Sunday, 29 June 2008
Poster Boy Of Ufo Debunking
Mysteries Vancouver Island B C 92 Year Olds Missing Time Update
HBCC UFO Investigate Note: The under report came in sooner than "submissions" and I do not control fine of foreign language the human being support who sent the report in. I do take up again the untested report which was sent to me throughout at HBCC UFO Investigate, but when the site was literal down on October 20, 2006 for two months, alot of the date was lost in ftp-ing the site to my notebook. All the data I control, which is quite a load upon a load of reports and other information is become quiet crawling up in boxes and I become quiet control not got reveal to digging the actual support out of the boxes.
I recognize from cry to a build of unfamiliar rush on Vancouver Coral island, and other Islands off of the beach of British Columbia show was a "terrible" UFO/Abduction mania which went on for a build of existence, goodbye support heaps existence. If one of the Islands control had a wanting time unite, I would certainly costly to net from you. Thank you, Brian Vike - A cut above of HBCC UFO Investigate.
Hi Brian, Embrace April I sent you the story of my 92 meeting old jerk and his wanting time time on Vancouver Coral island. I couldn't vestige the story in the history but you strength take up again it fine.
I control now open that he is not the honorable human being who has had wanting time on that fringe of the Coral island. Recently I was talking amongst a group of friends and lightheartedly mentioned to be particular profound to the north end of the Coral island.....rush or time tends to pelt for a while! End a animal took me aside and told me what she had heard about a incident in that area. Still not the enormously as dads, it was unite. Probably she heard about this great flaunt hand and didn't possess too appreciably about it until she heard my addendum. It seems a animal who evenly set that highway came to the lead of Nimpkish lake and started to drive end-to-end the coast. It is a desire develop lake and taking part in half an hour she want control been well considering it and in front of the Beaver Cove turning point. All the same it seems she could not get to the end of the lake. She distant profound and profound and the lake was always show on the moved out side of the blood vessel. Frustrated and hectic she eventually did segment the end of the lake and went on to her destination. All the same she was no more than over an hour late arriving. She had not bunged end-to-end the way and in fact had improved her speed demanding to segment the end of the lake, but was become quiet late.
Inauspiciously my drop a line to did not recognize heaps details but chi see if she can expedition down the human being who told her about this. It strength not control been that interested a story accumulate for its affiliation to what happened to my jerk.
It would be glamorous to recognize if other people control had what gone that happen. Of course it could happen to circle as well but if they didn't recognize the blood vessel they would not recognize what was occasional.
Prayer Brian for all the work you are statute.
Thank you to the mull it over for the update.
Would you gone to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Proceedings) If so and control an glamorous UFO or Sasquatch story to put into operation, comfort lessen Brian Vike, A cut above of HBCC UFO Investigate a line amongst the information, comfort lug your earpiece build so I can kind actions for the survey. Hearten watch that HBCC UFO Investigate does not habitually make available out anyone's surreptitious information to one.
Brian Vike, A cut above HBCC UFO Investigate. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Investigate International:
Too station your mark amongst HBCC UFO Investigate, all exposure currency go to the letter to a new clang free UFO reporting hotline.
Register on how to Hype On The HBCC UFO Investigate Website, Exchanges Suggestion & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Investigate Website, Exchanges Suggestion & Newsletters*
Exchanges show assembly for the Vike Proceedings, bystander involving their experiences. *The Vike Proceedings Onlooker UFO Exchanges Show*
Thoroughly specially, the Vike Proceedings Exchanges Suggestion Blog. You can defeat the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and prospect programs I do. *Vike Proceedings Exchanges Suggestion Blog*
HBCC UFO Investigate, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Are Ufos Real Maybe Says Historian
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Oval Ufo Caught On Live Cam At International Space Station July 23 2013
Monday, 23 June 2008
Storm Ufo Sighting Event Date 2010 04 30 Location Bonaparte Iowa Us
Entity Date: 2010-04-30
Entity Location: Bonaparte, Iowa, US
Entity Description: "A very affable blizzard was inspiring to south of my resolved in imitation of a stylish light show. I grabbed the camera and went out on the level and started booty photos, in the hopes of infectious quite a lot of light in imitation of my windmill in the photo. The tip of the gale was about two miles south of me. After the stormed had motivated off for my fixed shot, I scanned exact the photos and found this! I never saw it in imitation of my own eyes honorable wedged it in a photo. It was not in any other photos I took that time. Let me blab if you blab what it is....Thanks!"
--Please mark out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring
Saturday, 21 June 2008
Movie The Fourth Kind Sheds Light On Ufos Human Beings
Steve Hammons
American ChronicleOctober 27, 2009 (This article originally appeared on the Transcendent TV & Media site.)
Are non-human intelligent beings abducting humans? And if so, how and why?
The new movie THE FOURTH KIND deals with a topic that has become part of the tales, rumors and reports associated with UFOs and theories about visitation to Earth of extraterrestrial, extra-dimensional or other intelligent beings.
In the film, due in theatres Nov. 6, Milla Jovovich stars as a behavioral health professional working with clients who have apparent sleep disorders.
She soon discovers that these individuals are having difficulties because they apparently have experienced something very frightening and troubling - they may have been abducted by non-human beings of some kind, and for unclear purposes.
So-called "alien abductions" have been explored in various books, TV shows and movies. But, is there any truth to this phenomenon?
The concept of human abductions by "aliens" appeared on many people's radar in 1987 and 1988 with the publication of the books INTRUDERS and MISSING TIME by artist and researcher Budd Hopkins.
Hopkins had become interested in the UFO topic and began to question individuals who, under hypnosis, recalled these strange abduction experiences.
Some critics said hypnosis was an unreliable method to elicit accurate memories and that the people under hypnosis could be inadvertently persuaded to come up with false memories of alien abduction experiences.
However, when highly-respected Harvard School of Medicine psychiatrist John Mack, M.D., began to come to conclusions similar to researchers such as Hopkins, this topic gained credibility. (Mack was also a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, having written a biography of T. E. Lawrence - "Lawrence of Arabia.")
In the early 1990s, Mack conducted a research study of 200 people who felt they may have had an alien abduction experience. He reportedly initially believed these people must have had some type of mental health problem. However, after interviewing and examining them, he found this not to be case.
Mack also noted that he felt an apparent spiritual or transformational experience on the part of these people was significant.
His subsequent 1999 book, PASSPORT TO THE COSMOS: HUMAN TRANSFORMATION AND ALIEN ENCOUNTERS, remains one of the most respected works on this topic. His book ABDUCTION: HUMAN ENCOUNTERS WITH ALIENS was published in 2007.
Another writer who explored this subject was Whitley Strieber. His book COMMUNION, published in 1987, reported what Strieber claimed were his own abduction experiences. He went on to write several other books dealing with this topic.
The 1993 movie FIRE IN THE SKY also brought the alien abduction issue into widespread public awareness. The film was based on an alleged 1975 experience of Snowflake, Arizona, resident Travis Walton, who claimed he was abducted in front of several fellow workers as they drove through an Arizona national forest after a day of clearing brush.
The 2002 TV mini-series TAKEN, produced by the Steven Spielberg organization, also further explored the ideas surrounding alleged abductions.
According to some UFO lore, when elements of the U.S. Government became aware of unusual visitation to Earth during the 1940s, communication was made and liaison between certain officials and the visitors was established.
Many reports in the UFO literature suggest that it did become known that the visitors wished to examine humans - for purposes that are not entirely clear.
Stories and accounts of these abductions often involve people seeing a UFO, while driving for example, then experiencing "missing time" about which they have no memory - at least, no easily-accessible conscious memory. Later, they may experience troubling feelings or memories, along with physical marks or scars.
In other cases, people claim they are abducted from their beds at night. They report the same kinds of experiences as those who say they were taken while awake.
Both adults and children have may have had these experiences, according to the accounts in various UFO literature.
The tales of these very close encounters range from highly questionable to apparently fairly reliable witnesses and researchers. This has also been the case with those who claim to have seen UFOs. While some reports of sightings may not hold water, many other witnesses have been found to be highly credible pilots, military personnel, peace officers and respectable citizens of all kinds.
When moviegoers head out to see THE FOURTH KIND, there will probably be more discussion about what has been going on with UFOs, unusual visitors and close encounters with humans.
It seems to be a subject worth researching, and there are many reliable and worthwhile sources of information available.
THE FOURTH KIND may help us understand more about alleged alien visitation and about ourselves.
NOTE TO READERS: For more information, please visit the Joint Recon Study Group and Transcendent TV & Media sites and have a look around.
Ufos In The Desert Part 1
Lee Speigel
When I arrived Tuesday evening, February 26, I ran into Lee Speigel in the restaurant, the 'weird news' reporter for AOL/Huffington post, who is the Host of this Conference, and who I have known for years. I would call Speigel a "skeptical believer," meaning that while he thinks some UFO cases may be beyond our present knowledge, he realizes that the great majority of UFO claims are frankly not worth much. Speigel was with Ben Hansen of Fact or Faked on the SyFy Channel, who was the first speaker Wednesday morning, and who takes a similar position.
Ben Hansen
The next morning, after Speigel's introduction, Ben Hansen spoke on "Profiling the Hoaxers." He explained that his background in law enforcement prepares him well for forensic evidence of UFO and other 'paranormal' evidence. He describes himself as neither a believer or skeptic, but a "verifier." He explains that hoaxes abound in UFOlogy, and that there can be big money in making bogus ET claims, although he will not name any names. He set forth the following "Hoaxer Subtypes," based on his experience in law enforcement and with paranormal claims:
1. Clinical Con Artist. Charismatic, lacks conscience. Claims of persecution by federal agencies - a red flag, there is so much red tape for intelligence actions that these claims are not at all credible. Some of these people have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The mentally disordered tend to gravitate to "our field," i.e. UFOlogy.
2. Legendizers, seeking fame and/or financial gain. May have had a legitimate experience, but you can only tell the same story so many times, so they add more and more 'excitement' each time it is told.
3. Commercial Campaigners. Publicity stunts. They are not in it for the long-haul, the hoax usually only lasts a few weeks. This damages the credibility of the UFO field, it makes people dismiss legitimate cases.
4. Self-amused pranksters. Motivated by the challenge of pulling it off.
5. Disinformation agents, the rarest type. The government changed its story on Roswell, repeatedly. The 1956 documentary movie "UFO" was part of a debunking contingency plan. (This category sounds dubious to me).
When a story or a video is crafted to capture emotion, this is a sign of a hoax. You have to think like a movie director, if the crafting of a video appears to be planned out to demonstrate credibility, this is dubious as a real video would be taken without preparation or warning. Also, cerftain technical errors in the creation of a video reveal a hoax. Bigfoot videos tend to show the creature moving left-to-right much more than the opposite. Either Bigfoot walks in circles, or else it is staged to look this way. But he believes that some Bigfoot sightings are valid, as are some UFO sightings.
It's obvious that Hansen is a bright guy. I think that "verifiers" and "skeptics" can work well together.
The second talk was "UFOs Over Native American Land," by Stanley Milford and John Dover, who are current or retired law enforcement (respectively) for the Navajo Nation, an area that mostly lies between the Grand Canyon and Four Corners, and is larger than ten states. (The UFO Congress takes place on an Indian Reservation, hence the attached Casino.) They spent the first part of their talk illustrating the work they normally do: performing rescues, battling wildfires, assisting with accidents, etc. But these two officers headed up the Rangers' Special Projects Unit, which "managed the investigation of those cases that would be deemed 'paranormal,' such as witchcraft, Bigfoot sightings, hauntings, and UFO sightings," although these are only about 1-2% of the cases of Special Projects.
In the "Ol'Man Case," an elderly Navajo claimed that a brilliantly-illuminated UFO circled his remote desert house. He then saw, looking out the window, four aliens walking around with flashlights. The Rangers also received reports of Bigfoot sightings and tracks, witchcraft, and Shapeshifters (similar to werewolves). Such beliefs, they explained, are very prevalent on the Reservation. If there's something strange, in your neighborhood, who you gonna call? Navajo Rangers!
With the passing of Budd Hopkins and John Mack, that leaves Barbara Lamb, licensed psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and regression therapist, as one of the leading 'UFO Abduction researchers' in the world. She has performed more than 2,100 "regressions" on hundreds of individuals, "regarding details of encounters they have had with a variety of extraterrestrial beings." In fact, says Lamb, there are many different alien species abducting Earthlings. Her talk was about ET/Human Hybrids, and it was essentially the same talk I heard her give to the MUFON Symposium in 2011.
Many women, says Lamb, have "missing pregnancies" where the fetus is extracted by aliens, up to 3 months' term. Many of these alien races are dying out, including the Zeta Reticulans (that abducted Betty and Barney Hill), and must pilfer our breeding stock to replenish theirs. She seems not to realize that our DNA is much closer to that of a dandelion than it would be to whatever genetic code might have been evolved by beings on a completely alien world. It's worse than trying to rebuild a Chevy engine using Ford parts - much, much worse.
One man came into therapy because he was no longer able to have sex with his wife. Ms. Lamb determined the cause of his problem to be that during a UFO abduction, he had been tricked into having sex with a particularly repulsive Reptilian female. Some women, she asserts, have a long-term companion who is an 'extraterrestrial husband,' in addition to a normal earthly one. Many of them are pleased with this arrangement. She showed drawings of supposed ET/human hybrids, in various stages of integration into the human genome, as well as photos of persons alleged to be late-stage hybrids who are (mostly) successful at passing for human. Some are fashion models, whose gaunt, angled face is said to demonstrate alien ancestry, although anorexia and heroin might produce the same effect. A few people actually claim to be human/ET hybrids; apparently it gives them a certain notoriety.
Nick Pope
The next speaker was Nick Pope, who supposedly ran "the British Government's UFO Project," although in reality he didn't run anything, and worked part-time on the UFO Project from 1991 to 1994. He began his talk on the defensive, emphasizing that he did not actually predict an alien invasion, as many news stories and blogs reported last summer. I was, he said, merely promoting a space war type of video game, and reporters took my comments out of context. I wrote a Blog entry about this last August 22. Comments like, "The government must - and has planned - for the worst-case scenario: alien attack and alien invasion. Space shuttles, lasers and directed-energy weapons are all committed via the Alien Invasion War Plan to defence against any alien ships in orbit." Sorry Nick, that excuse doesn't work, as anyone can tell if they Google "Nick Pope Alien Invasion," which also brings up a story from October 12, 2012, "Britain has alien-war weapons, says former government adviser," and even "Aliens Could Attack at Any Time" from 2006. Stop trying to fool us, Nick, and admit you said these things.
Pope promised to discuss some of the most interesting cases in the MOD files, but mostly used the time relating anecdotes of the UFO Project. There are "interesting gems," he said, hidden among thousands of pages of mostly worthless stuff. He hinted at the destruction of military records pertaining to UFO sightings. He warned several times that UFOs are a potential hazard to aviation.
Grant Cameron
Grant Cameron has been active in UFO and paranormal research for almost forty years. He has become something of an expert at digging up documentation that has greatly assisted our understanding of many UFO cases, especially "presidential UFOs." He spoke on "Consciousness and UFOs." He explained that he is convinced that no real progress in knowledge about UFOs will be made until we successfully contact the beings involved, which he is sure is possible. He noted that one person claiming mental contact was the former Democratic Congressman, Dennis Kucinich, who not only had a sighting that lasted several hours [how can you watch something like that for hours without getting cameras, binoculars, the neighbors, the news crew, the police, etc?], but also said that he "felt a connection" with the UFO that he and the others sighted. "You have to make contact, you can't watch from a distance," says Cameron. He feels that the idea of UFO contact has been made disreputable because of certain people whose famous claims of contact are not credible. He showed photos of three persons he was implying to be phonies: Billy Meier, George Adamski, and Steven Greer. (No argument there!)
Cameron spoke at length about a well-known but still somewhat mysterious figure in the early history of UFOlogy: Wilbert Smith, a Canadian radio engineer. In 1953 Smith somehow convinced Canadian authorities to allow him to set up a small project to investigate flying saucers, having supposedly determined that the American government considers the subject of the highest priority and secrecy. Smith was among those who supposedly experienced 'contact' with the extraterrestrials.
Cameron's argument is: If you can show that the idea of mental contact with UFOs predates the earliest contactee, Adamski, then you have shown that it is not derivative from them. This argument is quite correct, even ingenious, and indeed he demonstrates his claim. But the problem is, you still haven't proven that the "contact" is real; all you've proved is that Adamski didn't make it up. Cameron is a dynamic speaker and obviously sincere; he brought the audience to its feet.
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Astrium Presents Study For European Lunar Landing In 2019
Ufo Sighting In Pennsylvania On June 23Rd 2013 Object Zipping From Southwest Heading Northwest
I was out on my back porch looking up at the sky. It was the supermoon night. Something caught my peripheral vision, so I looked straight up in the sky. I saw an object as bright as a planet and about the same size directly overhead. I'm not sure if it was stationary at the time, or if it just seemed to be so because I jerked my head up so abruptly to look at it. Anyway, after I had the object in my field of vision, it then zipped -- as fast as a shooting star if not faster -- from directly above my head to about a point 20 - 25 degrees in front of that in a northwesterly direction. Then just disappeared. I had just watched the space station pass that evening, this was not the space station. I at first thought it was possible a shooting star due to the speed. Is this possible? the only difference was that it had no 'tail' on it and it didn't fizzle out by the horizon, it just disappeared directly overhead after this burst of speed. I live in the south Philadelphia area of the city. I had to check "affect Psychologically" because I did get very excited when it happened.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Is There A Secret Us Space Program
IS THERE A SECRET US SPACE PROGRAM?"By Richard Thomas" In an article for the May 16, 2010 edition of the "Scottish Sunday Express" it was reported that the UK UFO hacker Garry McKinnon was - to quote the newspaper article - "set to avoid extradition and be tried in Britain." The 43-year-old, of course, made international headlines back in 2005 after he was charged with various counts of hacking into Pentagon and NASA computers, in search of what the computer wizard described as "free energy technology," which McKinnon believed the US Government had reversed engineered from recovered UFOs.To the disappointment of the British UFO community, however, this news that McKinnon was set to face trial in the UK was never confirmed by British Government, and leaves us with more questions than answers. Why have the US Government fought so hard for so long to get McKinnon in the first place? Or, put another way, what might have Garry stumbled upon that warranted such a heavy handed reaction from the US authorities? Up to "60 years in prison" seems a bit of an overreaction for someone who was simply searching for something which according to the US Government isn't even supposed to officially exist anyway. Could have McKinnon really have found evidence of UFO crash retrievals, or, did the UFO hacker find something else entirely the US military-industrial-political complex would rather you didn't find out about?While the mainstream media largely concentrated on the US Government's dubious claim that McKinnon caused some 700,000 worth of damages to its computers, some truly out this world comments the supposed 'cyber terrorist' made to the author of "The Men Who Stare At Goats", Jon Ronson, in an interview printed in the July 9, 2005 edition of The Guardian were all but ignored. In particular, McKinnon's assertions that while hacking into the US space command he discovered "lists of officers' names" under the tantalising heading "Non-Terrestrial Officers" as well as records of what McKinnon called "fleet-to-fleet transfers" and even "a list of ship names." Rather than extraterrestrials, though, the computer hacker told "The Guardian" columnist that he thought he had found evidence of a secret space program of some kind. When Ronson asked McKinnon "The Americans have a secret spaceship?" McKinnon answering, "That's what this trickle of evidence has led me to believe."McKinnon's suggestion that NASA and its 2004 "vision" to return to the Moon by 2020 (over 50 years after the Apollo 11 landing!) could just be a cover for a much more advanced and deeply clandestine or "black" space program might sound like just another conspiracy theory but McKinnon isn't the first to advocate such a hypotheses. The concept of a secret space program first gaining some prominence in 1977 when the UK's Anglia Television (now ITV Anglia) broadcast the now infamous Orson Welles "War of the Worlds"-style hoax documentary:" Alternative 3". The plot, of which, revolved around a global conspiracy to resettle missing scientists onto the Moon and Mars in preparation for an imminent environmental cataclysm.While "Alternative 3" is obviously science fiction. Something the lengthy interview with a fictitious Moon walking Apollo astronaut "Bob Grodin" (played by Shane Rimmer) as well as the list of programme credits run at the end should make clear. It is at least interesting that today climatologists are alarmingly forecasting exactly the kind catastrophic global warming predicted in the mock documentary. A fact which has led to much speculation on the world wide web that the April Fools hoax might have started out as a genuine investigation before having the plug pulled by sinister dark forces... perhaps the same forces calling for the extradition of Garry McKinnon.In Jim Marrs' "Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us", the underground bestselling author briefly considered the "Alternative 3" controversy. Marrs writing in "Alien Agenda" of respected UFO investigator and television documentary filmmaker Linda Mouton Howe's involvement in investigating the controversial docudrama. "I was curious," Howe said, "and I had a discussion with a BBC producer about it. I was told that the program began as a BBC documentary on the so-called British 'brain drain' of the 1970s. You might remember that a large number of British scientists were leaving, reportedly for better-paying jobs in America. I was told that the program never came off because the BBC could not locate any of the scientists once they left Britain. It was all very odd. It was like they disappeared."Further, Marrs also writes in "Alien Agenda" that "Howe said writers Ambrose and Miles wrote a script for "Alternative 3" based on real interviews conducted by the BBC."Journalist and author of "Science Fiction Secrets": From Government Files and the Paranormal Nick Redfern wasn't convinced of this, though. When I asked the paranormal investigator about McKinnon's comments in a 2008 interview for the popular esoteric website "Binnall of America", Redfern telling me "Non-Terrestrial Officers is of course a provocative term that conjures up all sorts of imagery. I think, however, that like much of Ufology, we have a few fragments of a story with what McKinnon found. But what the term might mean is very much down to personal interpretation."Other researchers, however, have been less sceptical about the possibility of a secret space program. Author of "Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence" and "Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up" Timothy Good even going as far as suggesting an extraterrestrial connection. "In addition to having reverse engineered some recovered alien vehicles, I believe that we've been given highly advanced technology - including spacecraft - by certain allied extraterrestrials. As Ben Rich stated at the University of California School of Engineering in 1993: 'We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects... and it would take an Act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.'"And Good is not alone. Acclaimed UFO Historian and author of the definitive multi-volume UFOs and the National Security State, Richard Dolan, has also spoken out about the possibility of such a covert program indeed existing. Initially sceptical, the Oxford educated Historian writing in a special guest article for my website that "Slowly, by degrees, I have come to the opinion that there is a secret space program."According to Dolan he was told by an individual with "impressive scientific and intelligence credentials" that he "should not dismiss" the supposed anomalies located in the Cydonia region of Mars, such as the famous "Face" and "City" photographed by NASA's Viking 1 Orbitor in 1976. And that "there were in fact many people within the classified world who took them seriously."Dolan writing, "That's when I realized, very concretely, that the notion of space anomalies was indeed a serious topic. I began to consider: if there is covert interest in the anomalies on Mars, would there be a covert space program to investigate? To this day, I don't know the answer with certainty, but over the years I have encountered no shortage of quiet, serious-minded people who tell me of their knowledge that there is such a covert program. One component of this, it appears, has to do with the Moon. Are there bases on the far side of the Moon? Again, I do not know for sure, but I cannot rule it out. More than once, people I consider to be informed insiders have steered me in this direction."However, it isn't just the opinions of credentialed but anonymous insiders about the possibilities of alien architecture on Mars and perhaps even the Moon that interests Dolan.There is another reason to suppose the existence of an advanced, clandestine space program. An enormous amount of video of space missions has been downloaded and is available for anyone to see. These include missions of NASA, the European Space Agency, Russia, and China. Much of this was downloaded and made available by a gentleman named Jeff Challender, who unfortunately died in 2007. Jeff spent an enormous part of his life downloading and reviewing - very carefully - video recordings of those missions. There can be no denying that there has been a great deal of activity in Earth's orbit. Much of what was recorded undoubtedly has conventional explanations. But, frankly, many events do not offer easy explanations. I firmly believe there is something unusual going on in Earth's orbit. Fortunately, after Jeff's death, I was able to upload his entire site and attach it to my own. His site, known as Project Prove, now has a permanent home at cocktail of tempting space anomalies on the one hand, which if indeed artificial or extraterrestrial might offer whichever nation studied them first tremendous leaps in technology, and video evidence of covert activity in space on the other. Not to mention the US Government's determination to extradite McKinnon after he was caught hacking into NASA, does seem to add up to good grounds for suspecting a covert space program as Dolan suggests. There is only one problem with all this speculation, though, how would the US Government or anyone else for that matter fund such a vast and deeply clandestine project - possibly for decades if any of the information presented in "Alternative 3" is to be taken seriously - without anyone even noticing? Any space program along the lines of "Alternative 3" or envisioned by Dolan with bases on the Moon would cost trillions of dollars, surely there would be evidence of such incredible spending?The short answer is yes, there would be... and YES there is. In 2001, at the National Press Club, US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld admitted to the media that amazingly "According to some estimates, we cannot track 2.3 trillion in transactions." What more, this took place somewhat suspiciously on September 10, the eve of the 9/11 attacks on New York and the Pentagon, guaranteeing the story would get buried by the mainstream media and forgotten about the next day.This is where things get more complicated. Up to now we've assumed that the US authorities wanted McKinnon because of what he might have stumbled upon in relation to UFOs or a secret space program. However, it's worth considering that McKinnon was hacking during and in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. While the date of Rumsfeld's 2.3 trillion admission is suspicious it is circumstantial evidence of prior knowledge at best, however, we must ask is it possible Garry stumbled upon something relating to the 9/11 instead? If so, McKinnon is remaining quiet. And with the extradition efforts of the US authorities dragging on, it might be some time before we find out - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express UK News :: Hacker Gary McKinnon to be tried in BritainBBC NEWS Programmes Click Hacker fears 'UFO cover-up' Jon Ronson meets hacker Gary McKinnon World news The Guardian Expert challenges UFO hacker's 700k bill - 9/22/2009 - Computer Weekly Nick Redfern :: A Room 101 Interview - Richard's Room 101The War On Waste - CBS News A Room 101 Interview with Timothy Good - Richard's Room 101 PARA-NEWS: Richard Dolan's 'Musings on a Secret Space Program' Jim Marrs, "Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us", (New York : HarperCollinsPublishers, (c)1997), p.260.
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Faa Removed Directives Documents Regarding Ufo Reports From Its Website
Women In Space
Weatherwatch Ufos Or Temperature
Sixty years ago, America was shaken by a wave of UFO sightings in Washington, DC. Some appeared over the White House itself: were these extra-terrestrials preparing to land, or did the lights in the sky have something to do with the weather?
The sightings lasted from 12 July to 25 July 1952. Objects were sighted by many observers, including airline pilots, and picked up on military and air traffic control radar. On several occasions F-94 Starfire jets were sent to intercept the intruders, but UFOs vanished when an aircraft came near. The objects were variously described as orange balls of fire, clusters of red or orange lights, or white lights. President Truman took a personal interest and demanded an explanation from the air force.
On 28 July two USAF major generals held a press conference at the Pentagon. They explained that the UFO sightings had been caused by a temperature inversion, where a layer of warm air is trapped under cold air. This can give rise to mirages, both visual and radar. A distant light on the ground can be reflected in the sky, giving the impression of a flying, shimmering object.
This did not convince some people, who scented a cover-up and argued that pilots and radar operators were familiar with temperature inversions. However, when flying saucers subsequently failed to land on the White House lawn, the sightings dropped out of the public awareness and into UFO history.
Sunday, 15 June 2008
The Us Space Agency Nasa Agreed To Pay Its Russian Counterpart
It still may be a utter hypothesis to clash the ISS ago.
"Russian spacecraft torrent from the sky. Is the Transnational Room Standing in trouble?"
The flash ridiculous expenditure of a Russian space mechanism in a week spells concern for Russia's space program and its might to maintain the Transnational Room Standing.
Fred Inhibit
Imperial 25th, 2011
The Christian Science Survey
An unmanned Russian space freighter, which was launched on a resupply piece of work to the Transnational Room Standing, careened out of control and blew up in a "noisy fireball" over Siberia Wednesday.
The blot triggering a state of stark over a all-embracing bank and calls at home doubt Russia's might to function its space obligations in the post-space shuttle era.
"The register was so strong that for 100 kilometers pane rudely flew out of the windows," Alexander Borisov, an situation in the remote and undulating Altai Republic, on the Mongolian border, everyplace most of the demolish from the wiped out Enhance spaceship rained down, was quoted by RIA-Novosti as proverb.
Russian media reported Thursday that none of the desolation slay on occupied areas, and 40 lumberjacks who'd been thing in the affected zone were all safe and accounted for.
But the of the essence casualty may be Russia's motivated space program, which is the abandoned attach to the ISS for instance last month's critical space shuttle piece of work departed NASA exclusive of a spacefaring energy.
The expenditure of the Enhance freighter, which was shipping three bags of provisions, multiply, and water to the ISS, is the flash ridiculous expenditure of a Russian space mechanism in tiny a week, and the third so far this blind date. Last week, an Known factor AM-4 telecommunications satellite substandard to particular from its Proton-M carter rocket, and had to be jettisoned.
Yet various crippling obstruction occurred last December, to the same degree three satellites innermost to finalizing Russia's motivated Glonass orbiting navigation system crashed at home the Conciliatory Oceanic.
All of the mishaps it would seem indirect the Proton-M rocket, the workhorse of Russia's space program, which is hand-me-down to assignment most satellite letters as well as the Enhance automaton freighters and the Soyuz manned space vehicles.
The utter news is that the six astronauts pronto aboard the ISS, orbiting one 250 miles advanced the Scrabble, it would seem stand "fat assets" of provisions and water after being visited by the space shuttle Atlantis on its last visit in July.
"We're in a utter level logistically to persist this expenditure of things that are part and parcel of," Mike Suffredini, manager of the space station program at the Johnson Room Basis in Houston, was quoted by news agencies as proverb. "And in fact, I would tell you we can go several months exclusive of a resupply mechanism if that becomes essential."
The bad news is that they may be run aground, at lowest amount for one time. Three of the ISS society members were slated to be replaced by a Soyuz piece of work in late September.
But Russian space officials say they determination seemingly ground all Enhance and Soyuz spaceships until the quirk can be analyzed and corrected.
"The fine hair launches of the [Soyuz] rockets are possible to be controlled from the time when of the space freighter smash into until the reasons [for the smash into] are arrangement," an dull Russian space situation was quoted by RIA-Novosti as proverb Thursday.
Four Russian flights to the ISS, two of them manned, had been fine hair for successive this blind date. Just the once nervous its last space shuttle, the US space agency NASA arrangement to pay its Russian like, Roskosmos, chief than 1 billion for resupply missions to the ISS over the next four existence.
Russian space experts dispute that the nuisance, the same as key, are not certainly crippling. They exigency that Wednesday's Enhance crash was the first such fiasco in the 130 launches that stand hard at it set up for instance the automaton freighters entered improve in 1972.
They also intensity to recent key successes for Russia's space program, such as last month's assignment of RadioAstron, a Russian space counselor that determination foodstuffs images of winter huge objects counting 10,000 mature the payment of the Hubble Room Grovel.
Friday, 13 June 2008
Ufo Sighting In Pleasantville New Jersey On May 30Th 2013 Fireball Ufo
New Mexico Ufo Crash Part 2
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Ufo Draws Astronomers Into Debate Over Its Origin
The "white ball" was spotted about 9pm above Shanghai by pilots who reported the sightings to the East China Air Traffic Control Bureau. At almost the same time, residents in Beijing, Shanxi and Anhui provinces and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region also witnessed and photographed the similar, round bubble-like object rapidly expanding in the sky.
Yu Jun, a former editor of a scientific magazine and amateur astronomer who witnessed the object, published an analysis saying the expanding bubble likely was a phenomenon caused by the "fuel of a thruster that diffused in outer space."
Yu compared the bubble to an incident in Hawaii on June 22, when a cloud-like object rose from the horizon and expanded into a huge bubble and disappeared. Astronomers linked the bubble to the launch of an intercontinental missile from California four minutes before the object appeared.
The report quoted Phil Plait, an American astronomer, who thought that unused fuel from the missile was left in outer space and coalesced into an expanding spherical shell, which people observed as a glowing ball as it reflected sunlight.
Other astronomers, however, argued that the object was an aircraft beyond human technology after they studied the pictures taken by witnesses and drew its flight route.
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Ufology Modus Operandi
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
Massive Ufo Near Our Sun May 2012 Nasa Footage
Uncommon mind-boggling Deformity baffled in the Sun's orbit. Filmed by SOHO, the footage by all accounts captures a huge instrument, which seems to de-cloak quickly (Elder 1 hour) or catch deceptive after solar flares made known over it. For example are these anomalies, and why does NASA claim to lie about represent existence, brief them off as glitches, spotless particles etc. Its time for the truth NASA ! Attentiveness : NASA
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