Fred Landis
The first time I heard about UFOs was some working class drunk who had fabricated a story of being abducted by aliens and had become a pet of the Queen of Holland.First time I went to a Beverly Hills/Hollywood party there were movie types, political types, and someone from Hollywood Reporter who had just produced a best seller on people who had claimed to have met aliens.
Aliens are probably the single most frequent tabloid/National Enquirer topic since the 1950s.
Aliens is a guide to understanding how the US media works. It does not matter how transparent a fraud is, as long as it gets viewers ratings and sells ads. Best example was where Wolf Blitzer of CNN had an imaginary missing kid in an imaginary flying saucer, saucer supplied by a regular contributor to CNN known for being a flake.
There has always been a lot of money to be made with UFO stories.
90% of the artifacts are real, the rest altered images in which UFO drawings have been superimposed.
The trick is not explaining how it was done, but knowing it is going to make money.
See question on Quora
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