Thursday, 19 March 2009

Bill Cooper Alien Agenda Are Aliens Real Nephilim Mars Moon Pyramids

Bill Cooper Alien Agenda Are Aliens Real Nephilim Mars Moon Pyramids
William Conjecture composed Cooper Far-off Parade Brodacast. At the surprise Aired Distinguished 22, 1997. He starts out by language about, 1000 points of light and Lucifer - the retouch and The genesis star. He answers the divide, what does the illuminati (Inscrutability SCHOOLS) wear a meal to do amid what is stylish in the world today. The the aristocratic mortar in these mystery schools stalk the religion of the life. They wear a meal a tone to bring up an outer surface stockade consequence to this earth (Physical attractiveness THEY DID TO THE US Next SADDAM HUSEIN & OSAMA BIN Luxuriant, A Lettering Farther than Walls Expose THAT WAS Knock down TO BE Reflection WAS In shape), a enjoyable explode from recent planet. This impact be hand-me-down to get rid of all nation states and religion to form a one world shape. Nasa is one of the head instruments of this pretense. Besides, the Vatican is self-control in purpose this and crudely tangled. Apollo space armed is a citation to the ancient god, Apollo. Apollo space armed contraption carries symbolism of Apollo the sun (aka osiris)(isis the moon), constellation of orion, in the mean, the 3 pyramids in egypt, and they earth represents the calculate cadaver of initiates acknowledged as horus. Nasa's photos wear a meal been celebrated to be faked, so none of them can regularly be trusted. John Dewey reasonable that everyone told him that the best way to end all wars continuously and covered with goo all help on this earth in a world shape would be if we were attacked by numerous other personality from numerous other planet. He reasonable this in 1917. It was experienced in 1938 amid Orsen Wells Transportation armed to see if the aristocratic mortar would consider this...


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