Saturday, 5 April 2014

Conclusion Of The 1920S Cases By Albert Rosales

Conclusion Of The 1920S Cases By Albert Rosales
A more 'mundane' incident (if there is such a word in the world of humanoid encounters) was

given to me by veteran Brazilian researcher Antonio Faleiro from Passa Tempo Minas Gerais.

It consists of brief but very interesting details of an incident said to have occurred in 1929 (no

specific month
) in the town of Paraguaco, Minas Gerais Brazil:

One night a large shiny white metallic craft with several window-like apertures was seen on the

ground. Two giant humanoid figures about 2.50 meters in height stood next to the object. These wore

silvery outfits and brown boots and gloves. No other information.

In his excellent book "When saucers came to Earth" Italian researcher and author Maurizio

Verga gives us the following very 'high strangeness' report:

Location. Roccagloriosa, Salerno, Italy

Date: summer 1929

A girl was working in a field when she looked up and saw a stationary ball

of white light in the sky. This then descended vertically, stopping just a few

centimeters above the ground, while descending the ball greatly dimmed

creating a sort of "opening" in the center of the sphere. After 5 or 10 seconds,

a female figure emerged from the opening wearing sumptuous black garments,

"like those from the 19th century". Inside of the ball, 2 or 3 small beings

moved slowly and peered outward. The female figure walked toward the

witness, without her feet touching the ground. Thereafter, she turned left and

was lost in some trees. The girl was frightened and made the sign of the cross.

She then ran to call her father. When he arrived at the landing site, he

smelled the fragrance of roses.

Time: 1400

There seems to be a combination of unusual factors in this case. The female entity could have

been interpreted as a type of 'Marian' vision, the small beings unfortunately are not

described, but in modern terms they could represent 'aliens'. The fragrance of roses at the

site is also interesting, which tips the balance to the Marian vision hypothesis. Whatever took

place was definitely out of the ordinary.

According to French Canadian UFO researcher Henri Bourdeleau on or about June 15 1929 at

Fermeneuve, Quebec, Canada what appears to have been a close encounter of the third kind

took place:

Louis Brosseau, riding home to Fermeneuve, saw on a hillside a sort of black "cloud" with a yellowish

light coming from within. Approaching on foot to within 150 ft, he saw it to be a dark object on the

ground; he could indistinctly see, in the darkness, 4 or 5 small "yellowish" colored men running

around in a 20-foot radius. The dark object rose ">milk separator," with a rush of air; coming from it he heard 2 voices as if in argument. The object was

about 50 ft in diameter, with windows "lit like the moon," and with black protuberances 3 ft apart all

around the circumference.

Quoting an entry on the NUFORC site (National UFO reporting center) we learn of an alleged

incident said to have taken place one afternoon on July 5 1929 near Burns, Oregon:

The witnesses were traveling east of town climbing up through a cut in the rim rocks when an object,

very slowly flew over the top of the car, about 50 ft above the rim rock. The object stopped and

through a transparent window the witnesses could see two completely human-like figures that

appeared to be pointing down at them using their arms and hands. One of the witnesses stepped out

of the car but his mother demanded that he get back in. He stood on the running board observing the

craft, which was two tones of brown. The craft, which had windows in the middle section, hovered for about 40 seconds emitting a soft hum. One of the figures then moved to another window and the

craft suddenly accelerated and was gone in a blink of an eye.

Russian researcher and author Aleksey K. Priyma in his book "UFOs witnesses to the

" mentions another close encounter case that allegedly took place in the Pestovskiy

area in the Novgorod region Russia, one day in August of 1929. It again involved an object

with occupants seen inside through a clear or glass-like dome:

17-year old Anna Petrovna Poletayeva was walking on a road on her way to visit her parents. The road passed next to Gusevskoye Lake and as she glanced at the lake she noticed a flying craft hovering above the lake. The object was round, small, without wings. Its lower part was yellow-reddish in color, resembling copper. The upper part was a glassy cupola. The glass from the cupola was joined to the lower part by large "copper" bolts. The UFO hovered about 15 meters above the water. Anna could see two small sized "people" inside the glassy cupola one male the other female. They were dressed in gray tight-fitting suits. Both were smiling, looking at the witness. Their faces were very much like ordinary humans. Feeling initial fear she panicked and ran from the area stumbled and injured her elbow. She looked back and the object was still hovering in the same place.

I will finish my case summaries with an incident reported by Greek researchers C. Trantafyllou

and Homer Carajas of an incident said to have taken place one midnight during August of

1929 in the village of Krini in Chalkidiki Greece:

Theocharis Moustakas was carrying flour in his cart, returning home after the grinding of wheat at

Krini mill. Suddenly he saw an object like a "parachute" (semi spherical) landed on a nearby field and three "little people" speaking a very curious language between them. They were dressed in white

clothing with white hoods and their skin was also white. Near them was a fence and the small men

repeatedly jumped over it with ease. The witness was terrified and went to the village running. Some

of the villagers told him that he had seen "devils" while others laughed at him.

Of course there were many other encounters and strange encounters during the roaring 20's,

I could not have possibly include them all, I hope I was able to chose the most interesting and

perplexing cases. The fact is that whoever or whatever this entities are, they have been with

us for decades before the so-called modern era of encounters in June 24 1947. Many of these

'ancient' or like some like to say, 'pre-Arnold' cases are mirror images of modern cases and

were mere glimpses of things to come. Please feel free to contact me at

for additional information or questions.

Sincerely, Albert S. Rosales, April 20 2013


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