Outside having a smoke on our patio overlooking Lake Nipissing around 11pm with my boyfriend. We first noticed one right away coming from South East basically flying over the visible Scorpio constellation, with the milky way ribbon just left of where the first seemed to originate. This particular orb was relatively starlike in shape and size, speed was variable as it seemed to speed up and slow down at various intervals. The path curved from the South East to the North West. Shortly after the first one we noticed there was a second one that flew in nearly the same flight path just a few degrees beneath the first ones path, but same movement, same direction, and same origin. We were both in awe at those two when we got the idea that we should grab our laser pointer to see if there could be any communication contact made. Once that was retrieved we noticed another starlike orb clipping along the night sky in the same general area but instead moving East to West (almost exactly). My boyfriend then flashed the laser pointer at it in quick but steady flashes. Instead of that orb responding one to the West about 40 degrees from the Western horizon did. The responding orb was unnoticed until it flashed and grew in apparent size that I could only relate to the size of a normal full moon, and at least doubled it's brightness. I personally saw more of the flash then my boyfriend but it would have lasted at least a couple of seconds from beginning to end. Once the brightness was over you could see the orb move away and disappear. At once, I had an intense feeling of excitement mixed with a feeling that we shouldn't be flashing them. I felt like we had done something unacceptable and was for a moment scared. Not sure if I felt that way because we got a response or because I fear government retaliation. After seeing that orb,another one appeared to be heading the opposite direction to the one we laser pointed, but roughly the same location in the sky. This one followed/crossed paths with a airplane that was coming from the south to North east at nearly the same time. We have been diligent in checking for satellites, iridium flares, ISS, meteor showers and even fireworks (Canada Day celebrations) and couldn't come up with our own answers to what happened. As always we have an intense sense of awe, wonder, confusion, and sometimes a little fear. We have accepted that at least half of what we see aren't anything we personally know of. But would love to know if anyone else saw anything last night.
(via MUFON.com)
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