Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Edgar Mitchell A True Patriotic Astronomer

Edgar Mitchell A True Patriotic Astronomer
Edgar Mitchell the 6th man on the moon discloses more information on an internet radio show interview. Edgar Mitchell says there IS life in the Universe. He says we have been visited, and that UFOs have been covered up by the government for a long time. Edgar says it is a real phenomena. He says he's been inside military circles and they know we've been visited and talk about it behind closed doors.He says he's been involved in certain research committees and knows people who know the real story.There is quite a bit of contact going on.The Roswell crash was real.Doesn't know if Disclosure will be this year or notPublic acceptance is increasing.Not all UFOs are of ET origin. Some are home-grown. But some are ET crafts.He's not concerned about his safety talking about it openly anymore.Alien intent is not hostile.Some others involved in the Moon landing also know the truth.The host made the point that this is the first time Edgar has stated so clearly that ET life exists and UFOs are real. Thank you Edgar Mitchell for telling us THE PEOPLE the truth.

Reference: ovni-news.blogspot.com


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