Thursday, 5 December 2013

Ufo Makes Strange Maneuver And Shoots Across The Sky Over Lake Simcoe Ontario

Ufo Makes Strange Maneuver And Shoots Across The Sky Over Lake Simcoe Ontario
"(FROM BRIAN VIKE'S UFO FILES) RE-POSTED BY BRIAN."Date: July 20, 2007Time: 11:45 p.m.Location of Sighting: Lake Simcoe, Ontario.Number of witnesses: 1Number of objects: 1Shape of objects: Bright star-like."FULL DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" It approached from northwest heading south east and flew at high speed in a steady course 45 degrees up from the horizon, just below the first star in the handle of the big dipper constellation in the background sky."IMAGE LEFT: MAP OF LAKE SIMCOE IN ONTARIO, CANADA. ALSO CLICK ON MAP FOR LARGER VIEW."There were no flashing lights as on an airliner etc., and no sound audible.I observed object flying straight for 5 seconds. It made very tight up-turn at full speed, flying back (northwest) parallel of original course back about half way. The object performed sudden and even faster 90 degree turn to the west.Accelerated and in a streak and disappeared in the sky.The sky over the lake that night was absolutely cloud free, of light pollution from surrounding town and 3+ magnitude stars could easily been seen.The local geography offered a clear view from horizon west to horizon north without any obstruction to the skyline. Thank you. Can anyone please let me know about other Lake Simcoe encounters.Thank you to the witness for their report.Brian Vike (Retired)Box 1091Houston, British Columbia, Canada.Email: ""The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) ""


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