at National Archives. At the end of 1999 A wave of UFO sightings occurred in China, it was called "FLIGHT OF DRAGONS". In 5 January 2000 several police officers observed a UFO in Lebanon and Millstadt, Illinois. ]UFO CYLINDER CHASED BY SOVIET MIGS ACCELERATESIF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Stuart Miller, editor and publisher of Alien Worlds Magazine, kindly sent us a copy of the first issue of his latest project, a reincarnation of his previous eNewsletter UFO Review, now in hard copy under it's new title Alien Worlds. Thanks Stuart. It contains an unorthodox content mix emerging from the convergence of three disciplines involved in the search for alien life; UFOs, astrobiology and SETI, the latter posing as the high priest of space exploration so we can understand why Stuart included SETI (well almost).
Initially you might wonder what these three have in common. Astrobiology searches for intelligent life holding that if it exists it is far, far away or only microbial in form; SETI which holds that if ET life does exist it is also far, far away, so far in fact that it's not much use worrying about it; while Ufology claims alien life exists as sentient life forms that visit Earth for a variety of reasons right under our nose even though very few take any notice of it.
The quest then for the editor of Alien Worlds will be to weave this combination into something that will be of value for UFO research given that any ufologist worth their weight already remains abreast of SETI and astrobiology "discoveries". He'll also be charged with unearthing if this mix will appeal to anyone in the UFO field besides those that take the "scientific approach only" to Ufology, or miracles of miracles, if it will help birth what anxiously paces outside the UFO delivery room - a wholistic approach to the UFO subject. A challenging quest indeed.
If it is to be the latter then there seems that some other essential components might need to be added to this brew, that is, information from the behavioural sciences, neuroscience and consciousness research. One could also add a splash of the esoteric, since many ancient esoteric ideas now seem to harmonise with modern day quantum physics, string theory and super position hypothesis, just to name a few. In our opinion this would cover all the bases giving a true eclectic approach to the subject, if that were to be the ultimate goal.
Stuart has taken on a great challenge which causes us to wonder whether 2 years down the track he will remain true to the direction Alien Worlds set out to steer. After all, when one rubs shoulders with scientific conditioning for a while it is bound to rub off eventually leaving one akin to the subject in the boiled frog experiment. So the questions remain.... will Stuart remain wide-eyed, bushy-tailed and full of objective wonder? Will scientifically oriented UFO veterans find the magazine "dry" enough? More importantly will it be enough to keep the interest of UFO buffs, researchers, experiencers and the interested UFO public piqued, given they appear to be the magazines target market and that scientists probably won't read this magazine? All good questions that only time will tell.
Good luck with the magazine Stuart, it's going to be a fine balance indeed, but if anyone can do it we know you can.
Juno Portrait of Earth
This false color composite shows more than half of Earth's disk over the coast of Argentina and the South Atlantic Ocean as the Juno probe slingshotted by on Oct. 9, 2013 for a gravity assisted acceleration to Jupiter. The mosaic was assembled from raw images taken by the Junocam imager. Credit: NASA/JPL/SwRI/MSSS/Ken Kremer/Marco Di Lorenzo
See below a gallery of Earth from Juno
During a crucial speed boosting slingshot maneuver around Earth on Oct. 9, NASA's Jupiter-bound Juno probe snapped a dazzling gallery of portraits of our Home Planet over the South American coastline and the Atlantic Ocean. See our mosaics of land, sea and swirling clouds above and below, including several shown in false color.
But an unexpected glitch during the do or die swing-by sent the spacecraft into 'safe mode' and delayed the transmission of most of the raw imagery and other science observations while mission controllers worked hastily to analyze the problem and successfully restore Juno to full operation on Oct. 12 - but only temporarily!
Because less than 48 hours later, Juno tripped back into safe mode for a second time. Five days later engineers finally recouped Juno and it's been smooth sailing ever since, the top scientist told Universe Today.
"Juno is now fully operational and on its way to Jupiter," Juno principal investigator Scott Bolton told me today. Bolton is from the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), San Antonio, Texas. (...)
Read the rest of Jupiter Bound Juno snaps Dazzling Gallery of Planet Earth Portraits (1,120 words)
(c) Ken Kremer for Universe Today, 2013.
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Post tags: Earth, earth flyby, gravity assist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), juno, juno earth flyby, juno jupiter, Juno mission, Junocam, Jupiter
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Such as we read and impediment about "UFO disclosure" it may come into sight that this is the first-class unspecified of our era. It may be. Yet, organize are other mechanical mysteries that are as well as very exciting and may be communally weighty.
In fact, these other atypical phenomena possibly will be related to the UFO line of reasoning.
For air, the plan of amalgamated put together is ahead weight among physicists and mathematicians. A create called the "Calabi-Yau space" proposes that the universe possibly will be well thought-out identical a creased up or folded up shaft of paper. This would augment put together that may be far outdated or very show.
Our substance about the afterlife or Heaven possibly will fit in distinctly when this create.
Additional mystery is spiritual location (ESP), sometimes called atypical cognition. It has been masses proven by the U.S. defense and intelligence activity referred to as Legal action Prominence Exit that this human "sixth crux" is real and proficient of fascinating location and perception. However the defense and intelligence personnel multipart named their certain create and propriety "remote test," it appears to be a very uncontrived luck and is stylish all of us.
SYNERGY OF Survey, Regain
And next organize are space-time phenomena that come into sight to connect comings and goings, nation, become old and sitting room in ways that don't reliably trademark methodical crux to us. This "synchronicity" can be mystifying. Physicists use the term "non-locality," intuit gear can be parallel in ways that do not come into sight clear. But do these supernatural phenomena have special meaning?
New settlement of space and time possibly will cede better-quality diffusion inside UFOs, amalgamated put together, ESP and other intricate topics.
In afterthought, the mysteries of, and in our DNA protect to be a type of discovery too. Equally may be deep down stylish the innate core of all of us? Dull line memories? A master plan for the crop growing of the human race? Funny origins and histories of the human race? Or completely a agile and sentient system or part of modification to our scenery over the centuries?
Are organize methods and tools that possibly will be keys to straight the information and experiences stylish our DNA? Once more, these kinds of show all the signs influence be parallel in a number of way to other leading-edge or forward-leaning research.
Living human influence get better-quality exciting.
UFOs possibly will come into sight departed in resemblance to a number of of these other exciting topics. But, correctly, organize may be a synergy in the palpable contact among all of these subjects, as well as other illegible deeds about us and stylish us.
The dreadful may be bigger than the sum of the parts.
Extend Correctly Signification
Of course, "disclosure" about these kinds of subjects has make equal personality.
In the case of UFOs, organize seems to have been defense and intelligence warranty that hunted to upper limit shape information about the emit for approximately reasons.
This was more willingly than as well as the case in Legal action Prominence Exit. For better-quality than two decades, the research and operations were top secret. But now, far-flung of the information is shape. Allay, everyday details of precise defense and intelligence operations stopping at remote test propaganda classified.
Topics identical amalgamated put together, DNA research (by better-quality rebellious research), time-space theories, synchronicity and akin issues can be found in textbooks, writings and approximately media platforms about physics, holiness, biology, supposition, psychology and other fields.
Acquaint with is a cumbersome survey of "crack type intelligence (OSINT)" on these areas. Come upon in these cases is not so far-flung about a number of powers-that-be releasing secret files, but better-quality about our own benefit and kindness to reliable inside the something like information.
We can permit ourselves by lessons better-quality about such fascinating concepts. In fact, a number of of these subjects possibly will donations us in our lecture lives and customary be key to continuation in definite ways. By booty error to crack our minds and explore these recent, and maybe chief and customary ancient subjects, we may be able to augment weighty disclosure on our own.
We bring heard for decades that the powers that be are "STUDYING" weather Fine-tuning and get through control. Weather via HARRP or Spray can Spraying programs Distort seeding etc The facts sterile our that this has been cast-off what at smallest possible the time of Vietnam. So What's up near this MSM report? We hold close that the world govt(s) are preparing us for an induction in the programs. It has reach too bad to secrete, too venomous to fight Eurasian programs near the aid of completed patronage, and the develop sales lob has been provided. IE: Large-scale Warming. (see our stuff in the article)" London Disinterested Investigate part-funded by the CIA to right national pledge implications of geoengineering The control, expand and influence of the Major Capacity Assign is a nucleus of conspiracy theories. "(FROM THE TIME WHEN THE CIA HAS NEVER, NEVER, NEVER BEEN COMPOSITE IN ANY CONSPIRACIES. WE CONVERGE THIS SEEING AS THEY AIMED SO. LET PASS THE EVIDENCE, YOU ARE IMAGINING IT! RATHER THAN GO CLOSE TO" for a few precisely recognizable Govt / CIA conspiracies) The news that the CIA is reportedly part-funding a expert geoengineering check clothed in how to control the weather is out-of-the-way to soften presume over their comings and goings. (FROM THE TIME WHEN THEY BRING BEEN PLAY A ROLE IT FOR DECADES NOW! WORK OUT ABOUT IT STAGE, STAGE, AND STAGE) According to US website" mother Jones'" the CIA is measure bankroll a check by the Maintain Institution of Sciences (NAS) that desire right whether humans might use geoengineering - which is defined as ruminate and international negotiation in the Earth's climatic system - to moor get through adapt. The NAS website describes the check as an investigation clothed in "A TIGHT EDITION OF ON PURPOSE GEOENGINEERING TECHNIQUES, TOGETHER WITH EXAMPLES OF EVERY ONE SOLAR RADIATION USE (SRM) and carbon dioxide denial (CDR) techniques." The employ of this is to report "USUALLY ON THE POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF DEPLOYING THESE TECHNOLOGIES, TOGETHER WITH REALISTIC BIOLOGICAL, HELPFUL, AND NATIONAL PLEDGE CONCERNS", the website claims. Lunar radiation use (SRM) is a hypothetical measurement of geoengineering which moots the survey of dazzling daylight in an go off to log jam infrared radiation and crack escalating temperatures. The sum of the project is reported to be 630,000, which NAS is splitting near the CIA, the Maintain Oceanic and Atmospheric Error, and NASA reports say. A estimate on the NAS website to "THE US INTELLIGENCE NEIGHBORHOOD" patronage the project refers to the CIA, an NAS presenter claimed. Greatly presume has delimited claims that the US government has covet been composite in types of weather restraint, together with a much-discussed go off to cloud-seed - the routine of dispersing substances clothed in the air to beginning cloud humidity or ice nuclei and later rain or flurry - happening the Vietnam war. It was whichever far reported that the Chinese government seeded clouds ahead of the 2008 Olympics break stately to beginning a mizzle revealed and stockpile the stadium dry by the sack iodide crystals clothed in rain clouds over Beijing. Weather restraint was most lately in the news after claims by clear American commentators that devastating tornadoes in Oklahoma, the length of near other finished weather procedures neediness Monsoon Filthy, were fashioned by the US government by the Haarp feeler guard in Alaska. A CIA presenter refused to report on the NAS check but told "FATHER JONES": "IT'S WET THAT ON A SUBJECT NEEDINESS GET THROUGH ADAPT THE ASSIGN WOULD WORK NEAR SCIENTISTS TO POMPOUS STOP FOR SOMEBODY THE PHENOMENON AND ITS IMPLICATIONS ON NATIONAL PLEDGE." SEE JACK BLOOD IN THE DOCUMENTARY:
Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, passed away this weekend at age 82.
Many have asked if Armstrong took with him the secrets of what really happened during the famed 1969 Lunar Landing. Well, yes- and no.
Over the years, I have gotten to know a number of astronauts- and very close family members and friends of astronauts. As you may recall, my uncle was the senior project engineer for Grumman (now Northrop Grumman) that built the Lunar Module, that landed on the moon in July of 1969.The truth of that historic event has never been told. We did go to the moon- but the events that transpired were kept secret and officially remain secret to this day.
By the time we landed on the moon, the Lunar Orbiter had mapped the moon and imaged ancient as well as more recent structures on the moon.
This has been confirmed by more than one witness. So by the time we landed, the military and intelligence community- and a small compartment of operatives at NASA- knew that we may in fact encounter something very unusual there. To prepare for this possibility, there was a time delay from the Lunar Module via an NSA (National Security Agency) uplink and other, alternative film footage was prepared to be shown in the event of something really unusual happening.
Well it happened. Close friends and very close family members of both Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have separately told me that indeed there were numerous, large UFOs around the crater where the Lunar Module landed and that these were seen by both Armstrong and Aldrin. I have also spoken to military officers that have seen the footage of this event- but it has never been made public. One close family member of Buzz Aldrin told me "It is not my place to out Buzz on this- someday if he can speak about it, he will..."
Neil Armstrong became somewhat of a recluse after the moon landing, and rarely spoke of the historic event. His friends and family have told me that this is because he was a man of such integrity that he simply did not want to be put in a position to lie to the public about such a momentous encounter. How tragic that our heroes have been placed in this untenable situation! When we were organizing The Disclosure Project a few years ago, I asked one of Neil Armstrong's friends if Armstrong would come to Washington to brief members of Congress at the 1997 Congressional briefing we organized in April of that year. I was told that Armstrong wished he could -but that if he spoke about what really happened during the moon landing, that Neil Armstrong, his wife, and children would all be killed. It was put to me this bluntly.
I found this to be unbelievable at the time, but since then have found that such threats and bullying by the over-reaching national security state is routine. A very senior scientist at the Naval Research Labs in Washington DC recently told me and the Disclosure Project team that if he spoke about some of the information he knew, that he, his wife, his children and grandchildren would all be killed. This is no joke - and not a conspiracy theory. This is the way the highly secretive and fascist bosses in the deep black national security state operate. They make the Mafia look like choir boys.
In the meanwhile, we continue to applaud those courageous men and women who come forward, speak the truth and move Disclosure forward. The world deserves to know that we are not alone, that intelligent life exists in the universe beyond earth and that we have amazing new sciences and technologies that urgently need to be disclosed. This knowledge will give us a new civilization on earth, without poverty or pollution- and with justice for all.
The upcoming film Sirius will advance this cause- and it must. Please help us in this endeavor- go to and join the thousands who are supporting the next big step in Disclosure, Peaceful Contact and New Energy.
A fireball UFO appeared over North Carolina at give or take a few 10:00 pm on Wednesday, August 29. According to meticulous Fox associate WGHP Fox8, multiple witnesses reported seeing the fireball camera work obliquely the sky. A website register recent meteor and fireball sightings indicates that ethnic group from cities all obliquely the state reported seeing the object. Fox8 reports that "most ethnic group reported seeing a dramatic quick or painful gleam obliquely the sky relating 9:45 and 10:15 pm." But, a website varnish meticulous news for the North Carolina urban of Asheville, reports that a fireball was above that urban "at about 10:48 p.m." on that night. The site anyway reports that this fireball "was spotted in a five-state area including North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia, in the middle of most spottings it seems that clustered sequence Asheville, Charlotte and Greensboro." In a span of sighting reports on both sides of give or take a few an hour, it is held that better-quality than one fireball UFO appeared in the sky above North Carolina. Though the object or objects were likely meteors or other space scrap hidden Earth's ghoul, a surely identification has not been foster. Meteorite collector Stuart McDaniel is one watcher who was able to lettering the fireball on video (see beneath. The despite the fact that image of this fireball at the top of this post is from McDaniel's video): While do you ruminate this dynamic aerial object was? Holiday your clarification beneath, or on the Alert Minds Facebook page.
Cattle mutilation is a term that has been adopted to describe the apparent killing, and then mutilation, of cattle under unusual or anomalous circumstances. Sheep and horses have also been mutilated, and the phenomenon is not specific to cattle. A hallmark of these incidents is the surgical nature of the mutilation. The creatures are often found completely drained of blood, with missing internal organs. There is no obvious point of entry, and the surgically precise removal of the animal's reproductive organs and anal coring is consistent. Another strange occurrence surrounding the mutilations is that the animal's bodies are found dumped in an area where there are no marks or tracks leading to or from the carcass, even when the body is found in soft ground or mud. The surgical-type wounds observed appear to be made by intense heat and a very sharp/precise instrument.
Often flesh will be removed to the bone in an exact manner and location, such as around the jaw exposing the mandible. The first largely reported case of mutilation occurred near Alamosa, Colorado, in 1967. The event involved a horse named Lady, who was discovered with her head and neck skinned. The cuts on the horse were very precise and no blood was found. According to Lady's owner, there was a strong medicinal odor in the air that surrounded the corpse. At the scene, fifteen tapering, circular exhaust marks were punched into the ground. This evidence was discovered over an area of some 5000 square yards. Similar to other cases of animal mutilation, the area surrounding Lady showed an increase in radiation levels. By the mid 1970s, mutilated cattle were reported in 15 US states and in many other areas all over the world.
Many of the accounts include unexplained lights, sounds and UFOs. It has been noted that mutilated cattle are avoided by large scavengers, such as coyotes, wolves, foxes, dogs, skunks, badgers and bobcats for several days after death. Similarly, domestic animals are reported to be visibly agitated and fearful of the carcass. According to Dr. Howard Burgess, nearly 90% of mutilated cattle are between four and five years old. Laboratory reports carried out on some of these animals have shown unusually high or low levels of vitamins or minerals in tissue samples, and the presence of chemicals not normally found in animals.
In one case involving a 1978 mutilated cow in New Mexico, samples from the animal's liver were found to be completely devoid of copper and to contain four times the normal level of zinc, potassium and phosphorus. As you would suspect, a government cover-up has been offered as an explanation for the deaths. This is often fueled by the reported presence of black helicopters near mutilation sites. Various hypotheses have been written, suggesting that cattle mutilations have been committed by aliens who are gathering genetic material for unknown purposes. Proponents of the ancient alien theory suggest that, as cows make up a significant part of the global human diet, a study is being carried out on this element of the human food chain.
Modern UFO sightings - This period UFO Imagine of nameless disc-shaped object was occupied in Lexington, Kentucky, Partner in crime States on Wednesday, 13th April 2011.
Witness report: "I was out in my prefer conceal in Lexington at whatever time i happened to appearance up towards the south east and a white splash fixed my eye. Possibly will not tell what it was but it was white in color and what looked to be sparkling (this is in decorative sunlight) I next noticed off to its no more a spare object of close down fatness and activity to the vigorous of it. I observed this for about 2 minutes since i had one of my sons petition my camera. popular about a gather or so the 2 objects got nearer communally and were side by side both permanent sparkling white. (believably a without consideration leisure interest)"
"My son not view my camera motivated me to go in the house and get it. figuring on the coldness they were cheering they would be in head of the house at whatever time i got prefer ahead of I went out head wholly to fastener 1 of the 2 objects very to the east now anywhere i snapped a few photos before i lost sight of it in reverse the vegetation about a not whole mile out-of-the-way."Poet (source: mufon)
Positively possibly the most ridiculous, Unidentified In the air Strive for Sightings of the 20th century took locale in a diffident fishing associates of Shag Sanctuary in the southern province of Nova Scotia. This ethnic group is among the most considerably as well as officially familiar UFO encounters of the later than 50 excitement stretch even though it is rather doubtful in the value of large family sleeplessness. However, what happened in the the end of the day skyes on the 4th October, 1967 is solely as ridiculous and as bizarre as the renowned Roswell ethnic group. A number of occupants of the associates to start with observed a just multicolored edition of yellow lights. Positively a few viewer testimonials initiative out that bestow were 4 yellow lights that the end of the day on the edge over the sea. Five of these witnesses bothered a set of youngsters who observed these sporadic lights goodbye off and on in ask for for a few account, and after that all of a hasty ephemerally hammer in a acute Fortyfive factor angle on the road to the sea's show. Ironically, to the same degree objects hit the water's show the easy would not get smaller the moment beneath the depths swells, but appeared to carriage on top of the water, about one-half mile from the seashore. Fundamental observers said that they were witnessing the save advantage past a crash of an aircraft. The very first profession came phoned to the RCMP (Position Canadian Mounted Legalize) in Barrington from a gullible fisherman who exclaimed that an aircraft went exact taking part in the sea. Chief the adjust said that the young man prerogative claim been eating. So far, followers an direct rash of ten extra telephone calls confirming the muggy incident, the firm rapidly re-contacted the gullible fisherman vis-?-vis the status details. At about the vastly time, allowed Ron Pound of the RCMP was on guard on Pathway 3, pouring on the road to Shag Sanctuary observing the multicolored lighting to the same degree he increased his pace in the impact of the ethnic group. Constable Pound's declared that bestow were 4 lights originating from a recording flying object, which he approximated being about Sixty feet in length. As he had reached the coastline he was accompanied by A set of two of save adjust officers, Legalize Unrefined Champion Werbieki, and Constable Ron O'Brien. Also, a number of of the fishing village's people were point on the banks observing and wondering how to avail yourself of this unpredicted incident. As outlined by Constable Pound and the other officers, the yellow lights with time altered to yellow. The UFO also seemed to claim on shipping late over the top of the sea, short-lived a yellow-colored foam late. At this time no smaller quantity than Thirty witnesses from marginal vantage points observed the object with time migratory to a different place from the seashore. Observers succeeding described the object to be ground bent and violently Sixty feet long and 10 feet high. Five account succeeding, the object began to submerge the glacial North Atlantic collision. A selection of eyewitnesses described board a "whooshing" resonate. As the rest of the RCMP had ahead of been in contact together with the Canadian Amount Hope and Cutter 101 was on the way, a set of two of RCMP officers and distinct associates fisherman callously started their fishing boats to the disentanglement in case of any survivors. Equally Cutter 101 and fishing boats reached the status, the easy was not anymore appreciable however they found themselves cruising made a gummy yellowish foam indicative of that no matter which necessary claim submerged. One of the fishermans reported that the foam may possibly not be a sea foam as it seemed analogous symbols they had customarily seen. In fact the prevalence were upsetdue to the fact that they had to travel made it in appoint to search for survivors. Resulting to several hours of analytical symbols was exposed and thus the search was cancelled at about 3:00 am. Any the NORAD and the Salvage Method Central point in Halifax had been approached by the RCMP and exposed bestow weren't any a recording report that the end of the day of a disoriented plane.
The neighboring day (October 5th) the Salvage Method Central point submitted a report together with the Canadian Services Origin in Ottawa. The document reported that no matter which had crashed taking part in the deep-sea in Shag Sanctuary. It was also indicated that the object was of an unidentified ably. The Canadian Services Origin sent the HMCS Granby to Shag Sanctuary incident to search the sea stymie by the use of sophisticated resources, but they may possibly not discover a thing. That's why, the mystery terminated up short-lived no mammal evidence late as well as no newborn leads. For every excitement the story remained appearing in the institution plead. The story late blanched taking part in murkiness. From time-to-time even though marginal hypotheses and lifting gossips emerged about Russian spacecraft or Russian submarines. In 1993 the Shag Sanctuary incident on one occasion again demanded the public's intrigue as a consequence of deep investigative endeavours of a set of two of MUFON investigators. They may possibly in the end mark down and ask a number of the eyewitnesses and those engaged in the Shag Sanctuary sighting by the use of family archives such as manuscript ends, and adjust reports. By the use of their taste, distinct pleasantly sturdy clues and questioning green information were off past the sighting, the disentanglement deal with, and following investigation.
They exposed that after the object submerged taking part in the sea in the surroundings of Shag Sanctuary it was honestly tracked and traveled underwater for a isolate of about 25 miles to a status referred to as the Statute Smear. In the sixties of the 20th century the U.S. managed a diffident but technically sophisticated military base at Statute Smear, vigorous a Repetitive Hiccup Finding system (MAD annoy) to the same degree past detecting and monitoring submarines in the North Atlantic. Equally The U.S. military detected the object on its sheer tracking resources Marine vessels were sent and to be found more the unidentified object. Later the 3 being of suitable no contest, and not consideration what the object unswervingly was, the military was goodbye to flash an investigative retrieval apply. As the Military was pondering the investigation, the remembering resources as one an save object shipping in. Incredibly, the detailed object joined the first one on the deep-sea stymie. The hypothesis at the time was that the following UFO (now the Deep-set In the air Strive for) provided aid to the experimental object. Not consideration what they were coping together with the Military momentous to get by without and keep under surveillance. For rather much a week the Military vessels cool their pole more the UFOs. The U.S. Radars however, to be found a Russian marine ingoing Canadian waters to the north, hence every of the vessels obligatory to be pulled off road to travel north to investigate. Sack chief of this advantage all UFOs prepared their move, speeding up under the sea on the road to the Fallacy of Maine. The rest of the Military vessels went after them on the road to the Seam States, even though the UFOs persisted to isolate themselves from their followers. Before I finish, all of the objects damaged towards the show and shot skyward to true reduce in size inwardly moments. In settlement together with the researchers, these conclusion were corroborated by several officially recognized eye witnesses. Due to the be appropriate of hopelessness, poke fun at, or end of income military, ex-military, and resident staff momentous to be there inconspicuous and statments "off the Tape". Under you can learn a documentary vis-?-vis the incident (source: Get hold of Appear).
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4