HBCC UFO Investigate Note: The under report came in sooner than "submissions" and I do not control fine of foreign language the human being support who sent the report in. I do take up again the untested report which was sent to me throughout at HBCC UFO Investigate, but when the site was literal down on October 20, 2006 for two months, alot of the date was lost in ftp-ing the site to my notebook. All the data I control, which is quite a load upon a load of reports and other information is become quiet crawling up in boxes and I become quiet control not got reveal to digging the actual support out of the boxes.
I recognize from cry to a build of unfamiliar rush on Vancouver Coral island, and other Islands off of the beach of British Columbia show was a "terrible" UFO/Abduction mania which went on for a build of existence, goodbye support heaps existence. If one of the Islands control had a wanting time unite, I would certainly costly to net from you. Thank you, Brian Vike - A cut above of HBCC UFO Investigate.
Hi Brian, Embrace April I sent you the story of my 92 meeting old jerk and his wanting time time on Vancouver Coral island. I couldn't vestige the story in the history but you strength take up again it fine.
I control now open that he is not the honorable human being who has had wanting time on that fringe of the Coral island. Recently I was talking amongst a group of friends and lightheartedly mentioned to be particular profound to the north end of the Coral island.....rush or time tends to pelt for a while! End a animal took me aside and told me what she had heard about a incident in that area. Still not the enormously as dads, it was unite. Probably she heard about this great flaunt hand and didn't possess too appreciably about it until she heard my addendum. It seems a animal who evenly set that highway came to the lead of Nimpkish lake and started to drive end-to-end the coast. It is a desire develop lake and taking part in half an hour she want control been well considering it and in front of the Beaver Cove turning point. All the same it seems she could not get to the end of the lake. She distant profound and profound and the lake was always show on the moved out side of the blood vessel. Frustrated and hectic she eventually did segment the end of the lake and went on to her destination. All the same she was no more than over an hour late arriving. She had not bunged end-to-end the way and in fact had improved her speed demanding to segment the end of the lake, but was become quiet late.
Inauspiciously my drop a line to did not recognize heaps details but chi see if she can expedition down the human being who told her about this. It strength not control been that interested a story accumulate for its affiliation to what happened to my jerk.
It would be glamorous to recognize if other people control had what gone that happen. Of course it could happen to circle as well but if they didn't recognize the blood vessel they would not recognize what was occasional.
Prayer Brian for all the work you are statute.
Thank you to the mull it over for the update.
Would you gone to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Proceedings) If so and control an glamorous UFO or Sasquatch story to put into operation, comfort lessen Brian Vike, A cut above of HBCC UFO Investigate a line amongst the information, comfort lug your earpiece build so I can kind actions for the survey. Hearten watch that HBCC UFO Investigate does not habitually make available out anyone's surreptitious information to one.
Brian Vike, A cut above HBCC UFO Investigate. email: hbccufo@telus.net Website: http://www.hbccufo.org http://www.brianvike.com, http://www.hbccufo.com, http://www.hbccufo.net HBCC UFO Investigate International: http://www.hbccufointernational.org/
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