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Hi all,This is a state-of-the-art Australian convenient encounter case. My own Australian catalogue recorded the following:16 Nov 1967 Yerecoin WA CE1 1830hrs PooleA pot, Mr A Poole, was out mustering traditional in a land vagrant while he became aware of a foul-smelling gain which amplified in knock down. He furthermore saw an object at a plot of unfinished a kilometre. It approached his passage and stopped in the same way as to it at about one to two metres plot. The foul-smelling look was very strong and he may possibly go vibrations from it. It looked equivalent an wrong way up saucer, being reliable three to six metres in diameter and one objective six to two metres high, with four windows, two round and two cafeteria on the side observable to him. It was a grey hard colour. It seemed to sang-froid cube a metre off the ground. He demanded to comprehend what it was put it on stage and he heard an noise of his own shout. No grotesque electromagnetic belongings were noticed. He attempted to get out of his land vagrant but as he did so the object ascended. By the time he was out, two to three seconds, it was out of sight, notwithstanding he may possibly uninterrupted hear a foul-smelling gain. No traces were gone. The derivation I cited was AFSR No 8 p13.NICAP/APRO:I started my search for outstanding a outstanding primary derivation with the NICAP "UFO Pollster," but a search amid my electronic copies, found energy on the case. Hitherto, the November/December 1967 motif of "The APRO Newsletter" did, on pane 5. This report reads:"Different landing among Australian UAO Incidents.Mr Allen Fishpond, 43. a shield overseer of Yericorn, Western Australia has ended the request that a saucer landed in a last before his land vagrant on the night of the 17th of November. According to his story, Fishpond thought the object was encircling, about 15 to 20 feet in diameter and about the dreadfully zenith as his land vagrant. He thought it was so convenient to him that he unimportant had room to obtainable the car entrance hall. At the dreadfully time that the object landed, Fishpond claimed, his wife noted involvement on the TV set incarcerated the house. This all took location at about 6.30pm.Chronologically, the actions occurred thusly. Fishpond was in a last about a unfinished mile from the board and was deep boringly looking for traditional while he heard a whine equivalent an stimulating motor at high speed. He thought he looked up and saw the object expectations expected at him. He figured it was about a unfinished mile unacceptable and 400-500 feet altitude while he first spotted it. He brought his land vagrant to a remain and the disc stopped weight to the side of him."It was horizontal on the bottom and dome-shaped on top cube equivalent an upturned saucer," Fishpond told the make conform while he reported the incident. "It appeared to be ended of a metal which was smokey-grey in colour, stage were no lights on it but stage were portholes equivalent windows in a circle it and stage seemed to be a gatehouse in front."Fishpond thought he wasn't able to see incarcerated of the object, that the machine did not skim the ground while it stopped but seemed to sang-froid cube best quality it. In the same way as Fishpond stepped out of his passage the disc took off "equivalent a nothing."This article in "The APRO Newsletter" doesn't sheep the derivation for the report it gives.Separate Fine OF THE STORY?In looking for the most primary derivation of the Yerecoin report, I may possibly find out, I took a vacation to the South Australian Gap Library and consulted a microfische production of the basic West Australian press release looking for any story.Portray, on pages 1 and 13 of "The West Australian" for Friday 17 November 1967 I found a lengthy report. This report provides a date for the view of Wednesday 15 Nov 1967 and is outstanding achievable to be suited than the other dates I stock provided back. Note in the same way that the press release provides the give it some thought demarcate as Alan Fishpond and the armed as Yerecoin.Document ACCOUNT;"WA man: Flying saucer next to me"Yerecoin shield overseer Alan Fishpond (43) thought yesterday that a flying saucer had landed in one of his paddocks a few feet from him.It was so convenient that he was barred to blunt obtainable the entrance hall of the passage in which he was sitting.Mr Pool's employer, Mr D V Waters of Yerecoin, who owns the shield, thought that Mr Fishpond had worked for him for 11 existence.Mr Waters said: "If Alan says he saw a flying saucer you can injure it from me stage was one."The saucer had been reported to the make conform and the RAAF."Earsplitting noise:"Mr Fishpond thought that he was in his passage in a last about a mile unacceptable from the board at 6.30pm on Wednesday while he heard a loud, analytical, foul-smelling look equivalent to that of an stimulating generator."I saw this thing about 400 ft in the air, unfinished a mile unacceptable, and approaching injudiciously from the east.""I kindness it was an aircraft. It sped towards me and landed in the same way as to the passage.""The whirring look was loud and scary.""Hovered:"He thought it seemed to land, but while he looked more willingly it was floating a few inches from the ground. It was a grey metal colour, about 12 feet in diameter and about 5 feet high. Portray were six portholes. Two in the centre were cafeteria and two outstanding on all and sundry side were round. It looked equivalent an wrong way up saucer. Portray were no other protruding be realistic. Portray were no signs of propulsion and he may possibly not see amid he portholes. (Particularly on pane 13.)"Saucer seen" (A photo of Mr Fishpond appears all over the place.)Mr Fishpond thought "I did not comprehend what to do. I moderately opened the entrance hall and swore aloud. "To my astonishment the communication were returning. It may possibly not stock been an noise. Portray was a strong helix and it would stock been inconsistent to instruct an noise in that testify.""I moderately opened the entrance hall and got one leg out of the passage while the saucer took off vertically. I lost sight of it as it rose best quality the roof of the passage. I hard-pressed my head top and looked up, but it had baffled."He thought he kindness he was goodbye mad. He sat in the passage in blot on the landscape and rolled a cigarette."No sign:"In addition to he got out of the passage and looked at the ground - but stage was no sign of somewhere the saucer had been. The informant was subtle and stage were no singe imprints. He did not comprehend whether to report the sighting or to say no matter what about it.He before I finish settled top drive ground and tell his wife. His wife told him that she had been inspection tube at the time and the picture rolled. The definite time this had happened next to was while a satellite voted for overhead.Mr Fishpond reported the sighting to the New Norcia make conform, who advised him to cry out the CIB in Perth. He in the same way telephoned the Pearce RAAF base but he thought the race stage sounded sceptical.He kindness that the sickly roof of his passage power stock attracted the flying saucer.Mr Waters thought Mr Fishpond was very level-headed. he thought "Alan came to see me about an hour afterwards and he was uninterrupted scared. He was white-faced."Later than Mr Fishpond thought he had been sceptical about flying saucers. "I am not existing any theories about it," he thought "All I comprehend is that it was assorted no matter what we comprehend on earth.""Not on radar":Offshoot Commander G Shadford, of the RAAF at Pearce thought that no aircraft from the base was flying at the time of the reported sighting and energy was picked up on radar. Mr Pool's report was the definite one customary on Wednesday night. Mr Fishpond would be asked to fill with in a form to award the select details of the sighting and the RAAF would settled if promote investigation was acceptable.A spokesman for air development control at the Perth airport thought stage would stock been tons aircraft in the New Norcia area at the time of the reported sighting. These would extensiveness in ability from a Friendship to light planes.A weather personnel spokesman thought the definite weather enlarge released on Wednesday sunset went up from the Perth airport at 7.15pm."Infinitesimal Document ARTICLE:"The West Australian" of 18 Nov 1967, pane 12 carried a proceedings article."Saucer: No suspect yet."No permitted suspect had been started yesterday trendy the reported flying saucer sighting at Yerecoin.A RAAF spokesman at Pearce thought that an airforce suspect would be aimed definite after all within reach explanations for the sighting had been disproved.A Group of Praising Aviation spokesman thought reports of unidentified flying objects did not come in vogue the department's rein in.Farmer overseer Alan Fishpond who reported seeing a flying saucer in a last on Wednesday sunset thought yesterday that energy would make somebody believe you him the object was not real."AIR Mettle FILES:Is stage an report of this view in the files of the RAAF? The smooth-tongued location to find out one would be in file series A703 control symbol 580/1/1 Side 8 which is the basic series of UAS report files. Side 8 contains UAS reports on sale with 4 Jul 1967 and 31 Dec 1967. Portray is definite one report on the file on sale 15 Nov 1967 and this is of a grueling uplifting lighted object travelling to the south,. reported from Gympie, Queensland at 2125hrs. Portray is no report set down on this file, from Mr Fishpond. Perhaps he felt that RAAF Pearce were too sceptical and settled not to officially report it on paper.The other possible is that Fishpond did report it to the RAAF on paper, but the form did not bring in it to the RAAF's central basic UFO files, but ended up on Pearce's files. I looked for such files in the NAA. Confirmation series PP959/1 control symbol 5/3/Air is titled [Western Australian Squadron Air Stage Element] Investigations of Private Flying Relevant with a date extensiveness of 1966-1972. It is a 52 pane file but once more stage is no report from Mr Fishpond.Quite a lot of Getting on DATA:Yerecoin is 156km NNE of Perth, the change of Western Australia.New Norcia is 132km N of Perth.A oppress of the internet ruined to find out any individual investigation report published by an Australian UFO research group.A oppress of Australian Flying Saucer Inspection No 8 published 23 Esteemed 1967 (UFOIC) unacceptable energy on the view. It wouldn't be geological to, as it was published in Aug 1967 and the view was in Nov 1967. It appears my Australian catalogue citation is in mistake.A oppress of two innovative electronic sky charts reveals that the Sun was uninterrupted best quality the Western horizon at 6.30pm 15 Nov 1967.COMMENT:Based on the information in "The West Australian" as the most primary derivation fabric, which I can put, the view dregs a compelling one, anyhow stage being definite one give it some thought.Confine blog readers come sideways any blunt investigated accounts of this event?
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