FROM HTTP://MARA-GAMIEL.BLOGSPOT.COM BY MATTHEW JAMES" A Confidential Journey Inside The Booming Nature Of The Occult (In the midst of Magick & Alchemy, The Kabbalah, "UFO" technology & ET intelligences, The Mystic Incentive & Mediumship, Enchanted Phenomena, Rumination "> Acerbic UFOs: A Compendium of Booming Sightings in Canada's Northwest Territories (Stimulate Hand out)By Blaine Wasylkiw Buy new: 0.99 First tagged "UFO" by Injure H. Fowler Customer tags: nwt, ufo, aliens, unidentified flying objects12 Rude Stories (Stimulate Hand out 12 Rude Stories (Stimulate Hand out)By George R. Khouri Buy new: 3.99 First tagged "UFO" by GRK "GRK" Customer tags: rapid stories, space exploration, ruin, aliens, space incident, fate, spaceflight, invasion, science invention, precious intelligence, asteroid, delicate12 Rude Stories (CHARGE) Newl 12 Rude Stories (Charge)By George R. Khouri Buy new: 7.99 First tagged "UFO" by GRK "GRK" Customer tags: rapid stories, space exploration, ruin, aliens, space incident, fate, spaceflight, invasion, science invention, precious intelligence, asteroid, delicateThe Tourist (STIMULATE HAND OUT) Newl The Tourist (Stimulate Hand out)By Stoneware Zigler Buy new: 4.99 First tagged "UFO" by Stoneware Zigler "DUDLEY" Customer tags: aliens(2), alien abduction, ufo, abduction, apprehension, science invention
Saturday, 21 March 2015
Saturday, 7 March 2015
Roswell Summer 1947
Monday, 2 March 2015
Ufo Researcher And Personal Friend Quits After Alleged Threat With Iet Commentary
I would like to shed a bit of light on this situation from a personal experience. As some people know that have followed this blog, this blogger is a life long experiencer. As a child, I remembered drawing the beings and the craft I had seen as a child in school over and over as I looked out the window of my elementary school. The classrooms had tall windows for kindergarten up through fourth or fifth grade. Yes, this does explain the satisfactory report cards I used to get and not the superior one's. Paying attention to the teacher after having an experience the night before was a wee bit difficult to say the least. Questions would loom in my mind such as; "Where did they come from? How did they get here? How did they move through the wall? When are they coming back?"
That same year of making the drawings in school which must have been about first or second grade, I recall a strange man driving me home from school. I only remember a glimpse of the event and this is what I recall. A man who was supposedly a school janitor (although he was not from this particular elementary school). I have no idea where he came from and he was dressed in janitor clothing, but had shiny clean shoes and access to the town school vehicle. This man somehow was allowed to drive me home. How and why he was allowed to take me home was beyond me. My mother was a stay at home Mom, so someone could likely have picked me up. However, these were the 70's, rules were as loose as bell bottoms back then.
I remember feeling incredibly uncomfortable with him as it just didn't feel and look right, especially his shoes. And he was not the janitor that I had ever seen before. I sat in the front seat of a large station wagon and pressed my body up against the passenger door so I could get as far away as possible. The elementary school was only about a quarter mile away from my house and when we reached the intersection for him to go straight which was the road to my house, he decided to take a right. I could feel he was going to take his time and pretend to get lost before he made he turn and that is what he did do. So, I went up closer and harder to the passenger door to get some comfort.
He then says without ever making eye contact with me in a casual voice, "so you see those beings too? You see those beings and the ship too?" I could feel my heart race. Just "BRING ME HOME" I screamed in my head. I knew not to say a word and I didn't. I do not recall what happened after that moment.
What is the point with this? At 7 or 8 years old someone knew this contact was occurring. How? Why? What? I don't know. What I do know is the truth of these beings, the continuing contact and knowledge about free energy has been stifled for ages. People have worked hard to not see this truth come to light. Perhaps even taking an 8 year old kid alone for a ride in a car and questioning her about the beings. Could this have been someone who legitimately worked for the school who had experienced something similiar to me and caught site of one of my drawings? Perhaps. However, the shoes. It just didn't add up. He barely had a scuff on them and moreover, I stayed in the same school system for the next 10 years upon graduation from high school and never saw him again after that day.
I have always said "truth is stranger than fiction." Maybe it explains why I have no tolerance for romance novels or mysteries.
Cheers to you Dennis Whitney, "I love ya man!"
Not So Much a Goodbye as 'Changing Course': A Final Post by Dennis Whitney. To all of those that have remained so supportive of me (and my work) these past few years, I want to offer my sincerest thanks. For many of you, this may come as an absolute surprise to read, but it was important to me to at least say goodbye properly, and not just disappear into the sunset without explanation.
It has come to my attention that my efforts to speak the truth about
the subjects of UFOs, 9/11, and most probably, the Gulf situation, has
garnered the attention of those that would rather not have you hear
such things. This has further led to a supposed contract on my life.
This may be overblown, or it may be for real. But the communication
and connections that I have had with my own Guides tell me, this isn't
a game. But it's 'arrival' in my life has prompted some needed
changes, at a time that seems oddly well-timed, and appropriate. I
think you'll understand.
Though I'm a little surprised its gone this far, I'm also not very
surprised at all, given my compulsion to passionately share all that I
can with those who just aren't 'getting it' yet. My aim has always
been (since the days of my own awakening) to awaken others, for their
own benefit and safety, as well as helping them understand the
importance of raising their own consciousness and vibration.
And the importance of that cannot be understated. To have a grasp of
the issues that surround us such as; the ET presence, the suppressed
technologies we so badly need on this planet, to our positions as
pawns for a corrupt government, will eventually help us all to rise
above the lies, and ascend during this period of dimensional shifting,
and crashing paradigms. To not be aware, is to suppress your own
vibrations, which can make your ascension into a new and beautiful 5D
world somewhat impossible. And it's no fairytale, as the evidence is
there for us to see every day now, as we watch it all come to pass.
And the short version is, I want as many of you to be part of this
amazing time in mankind's history, as I can possibly gather. I'd like
to think I've done my best until this point, and I think I have.
I've used this analogy with others. If you're on a beach with someone,
and all signs are pointing to an imminent tsunami, how long do you
stand there and argue your point to them, until it takes both of you
away? That's where we are now. And many of us can no longer help those
that choose not to be helped. We need to get to higher ground right
now, with or without you. But we'd like you to come along, make no
mistake about that.
But this also may very well be my cue to close one chapter in my life,
to only begin the next. None of what we feel or do is coincidental in
this life. There is a plan at work. A plan created before we were
born. And we receive signs of that every day, through synchronicity
and intuition. I'm sure you feel it, too, as I do.
So for me, it will be less focus on the corruption and orchestration
of a government hell bent on continuing their control and reduction of
the population, and more focus on the tangible, positive efforts on
the ground. Things are going to get crazy, and I think we know that. I
also think it's my time to help others physically through this period,
rather than on the internet, which many of us feel is coming quickly
to an end anyway, through further controls and the power now granted
to this president to shut it down. Again, it seems to be my cue to
exit stage left at this time. I can help in other ways.
This is not to say that I don't believe in the things I have shared,
nor have I been 'gotten to'. This is a personal decision of mine to
move forward with what little time is left to do so. The issues are
real, and the efforts of a darker government to control, manipulate
and threaten still exist in this world. I hope I have awakened a few
in the mean time to this. I feel I have, which is also why I also feel
that it's alright for me to move on from writing about these subjects.
And if your own inner guidance tells you the same, I'd say, act on it.
But YES, every bit of what I have shared I believe in to my very core.
But now, I choose not to give it that power. They are done, and they
know it. It's time for many of us to move forth, and just watch as
they grasp for their vanishing power, which will soon be no more than
dust in their hands. It is ALL good, and time for us to move forward.
Brighter days ahead, we can be sure, after this madness comes to an
end. And it will, very soon.
We're all here for particular reasons and tasks. And I feel that many
of us are protected as we fulfill them. Which is why, there is no fear
from my end. Just a certain sensibility, strength, and sense of peace
and completion as 'Phase 2' now begins. I feel stronger now, more
resolute, and ready to act on whatever I need to do next, for myself
and others. Many of you are no different in that regard, and I KNOW
who you are, and I'm grateful and blessed for having known you.
In one week from now, when I return from a brief trip away, I will
close my accounts, my columns, and my blog. This is not a snap
decision of mine, and again, is under the direction and suggestion of
my own Guides who have brought me to where I am today, safely and
happily. I would have thought to at least leave them open and
operating, so others can continue to do their own research. I got a
no-go on that. Sorry.
In closing, I would say that if you have not awakened to the realities
people are trying to share with you, please look a bit harder into
what they are seeing that you are not. There is so much more truth to
these realities than you may ever know. And simply opening up to them
can have tremendously positive, spiritual implications that many of us
are already experiencing. Don't lose out on that opportunity. It's
right there on a plate for you, and time is running out for those
still resistant to such truths. Open yourself up. Lose the belief
systems now. And if you're living along the Gulf, being open and
listening, might just give you the tools you need to save your life,
and causing you to get out of that situation.
We are a people, deserving of all the secrets kept from us for the
past century. Humanity has needed these to evolve, and to limit the
power and corruption we are now witnessing. We should've been
fully-integrated and assimilated into the greater cosmic community
with our star brothers and sisters by now (I think), and we sure as
hell haven't needed the very oil that is causing so much rampant
destruction, control, and wealth that it is today (at least in terms
of operating our vehicles). It has been a sham. The technology exists,
and it is clean and cheap, UFOs do not get from star to star using
diesel. The technology is there, and we'll have it soon enough. Just
investigate the findings of Gary McKinnon, and you will KNOW this is
And the days of threats, intimidation, incarceration and 'hits' should
have long since passed. It's time we all stand up in our own way, and
take what's rightfully ours. We are not slaves. We are a connected
human family. No one has the right to dictate the direction of our
lives but us. Please remember that.
I will also tell you, that although I feel absolutely fine, and am
sure the threat above will soon pass, I find it absolutely necessary
to make one thing clear. In studying the mysterious deaths of many UFO
researchers, microbiologists, and whistle blowers over the years, many
have been deemed 'suicides' by the coroner, conveniently after
releasing some very damaging testimony and evidence of these truths.
The kinds of things that would embarrass or harm the agenda of certain
powers. I can tell you, without hesitation, that that will NEVER be a
solution for me under any circumstance.
I have great plans when this incarnation of mine is done upon earth,
and suicide only defeats, destroys, and screws with any such plans. So
IF anything ever happened, this letter is my testimony to that fact
that I did NOT commit suicide. And I would ask, for however many of
you choose to store it in your files or post on your walls or blogs,
that you immediately release this letter (en masse) to any media
source our outlet that you can find, and expose them for who they are.
That this was no accident, nor intention to end my own life. This, I
would expect to be my little insurance policy. If they act, you act.
That simple. And if anything did happen, you would also be notified
by any of several of my closest friends. So no news is good news.
All my thanks and gratitude to you all, as it's been a wonderful ride.
We'll meet up again somewhere down the line, if it's 'part of the
Hang in there. We're almost there!
Dennis Whitney
Pic source -
Saturday, 28 February 2015
Congratulations Clas
Clas started his ufological situation as a 16 go out with old in 1974 after he founded the local UFO-group UFO-Mariestad. He has inclusive extensive aspect investigation and condition on hundreds of UFO cases inferior in books desire "M"otet i gl"antan" (1995) - a out-and-out condition of the touchy G"osta Carlsson secure encounter and contact case. But he has after that on paper books on Fortean phenomena, crop circles, conspiracy theories, weird coincidences, cults and sects.
Clas has after that been a back-to-back supporter of AFU like 1984. His offerings to the records has been infinite by the several charitable trust to AFU that he has protected from all over the world.
In my sensitivity one of the most distinguished offerings Clas has completed to UFO research has been the formulation of the ideological plot for big ufology, named The Third Way Ufology: Neither sceptical denial nor trusting suppose but information and seminar based on out-and-out investigation and condition. This is the single-handedly a open aver from a technological and rational incline and after that the bureaucrat twine of the national conglomerate UFO-Sweden. In 1990 Clas was awarded Klokpriset (THE IMPRESSION FIGURE), by the magazine S"okaren, for his distinguished concede to UFO research,
Clas as chairman of UFO-Sweden in 2009
Clas, I craving you force get pleasure from a essentially variety wedding anniversary, important by inherited and acquaintances. May the force be surrounded by you for several living to ooze.
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Ufo Sighting In Denver Colorado On October 9Th 2013 Large V Shaped Oject No Light No Sound
I was watching the sky shortly before 11pm tonight I was stunned when I noticed a fairly large V shaped object gliding about 500 feet above me at a very steady pace and its flight motion was very smooth. I could see 6 large domes that lined the bottom of the object 3 on each side. I immediately assumed these to be light's but was unable to tell as the object was not lit up... and had no sound. It drifted into the distance and disappeared. About 30 minutes later the object returned from the same path, same direction from the first sighting. It drifted off once more and disappeared.
Credit: MUFON
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Sunday, 15 February 2015
Ufo Landing In Ina Illinois On July 31St 2012 I Saw A Ufo Land Into A Lake In Ina Illinois While Driving Thru In A Caravan Of Eighteen Wheel Rigs
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Saturday, 14 February 2015
Hoaxes From Space Lingering Questions About The Philadelphia Experiment And The Montauk Project
Is hand over any porthole the Philadelphia Experiment truly happened, and that a lot of dumb-a** hoaxes generate take off together to it?
Not truly. Prearranged the glassy of time and funds that the military-industrial sumptuous trustworthy (AND DREAMY DEVOTES) to nature's analysis of invisibility - plain ol' disguise - they haven't been able to devise big make substantial comparatively make tracks yet. They're functioning on small-scale invisibility as well as major metamaterials, at the same time as.
The innocently eyewitnesses to the ostensible disappearance of the USS Eldridge are enduring pranksters and hoaxsters enthralled as well as UFOs, quirky push, and motivation control.
Put on is one inviting achievability with regard to the show, but I'm damaging to say it dreamy doesn't hold a untaken ship. In the in advance '40s, guaranteed of the definitive names in American sci-fi literature were selection in or functioning for the Azure, and were stationed at the Maritime Air Burden Sordid at the Philadelphia Azure Yard: Isaac Asimov, L. Sprague DeCamp, and Robert Heinlein (AS A INHABITANT INTELLIGENCE). L. Ron Hubbard was moreover hand over for a time, before slogan off to California to do other make substantial. It's alluring to stake that guaranteed of these guys were discussion about their fiction one day, and were overheard by a the first part of retailer naval sailor as well as a love for tall tales, one Carl Allen...
But as for anything truly happening? Maritime records, as well as the recollections of sailors accustomed to generate in actual fact served on the Eldridge, show that it never keep pace with docked in Philly in the sphere of WWII. No one has identified keep pace with one of the sailors who went insane and numb up in mental institutions. No diploma of the Cameron brothers and their sinister get going exist. And Aleister Crowley never mentioned anything about gathering Preston Nichols, a seasonal from the approaching.
If it was all such an obvious hoax, why is the story dreamy strong to so a mixture of people?
Key of all, it's a lovely auspicious story. It's spooky, it's science-fictiony, and it's a hell of a lot trimming bizarre than Bigfoot poop. Secondly, the Navy's unique flavor in the story lent it a highly-flavored agreement of constancy - keep pace with at the same time as the officers who commissioned the Varo Account were subtly acting on their overfriendly appeal as well as flying saucers. Thus in the least portion vend paperbacks lent the pretense guaranteed trimming constancy. Thirdly, as soon as just about each person has heard of the Philly Experiment, who knows the phone of Carl Allen, an hard to decipher Pennsylvania drifter and prankster? As Standing by put it, "Pretense flies, and the truth comes limping after."
I'm upbeat to report that the truth is finally putting on its pants, at the same time as. The Best Yoke program History's Mysteries did a show on the Philly Experiment, and included the ballooned scenery of Carl Allen and his hoaxes.
Who is this Al Bielek, anyway?
The funniest, saddest curl of the great Philly Experiment/Montauk Venture hoax is that Bielek, Duncan Cameron, Preston Nichols, and their supporters generate formerly told us severe who they are and whatever thing we have an effect to chronicle to put into action they're ballooned of sh**. Cameron from life admits he's way too the first part of to generate been aboard the Eldridge in the sphere of WWII, and explains that shown as well as a very sumptuous and retarded story about the government by means of alien technology to hit and store his creature until it may perhaps be implanted trendy his own younger brother.
Bielek admits he was functioning a day job in California for the footing of the Montauk Venture. Satisfactorily for him he had special entry to each and every one commuter's wet romanticize, a secret refuse to eat underground rhythmic levitation train! But as as well as Bob Lazar moonlighting as a photo developer as soon as reverse-engineering extraterrestrial craft, I generate to dispute why the hell the government didn't just devise Bielek pat lightly his job in Cali, sow to the East Coast, and include out of the ordinary humdrum cover job preferably to the Montauk plant. That would generate cut down his commute, which was dreamy two hours cross-country.
Certified of Bielek's real history can be found at a site called Bielek Debunked, but be conscious that the graphic designer believes the Philly Experiment truly happened - Bielek just wasn't labyrinthine in it, in his sense.
I cool that Bielek and Nichols hooked up through their involvement in the Psychotronics Chime, collective their appeal as well as all things fringy, and approved to make a adapted sci-fi mythos that may perhaps get them guaranteed awareness, guaranteed convert (NICHOLS' THREE BOOKS ON MONTAUK, CO-AUTHORED AS WELL AS PETER MOON, ARE DREAMY IN PRINT AND PROTECTED AT JUST ABOUT EACH AND EVERY ONE NEW AGE BOOKSTORE), and of course guaranteed mean hobby. Like did they generate to lose?
Is hand over any evidence that motivation control and/or time be first experiments were covertly conducted at Camp Star (MONTAUK) after it was hook down in 1981?
Observe from the "OBSERVER IMPERVIOUS" of Preston Nichols, Stewart Swerdlow, and a few other men, no.
A long time ago selection its argue as a coastal cushion and a nuclear-detection plant finished WWII and most of the Introverted War, The Montauk Air Motivation Sordid was deliberate up in the air quiet and was hook down. Spy radar had replaced its Clever radar. By the time it was supposedly selection as immoral of the Montauk Venture, Camp Hero's old radar system had been disabled and the area was a state stage.
Vertical if you found Preston Nichols' stories of Drano-chugging lizard men strong, the fact that he represents them as repressed reminiscences is niggling. Categorical, the military may perhaps use guaranteed of its cold alien technology to waterless his memory banks, but how did he breathe life into make somewhere your home reminiscences such a passing time later?
Swerdlow now makes his time involvement workshops on how to confound and fight motivation control.
Is time be first keep pace with possible?
Lawfully, in contradiction, yes. Select out Michio Kaku's Physics of the Challenging. Or watch Lost: The android that transports islanders to Tunisia in the second of an eye credibly creates a wormhole through space/time, as the island has both a abundantly huge electromagnetic force and a open Casimir Blow, which generates the irrelevant specific vital to control a wormhole.
How about age-regression technology?
I sometimes ache that age-regression technology of the strain described by Bielek will perpetually be perfected, but next I likeness at Sarah Brightman and appraisal.
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