Curb Jenkins THE Arise Senses Infrastructure Report January 21, 1984 Curb MOORE UFO Announcement Topic 2 (Hearing Entertainer)
Here's a follow-up of the carve up of the show discussing the Cash-Landrum case:
Listener "Mike" calls in a with a inquest about the Cash-Landrum incident, asking if Moore is normal with it and the witnesses' legitimate case not keen the U.S. Glory.
MOORE:Yes, very normal with all aspects of that case. In fact I was the first investigator called on the case. I put it in the hands of the zip corporation with it now.
MIKE: I, see so it's reasonably a to a certain extent fount case, then?
MOORE:It appears to be on the emerge. (Transaction break)The case in inquest was the Cash-Landrum case. Betty Wake and Vickie Landrum and a countrified boy - I celebrity he was seven time old at the time, Colby Landrum. In December of 1980, hammering land of your birth at night, after dreary, encounter an comical object additional the highway, ruin the car, get out to the way you are seen at it. It's prompt, it's essentially obstructing the line ahead of them. It appears to be in bother, there's a loud rolling holler, flame comes out the nitty-gritty, fast a crowd of helicopters surround rudely it and it seems to get control of itself and takes off with a leg on each side of the tree line. They don't unite what it was, they're scared stiff. They think- one of them thinks it is the Second Upcoming, they blameless don't unite what to require of it. They get land of your birth they event bodily symptoms which are relatively equivalent in countless greetings to radiation poisoning. And they stay to event bodily stuff now, three time next after the fact- relatively sober bodily stuff as a bits and pieces of fact.
The inquest at publish of course, is blameless what is it they saw, wherever did the helicopters come from. Existing were a specify of unrestricted reports verifying helicopters were in the area at the time. The line emerge was dispirited, in attendance was disfigurement to a variety of of the plants in the area and all of this of course makes for a "what's departure on wearing" type case. As you might expect they saw something, the therapeutic stuff were caused by something. And the case was investigated wholly by John Schuessler in Houston Texas, who was the allot examiner of MUFON, The Many-sided UFO Disposable, one of the three dynamic national organizations that reduce with UFOs. MUFON has a oh- about 900 members total, I imagine, publishes a reassessment (has a internal stage wearing in Los Angeles, as a bits and pieces of fact, that is sponsoring this convention impending weekend at the Culver Municipal Urban ring Saturday afternoon 1:00 to 5:00 and we'll talk a variety of outstanding about that next).
But force to Cash-Landrum, Schuessler did what I would believe to be a "credible" investigation in may greetings, in that he shrouded a lot of rural area in a down scale of time, but he, being simply one secede, seemed to trouble skipped a few points, I imagine understandably. But the acquire was that the Air Substance instituted an investigation of their own, or at least they embrace it was an ascribed investigation amid the Take into account Advocate general's office, and the Inspector General's office, troubled to in life-force get themselves off the secure. And they finished that they [Gersten's patrons] can not show Glory role in the case. They [Gersten's patrons] can not receive any evidence that would feature whose helicopters were in attendance. That's order one.
At that order, Peter Gersten, a New York brief, got twisted with it and filed a remonstration not keen the Group of the Air Substance on behalf of these zip, claiming that the Glory was adult at least for the injuries and the therapeutic acceptance of these zip ever since they were inhabitants, ever since the Glory had an steadfastness to tend its inhabitants not keen whatever this thing was what it had caused disfigurement. That embrace was rejected on the object that Gersten had amend unsuccessful to connect the injuries, which they didn't disavow, with doesn't matter what which was sponsored by the Glory. They didn't disavow the incident occurred, or the injuries occurred, they with no trouble said, "We're not adult ever since you haven't fashioned any evidence meaningful that we are adult," they threw the consignment in his lap, you see. He appealed that, and in September, a government was issued by the Take into account Advocate of the Air Substance confirmation the precursor disapproving on the vastly object, that Gersten unsuccessful to defend in any way to give away the Glory in the occurrence. And until he can show that they in fact were adult amid a variety of feint on their field, they claimed that he had no produce of feint, and I unite that his signify was with to declare that in a Central Entice in a benign bits and pieces not keen them, to get going judgement not keen them, not keen the Air Substance.
And I imagine he has fulfilled that, but I don't in fact unite for reliable if he has. And I in fact trouble a variety of harms in wondering if he's departure to get everyplace with it with no trouble ever since if in fact the Glory was twisted in any way, he's departure to trouble one monster of a time in troubled to defend it. If they're departure to cover it, they're as you might expect not departure to receive information and there's as you might expect terms all the rage the ensure and labeling proceedings which bequest members of military intelligence or military projects to disavow the very existence of these sound effects if disclosure would response the National ensure.
JENKINS:Just takes a down lecture with the adjudicate.
MOORE:That's right, it's happened in the gone. So I'm very sympathetic to the harms that these zip are having, and I in fact longing I can do something to lessen them but at this order, I don't see a lot of expectation unless personage comes out of the woodland work and says "hey the Glory was twisted in this thing in a variety of way,and here's the proof, here's the connection, here's the evidence," and contest to land on that behalf that the evidence is reasonable. So we're consumed with a question: Did they see a legally recognized UFO, and was a variety of unit of the military heedful of its image, and did they restore out what amounted to 20-some odd helicopters to try to surprise it, and is that what the helicopters were decree in attendance,
JENKINS:Or, were they troubled to stretch it?
MOORE:Or, were they troubled to stretch it?, which is new to the job inquest. Or, and I encourage to reduce outstanding in the impact of a instant selection, and that is that what we trouble in fact run in vogue wearing is the test of a variety of secret project-type channel, which may be nuclear propulsion, and which went out of control and threatened to crash and they said, "hey guys, we're departure down," and the helicopters were sent out to bolt the area off and try to enhance the object and stockpile the testify somewhere else from it.
Now we unite that in attendance has been considerable attractiveness on and off in the area of nuclear propulsion for use all the rage the temperament what 1946, departure force to the old NEPA project, the Nuclear Reach for Propulsion of Slyness, NEPA, and you unite, that's close forty time ago, that considerable research was fulfilled and that it slowed up in the 60s, the late 60s, but it's reasonable personage completed a signpost and we trouble in fact developed a nuclear propelled craft and that it was on a test committee, went out of control and that's what happened. I encourage to claim that that's outstanding viable in this case than the fact that they encountered a legally recognized UFO - with no trouble ever since of the court case. I celebrity that tends to be outstanding credible. You don't restore off 26 or 25 CH-46 helicopters, Chinook helicopters, CH-47 (I imagine they are) after a UFO. You restore a fighter-interceptor.
JENKINS:They're not departure to be very practicing not keen (faint)...
MOORE:Yeah, you don't restore out Chinooks abundant to the gills with labor force. You do that if you're departure to bolt off an area. If you're departure to have an area and try to tend the testify from departure in in attendance and to tend the ensure of the project twisted, with you restore out helicopters full of zip. But if you're after a UFO, in every one case you restore out a fighter-interceptor.
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