The revolutionary phenomena associated with Unidentified Flying Objects started with the event occured in Washington state on 24th of June, 1947. Retired World War 2 pilot Kenneth Arnold (1915-1984) declared witnessing 9 mysterious objects hovering over the crest of the Cascade Range close to Mount Rainier.
Arnold was flying back home with the private plane from a business trip making a short detour after learning of a 5,000 reward for the discovery of a U.S. Marine Corps C-46 transport aircraft which had crashed close to Mount Rainier. The skies were entirely clear and there was a gentle breeze. At approximately three pm he noticed a bright flash of a light which he initially believed might have been a nearby plane. Scared he could end up being dangerously near to yet another plane, he immediately after checked the horizon but he could hardly observe anything other than a remote DC-4 aircraft. Approximately half a minute later he spotted a number of bright flashes which seemed to originate from a distance, towards the north of Mount Rainier. He eliminated reflections on the plane's windows through rocking his airplane, removing his eyeglasses and also by down the windows. He thought of some other explanations for what he saw, for example a flock of geese, yet dominated all these out for many different factors such as speed, altitude and bright glint among others.
The objects continued to hover in the diagonal formation. They ultimately passed from his eyesight. Arnold determined their velocity at approximately twelve hundred Miles per hour - happened to be faster than any known aircraft, which had yet to break the sound barrier.
Arnold explained these objects being flat disks or saucers, despite the fact that he afterwards said that a few of them seemed crescent-shaped. The phrase "flying saucer" was noticed for the first time and this event is credited with being the first of the modern era of UFO sightings. Arnold's encounter made headlines of international newspapers being followed by numerous similar Unidentified flying object reports. The record beneath is the copy of Kenneth Arnold's submitted report to Army Air Forces (AAF) intelligence on July 12, 1947. It provides drawings of the objects
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