(Period Porcelain Data Rumor 3 UFOs in the photo, I precisely see two, possibly the third is too measly, may fancy ancient photo to see greater details. Scott W. )
Establish of sighting: May 23, 2011
Program of sighting: Kunming Motian, Porcelain
Suffer Sunday Mr. Yen who was gone a group of friends participating in an outdoor activity on top of a mountains area captured individual UFOs by reduction. The photos of from the northern outside of Kunming Motian recreational area. He took atypical photos that day of landscape, friends and so on.
That night once Mr. Yen went farmhouse, he carefully scanned over the photographes he had diligent inside that day. One photo stood out from all the others and captured his request. Teh photo was especially Songhuaba Stock. This set of water is back to built-up areas and in this photo are not one but three black UFOs in the sky. Individual futher than others.
Snap on photo to lengthen.
Beyond Tutor of Physics at Yunnan Seminary in Kunming who is head of UFO research ruled out the possiblility of kites and plants imediatly stating, "If it was a kite, it would cargo space a triangular carve, however this is greater revolve in shape, prevailing of most UFO sightings."
Chinese Source: http://big5.ce.cn/xwzx/kj/201105/27/t20110527 22445975.shtml
Scott C. Waring wrote "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009" and "Dragons of Asgard"
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