Monday 31 May 2010

Bigfoot Site Friends Of Sasquatch

Bigfoot Site Friends Of Sasquatch
Just found this website: Friends of Sasquatch. They're here in Oregon, down south in the Klamath area. Here's a bit from their introduction on their site:

What we're doing deals with broadening our abilities to contact Sasquatch telepathically. The reason for this is that we live in the center of the Klamath National Forest, an area known for frequent Sasquatch sightings, yet it is hard to get people here to talk about what they've seen. Therefore we've realized that if we're going to have a chance of finding Sasquatch in this huge forest, we need a competitive edge.

Developing psychic abilities is a way of making contact, and improving our chances of finding that needle in a haystack known as Sasquatch, in the middle of the Klamath National Forest. So most of our Sasquatch research activities this past year included attempts at perceptive communication, some of which were more successful than others.



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