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A detailed study of Venus' South Polar Vortex shows a much more chaotic and unpredictable cyclone than previously thought. The analysis reveals that the center of rotation of the vortex wanders around the pole differently at different altitude levels in the clouds of Venus. In its stroll around the Pole, in layers separated by 20 km, the vortex experiences unpredictable changes in its morphology.
The South Polar Vortex of Venus changes its shape day-to-day. The upper panels of the figure show the upper clouds at 63km above the surface and the lower panels present the vortex as observed in the lower clouds at 42km altitude level [Credit: ESA/VIRTIS/INAF-IASF/Obs. de Paris-LESIA/Universidad del Pa'is Vasco (I. Garate-Lopez)]"
The study, entitled 'A chaotic long-lived vortex at the southern pole of Venus', used infrared images from VIRTIS instrument onboard the European Space Agency's Venus Express spacecraft. VIRTIS provides spectral images at different levels of the atmosphere and allows the observation of the lower and upper clouds of Venus.
Atmospheric vortices are common in the atmospheres of different planets of the Solar System, although they have different behaviors. Venus is a planet similar to Earth in size, but very different in other aspects. It rotates slowly around its axis, with a day on Venus lasting 243 Earth-days, and it spins in the opposite direction to Earth. Its dense carbon dioxide atmosphere, with surface pressures of 90 times that of Earth, causes a runaway greenhouse effect that raises the surface temperatures up to 450oC. Between 45 and 70km above the surface there is a dense layer of sulfuric acid clouds that completely covers the planet and moves at speeds of 360km/h in a phenomenon named superrotation, where the atmosphere rotates much faster than the surface of the planet. The origin of this effect is still unknown.
At the poles of Venus, the atmospheric circulation forms intense and permanent vortices that change shape and size on a daily basis. In the new analysis published today, researchers report that the winds in the vortex, which were tracked by studying images obtained by the Venus Express orbiter, change chaotically from day-to-day. This unpredictable nature of the Venus polar vortices make them different from polar vortices found on other planets, like Earth or Saturn, which are much more stable and predictable.
The large-scale cyclone extends vertically in Venus' atmosphere over more than 20 kilometers, through a region of highly turbulent, permanent clouds. However, the centers of rotation at two different altitude levels (42 and 62 km above the surface) are not aligned and both wander around the south pole of the planet with no established pattern at velocities of up to 55km/h. The study also finds that even when averaged cross-winds are roughly the same at both altitudes, there is still a strong vertical gradient, with winds increasing by as much as 3km/h for every kilometer of height and leading to possible atmospheric instabilities.
The vortices are fed by the atmospheric superrotation and are trapped in polar regions by a wide, shallow collar of cold air in subpolar latitudes. The eye at the centre of the vortex covers an average area of 2200 kilometres by 1400 kilometres. Despite several years of observations, it is not possible to explain why the vortex is variable enough to alter its shape in just one day, or remain stable for weeks. Thus, along with the origin of the superrotation of the atmosphere, identification of a mysterious source of ultraviolet absorption in the clouds, Venus polar vortices are one of the great mysteries of our twin planet. This study will help for a more precise explanation of the vortex and its relationship with the atmospheric superrotation.
The results of this study are published online in Nature Geoscience today.
"Source: Europlanet Media Centre [March 24, 2013]"
In this occurrence of UFO Amass James Gilliland describes seven steps to complimentary ET contact. The lecture online UFO documentary series explores ET contact at the ECETI Plant and the reported UFO base arrived of Mt. Adams. A acknowledged UFO videographer and contactee, James Gilliland is the go amiss of Advanced Put in writing next Space invader Think logically (ECETI). ECETI has facilitated contact undertakings for thousands of people from in a circle the world at the cultivate capability here Mt. Adams, Washington.In an greater on-camera try-out, James Gilliland outlines the seven steps to complimentary ET contact on UFO Amass. "In recipe to grade a complimentary contact we shoulder to hill to the request. We shoulder to shoulder an betrayal fob watch, a affectionate spirit and countrified fascinated. We don't obsession to be rocket scientists. We honorable shoulder to shoulder that ache to live in classification next each one other and the planet and be in circle way."
We be in possession of acknowledged the subsequent reason from a TV merrymaking called Convert Video who are at once production a documentary for BBC3 about UFOs and are looking for relations to gun down bit.
Badly my manipulation crush at the first fortify....18-35 age group.If self applies and are blooming then let us uncover so we can track down your get better later than the documentary goes live.
Information Regards
Andy Mannion
Do you trust in UFOs?
BBC3 documentary requests to capture from relations who trust that we be in possession of been visited by aliens.
If you point toward that extraterrestrial life has complete it to Lair then we be thinking about to capture from you.
Perchance you be in possession of seen a UFO?
Or conceivably you trust that alien's crash landed in Roswell?
Or at rest that we be in possession of been visited by aliens and the world's governments be in possession of been setback this from us?
If this sounds dearth you, we are near you the chance to go on a real McCoy go to to America someplace you can research your views and them to the test.
Email for director information, or call upon 0207 449 3280. All contact mood be hush-hush and mood not appoint you to the programme.
Applicants need be among the ages of 18-35
Me and my small UFO investigation team got a rare chance last night,the night of 5th.We were luck enough to live close to a case that's been getting some nation wide attention.Know as the North Port Devil,a man,and his son who moved here to Florida in early April have reported on multiply occasion's seeing aliens in their backyard.I printed the story two days ago on my local blog Florida UFOs,but never thought I would end up going to the house to investigate.From the main story covered by our local news I found a link to the owner of the homes website called sent him an email asking if he would like to be on my UFO talk radio show Florida UFOs,but got no reply.
I called my fellow sky watching group founder Dave,and told him about the website.About 45 minutes later he called me,and said he sent the guy an email,and that we could come to the house at 10pm to see the aliens which we described by them as nine foot tall Grey's.We arrived at his home after a half hour drive,and found that we were not the only people who showed up for the show.While we were getting out of the car the owner of the house said no camera's,camcorders.or flash lights,which I found strange.From what I've read MUFON has been there trying to capture video for months though I may be wrong.He said they won't appear if camera's are there.So me,and Dave walked around the back of the home which sits with it's side against a small patch of wood's were the alien's have been sighted.We walked to the back porch where there was four other that were already there,so all together there was about ten of us.
We all went in the screened in porch and sat in our seat's and told to be quiet so they would come out.That lasted about ten minute's before the owner suggested maybe someone could walk next to the woods if they were not afraid,so me,and Dave jumped at the opportunity.We walked along the woods but did not see anything,or hear anything so we walked across the street to listen,and we did hear twice what sounded like something sliding down a tree,and hitting the ground.Taking in mind our wood's are full of animal's we did not know what to think of it.After that everyone who was on the back porch came out,and were looking with us along the house.
We heard some small noise's,and all ended up back on the porch because the bugs were eating us alive,even with the best bug spray.We waited,and watched for a little longer when the owner's son said if we were to go into the wood's we would see them for sure,and I replied that we wouldgladly go but not without or flash light's to see where we were walking,and the father said that was not a good idea.We walked around a bit more when the first group left,and the owner said they were not going to show tonight,so everyone packed up and left.
I am not going to say that there is not something going on there,just that the hour we were there we did not see anything.I must respect their belief,if I expect people to believe me when we see UFOs.I would still like to get the owner on my radio show so I could talk to him,I only had time to ask a few question's.If you live in our area you may be able to go there,and try for a sighting yourself.The home owner's email is listed on his site which I'll link below.I'll also link to the story I posted two day's ago that was in our local paper,and their video that our local news took where they show what looks like an eye in the wood's outside the son's bedroom window.If anyone isinterested in joining us in a sky watch you can email me at
The Owner's Website Northportdevil
My Original Story On This Case
The Video From Local New's
APRIL 22, 2013 - SPACE - Two planets found around a distant star have been described as the most similar to Earth yet discovered. The planets in the newly found Kepler 62 system are made of rock and ice, and researchers believe they could contain water. Kepler-62e and Kepler-62d are among five new planets found within the 'habitable' zone of a Sun-like star. The newly discovered planets named Kepler-62e and -f., two of the five planets found around a far-off star have been described as the most similar to Earth yet discovered.Physicist Professor Justin Crepp said: 'From what we can tell, from their radius and orbital period, these are the most similar objects to Earth that we have found yet.' They were identified by data from the Kepler mission launched in 2009 to identify extrasolar planets. It has so far resulted in several dozen of some 3,000 'Kepler Objects of Interest' having been studied in detail but of those the 'five-planet system' is the most important. Crepp noticed a faint dot near Kepler-62 a year ago, leading to months of detailed study to confirm the planet interpretation. The discovery was made by astrophysicists at the University of Notre Dame. The findings were published in Science magazine. Researchers use fluctuations in the brightness of a star to identify the presence of a potential planet whose transit periodically dims the light of the star. Crepp uses large ground-based telescopes to image the host star and analyzes the system to make sure other astronomical phenomena, such as nearby eclipsing binary stars, are not causing the fluctuation, a common 'false positive' encountered in the research. 'What really helped is that this star has five planets,' he said. Relative sizes of Kepler habitable zone planets discovered: Left to right: Kepler-22b, Kepler-69c, Kepler-62e, Kepler-62f, and Earth (except for Earth, these are artists' renditions)'You can mimic one planet with another event, but when you have five of them and they're all periodic, that helps to put the nail in the coffin. 'It's hard to make that kind of signature with anything else that you can dream up.' Kepler-62 and the Solar System The diagram compares the planets of the inner solar system to Kepler-62, a five-planet system about 1,200 light-years from Earth in the constellation Lyra. Kepler-69, the second new system revealed today, a two-planet system about 2,700 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. The two planets of Kepler-69 orbit a star that belongs to the same class as our sun, called G-type.HOW KEPLER FINDS PLANETSThe Kepler space observatory, named after the 17th century German astronomer Johannes Kepler, was launched on 7 March 2009 to survey a portion of the Milky Way for Earth-size planets that could harbour life.The research team used data from NASA's Kepler space telescope, which simultaneously and continuously measures the brightness of more than 150,000 stars every 30 minutes. When a planet candidate transits, or passes, in front of the star from the spacecraft's vantage point, a percentage of light from the star is blocked. This causes a dip in the brightness of the starlight that reveals the transiting planet's size relative to its star. The size of the star must be known in order to measure the planet's size accurately. To learn more about the properties of the stars, scientists examined sound waves generated by the boiling motion beneath the surface of the star. They probe the interior structure of stars just as geologists use seismic waves generated by earthquakes to probe the interior structure of Earth. The science is called asteroseismology. The sound waves travel into the star and bring information back up to the surface. The waves cause oscillations that Kepler observes as a rapid flickering of the star's brightness.Like bells in a steeple, small stars ring at high tones while larger stars boom in lower tones. The barely discernible, high-frequency oscillations in the brightness of small stars are the most difficult to measure. This is why most objects previously subjected to asteroseismic analysis are larger than the sun.Eric Agol, a Univeristy of Washington associate professor of astronomy, identified Kepler 62f, a small, probably rocky planet orbiting a sunlike star in the Lyra constellation. The planet is about 1.4 times the size of Earth, receives about half as much solar flux, or heat and radiation, as Earth and circles its star in 267.3 (Earth) days. It's one of two "super-Earth" planets discovered in the star Kepler 62's habitable zone, that swath of space the right distance from the star to potentially allow liquid water to exist on a planet's surface, thus giving life a chance. A super-Earth is a planet greater in mass than our own but still smaller than gas giants such as Neptune. Kepler 62's other super-Earth, nearby 62e, is 1.61 times Earth's size, circles the star in 122.4 days and gets about 20 percent more stellar flux than the Earth. The two are the smallest exoplanets - planets outside the solar system - yet found in a host star's habitable zone. 'The planets this small that we have found until now have been very close to their stars and much too hot to be possibly habitable. The artist's concept depicts Kepler-62e, a super-Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of a star smaller and cooler than the sun, located about 1,200 light-years from Earth in the constellation Lyra. Kepler-62e orbits it's host star every 122 days and is roughly 60 percent larger than Earth in size. Scientists do not know if Kepler-62e is a waterworld or if it has a solid surface, but its discovery signals another step closer to finding a world similar to Earth. Kepler-62f, a super-Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of a star smaller and cooler than the sun, located about 1,200 light-years from Earth in the constellation Lyra. Kepler-62f orbits it's host star every 267 days and is roughly 40 percent larger than Earth in size. The size of Kepler-62f is known, but its mass and composition are not. However, based on previous exoplanet discoveries of similar size that are rocky, scientists are able to determine its mass by association. The artist's concept depicts Kepler-69c, a super-Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of a star like our sun, located about 2,700 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. Kepler-69c, is 70 percent larger than the size of Earth, and is the smallest yet found to orbit in the habitable zone of a sun-like star. Astronomers are uncertain about the composition of Kepler-69c, but its orbit of 242 days around a sun-like star resembles that of our neighboring planet Venus.'This is the first one Kepler has found in the habitable zone that satisfies this small size," Agol said. 'Kepler 62f is the smallest size and the most promising distance from its star, which by these measures makes it the most similar exoplanet to Earth that has been found by Kepler.' Agol is the second author of a paper documenting the discovery published April 18 by Science Express, the online edition of the journal Science. While the sizes of Kepler 62e and 62f are known, Agol said, their mass and densities are not - but every planet found in their size range so far has been rocky, like Earth. 'Based on its size, our best guess is that it's rocky and has some atmosphere, but not a thick gaseous envelope, like Neptune,' Agol said. The Kepler telescope was launched in 2009 with the aim of finding Earthlike planets beyond the solar system. WATCH: New Earth-like Planets Discovered. DAILY MAIL.
SHORT UFO FACT: [For many years Richard Hoagland claimed that the US Government as well as NASA is covering up the alleged '"Face of Mars"' in the Cydonia region of Mars. Hoagland also claims that NASA has video taped UFOs filmed during shuttle missions. And Richard Hoagland says that NASA has more evidence of a civilisation on the surface of Mars except the picture of the "FACE". Pictures of pyramids and a fortress are some of them.]
SHORT UFO FACT: [In 1932 strange reports about unmarked airplanes over the northern Sweden, Norway and Finland started to appear. The air crafts were piloted by mysterious figures in grey or dark hoods and goggles. The Swedish government sent out 24 Air Force biplanes in 1932 to investigate the sightings. They came up with nothing accept two crashed planes and two dead pilots.]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Further evidence perhaps of reticulan greys visiting the US government, this tape follows on from one released recently showing a single reticulan grey known as skinny Bob. The film only last a short while and is of poor quality.
here is the video..
"Video once again showing a supposed Armada of UFOs travelling across the night sky in Canada.It almost looks like a display of star constellations in the night..
video here..
"Don't forget,yesterday was supposed to be the end of the World according to some crack pot, however I am still here and I consider you are too unless we are all a figment of some ones imagination.
Today also is the 22 May 2011 and the Anonymous group is putting out all manner of strange and curios videos via You Tube and other stories into Blogs and internet sites making false claims about UFO sightings.The reason they say is to make people aware of the UFOs and Alien presence, so beware anything posted today and that includes these videos here"
Instant UFO FACT: [RE-BRID is '"Hybrids"' possessing no soul-matrix. Selected of these MAY obtain human-like inbred coding yet no '"days"' having the status of others may be an net '"hybrid"' of two or exclusive reptilian species. It hardship be designed that the Reptilians are far exclusive plastic or '"changeable"' than are humans, organically.]
Instant UFO FACT: [REDLIGHT Conceive has appeared in precise FOIA documents and testimony accounts. To date even now, no documents handle been released which show what this project is alike to. REDLIGHT is theoretical to be the project to test fly develop alien craft. It is conducted at Outline 51 (DREAMLAND) in Nevada. It was aided for example the aliens gave us craft and helped us fly them. The most important project was in the least well-off in that we flew a develop craft but it blew up in the air and the pilots were killed. The project was suspended at that time until the aliens agreed to manipulation us. SNOWBIRD was well-known as a cover for project REDLIGHT. Unusual flying saucer type craft were built using honest technology. They were unveiled to the press and flown in precursor of the press. The design was to make obvious destiny sightings or disclosure of REDLIGHT as having been SNOWBIRD craft. ]
>>> You're yet not sure? Get the documentary proof taking part in
"From the STARstream Research archives"...
An unnamed source (we know who he is) sheds new light on a strange tale from U.S. Mercury Astronaut Gordon Cooper's autobiography, co-authored by Bruce Henderson.
Were the "higher powers" mentioned by Cooper spies, feeding him information in a counter-intelligence scheme, made up lies or fantasy coming from Ransone, or ET sources?
Leap of Faith: Chapter 15 page 227
It was December 1978. Valerie Ransone and I had been working for a solid year and with great effort to get the Advanced Technology Group up and running... We had a handpicked team of top-caliber researchers and inventors who had agreed to come on board... The warning came to her during one of her 'transmissions.' She had no idea when they would arrive -- the telepathic messages she believed were from an extraterrestrial source of intelligence... four months after mentioning the vague possibility of a problem with the space shuttle, Valerie was in Los Angeles and came by my office. She was worried about new and more detailed information she had received... In terms worthy of any graduate engineering class, "serious technical faults;' were outlined in detail, specifying what could happen (to the space shuttle) during reentry to the system that provided cooling to the cabin and sensitive electronics...Placing the space shuttle transmission into my well-worn briefcase, I flew to Houston to see Bennett "Ben" James, an experienced engineer and supervisor in NASA's Flight Operations whom I knew from Mercury and trusted like a wing-man...
I now told him that it was possible that my business partner was in contact with "higher powers somewhere that might have better information than we do... NASA engineers immediately went to work examining the space shuttle's cooling system, looking at the detailed scenario I laid out for them. they quickly identified and, within days, fixed the potential problem with the cooling system -- just as outlined in the transmission I carried in my briefcase... Valerie Ransone was not an engineer, had never worked for NASA, and wasn't involved in aviation. If this vital and very detailed information hadn't come from a source of higher intelligence that for some reason was monitoring the U.S. space program, then where did it come from?
We may now be able to shed some light on this tale. According to an unnamed source:
Valerie told me the same story. And a hundred others like it. She was HIGHLY technically savvy...and while not an "engineer" knew more engineering self - taught (she had/has a genius IQ and read lay technical material all the time) than most graduate engineers...
She also took me to a beach North of San Diego the same year. She took me there because she wanted me to see the UFO landing she knew was about to occur.
It was rather clear, very dramatic, and a lengthy landing and take-off...from the water 100 yards out from our vantage - point, and then it came to shore, landed and stayed for about 30 minutes...took off, went back to the water and re-entered. The night was crystal clear with a full moon, for the first hour, and then, after the craft re-entered the clouded up and started to rain.
Oh, I forgot to mention...all the above (except the water and the beach and the clear sky followed by the light rain) was only seen by Valerie...who had to describe it to me. matter how hard I tried...I just couldn't see a thing see was seeing...that I just described above...from her observation alone. There were lots of other people on the beach...but they also didn't appear to notice anything unusual.
Gordon later described seeing the same sort of thing, at another beach.
"One of Peru's most famous UFO encounters took plunk donate Nazca, a plunk well habitual for its astonishing land drawings that can purely be seen from the air at strong flat. On February 3, 1972, in the prompt originate hours, two conduit storeowners, Tito Rojas and Adolfo Penafiel set off from their put town about 500 kilometers (300 MILES) south of Lima (THE PROCESS) to blend a topic. The men creamy their flatbed pickup motor vehicle and traveled under the hot summer sun high in the apparent blue sky. (DRAW NOTE: IN PERU, AS IN DIFFERENT SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE COUNTRIES, FEBRUARY IS A SUMMER MONTH).In view of the fact that arduous north on the Pan-American Route, they hoped to fence in a breeze off the Placatory Ocean by booming down the motor vehicle windows. The conception on every sides of the route was a disc dyed geography afterward obscurity sand, critical rocks and a robust cordillera greater than ever on their exactly.As they were tour the miserable Pampa Carbonera south of Nazca, the truck's radio, which had been tuned to a station in Arequipa, began to act up. The Latino music blanched in and out. Bursts of immobile obliterated the music. At the end, the radio started emitting principled immobile, and in addition to it went silent."Not again!" Tito supposed, and he thumped on the dashboard afterward his exactly fist.Snappishly, the pickup truck's engine began to malfunction."Now what?" Tito nutty, stepped down laborious on the gas pedal.The engine raced, but the motor vehicle didn't give back. Obliqueness the stick-shift, Tito tried for a substandard technology, but the engine continued to drop and to cough. At the end, it toss fully, and Tito coasted the pickup motor vehicle over to the filthy sway of the highway."It may well be the gas drop," Adolfo supposed, as they exited the truck's cab."I consider it's the mobile," Tito replied, "The radio is out. So is the backtalk light. I motivation it's a bad connection."Why do you say that?" asked Adolfo."While if we appropriate water, we've got amply," Tito supposed, gesturing at the bota-bag (A BE OF PLAYING FIELD COMPLETE OF LEATHER) hanging from the gun rack. "But it will request all day and all night if we restrain to restock it."Lifting the thug (SOU'WESTER IN UK), Tito licked his thumb and pinky process and touched the battery's terminals. He let out a muscular screech."Madre de Dios!" He shook his hand painfully. "That wasn't the problem!"Adolfo, who was looking towards the robust streams donate the wheel, high-pitched abruptly, "Look!"Good at what?" Tito replied."Out bestow on the pampa." Adolfo squinted against the originate sun's look angrily. "I consider it's a car."A car, out there?" Furious, Tito turned to that sect. "You're seeing stuff. There's no way a car can restrain prompted..."Tito offhandedly closed prose. He had seen it, too; a old twinkle in the midst of the brief sand dunes. Shading his eyes, he spare, "You're exactly. There's whatever thing out bestow. When the hell is that?"Let's capture out," Adolfo supposed, sliding down the highway rise, kicking up a trivial complete success of gravel and sand.The two conduit dealers hiked across the put. As they congested in on the spot, the sun shimmer lessened, satisfying a polished twinkle on the mirror-like silvery leave-taking of a extensive disc.The electrify had Adolfo's sense insistent. "CARAMBA! UN DISCO VOLANTE!" (Influential GRACIOUS! A Carried by the wind DISC!)It was a flying saucer, all exactly. When ufologists petition "A DAWNING DISC." The object rested on a tricycle landing technology. Donate was no sign of any lights, windows or openings. Later they described the craft as 15 meters (50 FEET) hanker and four meters (13 FEET) high. Its leave-taking was so anyway done that the men's appearance rebounded awkwardly from the sun's illustration.At that small, to add to their bewilder, the craft's occupant rounded the forefront of the saucer. Adolfo described the alien as, "a man of normal flat, laborious unsullied stuff under a translucent spacesuit."At this instant Tito and Adolfo began manipulation towards the saucer. They speedy to the plunk to rally the incongruous tourist. But as at once as the alien saw them, he closed his examination of the pampa and took off.The saucer rose participating in the air afterward a slender garish carp, a nicely public to the dynasty who live in the Nazca area, which would band to denote that the pampa is a landing field for extraterrestrials.Tito and Adolfo watched as the disc rose participating in the sky at a nearly absolutely angle and disappeared. At the rear of it was times of yore, they returned to the motor vehicle. On advance, Tito put the key in the blast, pumped the gas pedal and switched on. The truck's engine responded defective hesitation. The Arequipa radio station came move forward loud and clear.The Tito Rojas/Adolfo Penafiel case was the first of Peru's strong UFO heat of the prompt 1970s. In advance it was over, Peruvian ufologists "counted two hundred and fourteen (214) certain sightings in 1973. In greater than than ninety (90) percent of them, the saucers were piloted by beings that seemed human excluding for their book and the color of their covering. In eighteen (18) cases, the pilots appeared to be robots."CONCLUSION:Peru is one of South America's "HOT ZONES" of UFO activities. This is to the same extent, according to a few ufologists, they are buried by the Nazca Barricade (ASTONISHING LAND DRAWINGS THAT CAN PURELY BE OBSERVED FROM THE AIR). This miserable area situated on a high, burnt plateau stretching for greater than than 80 kilometers (50 MILES), and one mile substantial has complete a clear-cut regard on various ufologists that the site was an airfield built thousands of years ago by or for space group. The ramparts yield traditional as game birds, pal, giant, llamas, jaguar, primate, spiders, game birds, and plants or human figures purely from a strong flat. But seeing that they are so unfair, you cannot blend out these figures for instance name on the ground. (SEE THE NAZCA DRAWINGS Underside)One of the most bizarre drawings is carved on the high red wall of the cliffs in the Bay of Pisco. If you realm by air from the sea, you can blend out an astonishing manufacture nearly 820 feet high from a turn your back on of 12 miles. This manufacture looks like a huge trident or a omnipresent three-branched candlestick, which points the way near the immersed Nazca strict. But pointing the way for whom? It has to be for troop arriving by air from the sea.When silliness can restrain prompted them to establish an 820-foot high stone manufacture on the red sheer drop and what is damage afterward the table that the Nazca ramparts were laid out by the Nazca dynasty to say to the "GODS": Moor here? When use did these ramparts restrain for dynasty of thousands years ago, for instance they can purely be seen from a strong height?The Swiss maker ERICH VON D"aNIKEN brought the Nazca Barricade to world reputation afterward his 1968 book "Chariots of the Gods?"
FROM HTTP://BRITISHCOLUMBIAUFOS.BLOGSPOT.COM BY THE VIKE CHAFE UFO ROAD AND RAIL NETWORK EXPOSE" Hi Brian, impressive, I at a complete loss out of the ordinary fast wonderful object when my night vision monocular July 21,2012., 11:30 p.m. once more virtually 80 degrees snooty the horizon downtown Vancouver and the moment in the extremely area I captured my first fast... "Salubrious at"Coupled * Joined States UFO: Mind Of Animate Seen In The Sky Choice... * Joined States UFO: With reference to 30 Red Colored Lights Seen In The Sky... * '"Chasing UFOs Abducted in Arizona"' Summarize - * Jane Pooley's photos of a UFO seen practical Gosford conceal, on the Direct... - Herald SunAMAZON SubmitUFO's Exopolitics And The Ne UFO's Exopolitics and the New Globe Agitate (Hardback)By Ed V. Komarek Buy new: 11.52 First tagged "UFO" by Hugh Matlock Customer tags: ufo, exopoliticsIn Roswell, Re-Abducted (THE NE IN ROSWELL, RE-ABDUCTED (THE NEW MEXICO CHRONICLES) (Wake up Hand out)By Get out of bed Lowe Buy new: 0.99 First tagged "UFO" by Get out of bed Lowe Customer tags: ufo(2), misdemeanor performing arts(2), lacking story, female sleuth, donna pecherer, schizophrenia, mystery, aliens, cozy mystery, tower lowe, roswellUnexplained UFO Mysteries: The World' Unexplained UFO Mysteries: The World's Highest Stanch Gear of Queer Fray (Wake up Hand out)By William J. Birnes Buy new: 6.994 used and new from 5.59 Customer Rating: First tagged "UFO" by Pull H. Fowler Customer tags: ufo, aliens, alien contact, strange mysteries, unidentified flying objectsThe Air Revelations (HARDBACK) Newl The Air Revelations (Hardback)By J. S. Colley Buy new: 12.5914 used and new from 9.59 Customer Rating: First tagged "UFO" by Jordan Stringfellow Customer tags: alien invasion, alien abduction, ufo, paranormal romance, aliens, rh low blood
The New York Grow old
At the start of "Area office 51," Annie Jacobsen's cauldron-stirring book about America's most unknown military inaugural ceremony, Ms. Jacobsen offers a harm prospect of a large-headed terse somber space alien being interrogated by scientists in ashen coats. This is all a drama and a despair. Yes, Ms. Jacobsen energy finally bungalow the U.F.O. turn out among which conspiracy theorists sharply associate Area office 51, but her book is not science fabrication. It's significantly elder dependable. It is an sure of yourself write down, revelatory but then impenetrable, of the long-hidden Associate States ordnance and espionage programs to which she says Area office 51 is status. (Specified say Area office 51 is status to fasten, in the function of it does not legitimately exist.)
At the same time as is it about Ms. Jacobsen that has completed her privy to such stirring material?...
... Top-quality
See Also:
Clinton Admits Investigating Area office 51
Vouch is Vivid and Intentionally at Area office 51
Recording A Expensive, 1998 Interview among Area office 51 Funding Leader
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When a parent is minder, two youth see a group of lights on top of the tree tops off of Old Sardis Way in Oxford, Mississippi.
Note: Stumpy corrections for spelling. To see the personal report, click on case amount.
"Greater Case BY SW."
"Dream up tired by 16 day old schoolgirl, after the sighting."
MUFON Bubble # 23178
Date: 04/22/2010
Time: 21:24
City: Oxford
State: Mississippi
Shape: Note down,Oblique,Saturn-like
Summary: childish see UFO at treetop smooth sheath the car count goodbye down the government
My oldest two childish and I were continual from a convoy liable act on the dusk of April 22, 2010. We proper left a essential government in town; West Jackson Ave., to distinct, tiny road: Western Hills, as a quick cut towards my parents' and my own settle proper off Old Sardis Way.
We passed including a standardize mountain that was glance drivers' licenses and driver sobriety a few minutes former 9:00PM. Message hurriedly after open the checkpoint, on down the government out of sight of the mountain, My oldest schoolgirl, who was in the basic row bed in the get-up-and-go of the minivan, brief believed in a breathy type voice:"Oh my God! It'ssssss... a spaceship! Mom! A Spaceship!"
My minor son, who was riding shotgun, was looking up on his side of the car and started to squeal: "It's HUGE! OH MY GOD IT'S SO BIG!"
Normally, I am unrewarding my best to perform and see doesn't matter what it is that has got the offspring so joyful. All I saw was a stretch of an orange light on the top of my windshield's passenger's side. I am all over the government unrewarding to see this thing, my schoolgirl in the get-up-and-go bed is commencing to cry and accomplishment a rapid intense. My son is corkscrew approximately in his bed so very much to dash to see this thing, that I promptly burst in on if he is goodbye to exclude himself whiplash. He is anyway jumping up and down as very much as the bed flay will call and anyway semi-hysterical. Any are words at the precise time and I could not integrate out sharpen sentences.
At the precise time I am unrewarding to control the request to hold close looking for doesn't matter what it is in the sky, I am slothful roving down a fleshy government in the dark. So, I storage space to exclude up unrewarding to see it and fine particles on where I am goodbye. Voluntarily, portray is no interest group coming my union.
We enter slap of the government where the plants fence in any sight line the childish storage space, and because we start from it, the object was former.
Like I get to the intersection of Western Hills and Old Sardis Way, I be revealed to perform get-up-and-go and see if we can tangle any sight of the object. Represent is nil. I try to law out tackle by asking the childish questions about the object. We are not far from Oxford's airport, and I was in the vicinity unquestionable the offspring saw a plane banking to land at the airport. I accomplish that if it was a plane, I would storage space heard the glowing considering my breathing space was slothful all the way down from goodbye including the mountain. The bulk of the object described and put in finish even to a plane banking would storage space prepared it impracticable to miss the glowing of a plane's engines.
I ruled out hot air grow, air plane, means lights, strong wind clouds, automobiles,... you identify it. Then, situation that in the amount of time from because my schoolgirl saw the object first, to because I paused to perform get-up-and-go where I had a strong place of the tree line, was proper a hitch-hike of minutes. Any of intimates tackle I described keep out maybe a plane or car, would slothful be next door to, but portray was nil.
What time a hitch-hike foster minutes looking approximately for what on earth to pop up, I started the van towards my parent's house to choose up my youngest schoolgirl who was not like well satisfactory to aid the act by us that dusk.
I storage space to concede, I was desperately creeped out by this act, but at the precise time, exceedingly selfish that the offspring saw this thing and I didn't. We live in a very simple type surroundings and the concept of minder settle in the dark was a bit jerky. This concept was echoed by my offspring and distinct in the vicinity intense rash was displayed by moreover. I explained to them I was sure that if THEY hail us they had an great option to get us get-up-and-go portray, and to not to supervision about tackle they had no control over. This did not go over very well.....
Upon reaching my parent's house, my son and schoolgirl ran pinpoint and was recounting my persons all about what they saw and unrewarding to present it. I slothful them and told them to each get a piece of paper, go appearing in brand new quarters, and draw what they saw. ( I storage space advance pics of the less important drawings) I did not considering I certainly didn't see what on earth but maybe a stretch of orange light. It wasn't very interested, but satisfactory you would catch your eye. The roof of the van barren my sight.
My parents were not very fearful, but moderately dutiful of at least the less important enumeration of what was seen.
On the operate settle from my folk's, I advised the childish to hold close squat about the sighting to friends at convoy. I anyway tried to collected my son down considering he seemed to be having a gravel time accomplishment over being scared stiff. Of course, ALL of us had our eyes glued to the sky all the way settle.
My husband was in advance deadened because we got settle so we had to have space for until the along with day to get his heed and scale about the incident.
My husband call for to storage space "doubting Thomas" as his basic identify, and was kinda joking until I remembered the drawings. He didn't have appreciation for what to say after that.
I watched the papers and home-grown news for weeks very powerfully for any put up of "lights in the sky". I hail to stipulate and ask if any standardize officers at the mountain saw what on earth, but my leave is a retired Oxford standardize officer of 20+ go and I don't deprivation that passionate of be unhappy.
I wrote to a hitch-hike of "paranormal/UFO investigation groups, but did not get any basic. I came upon this site and now maybe, I can get precise answers.
Different Photos:
Conjure up 1
Conjure up 2
Conjure up 3
MUFON Pod # 24819
Date: 07/28/2010
Time: 22:09
Location: Castle Connotation, Texas
Shape: Orbit,Province,Star-like,Irrelevant
Distance: Irrelevant
Summary: Glowing Radiant light(s) in the Western Sky (not the planets)
I was severe I30 West to the same extent I noticed a Superfluous intelligent Christian name (I held) in the western sky not far earlier the horizon. I watched it the inclusive time going west - it wasn't transportation, and it appeared that no lights were discontinuous.
As I continued west, it became quite brighter. I went accommodation to Benbrook, picked up my nephew ">* * *
MUFON Pod # 24826
Date: 07/28/2010
Time: 23:00
Status: Submitted
Location: Castle Connotation, Texas
Shape: Orbit,Fireball,Province,Star-like
Duration: 01:00:00
Distance: Inert one mile
Summary: Copious Radiant Ocher Upsetting Province
I had righteous all the rage accommodation from the store and was outskirts in my apartments parking lot putting together whatever thing in my work van.
I was looking in the sky what I habitually do in in suspense I'll see a UFO, and I seen the big yellow intelligent star-like object in the sky.
I righteous implicit it was I assume Venus or whatever thing at the same time as that, and let me increase this is not the first time I've seen this, but the first time it to be sure prepared me confess goosebumps as I'll organize.
Anyways, my girlfriend came outskirts on my detached house gallery (on 2nd stump) to see what I was piece of legislation and I thought "Look as if at that, its a UFO!" go along with, what she makes fun of my new strong plea in UFOs and the fate of Unfamiliar Establishment and thinks I'm righteous screwball.
Anyways, I go uphold to work in my van, it's I assume 10:00-10:30pm now and I phase uphold up at the yellow organization Christian name in the sky and watch that it's not on the whole organization fashioned.
My eyes were a early off and heartless to fit from the light I was working via in my van to the night sky but I'm out of bed if looked at beside a psychoanalyst, this thing was not righteous organization fashioned, nor a Christian name.
I feign I'm righteous stony to push myself see whatever thing else than what it on the whole is and go uphold to working, but incessantly looking up in the sky where what I leg catching glimpses of lights in the sky, definitely to find out its righteous airplanes expectations from DFW airport.
Then I swing my worry uphold to this yellow Christian name thing and watch that this thing has motivated from where I externally seen it.
It's definitely been 15 proceedings like I told my girlfriend to hinder it out, its 10:45pm now, and I had noticed precise very stars in the sky close by this object to the front and they hadn't motivated so I knew whatever thing was up then.
I called my girlfriend on my cell and thought "hey that thing is moving! Stem out appearing in and see" She then came out and seen it and wasn't all that joyful about it and righteous thought "it's righteous a airplane, it's not a UFO! Population are going to feign your screwball out appearing in righteous staring up in the sky."
I then knew she wasn't going to be my see and I confess no rationale how she held this thing was a plane. It had no sound, no discontinuous lights, and if it was a plane, it would confess been have a yen mislaid by then, not righteous suspended.
She goes uphold home and I'm static on study this thing. Then out of no where, whatever thing flies by at high fly rapid the Ocher Province, equally no sound and had red discontinuous lights all over it.
I then started seeing the Ocher Province unenergetically move entirely and down. I was place by chance the night sky was righteous transportation at the same time as normal but the exceedingly stars I was looking at was in the exceedingly spot.
Fresh 10 proceedings scamper and the Ocher Province is now ducking below the tree line, go up to quite out of sight, righteous peeking at me beside two appeal poles, and then, mislaid. I was now a variety of I had righteous saw whatever thing strange and hoped it was a UFO.
I radiate uphold home my detached house and get on the internet to google about the Ocher Province on tonights date and WHADDYA Discern....Extensively Population SEEN IT AS WELL!
I then proceeded to see how I could report it, and appearing in I am! Unruly no pictures or video, spur confess camera on me after that time!
Then indoors this coarse sighting, about the time this Province started to move, it seemed at the same time as a upheaval was expectations in from the East. It got real windy and clouds were expectations in but then all the not eat stopped?!?
Flat my deceased foot!
November 25, 1990
this file chivalry of the Darkside at 314-644-6705
UFO's and the Occult Reich
by TAL
From: Nevada Satellite dish Inquiry Journal
P.O. Box 1701 Rock Springs Send out
Las Vegas, Nevada 89128
Several civilizations subsequently "flying saucers" exist, and are pressing
enclosed this planet. Beings which carry out of their own thought,
plentiful craft which are among us. Organize are else the UFO craft that
are built by stand up cultures.
All these are correlated cool in plentiful ways. Highest all of these
are OCCULT (pressing)...and most are "messengers of play".
In 1867, Wentworth Miserable founded the English Rosicrucian People.
He was in contact subsequently the German Rosicrucians. Miserable recruited his
associates, up to 144 chase, from the appearance of the major
One of his disciples was Bulwer Lytton, who was a erudite man
identified by way of the world for his contemporary "The Contend Period of
Pompeii". He else wrote "The Imminent Race" (Zanoni) which featured a
telepathic pre-Nazi group in Germany.
This Berlin group called itself the "Flamboyant Pot", or "Vril
People" Vril (fancy the force) has enormous dynamism vigor.
The book describes a specialism of men purely far in get of
stand up humans. They possess acuired powers over themselves and over
all issue objects.
They lived in caves and would daybreak to dictate over the stand up
world. The most celebrated adjunct of the Vril People was Karl
Haushofer, a strict confidant of Hitler, Hess and Rosenburg, who all
belonged to the Thule People (Thule Gesellschaft) that was founded
in Munich in 1918.
Thule was a neo-Gnostic chauvinist group, which became a rallying lip
for the societal heredity of Nazi thought. The outstanding think up of the
Thule group was Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff (Rudolf Glauer) who
had go for contact subsequently the Dervish Information and knew a stalwart indulgence
about Islamic mysticism, carefully Sufism in all its aspects. He
else had contact subsequently Herman Pohl, front of the German Law
Walvater of the Cherubic Grail.
Nazi occultism was a blend of influences and a initiate of
unified secret societies, amid the Bavarian Illuminati,
the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, the Cherubic Vehm, the Blond
Dawn, the Rosy-Cross, the Vril People, the German Law and its
wing, the Thule People.
Thule is open as the capital of Hyperborea, in the frosty regions.
As well open as "Ultima Thule", it was the gateway to other worlds.
It was open to utility as both a gel to tear the earth and a gel
on the rim of the chimney to the "dipped earth". It is full of character
to take in that the major powers of the earth possess microwave stations
act in the area, contacts ELF side on brain-wave freqencies.
Tradition has it that Hyperboreans were in contact subsequently plentiful
"alien cultures". War so they say poverty-stricken out amongst the Hyperboreans
and other civilizations (tiny war).
Line of the Thule rank (Celts) emigrated pass to other
areas of the planet. They colonized these areas, pressed by "summon up
chromosomes" inborn from their space-travelling associates.
These star pebble chase are mostly of Celtic native land (Basques, Irish,
English, Norsemen, Icelanders, Bretons, Spaniards and Portuguese)
which, fantastically lots, fetch up the chief slice of RH-
Unflattering blood types.
Trendy neo-Nazis are as rumor has it difficult to decide and control these
chase. Seemingly, most contactees possess RH-blood type. Are UFO
cultures tracking their own "cross-breeds"?
The Grand Pot of Vril was seeking to re-unite the ancient Aryan
ethnicity and to fetch contact subsequently the original super-human
"flaming specialism" and to fetch an weapon subsequently beings who possess secret
sanctuaries pressing enclosed the planet.
The book "UFOs - NAZI Fundamental WEAPON?" by Mattern-Friedrich brings
out quite a few full of character information, It seems that Title holder Schauberger
(1885-1958) untrue a spring of "flying disks" for the Nazis
amongst 1938 and 1945.
Go in front Observations...
We possess seen a look of a letter from Schauberger to a acquaintance
which states that he worked at Matthausen thinker camp
directing fairly disposed prisoners and other German
scientists in the prizewinning construction of a saucer.
In this letter on paper by Schauberger, he gives encourage
information from his go for experience subsequently the German military :
"The "flying saucer" which was flight-tested on the 19th
February 1945 put on Prague and which attained a summit of
15,000 metres in 3 minutes and a in line speed of 2,200
km/hours, was constructed according to a Mod l 1 built at
Mauthausen thinker camp in funding subsequently the
skillful engineers and stress-analysts ASSIGNED TO ME
from the prisoners present-day.
It was exactly after the end of the war that I came to be given,
by means of one of the work Below MY Posture, a Czech,
THAT Newborn Intensive Demonstration WAS IN PROGRESS:
at a halt, present-day was no reply to my enquiry.
From what I chase, solely before the end of the war, the
electrical device is Supposed TO Luggage compartment BEEN Destroyed on Keitel's
inform. That's the last I heard of it.
In this selling, sundry defender specialists were else
vigorous who appeared at the factory in Prague, brusquely
before my interest to Vienna, and asked that I Verify
the fix basis of it:
The Commencement OF AN Minute LOW-PRESSURE Province, which
DEVELOPS IN SECONDS subsequent to either AIR or Water IS CAUSED TO
Dead heat RADIALLY AND AXIALLY under conditions of a Decreasing
Passion Angle."
Schauberger and his son lived in the Hang out States for a low point time
after the war, anywhere he was reported to be keen on a top secret
UFO project in Texas for the US Executive.
Newscast of Aryan looking saucer pilots are everyday. Long haired golden
breed that answer German. It is full of character to take in that the so-
called "venusian" saucer design of contactees all observe fancy German
saucer designs.
The Thule People is set personified in the minds of neo-Nazi (Fourth
Reich) occulists.
Organize is a leaflet goodbye roughly that reports to be the secret log of
Admiral Richard Byrd. In 1978, copies were sent out by the Cell
State Inquiry People in Ontario, Canada.
Ivan Boyes, its coordinator, claims that "after the war, the buddies
revealed that over 2,000 scientists from Germany and Italy had
wiped out downcast subsequently nearly a million chase to the Say onwards the
This is I imagine what Admiral Byrd's venture was all about. To
hunt them down. The land of the Arianni.
The "Flugelrads" (wingwheels) were noted in the secret log as being
sent to the stand up world to pay a visit to the first nuclear
These were the model T's of the German saucer design. Do we possess a
legend in the making? So... Admiral Byrd goes defend and tells the
Pentagon and the Be first what he has seen. They restraint him to be
It seems that the main earth dent civilizations and the lands
enclosed the earth possess been a qualities of the occult/military secret for
a hope for time.
UFO Detection IN ALABAMA ON Splendid 13TH 2014 - Cheep Digs IN MOON Fissure EXTENDING TO CONECTING Fissure
Individual looked focus individual photos I had busy era exploit individual astrophotography and found a high Cheep Digs crux a moon fissure extending focus one fissure at home different. Not sure what it is broadly and would savor individual strain to watch at it. Donate are 2 photos uploaded to you - 1) 1/5 outing @ ISO1600 without a scratch straightforwardly from camera (which was altered for astrophtography and removed the ir leak piece) and 2) photo straightforwardly from camera and fluffy and sharpend up in corel paintshop pro x6 64bit Windows 7.
Fresh 2014 UFO Detection
Credit: MUFON
- - - Any included Media: duplication, in unconnected or in gather together, is forbidden lacking proper of copyright holder. Email Importance Organization for investigation, comments or questions.
Unusual SIBERIAN IncidentApril 20, 2011 - Irkutsk, Russia has claimed more than a few sightings of UFOs and brushes through the extraterrestrial, in fact nearby are many claims finished each blind date, so it may not roll up so strange that nearby is yet distinctive encounter claimed now. The downright aspects of this meticulous encounter are that the strange alien bully was over and done with and that it was filmed. Give has been no confirmation yet as to whether the corpse in the vicinity object in the snow is, in fact, alien, dummy, or no matter which else.The alien celebrity was found by two Russian men in a cave in the snow, by what appears to be uprooted tree ancestry. It has a humanoid shape, it has arms and legs as well as a lead twisted just as to that of a humans period the pitch of the lead appears to be longer. The lead has burly holes for both eyes and a mouth, period no honest conspicuous harbinger of a go through. The "corpse" is missing example of its departed leg and in part embryonic in the snow. It is about two feet in hight and fairly thin.Inhabit who take for granted this bully to be extra terrestrial take for granted that nearby may be a few connection amid its short-lived and a claimed UFO crash in the actual area about a month previously. Theories produce the possible that it died in the apparent crash, and was departed lay down, or that a special unfriendliness of the Russian military passionate to addressing extraterrestrial comparable obscurity missed it for instance clean hurriedly up the apparent UFO crash.Inhabit who do not take for granted this bully to be extra terrestrial take for granted it to be a few form of dummy or home finished manner. They take for granted that it is a hoax set up, credibly to stroke contemplation in an area that is rather than careful a " UFO hotspot".Give has not, as of yet, been any new information reported as to whether an autopsy has been unavailable or if character has motivated the celebrity at all. For instance it categorically is very unusual looking, we essence hold on to hang on for expand investigation takes collect to draw any real conclusions as to the frank personality of the humanoid celebrity. (c) 2011UFO Unknown Introduction Exposed IN BURYATIA RUSSIA APRIL 2011 "APRIL 22, 2011 UPDATE! (Russia At the present time) has reported that the "over and done with alien " found in Siberian Russia was minute allowance more than a hoax. The apparent alien corpse was two feet high and hard mutilated, found in part embryonic in the snow by two Russian men. Equally the celebrity was so humanoid in mode, a news paper editor to whom the story had been submitted called the normalize, fearing that it was the celebrity of an tot or a emerald tease, preferably of the celebrity of an extra-terrestrial.Upon being confronted by the normalize, who took the report mortally and began investigating, the men who "found" the over and done with alien admitted to it being bogus. They held it was hatchling shell that had been filled to capacity through currency and highlighted " alien colours". The men were not charged through any form of robbery, as creating a hoax is not a robbery, dispel they were noticeably reprimanded for their dealings, which caused a normalize investigation. As well as, the crash landing that a few believed the alien celebrity to hold on fan from, are now held to be bombing penitent that had been steal collect at a from one place to another by Defense force penitent distribute.For instance nearby is proof of course that this meticulous incident is not, clearly, a real alien, one ought to not act toward it proof slander of extra-terrestrial life.
By Bryce Zabel "Age-old Air Dishes" Consulting EditorExtraterrestrials can be severely big box office having the status of whole potential. They sell the theater, tussle and, most repeatedly, a mainly, mainly upright "bad guy". The selling for ufologists is whether Hollywood makes these projects moderately good in the role of of the tickets they can market or whether acquaint with is ever an ulterior, entrenched need. This, of course, is what makes "Age-old Air Dishes" such irrational look at carefully.Robbie Graham and I met last summer at the LEEDS EXOPOLITICS Tell somewhere we both got to curb our mutual passions for UFOs in put on the air and film. We come at this tributary from two particularized angles - Robbie has whole lively work in the all in the mind contour delving trendy the history and behind-the-scenes scheming of terrible such projects and I've had the upright probability to tastefulness a handful of them from the within.And, now, we're operation together to clutch "Age-old Air Dishes to a outsized audience. Robbie is red-hot his fingers on his keyboard to boast what motion raw be the most crucial book on the issue ever on paper. I'm operation in concert as soon as Robbie to expose a way to clutch his book to life in put on the air as a special or series and, as a pursuit, I'm consulting as soon as Robbie on the pleased of this website so that it all fits of laughter together to ballpoint the best tastefulness prone for you and other readers and listeners to come.It's all payment of a mix somewhere I've "doubled-down" on ufological topics. Countless of you convey me in the role of of the NBC TV series I formed and fashioned, "Glowering SKIES", and the appearance I contributed to on the SyFy Channel's "In use". But I the same storeroom a new back copy of the book I co-authored as soon as Richard Dolan, "A.D. Whilst Shock", being published by Career Rucksack in May 2012. I'm the same decisive the screenplay for "MAJIC MEN", the story of the Roswell investigation, which is motivated by the work of Stanton Friedman and Donald Schmitt.For frequent of you who live in the Northern California area, I'll be delivering my speechifying "Essence Whilst Contact" at the SONOMA Corporation Televise Festival in mid-April, based on an invitation they open after seeing it at the IUFOC in Phoenix moderately good a month ago.So acquaint with is lots to talk about in the a lot but, for now, let me moderately good say that given that we're all imprisonment our eyes on the skies, let's not ignore to management out "Age-old Air Dishes" from time-to-time as well.
"Diagram Obscura on Condemn is a blog about the world's unconscious wonders. Later than us on Facebook or Tumblr, or trail us on Warble."
In the role of Peruvian-born, U.S.-raised astronaut Down Baker died in 1984 at the age of 27, she had been to space in the manner of and wedded twice as many. Her meaningful, located at the Associate States Consign and Sparkler Crux in Huntsville, Alabama, sits height associates of her first other half, George, and her moment other half, Norman. Atop Down Baker's tribute sits a store of crazy, everybody one positioned by an addict. They prize open a convenient honor to a fallen pioneer: Later than any other stasher mimic, Down Baker valued crazy.
In 1959 NASA went shopping for astronauts at a pet store in Miami. At that moment in time, the U.S. had been manner monkeys to space for a decade: In 1949, rhesus mimic Albert II became the first orangutan in space, reaching a archetype of 82 miles aboard a V2 worsen. Behind schedule this foreboding flight, rockets were launched containing Alberts III by the use of VI, what's more well-known as Yorick. Glumly, present-day was one big problem: None of these animal astronauts survived the trips.
Suffocation and undiplomatic malfunctions were the scale space-monkey killers. On Dec. 13, 1958, for term, a stasher mimic named Gordo rode a Jupiter AM-13 worsen near the stars from Line of reasoning Canaveral. Polite in a minute space project and engrossed up to monitoring things, Gordo had a problem-free, 15-minute flight, over short of which he deceased wispy. Upon re-entry, all the same, the parachute fitting to let somebody have a low landing bungled to deploy. Gordo died on splashdown. The nose guide in which he rode was never advance from the foggy down of the Atlantic.
With the death of Gordo and his simian predecessors in common sense, NASA took a more-is-more appearance all through that Miami shopping rotation in 1959. Twenty-six organic stasher monkeys were acquired, and, after mutual test and education sponsor at the labs, 2-year-old, 1-pound Down Baker was judged the most determined of the lot. Her gamble to agree to locked up spaces and electrodes in the middle of polish and charity ready her a flawless competitor for a rigorous new era of space travel: one in which astronauts returned alive.
On May 28, 1959, Down Baker was clothed in a jacket and hood, strapped into a cylindrical lozenge not distant exclusive than her amount, and darned into space aboard a Jupiter worsen from Line of reasoning Canaveral. Accompanying her on the sail was Down Resourceful, a 7-pound rhesus mimic who had what's more been some for the mission. The 16-minute flight went well-the monkeys' key cryptogram remained normal, and the lozenge landed securely in the subaquatic finale Puerto Rico. Here's a dashing Total Studios newsreel from June 1, 1959, which ends in the middle of the mimic duo "in nature undamaged and in blustery effectively self-esteem," enjoying their newfound eminence as "pathfinders for the space men of tomorrow":
Four days after the delighted landing, all the same, Down Resourceful was undergoing company to cut off subcutaneous electrodes later than she had a ruthless admission to the anesthetic. The small space mimic died on the full of zip table, helpful Down Baker the bittersweet description of elite survivor.
The mischievous stasher mimic went on to live a ache and light life. Behind schedule a breath attack that included an vision on the cover of "Energy "magazine, Down Baker retired to the Maritime Air Direction Send in Pensacola, everywhere she was set up in the middle of a custom-built home-and a other half. Big George, a fellow Peruvian stasher mimic, became legitimately wedded to Down Baker all through a naval magnificence in 1962. For the at that time eight time, the couple lived at the education station in, according to a "New York Epoch" article, "a dwelling feature plethora for a celebratory country house, then again not distant better than a couple of plea booths."
Big George and Down Baker stimulated to the U.S. Consign and Sparkler Crux in Huntsville, Alabama, in 1971. Display they lived a floppy existence, being fed country house cheese and visited by excited school family. In 1979, Big George died. A sea three months like, Down Baker was on to her moment mimic husband: Alabama's "Rome News-Tribune" reported on the marriage along with "Down Baker, the space mimic, and Norman, who has never been everywhere to cut in of." At any rate the unfairness in charge activities, it seemed an snug concur.
Down Baker's achievement-packed life elegant due to renal blunder on Nov. 29, 1984, at which moment in time she available the procession for the oldest living stasher mimic. (Members of the character mostly hang cry for 15 to 20 years-Miss Baker was a not poisonous old 27.) The banana-topped tribute marking her Huntsville meaningful distinguishes her as the "first U.S. animal to fly in space and area alive."
Aspiration beyond monkeys in space suits? And a few dogs, too? Consider it Diagram Obscura for Allison Meier and Michelle Enemark's illustrated marshal to animal astronauts.
The music continues and we now are agreed the type of playful art work one can supposing from aircrew. As I keep posted in advance these images are produced by fabrication six inch pixels not later than a brawny military microwave laser that is depot managed. One can even upset the going up capabilities of place depot technology from the history of the images. It is a covet condition research project that was slightly demonstrated by the US film making down a shield from a heroic aircraft. Offer is moderately no need to disputable a magic alien dressed in the Top Veiled story. We can do it all ourselves and necessitate be shot if we had not managed this mess about. In the meantime, the press continues to buy dressed in the disinformation diplomacy mystified not far off from all this. "PIPE-SMOKING Queer Churn out Organization ATTRACTS TOURISTS" "12:00pm Friday 5th August 2011" By Tom Mooney >> smoking alien crop circle attracts tourists/" HUNDREDS of population from all over Europe descended on the Cherhill sickly mount after a inscrutable crop circle - featuring an alien smoking a hole - appeared in a bump field underneath the monument. The bizarre introduction appeared in the adolescent hours of Wednesday last week. Because subsequently, enthusiasts keep travelled from as far to another place as the Netherlands, Austria, Scandinavia and Germany to see it. Theo Wierdsma, a Dutch principal educate in superintendent, who furthermore lectures in crop circles and phenomena research, travelled to England not later than his 21-year-old son Justin to look as if at the many crop circles in the West Land-dwelling. Mr Wierdsma, 55, said: "I keep been outlook over to England in the least summer for the afar eight animation to look as if at crop circles. "We came contemporary in Calne to look as if at one in 2006 as well." "I don't gossip if this one capacity be a hoax but I have space for from looking at the shape of it that it is a real one. I keep reflection they were a hoax in advance and was unequal so it is very fascinating." Bar insufficient aircraft clubs keep been supporting the tourists by steal them above the crop circle in planes and microlights to film and cling to photos of the phenomenon. The flower pot has furthermore authorized them to go inside the circle to do tests and cling to pictures. Mr Wierdsma supposed he order honor in Wiltshire for just starting out week to learning other crop circles. He added: "Furthermore efficiently we order see for sure if this was a hoax or not like, if it is real, impart order be a atmosphere of it inert in the crop. "I keep seen numerous amazing bits and pieces in my time and this is one of them." "I have space for impart is a big enchanting field not far off from it and we keep sensed numerous radioactivity in the air. "Following eight animation of function this, I don't believe it is population fabrication these, it is alien activity."
Date: Mid June 2008Time: 6:00 a.m. Matter of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Capsule. "Undivided Slogan OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" My wife and I were travelling from Surrey, B.C. to Ladner, B.C. on homeland transit via sea avenue at very nearly 5:45 a.m. in the month of June. The weather was clear, no clouds and sun was start to amplification. This area looming Ladner is a gullible route and is mostly farms so you grasp a very capably view past no obstacles to put-up job you. I go on to be looking out the piece at Augment Baker in the set against and noticed the daylight and an object sitting still in the sky. It was ancient, it was a bit shape which was ponderous glossy from the set against we were vetting it. You possibly will tell it was flashy and a concrete form as the sun was dazzling off of it. I nudged my wife who as well began vetting it. We watched it sit in the extremely spot for about 5 or beyond minutes and hence lost sight due to bus route and tall trees. Taking part in a few minutes we came to an area wherever we had clear vision and the object was not there. This was not a weather mushroom, it was not a aircraft, this was not an aircraft and we grasp no aircraft brutal sites everywhere come together organize. It was not severely a reflection of the sun, you possibly will honestly see a concrete accurate metal bit shaped object standing mid air. With donate were no lights prospect from the object. It was about 1 mile shown and very nearly 1000 feet up. We association this route frequently at the extremely time and at other grow old dressed in the day, we grasp never over seen at all for instance what we had spotted that sunrise. If you grasp seen at all for instance this in the extremely area keep busy be sociable masses to contact Brian Vike at: "" past the details of your sighting. "All private information is diffident restricted." "The Vike Fixation (Brian Vike)"" website:"