This photo was submitted to the MUFON reporting site as case #60432.
The submitter claims that he got the photo from a dealings and shows two objects, one that looks in the vicinity of a intelligent orb, and not the same that looks in the vicinity of a triangular produced craft.
The orb can proper be lens fire and I'm going to haven it at that. The triangular craft on the deceased can be anything but we are not quite sure what it is. Is this a military craft or a UFO? The submitter says that you can see several designs on the triangular craft but I cannot concoction anything out.
In the midst of the Whiteman Air Physical power Flooring proper 70 miles (110 km) east-southeast of Kansas Town, Missouri we definitely can't rule out military aircraft. Last all The innumerable unit at Whiteman AFB is the 509th Shield Rush (509 BW) which operates the B-2 Specter Conspiracy Bomber.
The problem I hold is that this triangular craft does not agree up to the database of the B-2 Bomber. Of course the base may house other wing type aircraft that we are not in possession of the facts of.
Can any of you ticket the triangular aircraft in this photo? Hand over us a observe and let us pick up what you think?
By: William Miller
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Orangey Oblique UFO Finding IN COFFEYVILLE, KANSAS
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