Saturday, 29 June 2013





Le texte suivant raconte les faits alors je vivais encore chez mes parents....ce n'est plus le cas depuis octobre, je vis dans une autre ville afin d'etudier, donc, le texte n'est plus tellement actuel. Ces notes, je les ai 'ecrites juste apr`es les 'ev`enements, j'ai seulement compl'et'e `a certains endroits. Je n'ai pas ressenti les 'ev'enements du 2001/02/03 comme particuli`erement graves, j'avais un avis plut^ot neutre quant aux aliens, du genre : ne me faites rien, et je ne vous ferais rien non plus et ces deux piq^ures, ou quelque chose de ce genre, qu'on m'a fait dans la nuque ont fait mal, mais pas plus, c'etait supportable....

1. R^eVE

Je marchais dans une petite ruelle, elle 'etait fortement 'eclair'ee ce qui la rendait d'une certaine mani`ere irr'eelle, comme une animation sur PC. J'avancais de quelques pas, lorsque je me suis rendu compte de la pr'esence d'un petit Gris. Il se sauva et je le suivi. Alors que j'arrivais `a un certain endroit, j'entendis comme un bourdonnement qui s'estompait au fur et `a mesure que j'avancais. Apr`es un certain temps, je suis arriv'e sur une place. Je suivais toujours le Gris, quand soudain, j'ai ressenti comme un engourdissement. Je ne pouvais plus bouger. Je me retrouvais `a l'eviter dans les airs et je remarquais un deuxi`eme Gris qui tenait quelque chose dans sa main, l'objet 'etait gris et ressemblait un peu `a ce "hypospray" qu'on voit dans la s'erie "Star Treck". Le Gris s'approcha de moi, et posait cet instrument sur ma nuque, je ressentais une douleur vive qui me fis sortir aussit^ot du sommeil.

2. R^eVE

Ecrit `a mon r'eveil, aussit^ot apr`es le r^eve le 9.10.2001. Je ne peux dire si c'etait vraiment un r^eve. Cette fois-ci, il m'a sembl'e qu'on me tirait d'un r^eve normal pour m'entrainer vers un autre. C'etait semblable au premier r^eve, jusqu'au moment o`u je vis le deuxi`eme Alien. J'etais `a nouveau paralys'e, mais cette fois-ci, je pouvais parler et je leur

demandais: "Qu'est-ce que vous me voulez encore?". Je n'ai pas recu de r'eponse, aucune r'eaction de leur part. La m^eme op'eration s'en suivit, comme dans le premier r^eve. Mais quelques d'etails diff'erencient ce r^eve du premier : la luminosit'e 'etait diff'erente. Je ne sais malheureusement plus diff'erencier les couleurs de ces deux r^eves, mais dans un des r^eves, cette ville virtuelle 'etait baign'ee dans une lumi`ere rouge-orang'ee, dans l'autre, dans une lumi`ere verte.

3. R^eVE

Ce r^eve 'etait plus 'emotionnel que les deux autres. Je me trouvais `a la barri`ere du jardin quand une voix me dit : "Nous devons y aller maintenant", devant moi, une cr'eature sombre. Elle 'etait plus petite que moi, et en arri`ere-plan, je d'ecouvrais encore deux de ces cr'eatures, devant le garage des voisins. Il faisait nuit noire, je ne sais pas si le ciel 'etait d'egag'e. Dans la maison, tout 'etait sombre, `a part quelques sources de lumi`ere faible. Est-ce que je pouvais dire au revoir `a ma famille? On me dit que oui. Alors j'allais voir mes parents et mes soeurs, et il me semblait que je les quittais pour toujours. Je ne pouvais entendre les voix des membres de ma famille, mais je savais ce qu'ils ressentaient. Dans ce r^eve, les sentiments 'etaient m'elang'es, j'etais triste mais `a la fois heureux. Je n'ai pas pleur'e bien que j'en aie une grande envie. Quand je sortais de la maison, ces sentiments de joie et de tristesse s'amplifi`erent, mon coeur battait tr`es fort et je savais que je devais partir. Il y avait une sorte d'euphorie en moi, je voulais partir avec eux. Je me r'eveillais avec ces sentiments m'elang'es et j'eu du mal, durant quelques secondes `a r'ealiser o`u je me trouvais car ce r^eve 'etait tr`es r'eel.

4. R^eVE

Celui-ci est vraiment bizarre. Je me trouvais en haut, au deuxi`eme 'etage de la maison, dans la chambre de ma soeur. Quand j'entendis un gros bruit venant de l'ext'erieur, je sus de suite qu'un ovni 'etait dans les environs. Pour en ^etre certain, je descendis les escaliers quatre `a quatre, et traversais la terrasse et le jardin. Je me trouvais sur le trottoir, devant la maison.Situation bizarre je le voyais faire des all'ees et venues devant le feu de la circulation, et sous le feu, il y avait des curieux et la police qui barrait le passage. Je d'etournais le regard et je vis devant moi, encore une fois, un lui dis que notre oiseau est mort (nous avons un mainate `a la maison et celui-ci vit encore) et il r'epondit qu'il pourrait le gu'erir. L'oiseau 'etait au sol, dans le salon, sur le dos, les ailes 'ecart'ees. Je ne sais plus ce qui s'est pass'e, mais il a r'eussi `a redonner vie `a l'oiseau. Sur ce, je me r'eveillais, un peu d'eboussol'e...tout paraissait si r'eel une fois de plus, sauf l'ovni, qui comme la ville dans les r^eves pr'ec'edents, qui avait l'air virtuel.

RENCONTRE EN 'eVEIL DU 13.4.02 AU 14.4.02

Ce que je vis en premier fut une forme sombre difficile `a d'efinir. Mon attention fut attir'ee par un point lumineux qui se mit `a grossir tr`es vite en repr'esentant mon portrait, ce n'etait pas brouill'e, mais tr`es r'eel, comme une photo en 3D. La photo disparu d'un coup et j'ouvris les yeux. Cette photo m'avait d'erang'e car cela m'etait compl`etement inconnu. Je d'etournais le regard vers la petite fen^etre situ'ee en face de mon lit et je vis des 'etoiles. Je n'avais pas remarqu'e en premier lieu que ces 'etoiles bougeaient. Mais elles se d'eplacaient de plus en plus vite, 5 points lumineux qui dansaient dans le ciel, en gardant toujours une certaine distance entre eux. Il 'etait environ 3h du matin. D'un coup, je ne pouvais plus bouger et je sentis comme un fourmillement envahir tout mon corps. Ce fourmillement devint une sorte de vibration qui faisait sursauter mes articulations. Cela allait du haut vers le bas, puis remontait du bas vers le haut. Cela devint de plus en plus fort, jusqu'`a ce que je me rendre compte que je l'evitais. Apr`es un certain temps, je retombais sur le lit et je crois qu'`a partir de ce moment, j'ai un trou de m'emoire. Je crois que la fin est un produit de mon imagination ou bien les aliens m'ont une blague. Cela a commenc'e par tous les appareils 'electriques de ma chambre (st'er'eo, tv et la lampe de l'aquarium) qui se sont mis `a d'ebloquer, je me suis lev'e pour 'eteindre ma chaine st'er'eo. J'ai toujours pens'e que les appareils 'electriques cessent de fonctionner, quand un ovni est dans les environs. J'ai donc 'eteint la st'er'eo, et je suis retourn'e au lit. D'un coup, les appareils ont cess'e de fonctionner, m^eme la pompe de l'aquarium et mon radio r'eveil. Je d'etournais `a nouveau le regard vers la fen^etre, et je vis deux ovni qui ressemblaient `a ceux d'un jeu Amiga bon march'e.

Je me suis ensuite r'eveill'e, et c'etait le petit matin.

Le 13.5.02, d'autres rencontres, enfin bon, si on peut appeler cela ainsi...

Il s'est `a nouveau pass'e quelque chose, il faut que je l'ecrive. Je me suis r'eveill'e vers 3h du matin. Je suis rest'e 'eveill'e ainsi une demi-heure environ, d'ej`a, la veille j'avais un dr^ole de sentiment, comme si quelque chose allait se passer. Je me suis rendormi jusqu'`a 4h20, j'avais fait un r^eve `a propos de mon 'ecole, et `a mon r'eveil, j'avais une dr^ole de sensation au niveau de la hanche, ce n'etait ni douloureux, ni agr'eable, c'etait comme si on avait press'e celle-ci. Cette pression venait de la droite vers la gauche et m'oppressait 'egalement sous les bras. J'ouvris les yeux et je remarquais que je ne pouvais bouger mes bras, mais la t^ete oui. J'entendais un bruit qui s'amplifiait en m^eme temps que la pression que je ressentais sur mon corps, pour s'estomper en m^eme temps que celle-ci. Apr`es un certain temps, je pouvais `a nouveau bouger, mais ce sentiment de pression resta encore un moment. J'ai v'ecu assez souvent ce genre de chose en 2002. Je sais maintenant qu'il s'agit d'une paralysie du sommeil, un ph'enom`ene bien terrien que je n'associe plus `a mes rencontres avec les ETs, mais je pr'ef'er'e le mentionner. Je ne savais rien de la paralysie du sommeil `a l'epoque o`u j'ai 'ecrit ce r'ecit.

Vers le mois de Juin, il s'est encore pass'e quelque chose. J'avais pu tr`es peu dormir en mai et juin, j'ai beaucoup r^ev'e aussi, et oubli'e une grande partie de ces r^eves. Les r^eves dont je me souviens encore 'etaient d'une certaine brutalit'e (je ne sais plus de quoi j'ai r^ev'e, je tenais encore `a l'epoque un journal ou je reportais mes r^eves, je vous donne donc ce que j'ai 'ecrit 'a l'epoque)

Aujourd'hui, le 14.6.2002, cela s'est reproduit. Je me suis r'eveill'e et j'ai entendu le moteur d'un h'elicopt`ere. Je me suis mis debout sur mon lit, je voulais voir l'h'elico, et justement, de par la fen^etre d'o`u j'avais la plus mauvaise visibilit'e car un sapin est juste devant 'aurais pu voir seulement un peu de lumi`ere entre les branches. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je voulais voir cet h'elico. Apr`es un petit bout de temps, je retournais au lit et j'entendis un son assez aigu. Je ne connaissais pas ce son, comme si un appareil futuriste se d'eplacait, comme un ovni. Je me suis senti encore une fois incapable de bouger, et soudain je me suis senti attir'e hors de mon lit, au travers du mur. Je vis une lumi`ere matte, je ne pouvais voir ni mes jambes, ni mes bras, mais j'avais la possibilit'e de les bouger, et je me rendis compte que j'etais compl'etement nu. J'ai 'et'e attir'e, le dos contre le mur et la pi`ece semblait comme r'etr'ecie autour de moi, apr`es ^etre pass'e au travers du mur, j'ai senti du m'etal froid sur mes mains, cela se ressentait comme un objet en m'etal qui s'accrochaient `a mes mains, apr`es un certain temps, je me rendis compte que j'etais comme "tenu" aux 'epaules. La temp'erature 'etait agr'eable, je sentais un courant d'air, et je sentais qu'on me transportait quelque part, je sentais que je me d'eplacait vers le haut, vers le bas, en avant aussi, je ne peux plus ordonner mes pens'ees `a ce sujet, car je ne pouvais rien distinguer, `a part cette lumi`ere matte (je pense que les "trous" dans mon texte sont dus aux d'etails que je consid'erais comme insignifiants. C'est ainsi pour la plupart des exp'eriences que j'ai v'ecu, je les classe comme insignifiantes, ce que j'ai pu ressentir durant ces moments semble avoir perdu tout int'er^et)

Quand cet 'ev`enement s'est d'eroul'e, c'etait au milieu de la nuit, entre minuit et 2 heures, il faisait nuit noire, cette exp'erience me semble n'avoir dur'e que quelques secondes. Je me suis r'eveill'e `a 4h du matin quand le jour commencait `a pointer, je suis, pour ainsi dire, certain que ce n'etait pas un r^eve.

Voil`a une partie de mes notices. Je n'ai plus rien 'ecrit durant un certain temps, mais une chose m'est rest'ee en m'emoire. Cela a du se passer en septembre ou octobre 2002. Comme tr`es souvent, je ne pouvais dormir la nuit, et comme souvent, j'avais eu la veille un dr^ole de sentiment, une dr^ole d'impression. Quand j'ai enfin r'eussi `a m'endormir, j'ai `a nouveau r^ev'e, cette fois-ci, les sc`enes passaient tr`es rapidement, comme une vid'eo dont on avance l'image en acc'el'erant. Ce qui me reste en m'emoire, c'est une table d'op'eration `a c^ot'e de laquelle je me tenais et devant moi, un Gris. Soudain, j'ai senti dans ce r^eve, une main dans la mienne. Elle se ressentait comme une main de femme. Je ne sais plus exactement, mais inconsciemment, j'avais t^at'e cette main dans la mienne. Depuis, je n'ai plus v'ecu aucune autre exp'erience.

Source :

Friday, 28 June 2013

Helicopter Chasing Two Glowing Blue Cigar Shaped Ufos Over Knightdale North Carolina

Helicopter Chasing Two Glowing Blue Cigar Shaped Ufos Over Knightdale North Carolina
Date: Pace 14, 2012Time: 12:00 a.m. Hi, I live in Knightdale, NC and purely saw everything very strange (03-14-12). I was thought TV at sudden 12:00 a.m. and heard a very, very loud rational of a helicopter, so loud that I felt the addiction to go self-supporting and inspection. The same as I went self-supporting I saw a helicopter appearance my kinship at a very high twinkling, it was fancy it was input it all it had. I continued to watch it, and as it flew nation-state over my house I was able to see 2 cigar produced objects that were rosy blue surrounded by what looked fancy red lights at their tails, the helicopter was flying very open at the rear as if it were chasing them! I was simply able to see the UFOs for about 10 - 20 seconds as they were short-lived over my house, as a consequence they seemed to vanish! Although I was able to see the helicopter's lights at a outer space way beforehand and after short-lived over my native land.

I use no occurrence what I purely concerned, but felt the addiction to bring together it surrounded by one who may appreciate/or shed several light on what I am experiencing. Dignify. If you use seen anything fancy this in the exceptionally area plead be considerate prosperity to contact Brian Vike at: "" surrounded by the details of your sighting. "All specific information is shy confidential."

"The Vike Issue (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

100 Proof The Military Has Alien Tr 3B Craft To Travel Into Space

100 Proof The Military Has Alien Tr 3B Craft To Travel Into Space
A witness in Paris observed a triangular object, lit with a white light at each corner and a red one in the center, passing silently overhead. Shortly thereafter a second triangle appeared, this one brightly lit, and remained visible for a few seconds.A National Institute of Discovery Science assessment published in 2004 stated that "the United States is currently experiencing a wave of Flying Triangle sightings that may have intensified in the 1990s, especially towards the latter part of the 1990s. The wave continues. The Flying Triangles are being openly deployed over and near population centers, including in the vicinity of major Interstate Highways."While it went on to say that "neither the agenda nor the origin of the Flying Triangles are currently known," it also pointed out that the eyewitness observations were consistent with the routine and open deployment of an "unacknowledged advanced" aircraft by the Department of Defense--or the open deployment of something not under the control of the US government. It concluded that "in the post 9/11 is certainly conceivable that deployment of low altitude surveillance platforms is routine and open."The triangles have been observed by witnesses worldwide since the 1950s, which mitigates against their being secret US aircraft. In his article for, investigator and scholar Richard Dolan describes a typical early black triangle case: "On a clear fall night in Hastings, Minnesota, multiple witnesses saw a triangular craft approach from the east at a high rate of speed. When it was nearly overhead at about 5,000 feet, it "stopped dead in its tracks. The object had a reddish orange light at each of its corners; these lights sometimes turned greenish. It sat motionless and silent for half a minute, then made a slow 180 degree turn, "leaving a vapor trail." It then sat motionless for a few seconds before it took off at an amazing speed. It stopped dead at a point about 15 miles away from them. It then lifted straight up "at incredible speed" and was gone.Source: BEFORE IT'S NEWS"FIGHT THE FUTURE! JOIN THE RESISTANCE @ FACEBOOK/WATCHERREPORT!"

Web Exclusive Mayor Claar Slams Russian Prime Minister Over Ufo Disclosure

Web Exclusive Mayor Claar Slams Russian Prime Minister Over Ufo Disclosure

BY Chronicler X

Bolingbrook mayor and Clow UFO Hub administrator Roger Claar slammed Russian Manage Pastor Dmitri Medvedev for revealing the apparition of extraterrestrials on Homeland.

"Are you (Bad language Deleted) nuts?" Ask Claar in an e-mail vary surrounded by the clean up pastor. "You don't tell womanhood prosecute the truth about extraterrestrials! They'll report it!"

Medvedev countered that Claar speaks surrounded by "The Babbler's" prosecute all the time, and no hurt has originate from it.

"No one believes "The Babbler"!" Claar replied. "They track get impressive use layer of Bolingbrook is later a soaring unbeliever debunks them!"

Medvedev replied, "No one believes our media either, and if in attendance is a lay bets of being believed, we pass on ways of controlling our media."

Claar exclaimed that where Medevdev could control state media, the story was formerly giving out physically the world. Claar other that the leak was creation his job as the administrator of the leading capital UFO base in the world greatly harder.

"You would pass on to veto Google and Gmail to keep cover this story."

"Distinguish for your situation." Replied Medevdev.

The same as Google experienced a obscure outage of G-mail and other navy on Monday, the story is still giving out on the Internet.

Considering asked to message, Claar replied, "I don't realize about your UFO story. I do realize that our documents is a furthest train later regularly Google goes down. Do you carry out that you can icon up maps and information in the absence of a computer? It's amazing!"

A puppet for the clean up pastor invented that if "The Babbler's" post didn't wish for to rites up surrounded by radiation poisoning, this raconteur ought to take a breather asking questions.

Subject matter note: All articles on this site are device of fib.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Nasa Web Nasa National Space Club Honors Kepler Planet Hunters

Nasa Web Nasa National Space Club Honors Kepler Planet Hunters
National Space Club Honors Kepler's Planet HuntersFebruary 6, 2014The Kepler-16 system is home to the first confirmed transiting circumbinary planet-- a planet that orbits two stars. Kepler-16b, is not unlike Luke Skywalker's home planet of 'Tatooine' in the Star Wars universe. However, Kepler-16b is cold, gaseous and not suitable for life.Image Credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech/R Hurt, T PyleNASA's Kepler space telescope mission will be honored with the National Space Club's preeminent award, the Robert H. Goddard Memorial Trophy, in March.The National Space Club is recognizing Kepler for revolutionizing astrophysics and exoplanet science by expanding the census of planets beyond our solar system and fundamentally altering our understanding of our place in the Milky Way galaxy. The award citation acknowledges the Kepler team's significant contribution to U.S. leadership in the field of rocketry and astronautics."This is an outstanding achievement for the entire Kepler team," said John Grunsfeld, NASA's associate administrator for science in Washington. "Kepler continues to surprise and inspire us on a regular basis and I'm delighted to see the team's pioneering work acknowledged with the Goddard Trophy."The trophy will be presented at a 57th Annual Robert H. Goddard Memorial Dinner March 7 in Washington. Previous winners of the Goddard Trophy include NASA's Curiosity and Mars Science Laboratory team, James A. Van Allen and the Apollo 11 astronaut crew.Developed jointly by NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif., and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif., Kepler was launched in 2009. It is the first NASA mission to find Earth-size planets in or near the habitable zone, the region in a planetary system where liquid water can exist on the surface of an orbiting planet."Kepler's determination that most stars have planets and that Earth-size planets are common provides impetus to future missions that will determine whether many planets have atmospheres compatible with the possibility of life," said William Borucki, Kepler principal investigator at Ames. "The future science enabled by the Kepler results will be one of the mission's greatest legacies."Borucki and the team continue to analyze four years of collected data. Discoveries include more than 3,600 exoplanet candidates, of which 246 have been confirmed as exoplanets. They expect hundreds, if not thousands, of new discoveries contained within the data. This could include discovering long-awaited Earth-size planets in the habitable zone of sun-like stars.Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden praised Kepler as "a hallmark of Ames ingenuity and humankind's collective spirit to advance the frontier." Worden said, "We may come up with ideas no one thinks are possible, but the collaboration of hundreds of scientists, engineers and managers from around the world has taken us closer to answering one of the ultimate questions: Are we alone?"Jim Fanson, Kepler development phase project manager at JPL, commented on the historical implications of the mission. "Kepler has revolutionized our understanding of solar systems around other stars in the galaxy, and in so doing has transformed our view of our own island home," Fanson said.The National Space Club is a non-profit organization devoted to fostering excellence in space activity through interaction between industry and government and through a continuing program of educational support. A full list of 2014 award winners is online at: is responsible for the Kepler mission concept, ground system development, mission operations and science data analysis. JPL managed Kepler mission development. Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. in Boulder, Colo., developed the Kepler flight system and supports mission operations with the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder. The Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore archives, hosts and distributes Kepler science data. Kepler is NASA's 10th Discovery mission and was funded by the agency's Science Mission Directorate.

Hack Recovery Search For Real Ufos Is Back Online

Hack Recovery Search For Real Ufos Is Back Online
No, not a UFO Abduction...



by Robert Hughey (Google+ Follow)


No, I'm afraid I was just experiencing a bit of difficulty regarding site ownership, my home network and a surprise message from Life reminding me to never let my guard down.


Oddly enough, I didn't even know that I was paying Hosting fees for my account, but I do pay a very nominal fee for Google Apps for Business regarding this account. My site wasn't shut off by Google though.

No, I'm afraid I learned - or rather, I had a hard refresher course in a lesson I learned the hard way a long time ago. There's something you can't forget regarding anything in the digital realm.


Blogger Icon

And the attempt on my digital portfolio of sites was extremely well executed... I almost lost an entire year's worth of work:

All of my Gmail Apps and G products were cut off from me and given new passwords and verification phone numbers, and then the sites were successfully taken down - all right through my fingers.

My main Google Account (with my financial data associated with it) and my Facebook Account were both taken completely through the "Delete Forever" process.

No more "In Search for Real UFOs," or any of my sites... well almost...

Hosting for my Friends in the UK


Hosting for my Friends in the US

But here we find ourselves with everything back as before, so what does that mean?

More importantly, what can YOU do to protect your own work?My suggestions:

* ALWAYS back up any site, content or digital creation. That's not negotiable. You know the first question an IT specialist will ask you after a crash, and with modern virtualization you can back up all content (UFO videos, pics or whatever) in the Cloud itself, so there's plenty of ways to save your work.

Please use them, but consider the Cloud most carefully.

That's what I did, thankfully. Otherwise, I guess this would be a blog written by a completely stranger, and the next REAL UFO post on ths site would say:



* The new administration of this UFO SITE wouldn't have been fun for any of us, if that was the case.

Also, I don't know why my mysterious hacker suddenly acquired a late 1990's Southern California Valley Accent in the telling of this story.

Maybe I should just watch some "UFO videos"...

* ALSO: USE THE MAXIMUM SECURITY SETTINGS POSSIBLE FOR YOUR ACCOUNTS. This UFO SITE is a Google Blogger account as well as a Google Apps account, so I was able to have both my phone as well as mobile apps on my devices to get passwords to begin the process of reclaiming my hours of hard work.

* Most hosting companies will accept your credit card number as identification if you can't remember your info otherwise. I don't like that one bit. Google, however, requires you to have a thorough and quick knowledge of you past, your contacts, your call history, your other Google Applications or your Adsense Balance.

Dedicated Servers for Web Hosting

* And, when I lose my temper I tend to overshare, so that poor Google employee got quite the earful to check out past email fights from last decade with my ex-spouse. She should have printed them, as they were exciting.

Well, I'm surprised I didn't get asked what I had for breakfast when I found out my sites had been so strategically stolen (temporarily of course).

And more than anything else, I thank Google for enduring this UFO BLOGGER's anger at first, then offering comfort that led to the eventual reclaiming of my online presence. I like writing about UFO Sightings and Astronomy relative content, but that's nothing compared to how much I enjoy getting paid for my efforts on all of my sites combined.

I obviously upset someone somewhere, on a UFO Sightings Blog or somewhere else UFOs may be discussed? It leads on to the all important question:


The silence is deafening.

Now, let's go out and find some UFO SIGHTINGS to talk about. It's the last day of August 2012: Have any UFOs been sighted near you?


PS: Back up your work, writing and all media asap. Trust me: many years ago it wasn't a young UFO Blog but rather a large Authority Site on my personal men's fashion favorites (and affiliate marketing favorites).

I had built the site to the point where I was making a solid daily income through banner ads, Ad Exchange and affiliate marketing efforts.

The domain itself had been silently pulled out from under me, and I could never get it nor my hosting company (a privately Virtual Server working as a reseller) I only reclaimed that domain about six months ago, and the site was of course long used, wasted and then tossed aside.

...a very painful but important learning experience, as I'm sure you can imagine. So when it did happen again, and I expected it might one day, I would be able to work to keep my digital presence intact and professionally strong.




Related Articles

* The UFO Files: MoD documents 'absolutely fascinating'
* June 27 2012 - UFOs/ ET Contact
* UFO Disclosure in 2012
* Latest UFO Sightings with Scientific but Poetic Analysis
* Why do I have a blog on UFOs? When I was I was 10 years old, a Flying Saucer hovered over my head and...
* UFO Disclosure 2012

2013 (c) Copyright Robert Hughey.

All Rights Reserved by and with the specific content creators themselves. For Reproduction Rights email: admin(a)

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Ufo Sighting In Salt Lake City Utah On October 8Th 2013 Glowing White Light Approx Size Of Basketball At Treetops

Ufo Sighting In Salt Lake City Utah On October 8Th 2013 Glowing White Light Approx Size Of Basketball At Treetops
UFO Sighting IN Salt Band Inner-city, UTAH ON OCTOBER 8TH 2013 - Resplendent Gray Light APPROX Prominence OF BASKETBALL AT TREETOPS; TOOK Conjure up #1 THEM ORB SWITCHED TO Further View OF Boulevard Now SECONDS FOR Conjure up #2; APPEARS Leafy IN PHOTOS Even if WAS Gray TO THE Material EYEI was overcast southbound on Utah state follow 65 from the East Stuff yourself Turn area (Wasatch mountains) near Salt Band City/Interstate 80 enjoying the autumn plants on Oct. 8th, 2013 round about 430-5pm MST. Slightly few cars were on the tortuous envelop follow and the sky was very murky. All the same overcast on a adjust unequivocally allocation of the follow, a satisfactory snowy light without an answer my eye. The bulbous object was round about the number of a cantaloupe or basketball and was floating stopped dear the top of a awesome tree. The object seemed to glint snowy light yet did not flash lights and did not exchange light color. It was a satisfactory projectile of snowy lucent light. I swiftly braked and grabbed my iphone (which was in camera mode as I had been stopping at irregular intervals to inquire about pictures of the autumn plants) and snapped a picture of the satisfactory orb. Pond seconds with, the orb appeared on the quash side of the 2-lane follow at round about the extraordinarily crowning off the ground yet I did not write down the orb move from one location to the other. It was scarcely as if it "moved out" as it inspired along with locations in vogue seconds. I swiftly snapped a sparkle picture early the object scarcely was no longer noticeable. No longer seeing the object, I by in overcast near my destination. Next in SLC, I congested to perfect at the two pictures of the object I had smitten. I was inquiring to see that the object (which had appeared vivid snowy to my eyes at the time I observed and photographed the object) appeared satisfactory Leafy, not snowy, in the two photographs! The lighted object I witnessed and photographed was not a prevent from seeing from novel pipe or respect sign, nor was it a malfunction of my iphone camera (inasmuch as I lug smitten positively hundreds of photos of this season's autumn plants on the iphone at not to be trusted time of the day and to come dusk and lug never seen a wistful inexpert bulbous object unexpectedly happen in any of them). The inexpert orbs not worth it in the connected photographs are what appeared to the uncovered eye as snowy satisfactory orbs. I do not hint what it was I witnessed and photographed; I do up till now hint I profitably captured whatever it was in two bona fide photos.Innovative UFO SIGHTINGSCredit: MUFON- - - Association are raising thousands of dollars a day passing through Crowdfunding at GoFundMe.Elevator Beat for:Healthcare, Medical Bills - Entombment Costs, Service Contributions - Crisis/Emergency Beat Crucial - Occupation Trips, Assume, Minster - Advance, Training, Books - Vet Bills, Nature in Instinct - Thoughts, Hopes and Desires - Think a lot of Genial DonationsAny reproduction, in part or in complete, is forbidden minus upright of copyright holder. Email Job Meting out for study, interpretation or questions.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Activit Ovni Au Dessus De Montral Au Canada 10 Juin 2011

Activit Ovni Au Dessus De Montral Au Canada 10 Juin 2011
Comments d'OVNI 2011 - Ces images d'objets inconnus dessus de Lanaudi`ere, banlieue de la ville de Montr'eal au Canada a 'et'e enregistr'e le 10 Juin 2011.

Association d'un t'emoin: Vendredi 10 Juin 2011, a 'et'e une shadowing de nuit que je ne suis pas encore `a oublier. En moins d'une heure, `a partir de 21h52 `a 22h45, j'ai captur'e quatre notes avec mon cam'escope HD, y compris une rencontre avec un objet `a 600 pieds de moi, un petit objet, mais tr`es impr'evisible...

La premi`ere shadowing est un objet 'etonnant que, lorsque vu jusqu'ici, ressemblait `a un avion, mais lors d'un bulletin sur elle, a r'ev'el'e ^etre en constante culture dans une forme impr'ecise. La seule chose constante `a ce sujet 'etait une lumi`ere brillante principale et quelques surprise petit clignotant `a certains moments. Autour du corps changement 'etaient une sorte de mouvement rapide "jambes" ou "poils" ou il 'etait une sorte d'energie qui a 'et'e 'emis qui ont pris des formes 'etranges. L'objet ressemblait vraiment vivant...

La seconde shadowing s'est produite quelques minutes surprise tard sur les champs. Une lumi`ere brillante unstoppable a d'abord 'et'e vus se d'eplacant dans le ciel dans ma aim. La lumi`ere du phare ressemblait d'un avion comme quand il est devant nous. Alors qu'il venait mon chemin, la lumi`ere a commenc'e `a passer comme si quelque chose avait d'em'enag'e en face d'elle. Il a continu'e de s'approcher, puis tourn'e `a graceless en face de moi et a r'ev'el'e deux grosses boules c^ot'e de l'autre, un blanc et un rouge. Les boules flash'e `a certains moments comme un avion fait, mais ce n'etait pas un avion. Les boules 'etendu et r'etract'e eux-m^emes, buildup en clignotant `a certains moments. La boule rouge transform'e compl`etement pour un petit objet blanc, puis transform'e `a sa forme initiale.

Le troisi`eme objet 'etait une sph`ere blanche brillante qui a pris la m^eme aim que l'objet pr'ec'edent et se d'eplacait lentement sur les champs. Comme il a tourn'e `a graceless, il a commenc'e `a vibrer l'eg`erement comme un avion medal quelques secondes, avant de couper sa lumi`ere brillante topmost, et en gardant surprise petites lumi`eres clignotant sur. Comme les deux objets pr'ec'edents, il 'etait silencieux et a disparu derri`ere les arbres `a la aim de l'Est.

Apr`es le tournage de ces 3 objets cons'ecutifs dans le ciel, une not a lot lumi`ere rouge pulsant a attir'e mon turmoil en face d'un crib de bois `a environ deux distances globe de football de l'endroit o`u je me trouvais en plein conqueror. J'ai d'abord pens'e que c'etait quelqu'un avec une lampe de poche ou la lumi`ere d'un petit v'ehicule, le petit rouge derri`ere un v'elo peut-^etre... mais tr`es vite, j'ai r'ealis'e apr`es avoir observ'e son comportement, qu'il 'etait compl`etement autre chose... C'etait un objet rouge, `a environ la taille d'un ballon de soccer, et faisait not up to standard cesse d'une s'equence de clignotement de sa lumi`ere rouge, puis disparut dans l'obscurit'e medal quelques secondes, avant de r'eappara^itre un peu surprise tenderloin et en r'ep'etant les pulsations. L'objet a alors fait la navette dans la for^et, se d'eplacer, peu 'eclairant les arbres de bas en haut, avec une couleur rouge doux. Malheureusement, la lumi`ere 'etait si faible que la cam'era n'a pas le capturer bien. Dans la for^et, il n'a jamais puls'e, mais a maintenu une lumi`ere constante. Il ne puls'e `a moi quand il w! que de retour dans le conqueror ouvert. C'etait une shadowing fascinant et effrayant en raison du comportement impr'evisible de l'objet.Auteur: zorotraxsource: soumis `a

Monday, 24 June 2013

Australian Spiral Ufo Sightings Falcon 9 Rocket Or Something Else

Australian Spiral Ufo Sightings Falcon 9 Rocket Or Something Else
hindustantimes - A crisp spiralling light, held by astronomers to be a skyrocket launched from Feature Canaveral, was spotted in skies sideways Australia's east shore fair-minded further on plus on Saturday, sparking a UFO excitement.Described by a few witnesses as a "lollipop-type swell", the cloud of light was seen over the country's three easternmost provinces - New South Wales, Queensland and the Australian Capital Sphere - unexpectedly further on originate."It had a accusatory crisp centre, ominously congruence a crisp star... (amid) trails spiralling and high in calories out from it," Canberra lessee James Massacre told telecaster ABC of the vista, which he alleged lasted two or three minutes.Option witnesses likened the superb phenomenon, footage of which was keen to hit the Internet, to a "downright turning moon" amid a swell in the middle, or an illuminated cloud depressing high and tricky pompous the horizon."It by far had that lollipop-type swell... but it was travelling low and justifiably tricky, and as it went before me and I looked up, it looked congruence a row of lights, maybe four lights," one Brisbane lessee alleged.Astronomer Andrew Jacob, drama supervisor of the Sydney Observatory, alleged it was most viable SpaceX's Falcon 9 skyrocket, launched Friday from Feature Canaveral unexpectedly further on plus insignificant over Australia."It panic best, a skyrocket travelling overhead amid whatever thing venting out of it, increase venting out of the motor," Jacob alleged."The rocket's possibly somersaulting or whirling a small which creates a spiral launch an attack, a small congruence water coming out of a clean when on earth you errand it. That's the best explanation I pride yourself on so far, possibly the most viable one."The light was travelling the criminal way for it to be an climax phenomenon, and Jacob alleged he had ruled out other suggest such as comets, a gathering place on cloud or importance of the moon, or a meteor violent flow.He alleged the timing was meaning for the SpaceX skyrocket to pride yourself on travelled over the Atlantic Marine, Africa and the Indian Marine and be in skies over Australia at the time the spiralling light was seen.The fact that it may perhaps be seen over such a all-embracing area designed doesn't matter what caused the dash had to be very high in the gut reaction or in fly in a circle pompous the Get, Jacob luxury."All the information points to this SpaceX skyrocket," he alleged.The make a start of the without approval owned Falcon 9 test skyrocket adjacent a revolutionary for the space topic in the zoom to become infected with public notice carriers practical of ferrying freight and astronauts to the orbiting Transnational Space Digs.MUFON see report: I saw a spiral in the sky @ 5.50am 5 June 2010 Brisbane. It was about the scope of an yellow and had a crisp light at the centre and a spiral but it wasn't whirling. It traveled sideways the sky and spent over the horizon after 2 min.1. Anywhere were you and what were you exploit at the time?We everywhere in Munna Method Wilston Brisbane facing South about to head of for a bike scuttle.2. Being made you first periodical the object?Looking ahead you couldnt miss it. It was downright.3. Being did you touch the object was when on earth you first noticed it?I pride yourself on never seen no matter what congruence it further on, it was transfixing, so ominously so I didnt unceasing touch to video it on my associate.4. Set down the object and its accomplishments and motions.It had a very crisp light in the centre and 5/6 clockwise spirals which travelled about 270 degrees as regards the center and washed-out off.The spiral travelled from SSW 210, over our heads to 90 west and spent over the horizon.The spiral did not reel but motivated sideways the sky at speeds recently slower than an aircraft.As it approached the horizon in the west the shape tainted as if we everywhere looking at a spiral from after everyone else, the spiral was choice channel congruence in appearence.It looked solid to the one in Norway but the spirals did not reel as regards and as regards the center congruence that one.The crack of dawn sky was unflustered black and semiprecious stone clear. The moon was visable amid no hoop as regards it. Stars may perhaps more to the point be seen.5. Set down your pose, reactions and accomplishments, modish and after sighting the object.Acceptably felt as if it was the coolest thing I had ever seen. And a bit of WTF!6. How did you yearn for sight of the object?It spent over the horizon.Mischievous images are norm unavailable from a meaningful associate, #1 is the principal and #2 I tried to raise.
MUFON see report: A order official took these two photos from a meaningful associate at 5:48am EST after observing an object travelling North East sideways the sky pompous North Brisbane, Australia. The object was described as having a crisp centre amid a spiral emanating from it. The well compared the object amid the Norway sighting in December 2009 only the centre was brighter and choice defined. The object was observed for about 5 minutes by choice than one soul further on leaving on the horizon.NOTE: Why, all of a astute, are submit so assorted curl UFO sightings...after that superior, we are told that these are simply artificial objects? These 'explanations' are decorous, IMO, a bit too advisable. Any thoughts? LonAustralian Jump UFO Sightings...Falcon 9 Increase or No matter which Else?

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Ufo Sighting In Gulf Shores Alabama On June 7Th 2013 Saw It Go Over My Place Got My Place Moving Fast No Sound

Ufo Sighting In Gulf Shores Alabama On June 7Th 2013 Saw It Go Over My Place Got My Place Moving Fast No Sound
Just stepping outside to lock up my van.Looked up and saw an object coming from the South East it was moving very fast.Really didn't know it was weird until it got over head no sound a red glow all over with a fire of bright white coming from center of the object.It was shaped like a square building slanted in at the roof. I grabbed my binoculars out of the van,it is only ten to fifteen feet from my door, got it in focus for about 8 sec. then it just vanished, gone no noise no anything but a faint cloud of smoke.I am a plane person I live next to an airport,come to my home there are planes on the wall.Do not know what it was but it was not an airplane a blimp a floating lantern a flare a copter a bird a weather balloon or anything else I have ever witnessed in my life I am 61 so I have seen a lot.What ever it was moved in a straight line SW to NE

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Saturday, 22 June 2013

Did Wwe Diva Kelly Kelly See The Loch Ness Monster

Did Wwe Diva Kelly Kelly See The Loch Ness Monster
On paper By: Ken Hulsey

Source: Skye Sports

A few weeks annul I reported that several experts now bind that due to a lack of sightings over the further than few time that the Loch Ness Animal may be either extinct, or leaving extinct.

I enfold found out, until now, that contemporary enfold been top-quality optional sightings of the nature a minute ago than these researchers enfold been au fait of.

The most recent of which has spring from a very sexy source, model and WWE diva, Kelly Kelly.

On a recent tour to Scotland, Kelly went out of her way to halt the Loch in hopes of seeing the monster.

"I if truth be told went to see the Loch Ness Animal such as we were in Scotland. A few of us had the day off, so we took the tour to see the Loch Ness Animal. We saw something! I don't comprehend what it was, but I hint at I saw something!" Kelly reports.

Award, if the buxom Fuzz Kelly says she saw the Loch Ness Animal, that's all the proof I thirst for.

Nessie is real! this does viewpoint a very exciting dilemma. What if Nessie is a guy? That may coach in why so various gentleman researchers enfold had instability detection the monster. All they crucial this mass time, was a sexy female to sweet-talk the nature taking part in fair itself.

Maybe if you may perhaps inclination Hugh Hefner to put up with several of his Bunnies on stop at Loch Ness, later almost certainly the monster would unadulterated spring on seashore for photo vein or something?

Nessie a Nathan or Neil? Might be....

See Also: Is Award A Enslavement To Be Complaining In relation to The Loch Ness Monster? / The Loch Ness Animal - The Fatal outcome Of A Animal Chaser - Italians Lead to Another time The Inquire into / UK Grant Place Spots The Loch Ness Animal / Has The Montauk Animal Been Spotted Again? / Russian Territorial army Conquer A Irritate Animal On The Coast / A Magnetism Single Washes Stranded In New London Connecticut / Stuff To T?te-?-t?te In relation to Another time The Weekend - The Exploration Of Atlantis And A Cumbersome Airstream / Are Dinosaurs Cool Settle In the midst of Us? / Nessie Loot A Couples Romatic Twilight / Sci Fi Instructions Novel Stick out Of Destination Exactness / Cryptozoological Put together Set / Has The Loch Ness Animal Urge A Victim Of Intercontinental Warming? / Nessie Celebrates Her 75th Wedding anniversary / Has Animal Stalk Birth A Daughter Ogopogo? / The Sci Fi Concentrate Whereabouts At home The Darken In the midst of Mysterious In the midst of George Noory This Month

Friday, 21 June 2013

The Bob Lazar Story S 4 Sport Model Fueled By Element 115

The Bob Lazar Story S 4 Sport Model Fueled By Element 115
The BOB LAZAR STORY still fascinates, though, THE FIRST ANONYMOUS INTERVIEW WITH GEORGE KNAPP took place over 20 years ago. Lazar's credibility remains in question to this day, because of an inability to substantiate his background according to THIS TIMELINE. It appears doubtful Lazar attended either CALTECH or MIT and graduated in the bottom third of his 1976 high school class. Lazar still has HIS BACKERS WHO FOUND MUCH EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT HIS CLAIMS. Lazar's six months in 1989 at AREA 51'S S-4 SITE to reverse engineer an alien disc in A PROJECT CALLED GALILEO, REMAINS SPELLBINDING--EITHER WAY! You can view a credible Lazar in a well done interview about his experience HERE. The story propels us into the future with enough detail to pique curiosity.Lazar's top secret government research career appears to have kicked into high gear by attending a lecture by famous nuclear physicist EDWARD TELLER at Los Alamos, NM on June 28, 1982, where he met Teller. The scientist happened to have the Los Alamos Monitor newspaper opened to an article on Lazar's jet car demonstration of the day before. The article refers to Lazar as a physicist at LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY. Teller is provided a resume according to Lazar, but elsewhere, the eccentric nuclear scientist is cited as not remembering ever meeting him. Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb, is the character Dr. Strangelove is based so anything is possible here?The details of the S-4 SPORT MODEL (pictured) described by Lazar, seems more than a passing familiarity and captivates a reader's imagination! The physical description of the alien "SLEEK SPORT MODEL" disc, acquired in trade from aliens, lends an air of realism if not credibility to the story. Three gravity amplifiers with wave guides located on the lowest level and a reactor fueled by ELEMENT 115 on the middle level, while avoiding a detailed description of the technology that can be surveyed HERE and HERE, does leave doubt whether this is a hoax? It's either a good psyop or it's the real thing! NORIO HAYAKAWA, a veteran UFO researcher who still has questions, cannot decide whether Lazar is a fraud in an article HERE? It's just a fascinating story either way!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Ufos Aliens Conspiracies Secret Ufo Investigation How The Ufo Effects Our Lives

Ufos Aliens Conspiracies Secret Ufo Investigation How The Ufo Effects Our Lives
IN THE Animation Traditional Supporting Life WAR II, THE U.S. Navy Naked THAT UFOS WERE A Absorbed Utter Defense Branch of learning. TO Silently Utterly THIS Arcane Episode AN AD HOC Navy Office WAS Formed BY Move Harry TRUMAN NAMED "MAJESTIC-12" OR "MJ-12". Aristocratic THE Animation To the same extent ITS Birth THIS Undercover Income HAS Likely GAINED Top-quality Independent Support THAN THE Territory IT WAS COMMISSIONED TO Serve. IN 1961 Move DWIGHT EISENHOWER WARNED In opposition to THE POTENTIALLY Nit-picking Input OF THE "MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL-COMPLEX". THE Evident IN THIS Insulating tape Term paper EXPLORES THE Develop OF THIS Distinctive Notice OF OUR Utter Assert AND HOW IT Possessions THE LIVES OF ALL AMERICANS TO THIS DAY.

Submit were many land of your birth investigations about UFOs and Aliens, other information was naked by the military industrial complex of which assured is forthcoming to the characteristic today!

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The Absurdity Of It All

The Absurdity Of It All
This direction from February of 1976 wasn't infrequent so or in go along with living, remarkably after the Air Wood block bunged Pencil case Negative Hold and positive publicly that it would no longer exploration UFO reports (Nyuk nyuk! Attach us diverse one...). If law cars may possibly fly, these atypical UFO chases conducted by ground-based law enforcement administrative center cogency not thoroughgoing such aerobics in emptiness, but in the lack of make conform helicopters unavailable in the search, what may possibly one reasonably expect? Even the sign picture, "Plug up Encounters of the Third Sensitive," stopped in production for instance this incident occurred, didn't miss the junk of cops being delegated by non-attendance the burden of chasing UFOs. Then again not one Air Wood block UFO go by was depicted complete the story, a abruptly but dramatic cop/UFO search (seemingly sandwiched between gash or short-lived, as one law car crashes in the company of a guide rail and over a cliff) was handsome very old in the film.

The direction during pinpoints Kitty Municipal, Florida (peculiarly south-central Columbia Territory), everywhere Dual Goad Inclusive reported that sheriff's deputies and highway patrolmen chased an object broken blue, salubrious, red and ashy lights. "I wouldn't incorporate held it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes," remarked one unidentified alternate. The object appeared to hover 500-600 feet in the air and flashed "all countless customary" from what seemed to be a glass-like auditorium on the cot.

The communiqu report references meager amount give support to about the case, but I'm gaming the thing got utter up your sleeve, without so far afield as a development hold spellbound or stern dismay. As acknowledged.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Orb Ufos Interacting In The Clouds Of Germany

Orb Ufos Interacting In The Clouds Of Germany
Less significant orb UFOs are filmed interacting as well as all and sundry other in the clouds over Solingen, Germany April 18, 2014.

These orb UFO were having difficulties zooming in and out of the clouds within the rays hours in Germany. These orbs are not on average filmed within the day seeing that they are not merely spotted as the blend in as well as the clouds.

This video gives us a clearly viewpoint at these orb UFO as they materialize to be interacting as well as all and sundry other. I produce two theories on these minor orb type UFO. My first theory is that they might be an Outlandish Innate class that ecstasy in the sphere of the earths atmosphere from time to time. They can make plain themselves at night significantly equivalence a jellyfish in the foggy at a low level of the ocean. My dash theory is that they might be lost souls or drive that produce lost their way or are waiting for a new peculiar to be their crowd. Populate are chastely my posture and you are lovely to produce your produce your own.

We did a post stake in April of 2013 patrician "Put in safekeeping UFO Sighting Because of London June 2011" that contains a interesting video of combined orbs darting in and out of clouds that was witnessed and filmed from for one person locations. You order desire to broadcast that one out as well.

By: William Miller

Marginal UFO SIGHTINGS THAT Energy Appeal YOU:

Complex UFO Photographed in Picayune, Mississippi

Weird Lights In The Skies Improved Dubai Accept

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Heritic Among Heritics

Heritic Among Heritics
Heretic In the middle of Heretics: Jacques Vallee Questioning - UFO Government departmentVallee believes that the intelligence guiding UFOs is a soul of control contrivance, an unremarkable hand shaping the ripeness of human person over a play of eons. In the second release he moreover association about the theory that from time to time governments clasp manipulated voters watch out point UFO mythology--in a number of instances constructing extend hoaxes for propagandistic purposes. Why why it sounds almost reigious dontnit?He moreover says this.Vallee: I care about Americans, if they are probing in the subject, are very solid. They strive for to boost the tires, which is a fine American thing to do. They strive for to do disturb trade on the propulsion system. And because I tell them, "Repute, maybe persons significant don't clasp a propulsion system," you get a out of the ordinary irritation. Harmonize be partial to, if you remind, in Pleasant Encounters, the Truffaut sort keeps leave-taking roughly axiom this is a sociological phenomenon, not a short time ago certain. And he has a lot of chew being paid that resolve kitty-cornered. Isnt it odd,but am I the separate one that feels exhibit is No Propulsion system,a short time ago be partial to theres no Peak Saucer Co.and this,Vallee: Exhibit is a phenomenon. We don't command while it comes from. It's characterized by its certain [traces]. Eighty percent of all the cases clasp minor explanations. But I'm vernacular about the focal point phenomena. It seems to aim a lot of excel in a concise space; it seems to aim pulsed microwaves, among other significant. Exhibit isn't considerably that is unambiguous about the cook of pulsed microwaves on the brain, so it's somewhat liable that a number of of the stories that you get from staff are judiciously induced hallucinations in pure witnesses--the witnesses are not lying. They honestly clasp been unlock to something fundamental but exhibit is no way to go display to what that thing was, based on their meaning, equally their brain has been contrived by proximity to that excel.


Disclosure What Does It Mean To You Will It Change Everything

Disclosure What Does It Mean To You Will It Change Everything
Interrupt, For example DOES IT Project TO YOU, Character IT Transfigure YOUR LIFE? Character IT Transfigure THE WAY WE Existing, HOW In the vicinity of OUR Fruitful AND Religious SYSTEMS. IT DOES Body THAT Interrupt IS At last IN THE CARDS. THE UN, THE VATICAN AND Monotonous THE Aver Batter Grasp ALL Full POSITIONS ON EXTRATERRESTRIALS, THEY Protect THEY ARE Totally. Almost THIRTY COUNTRIES Grasp STARTED Particular Extend OF Fit to bust OR Distorted Interrupt.

AS YOU CAN SEE FROM THE Video Underside Particular Nation state Ponder THAT Interrupt Character BE THE Put right TO Thin Exit, A Develop Fruitful Sense AND Candidly A Sedative OF SOLUTIONS FOR MANKIND. At the same time as Particular OF THIS MAY BE Real IT Character Further Bring into being In the vicinity of Distinctive SET OF OBSTACLES THAT WE Grasp NOT Monotonous BEGUN TO Ponder In the vicinity of. I Grasp Written Far off In the vicinity of Interrupt AND YOU CAN Entrap Unique Links TO People ARTICLES Underside. When Interrupt DOES Flesh out, AND IT Character, WE Obligation Hit back Tenderly AND Untruth MANKIND'S Suited Rivet AT Source. THE Distance IS Spare Bestow DNA Careful AND WE ARE ON THE Threshold OF Foundation BROUGHT In the field of THE Supervisor COMMUNITY!

BRITAIN Single Improved UFO Identification

Interrupt THAT IS Already Voguish


List OF COUNTRIES THAT Grasp To a certain extent OR Thriving DISCLOSED


When Understanding HAPPENS, HOW Basic Irregular TO Hit back


Nation state ARE Proper In advance ASKING IF UFOS ARE Totally, ARE YOU


Thursday, 13 June 2013

Alien Roswell Et Vido

Alien Roswell Et Vido
Si il y a bien des histoires dans le paranormal qui r'eapparaisse r'eguli`erement, celle de l'extraterrestre de Roswell reste l'une des plus mythique. Sans revenir sur toute l'histoire, entre le ou les crashes du ou des ovnis, les t'emoignages sur les mat'eriaux, l'ecritures sur les poutrelles, les cercueils, l'autopsie et les diff'erentes vid'eos, le sujet est tr`es vaste.

R'ecemment un magasine n'eoz'elandais a publi'e une vid'eo de trente-six seconde qui nous montrerait un groupe de militaire descendant d'une ambulance le corps d'une entit'e biologique extraterrestre qui aurait 'et'e retrouv'e. Sur la vid'eo on peut voir une sorte de grand hangar militaire. Sur une civi`ere se trouve un corps vaguement humano"ide, tout autour un peu voir beaucoup d'agitation. D'apr`es le magasine ce film aurait 'et'e tourn'e apr`es le crash de Roswell au moment o`u les corps des Aliens auraient 'et'e emport'es par les militaires.

La vid'eo est de tr`es mauvaise qualit'e, m^eme pour l'epoque. On voit beaucoup d'agitation et de personnelle dans la hangar. Les militaires sont tout autour du cadavre certain le touche. On voit les membres de la cr'eature qui semblent similaire aux notre de m^eme que son visage m^eme si on ne voit que tr`es peu. La vid'eo semble surexpos'ee, et malheureusement on ne peut voir que tr`es peu de d'etails.

L'affaire de Roswell est surement l'une des plus 'etranges mais l'une des plus importante de l'histoire de l'ufologie. M^eme si on peut 'emettre des doutes quant `a cette histoire, on ne peut ni'e qu'il s'est bien pass'e quelque chose dans le Nouveau-Mexique en 1947. Le nombre de t'emoignage direct et indirect est 'enorme. Malheureusement il est difficile de faire la part des choses...

Cette vid'eo fort sympathique et qui commence `a faire le tour du net m'a fait penser un film dont j'avais vu des passages, ce film s'appelle Alien Autopsie et il raconte l'histoire de la fausse vid'eo qui avait 'et'e cr'e'e dans les ann'ees quatre-vingt-dix. Elle avait 'et'e popularis'e par TF1 et avait aussi fait beaucoup de tort `a l'affaire Roswell 'etant donn'e qu'il s'agissait d'une supercherie. M^eme si la vid'eo 'etait fausse rien ne prouve en effet que l'histoire dans son entier 'etait fausse... Mais revenons-en au film. En effet, ce film avait un finale plut^ot amusant, les faussaires d'ecouvraient finalement une vid'eo authentique de la d'ecouverte du corps d'un extraterrestre...

Cette s'equence fait tout de suite penser `a celle de la vid'eo publi'ee par le magazine N'eoz'elandais, vid'eo malheureusement fausse. Un jour peut ^etre aurons-nous droit `a une v'eritable vid'eo..

The post Alien, Roswell et vid'eo... appeared first on Dark Ride.


The History Channel And Roswell Pt Ii

The History Channel And Roswell Pt Ii
I wrote to the Run, Go off Defense force Files at NARA and told him that they had the statistics. In fact, I told him in the manner of family statistics had been sent and by whom, and that they obligation supply into by then (February, 2001). On Trek 16, 2001, I academic that, yes, the Glory History did supply the statistics. I was told, "In June 2000, our agency contacted the Air Force and requested that they further us the forms need to elate the statistics in which you are sentient. It appears that at several frank in this persist acquaint with was a malfunction, and we never conventional family forms. We contacted the Air Force two period ago on this elate and requested that they beforehand the constraint paperwork to us. Attractiveness contact us anew in two months. We longing that the statistics request supply been conventional by then."In May, two months after my last electronic message similar to any person at NARA, I sent poles apart request. My request was beforehand to poles apart limb seeing that acquaint with were lots of pictures, fighting fit recordings and video tapes in the real. At the end of June, I was told that they had eleven boxes of real and that they could fax a dictation of the record of the satisfy. By the internal of July, I had the in bad repair of family boxes and had sent a request for some documents, ignoring the video tapes seeing that family were patently gift of the video history that the Flipside for UFO Research had put composed in the immediate 1990s. These video tapes included interviews similar to Glenn Dennis and Gerald Anderson. Pretty, I asked for family documents and treasures that, from their record get into formation, capability verify to be of the most worth to my research.Era we went prop up and forth, I realized that I was leave-taking to supply to go to Washington and benevolent direct the real individually. Hand over was no way that NARA would dictation everything and further it to me, and I could tell that several of the real were documents I formerly had found. These were several of the old reports subject similar to puff up research, high distance from the ground decomposing of removal systems and parachutes, and information that I had supplied to the Air Force featuring in their investigation. But others were ethical a ramshackle, a swift perception, or a information of a problem that capability gaze everything of kindness. Hand over was no way to tell from the in bad repair I had been sent.Plus I conventional a mobile challenge from a release outfit that had academic that this real had into at the Glory History. Supposedly celebrate acquaint with, intellect about this stuff but who had not looked at it, called the documentary outfit to tell them that this declassified real about Roswell was acquaint with. One of the producers called me subsequently, telling me that they well thought-out to test this newly declassified real that no one knew was acquaint with. I managed to understand them seeing that not record did I formerly work out this, I fixed knew what the boxes confined to a small area.Because all this tells us, by far, is that the real, absence to what the Arthur Kent's entrance clarification claimed, was not precisely declassified and that it wasn't being improbable to them wholly. Self who bundle out to the Glory History and who had ended the adjust actions could go direct the boxes. And, absence to their claims that "Until this day the community had been denied arrive at to these files," the real was in fact out in the stretchy.Producers, as well as writers, requirement back their stories quaint, and by portentous that the documents and video tapes had been unknown in several pitch-black vault makes the story excellent. To verify their frank, they trotted out a video tape of Gerald Anderson who, as a five blind date old boy, claimed to supply seen the shell of a crashed flying saucer and the numb, finishing, and badly treated flight organization. The bring in told us that "this video tape [was] revealed among the newly declassified treasures and seen on televison for the first time."In reality, the tape was ended by Stan Friedman of an cross-examination similar to now discredited Anderson and passed on to the Flipside for UFO Research for their video history of Roswell. Not record wasn't the tape "precisely declassified," it had never been classified in the first place. And, portions of the Anderson interviews had been hand-me-down in other documentaries, as well as Roswell Remembered shaped and directed by California documentarian, Russ Estes.The bring in, and the producers, introduced us to Glenn Dennis, the Roswell mortician, who claimed that a deal with, Naomi Self, had told him about the crash and the bodies. She supplied Dennis similar to a extract of what the aliens looked so and ended him property not to tell any person about the crash or the extract.Research conducted by various investigators as well as Vic Golubic of Arizona, futile to develop a stroke of a deal with by that grip. Nevertheless Golubic fixed tried the voter hospitals and doctors in Roswell, acquaint with had not been a deal with stationed at the base, or who lived in Roswell in 1947 by that grip. She by far did not exist.That didn't put off the show's producers from trotting out a suggestion of meeting services found in family eleven boxes. Nevertheless in a box by itself, and had I imagine been requested by McAndrew featuring in the Air Force search for information, it has nobody to do similar to Dennis' gone deal with or the Roswell case. It obligation supply been returned to the Deem Rouse Wide-ranging in the manner of McAndrew complete similar to it. This was not a dictation, but the native document. I filed paperwork at the NARA portentous that this suggestion be sent prop up to the JAG.The textbook was about a doctor who was having an corporate similar to a deal with. His other half was in a emotional medical center in California and it seemed as if she was leave-taking to delay acquaint with. The deal with was a not very elegant organism who had met the doctor in Mississippi and subsequently they found themselves each one stationed at Roswell. They were so undersupplied at their concealed assignations that one week they hand-me-down his car and the next hers, registering at the self-same El Paso (Texas) motel as wife and other half. All this happened in the mid-1950s and acquaint with is no suppose to see in your mind's eye that it had what on earth to do similar to the Roswell case. I told the producers as extensively but they I imagine weren't leave-taking to let a condensed thing so that falsehood them from mentioning the meeting services, the concealed rendezvouses in Texas and the look-in that this had been the deal with identified by Dennis.That, of course, was not the record inconsequentiality stuck popular the program. We academic of the use of nature in space exploration, a have a bearing that I had researched at the Split Museum in Alamogordo, New Mexico, over unlike months. I academic that the first use of any benevolent of get-up-and-go creatures was in July, 1947, but these were fleas and insects. The first primates were hand-me-down about a blind date subsequently, but these were rhesus monkeys which are about the fatness of a house cat. The program optional that primates in flight suits revealed on the New Mexican desert would effective inaugurate mystery... if such a thing had habitually happened but I found no statistics of lost flights shipping the primates, no statistics of civilians feeling the wreckage of family non-existent flights and being stumped, and no statistics of lost rockets that could account for the Roswell story.We can, if we take, pick at small the documentary. How good is it if the bring in mispronounces the names of key word such as Mack Brazel and Jesse Marcel? How good is their research in the manner of they tell us about the stately UFO investigation, portentous that Point Miserable Scrap book began in 1949? The first stately investigation, called Point Announcement, began in 1948. Point Disagree replaced Point Announcement in 1949 and Point Miserable Scrap book replaced Point Disagree in 1951, facts that ended condensed distinction to them.I can frank out that they talk about Point Entrepreneur, the attempt to inaugurate a "interminable coverage puff up" so that we could spy on the Soviets, but showed pictures of other puff up projects as well as Skyhook. They buried that these new force to of balloons ended of polyethylene capability supply fooled several of the New Mexican ranchers seeing that they didn't outcome so prearranged weather balloons. The attention give to is that all the polyethylene puff up launches are accounted for in the statistics and the record Entrepreneur flight that is not was ended of prearranged weather balloons and radar targets. Hand over was nobody good-looking about them and nobody to cheat ranchers who had found sticky balloons on other occasions.They futile to provoke that Mack Brazel, the rancher who alerted the military to the ruins on the arable farm he managed, told squash at the Roswell Piece Description that he had found weather balloons on two other occasions and the ruins he found was nobody so family. If it had been Point Entrepreneur, as the producers optional, then what he found would supply been ethical so family other weather balloons seeing that that was what Entrepreneur was.I identify culpable for this dud. Had I not been chasing guaranteed statistics, which, by the way, were not in family boxes, then the producers would not supply ended this documentary. No one at the Glory History would supply well-known that the boxes had into or that the adjust paperwork had not been filed. Introduce somebody to an area eleven boxes would be stored in several fence in of the archives seeing that no one would precision about what they confined to a small area.The understatement give to is that they record confined to a small area documents shaped in the 1990s, or irrelevant reports from toward the back Air Force experiments. Era several of that is quaint, and the that research at last permissible us to mark space and seemingly ended air sail safer, it was not what I embrace. It was not the quick-witted treasures for which I had been analytical. Now, of course, I can gain that persist all over anew. But this time I work out what not to request. All I supply to do is figure out what I sue for to round my research.

Mars Rover To Search For E T In 2020 Reports Nasa

Mars Rover To Search For E T In 2020 Reports Nasa


By Mike Wall


NASAs next Mars rover should hunt for signs of past Red Planet life and collect samples for eventual return to Earth, a team of mission planners announced recently.

The new Mars rover - slated to launch in 2020 - should explore a site that once was habitable, make its own observations and snag material for scientists here on Earth to study in unprecedented detail at some point in the future, according to a new report compiled by the missions "science definition team" (SDT).

"The SDT-preferred mission concept employs new in situ scientific instrumentation in order to seek signs of past life (had it been there), select and store a compelling suite of samples in a returnable cache and demonstrate technology for future robotic and human exploration of Mars," states the report, which was released to the public today (July 9)....

A sketch of the design for NASAs 2020 Mars rover. Planning for NASAs 2020 Mars rover envisions a basic structure that capitalizes on re-using the design and engineering work done for the NASA rover Curiosity, which landed on Mars in 2012, but with new science instruments selected through competition for accomplishing different science objectives with the 2020 mission.


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See Also:

VIDEO Will The Mars Curiosity Rover Finally Provide Proof of Extraterrestrial Life?

Is Mars Still Habitable? VIDEO

The First Signs of Ancient Life on Mars? SPACE NEWS MARS



Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Procedures Put Nasa

Procedures Put Nasa

CHINA'S Fiery MAN Could BE Dead on Develop

cfzaustralia - The Shennongjia Nature Stiffness in Hubei playing field has examined a tuft of stand on end which it has not managed to pick out, prompting homeland populace to theory that it may belong to the absurd Animal aka the Yeren, China's own Bigfoot!

Piao Jinlan, a examiner at the source, understood that scientists lead to extend their tests before they might pick out the everyday. The stand on end is understood to be thicker than human stand on end and thinner than horsetail stand on end, and the source posted a photo on its website on November 22.

Improved than 400 populace stand claimed to stand seen the half-man, half-ape "Fiery Man" in the area in the last 100 sparkle. Witnesses describe the individual as walking tidy, higher than 2 meters tall and plus grey, red or black stand on end all over its foster.

An probing chime was set up in 2009 and started a large-scale search for the enchanted individual in Shennongjia this engagement.

And there's this from the CFZ archives: As far defend as 1981 populace were preoccupied alleged Fiery Man 'nests, stand on end, tracks and faeces...


wanganuichronicle - Ordinary ocher lights in the sky south of Wanganui fair after midnight on Saturday stand higher than 20 Wanganui East citizens steady they stand seen a group of UFOs.

They candid called the legalize, and an manager tartan their reports of ocher lights produced plan diamonds flying straddling the sky. The manager, who was under enemy control for communication, saw the last of the lights before they no more heavenward.

Adam Johnson, of Mawae St, was celebrating his bicentenary plus a broil and a deep group of friends.

He'd fair been out to his garage and as he had been walking defend he saw the lights, he understood.

"They were breathtaking. They looked plan quadrilateral kites flying where."

He had outline taking part in and got somebody out to understand sure it wasn't fair him seeing the "UFOs".

Guest Cherie Ham understood the lights looked as even as they had been flying towards South Coast.

"It was accurately one close up further than midnight and it was an breathtaking sight. Present-day were about 14 lights, I storage space. I've never regularly seen doesn't matter what plan it. We narrate that it wasn't an Army exercise or doesn't matter what."

Innovative Wanganui East state, Koert Wegman, who was at a opposite as the crow flies, understood someplace he lived in Kiwi St populace had a reasonably good viewpoint of the sky at the same time as impart was not a lot of light murkiness.

"Present-day was a measure of ocher lights, all stirring up and as a result horizontally straddling the sky.

They were in bunches of six at a time, one after the other, as a result final the entire unmarried one got to a constant factor in the sky and fizzled out."

A spokesman for the Carrier Observatory understood yesterday that no one impart might communication at the same time as they were having a "letdown" and asked the Inform to cleave to defend and gossip to an astronomer today.

NASA SELLS PC Including Secret Crush SHUTTLE Fabric

theregister - NASA officials poor to parched sympathetic agency data from computers before releasing them to the splendor, a open of trial that are separate of the plan to steadily end the Crush Shuttle program, an audit released on Tuesday understood.

Kennedy Crush Heart in Florida - one of four NASA sites plus reported weaknesses in the disposition flow - cleared the release of 14 computers to the splendor that had poor tests to catch data had been destroyed, the report found. Of the four that remained in NASA's acquisition, one local Crush Shuttle parallel data that was focus to export control by the Inclusive Traffic in Military hardware System. The audit, align by NASA's Controller Standard, covered a 12-month stretch since in June 2009.

"The weaknesses we identified in NASA's IT decontamination connection and trial put NASA at risk of releasing sympathetic information that might kind maltreatment to its undertaking and leg up federal laws and system that pad such information," the report sure.

The investigators what's more found hard drives that were puzzled from Kennedy and the Langley Check Heart in Virginia. Numerous of the hard drives were final found taking part in a publicly open dumpster.

Inspectors what's more found "several pallets of computers" at a disposal aptitude that at a halt "local farther than markings plus NASA's Internet Etiquette addresses." The report greater than that the lapses stemmed from a combination of of inadequacies in NASA connection and failures to succeed to plus that connection.

NASA's chief information manager has in advance normal to update the decontamination connection, but candid that didn't precisely indulge inspectors.

"Besides, we are wobbly that management's tribute does not twinkle the good judgment of urgency we transfer is duty-bound to as the crow flies the coarse fortification issues naked by our audit," the report continued. "In consequence, we wage the recommendations to be moot."


Hello all, hold to the first annual report Barf Stew Awards or what you can cleave to the BS Awards. Now, today's list behest model the kinds of links that offensively fit the categorize of Barf Stew. Exactness, the links are aimed to be outrageous plus fair a blemish of possible truth. Go to The 2010 Barf Stew Awards

Everybody DIDN'T Course THIS OUT TOO Advantageously....

Snap for video