[Note: the following article is provided by "NM MUFON News"
Volume 1, #9 - September 1993. NM MUFON News, PO Box 2786
Corrales, NM 87048. 12 issues = $12 subscription.
Editor - Carolyn Duce-Ashe, PO Box 2786
Corrales, NM 87048 (505) 897-7075
Producer - Debby Stark, 611 Lead SW. #918
Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 242-6258
Permission granted for public cross-posting
by Carolyn Duce-Ashe
The final week of August proved inhospitable to New
Mexicans and "aliens" alike as thunderstorms and flash
floods drenched most of the state. Despite the weather,
several MUFON field investigators and myself sat in a truck
near Chaco Canyon watching the cloudy skies for most of the
night, Saturday, August 28. (Of course, Chaco was just a
guess as to the location of Site Two; northern New Mexico is
a huge area!) We saw some interesting ground lights, between
downpours, but saw nothing "alien" as far as we could tell.
The beautiful pink-red sunset had promised better.
Ed Dames had told me that the predicted "Event" would
happen the last weekend in August when I talked to him by
phone on August 23. He also said at the time that the
malfunction of the Mars Observer was "directly linked to the
Event." More on the Mars connection later in this article.
I survived the wet weekend and by the middle of the
following week was beginning to wonder if I would indeed
hear from Dames, who had said he would keep me informed.
There had been no worldwide announcement of any "event"
other than the usual wars, disasters and depressingly
familiar goings-on of life on this planet. (Here in
Albuquerque, a section of the Alameda Bridge dropped a
foot--reminiscent of John Keel/Mothman, but probably a
coincidence.) A paradigm shift sure would be great about
now, I thought. But hoping for a change hadn't made it
happen. And researchers were calling me from all over the
country asking for the latest news.
Then, at 9:30 p.m. on September 2, Ed Dames called to
explain the situation.
According to him the "Event" had happened, despite the
weather, but the "announcement" would be delayed for 5 or 6
weeks. He said that there is much more going on than anyone
can imagine and it's incredibly beautiful! The timing of the
"announcement" crucial; it will be made by a very high
authority, one of three in the world--an important world
figure, trusted and recognizable to all and "higher up than
President Clinton."
He said he is working with some contacts within MUFON "who
will be told." As for Debby and I, he added, "You're my
neighbors," and "We're all in this together in New Mexico."
He thanked the NM MUFON News staff for the accurate job of
reporting we've done to date and assured me, your editor,
that he was telling me as much as he could, since it was
"not his job to announce anything, " that the announcement
must come from higher sources, someone who the world would
trust and believe to announce "strange things."
When I asked him to elaborate on the nature of these
"strange things," he said that "the average person would be
scared to death" to see what's happening. Regular people
want contact, but when the real thing happens, it can be
more frightening than they can imagine and unpleasant
personal physiologic reactions can occur. He added that the
situation was very scary and very serious and "the alien
hybrids desperately need to be taken care of."
I said, "So it's happening now-- And will be going on for
quite some time," Ed confirmed. "This is just the beginning
of a series of events...You have my word that things are
Regarding the recently defunct Mars Observer, Ed said that
the malfunction was "directly related to the 'event' since
Mars is key in the martian/alien/New Mexico scenario that
has been ongoing for millions of years." Last year Ed Dames
predicted that the Mars Observer would be lost or interfered
with when it arrived at Mars, and he told officials at NASA
at that time. A researcher I know says that he heard Ed
Dames make that claim last year. According to Dames, he is
now working on the problem with people at JPL in Pasadena
and the U.S. Air Force. NASA, he says, "is arrogant and
won't tell the truth... but the Air Force knows what is
going on." Several years ago the Russian Phobos II
spacecraft mysteriously failed to respond to orders, as,
more recently, did the NOAA-13 polar-orbiting weather
satellite. And now the Mars Observer is defunct and it's due
to alien intervention, according to Dames.
Will we ever really know what is going on with the Space
program? I hope so. Presumably, this will be part of the
information included in the "announcement" when it is made
(around the middle of October?).
Editorial Opinion
Why is Ed Dames going out on a limb with this alien/Mars
stuff? Concerning this, Ed said he would rather not be doing
this but that the "Transcendentals" are in charge and
"calling the shots" ! He admitted he's had his "nose to the
grindstone" and he's "bloody in the face" from being too
close to it all. And he confided that right now he'd "love
to get out of this" because there's been a lot of risk...
"but it's a labor of love...I wasn't prepared for the purity
and innocence of the races we are dealing with--it's just so
wonderful and beautiful," he said.
Well, so now it seems we must continue to wait to see what
happens. Personally, I'm willing to be patient, but many
people I know are fed up with waiting for the "Big Event."
There have been so many disappointments throughout the
years--and hoaxes and disinformation abound in the UFO field
(skies). What we need is PROOF, but, for now, we only have
Ed Dames' word to go on.... So, anyway, stay tuned! We'll
report more in next month's newsletter.
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