My girlfriend witnessed the first light in the south west called me out to the back deck where I climbed onto the railing to get a better view... not the wisest, but I was able to see a bright white light descend the hover in place. The light stayed in place for only a few moments then vanished so I climbed down. My girlfriend ran to get her telescope, and she looked around at stars for a few minutes. I started to get weird feelings in my chest. Like butterflies. I spoke out loud, and said 'show yourself!' my girlfriend laughed thats when things got strange she heard in my voice answer 'is that what you want?' I don't remember saying this. She just asked me 'what?' which I responded with 'What?' right back. she told me what she heard me say, and thats when I saw what looked like a bright planet in the south east. It came down I took out my cell phone and tried to get it, but it was too shaky. My girlfriend reminded me about my canon DSLR so I ran in and grabbed it. Unfortunately by that time it was right over the house, and I didnt have time to change the video setting to night white balance, and I didnt have a tripod... So its not the best video, but it shows it was there. It was big, and it was bright.
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