Friday, 22 February 2013

Is The U S Government Covering Up The Existence Of Aliens

Is The U S Government Covering Up The Existence Of Aliens

Todd Gardiner

The Paradigm Research Group is an advocacy organization attempting to get the government to disclose information on UFOs and possibly visitation by extraterrestrials.

They have been holding hearings, listening to witnesses and generating reports to pressure Congress and the Administration to release more information. But they have not been conducting any scientific research. So it is not accurate to call them a "scientific organization", as you have phrased it.

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure was a series of talks and panels at the National Press Club in D.C. There were five former Representatives and one former Senator; each of which was paid 20,000 for their appearance. It was not well received in the press (example: UFO conspiracy hearing boosted by former congressmen and senator).

Thousands of requests under the Freedom of Information act by numerous UFOlogy groups have failed to turn up evidence of a government cover-up or to conclusively show that UFOs are real. So indications suggest that there is no conspiracy here.

See question on Quora



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