Sunday, 19 October 2014


The blogisphere confounds and impresses me, and here's another example.As a follow up to my previous post about my two sister blogs, I've found my brother blog, PARANORMAL MUSINGS, created by Canadian film maker Michael MacDonald. Both our blogs are focused on weird paranormal stuff, much of it personal.We've commented on each others posts, e-mailed, and even spoken on the phone since meeting through our blogs, with the initial conjoint link being Mac Tonnies and his blog POSTHUMAN BLUES. Michael found my blog (and made a comment) on March 10th, one week after my first posting.There are a bunch of curious similarities between Michael and myself. And I don't know what else to do but list 'em, so here goes:* We are both named Michael.* We both have (beautiful) Scottish last names.* I am 46 and he is 47.* My list of labels on this blog have both "paranormal" and "musings" as a quick link to the posts.* Both of us are involved with a documentary project on the subject of UFO abduction phenomenon. His film INTRUDERS, is completed but mine (alas) is on hold. We were working on them at the same time. We've each interviewed Budd Hopkins, Dave Jacobs and Leo Sprinkle. When he described his film during our phone conversation, I started laughing.* We both are big fans of Mac Tonnies.* We are both cat people.* We are both creative types (and we've both worked on a lot of TV commercials).* We both have curious memories, and we are blogging and sharing our odd personal stories in a very public way.* And - His blog was started on March 2nd of this year, and I started my blog March 3rd, the very next day.Am I reading too much into this? I can't help it, these similarities fascinate me.Michael MacDonald actually commented on my posting The Neuron-like Nature of the Internet, as I was adding his picture to this post. He wrote: Interesting, as I was reading along it made me think of my Ackerman 000 experience, and you actually posted an excerpt. I think the internet in its vast and complex interconnectedness becomes the equivalent of a web-based-style of quantum slit test. In a similar fashion I have often wondered whether systems on the edge of stability, such as an electric light bulb about to burn out, are primed for influence by entities such as ghosts, spirits, and even aliens, if they do exist in the paranormal realm as we suspect.


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