* Really having a wonderful relationship with my father before he made his transition almost a year ago. We had no unfinished business and although I miss him terribly, I continue to feel his presence, wisdom, and love. It was truly a blessing to have this relationship with him and the way it played itself out this lifetime.
* Signing a two year contract to continue serving as the minister of my congregation here in western North Carolina.
* Regaining my health after discovering I had a blood clot (Deep Vein Thrombosis was the diagnosis) in my right leg that stretched from my ankle to my groin area. PAINFUL!
* The healing of that clot at 9:49 pm on July 4th after a visit from my Star Visitor friends. Peace and Richest Blessings to Tandu, Octogon, and "the gang."
* Finding a new publisher and new publicist for the second edition of my book "Alien Scriptures."
*Continued work as a consultant and shooting additional episodes of the History Channel's hit show, "Ancient Aliens."
* Having the opportunity to be interviewed by UFO researcher and experiencer, Whitley and Ann Strieber for their radio show on November 14th of this year, and being interviewed by Academy Award winning actress Shirley Maclaine on her radio show on Sunday, December 22nd.
These interviews can be heard at Unknowncountry.com and Shirleymaclane.com. Just check the archives.
* Listening to former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer publicly talk about UFO and ET disclosure on U-Tube and calling out the US to be more forthcoming with the info that the government is hiding. What courage! He even said that the US has ET visitors working together with US military and intelligence personel. Kudos Mr. Hellyer. You certainly have inspired me!
These were just some of the personal and professional events this year that have really changed me on many levels regarding life, relationships, and my continued efforts to evolve and to spread the message that not all of our Star Visitors are here to do us harm. We as human beings can manage that one all on our own. Here's to a wonder full and Healthy 2014 to all of you. Keep looking up!
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