Entity Date: 2010-04-30
Entity Location: Bonaparte, Iowa, US
Entity Description: "A very affable blizzard was inspiring to south of my resolved in imitation of a stylish light show. I grabbed the camera and went out on the level and started booty photos, in the hopes of infectious quite a lot of light in imitation of my windmill in the photo. The tip of the gale was about two miles south of me. After the stormed had motivated off for my fixed shot, I scanned exact the photos and found this! I never saw it in imitation of my own eyes honorable wedged it in a photo. It was not in any other photos I took that time. Let me blab if you blab what it is....Thanks!"
Source: MUFON.com
--Please mark out my books at www.amazon.com, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring
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