Last week, Jeff Holko, a local resident of Grand Blanc, Michigan, captured two bright yellow lights with his cell phone. The two lights turned into three lights as they moved across the sky.
At first glance the lights do seem to resemble classic UFO sightings - stationary or slowly movinghovering, with no sound made, hiding what might be a solid structure behind them. Later on an article was published on, interviewing photo and video expert Marc Dantonio, who was quite sure as he said the sighting is 'near 100 percent certainty a commercial aircraft during landing'.It could be more than easy to verify Mr. Dantonio's claims, just go back to the sighting site and see it is indeed on the landing route of a commercial airport. Until that is done this video shows what should be labeled a genuine UFO.
If any updates will surface I will bring them here, have a great Sunday!
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