Monday, 3 August 2009

Cnn Experts Say Aliens Real Weve Been Working With Them For Over 50 Years Now

Cnn Experts Say Aliens Real Weve Been Working With Them For Over 50 Years Now

The government and press have been lying about UFO's since the very beginning of the press in the United States. Most people in the world now say that they believe that UFO's are real. They know that governments have hidden the truth about ufos and aliens. Maybe someday the governments of the world can quit playing games and actually admit that we've been working with Aliens for many decades now, we have a secret space fleet, time travel, teleportation and free energy too! But all this technology remains hidden so that the world can keep paying a lot of money an an oil based economy. The corrupt new world order that controls our government now likes it this way!

No instead of telling that we've been lied to for the last 50 plus years about UFO's, I think Obama and whoever the Republican replacement will be would rather spend trillions per year on more wars over oil that we haven't needed for 50 years! It makes absolutely no sense unless you are in the New World Order and want to keep all the technology to yourself while you kill off the "useless eaters".

Please help us fight the New World Order by joining this site and sharing this video using the share links in the right margin. We can defeat the New World Order agenda if each one of us teaches everybody they know about what is going on! Evil hates the light of truth so spread your knowledge to all you know so we can change this world into what WE want and not what the ELITES want which is for everybody to be broke and totally controlled by them.



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