Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Us Air Force Gives Soldier Money 30 Years After Exposure To Ufo Radiation March 2015 Ufo Sighting News

Date of sighting: December 1980

Location of sighting: Rendlesham Forest, England

Source: http://dailycaller.com/2015/03/06/airman-ufo/

News states:

For 30 years, U.S. airman John Burroughs has been trying to convince the military that after investigating a UFO in Rendlesham Forest, he suffered from massive amounts of radiation and ultimately needed heart surgery.

Now, after a long legal battle, the VA is finally giving Burroughs full medical disability for the incident.

The incident took place in December of 1980. At the time, Burroughs, a policeman in the U.S. Air Force stationed in Suffolk, England, was investigating a mysterious craft in the forest, The Inquisitr reports. As Burroughs and his team ventured into the forest and closer to the source, the lights suddenly disappeared, leaving the team grasping for an explanation.

The next day, the lights reappeared, and the team again investigated. Burroughs stated that he came in direct contact with lights flying around the forest-in other words, UFOs. Out of nowhere, the lights beaming down blasted him with a wave of radiation. The UK government eventually confirmed the incredibly high levels of radiation in that exact location.

"I'm still trying to work out what I saw," Burroughs told The Mirror. "I think this is a phenomenon the government is aware of, but are still trying to work out exactly what it is. (More at source).


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