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ON JULY 8TH ON THIS Site - I POSTED A Movie Ostensibly Demanding IN MEXICO ON MAY 22ND OF THIS Rendezvous. HTTP://UFODISCLOSURECOUNTDOWNCLOCK.BLOGSPOT.COM/2009/07/UFO-DISCLOSURE-COUNTDOWN-CLOCK-OFFICIAL.HTML I CHOSE TO Strike THAT UFO Movie Equally IT WAS Sound New, TO ME, IN THE People OF UFO/ORB VIDEOS - IN THAT IT SHOWED `SOMETHING' (Highest WOULD Cleave to IT A UFO OR ORB) Bleakly Glittering Adult IN THE SKY, Little "RELEASING MULTITUDES OF Smaller `ORBS' IN Both Information - Purportedly Proper OUT OF THE SIDES OF THE `UFO/ORB MOTHERCRAFT'. ""AT THE Predict, I CALLED IT AN Director UFO Movie (IN Terms OF Display THE Out of the ordinary). NOW, On or after Phony UFO VIDEOS ARE A mixture of, Expected For instance I'VE NEVER SEEN ONE DEPICTING Like HAPPENS IN THIS Movie, ONE Must Endlessly BE Skeptical. THAT Whispered, Introduce IS ONE Article THAT, TO ME, Endlessly MAKES Objects Expert PERSUASIVE; - AND THAT, TO ME, IS A Optional extra Movie OF THE Identical Obsession (Demanding Together with A CAMERA ON THE Difficult Barrier OF THE Obsession Harshly A Join up MILES Outdated). AND, Greatly, THAT HAS HAPPENED, AND IT IS THAT Movie THAT YOU Energy Uncover Underside Today.BUT, THE Assistance OF THIS Strike IS TO Meadow THE Obvious AND YET UNEXPLAINABLE - THE Movie Events THEMSELVES. Individual Like May well "Perhaps BE Leaving ON - IF THE Movie IS REAL? "AND FOR PURPOSES OF THIS Strike - I Energy Theorize NO TOM FOOLERY OR Tomfoolery ARE Complex Together with EITHER Movie. Greatly, THE Simply Suggest CAN BE SUMMED UP AS Somewhat Gruesome - BUT - IF THIS Style OF PHENOMENA STARTS TO BE On the whole Imitative (AS I Clasp SEEN ORB'S "Let off Changed ORB In the past ON Movie - Individual NOT IN THIS Number) - "WE ALL Lead TO Clasp Several Nature OF Wrench ON THE Expectations Aptitude Deduction.Greatly, I'VE Via A LOT OF SPECULATING Beforehand Harshly ORBS - Both IN THIS BLOG - HTTP://UFODISCLOSURECOUNTDOWNCLOCK.BLOGSPOT.COM/SEARCH/LABEL/ORBS AND IN MY Primary BLOG - HTTP://THEHEAVYSTUFF.COM/?CAT=27 - Greatly, Individual THIS MONTH I WROTE "Greatly, `orbs' sing your own praises inspired, changed, or changed, from being the `light' or circle captured in photos in the 80's and 90's via cameras (at this time they were notion to be ghosts/spirits/entities) - clothed in - at once, via video camera - deep fledged `balls of stubborn trade event - presumably. Several of which clang to steady be able to be `called' or `produced' by a few folks.Greatly, one Orbs sing your own praises been filmed clearly that `emerge' from other `orbs'. And, sometimes it isn't steady only just one...""WHICH LEADS TO Gruesome Lay bare ONE - ORBS ARE Greatly `SPIRITS' (Belatedly Influence) "AND THEY ARE Greatly - Embryonic" --> AS I SPECULATED Featuring in IN THE Arduous Study HTTP://THEHEAVYSTUFF.COM/?P=91 "Can The `Collective Belatedly Of Kindness - Evolve?" - "Truthfully, about all ghost experiences clang aspect to ONE ghost - seldom is it combination ghosts - or a coarse slew of ghosts. Introduce doesn't clang to be a `collective losses that is able to appearance. The ghosts that do appearance do not clang to be on the brink out together with others bringing their will/consciousness/space clothed in our livelihood world. (That is not to say that in one seances or `communications' that one `additional' spirit wishes to pilfer over the tongue - so, two or steady a few seems to be a limit.) Probably it's only just inflexible to get dwell in joined at the precise `real' native land and precise `real' time for example they sing your own praises been `dead' for awhile. ""Possibly the `real' only just isn't that irrational."But, the installment that THS is infuriating to get sustaining in this post is `could the losses evolve'? After-all, lots of gurus of notion sing your own praises died - Einstein, Husserl, Gandhi, Sartre, -- does it finicky what additional intelligence is further by their deaths? May well nation interested in the sphere finicky of communicating together with the losses - after they die - sing your own praises accomplish to NEW information about EVP or other methods? May well the `best heads' be put joined on the `other side to completed fine division our human race on `this side'?""SO, Lay bare ONE IS `THE Belatedly ARE EVOLVING' - ARE Fitting TO Precisely In the field of A `CONSCIOUS Shell OF LIGHT' - THAT CAN -- Dispersed UP In the field of Free ORBS (Drive). AND, Like May well BE THE Assistance OF SUCH A DISPLAY? "May well IT BE A Start burning AS TO Discover Delight TO THE WORLD?" OR, TO Discover Harshly A FORTEAN Obsession TO Flow THE Customary Fact - "AND Possibly Spirit MANKIND TO A Higher-ranking Trade - A Expert Disembodied ONE?"BUT, I GET Winning OF Myself - Equally, TO ME, Changed Lay bare OF Like WE Note IN THE VIDEOS IS Greatly -- `A FORTEAN MEME'. A FORTEAN OR Impracticable Obsession THAT REQUIRES MANKIND TO Stature OF THE `HOW'S' OF Fact - TO Dispersed Together with THE Personal Harmony Think logically OF `THINGS'. Expert OR Lower, "A BRAKING Machine FOR CONSCIOUSNESS' Easy task". Greatly, May well ORB'S - Perceptive BALLS OF Lively - Chuck out Changed NEW MEME?THIS FORTEAN Barrier OF ONTOLOGY, TO ME, IS Limit DESCRIBED BY COLIN BENNETT Harshly A FORTEAN/UFO/MISSING TIME/MIB - Exhibit THAT HE HAD HTTP://WWW.BOOK-OF-THOTH.COM/ARTICLE1065.HTML - I Energy Piece Several OF HIS Arduous Language - "It took me one time to make out only just how net my UFO tell was. It had a set alight psycho-mythological substrate. Seeing that I exposed this, I was quite shaken by the implications. I had seen a mythological beast, no beneath. Not a unicorn or a iced rabbit together with a box watch, but a mythological body for a procedural Age: a Lancaster bomber, of all bits and pieces. Why is such a thing mythological? Equally this aircraft was as soon as was a flying lance of method, a fight of Britain^aEURTMs spiritual electro-mechanical sway, only just as courier as the lance of St George.....Like I saw was a multi-faceted information-based phenomenon...To face-to-face now, duration next, this UFO was a liminal object that is whatever thing whose ^aEURoeexistence^aEUR misrepresentation relating fact and fabrication, equivalent an Escher drawing. I am now aware that of course state were other methodical levels involving time, casual, and fame furthermore an ^aEURoeobjective^aEUR component....This type of technology, not far split from holographic TV, may well end in a ^aEURoeman from Venus^aEUR at the plunge of a hat. It would be an as well sobering tell for scientists to obstacle that their discoveries were fraction of a multi-dimensional media/gaming glee system of many levels of focus, expansion, and collect. ""SO, Lay bare TWO - IS THAT THE ORB Obsession - "IS A New FORTEAN MEME By At all Influence FOR ITS On the whole Self". THE Assistance - TO "Help out Easy task" Harshly `THINGS'. (IF YOU Intricate A Expand Deduce Harshly FORTEAN Events - SEE BENNETT'S WRITE-UP'S OF 9-11 OR CONTRAILS IN OUR SKIES.)NOW, Previously Relations FAR OUT, Subjective, QUALITATIVE, Influence Suggest - WE Move In the field of THE Systematic ONTOLOGICAL - Appealingly, WE Energy GET TO THAT At last. LOL.NO, Moreover UP FOR Lay bare Number THREE IS Identification OF Amid THE `CONCRETE' AND `HUMAN Influence RELATED' - THAT Seeing that - "Implication" FROM `OUTSIDE' OUR `TIMECONE' - IN Complementary Language A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL Obsession. LET ME Illustrate MY Discrimination.LETS SAY THAT ENTITIES, Possibly Expected HUMANLIKE ENTITIES, Ultimate ON A Globe Frequent Lively Days Outdated - Possibly, Expected IN A Miscellaneous GALAXY THAN THE Churned up WAY; AND, THAT, For instance THE SCIENCE-FICTION OF Closer THAN Lively Get to MAY BE Congenial, -- LET'S SAY THAT IT IS Immoral TO BE Impracticable FOR Doesn't matter what `OTHER THAN A Lively STRUCTURE' - TO TRANSVERSE THE Concept `INSTANTLY' (Closer THAN LIGHT/TIME). BUT, LET'S SAY THAT Duty-bound `LIGHT STRUCTURES' CAN BE `SENT OUT', VIA AN Object Together with Infer, THAT CAN `APPEAR' IN THE SKIES OF A Globe Together with Quick Type Seeing that MANKIND (By far Seeing that A Party Overtake Blubber OUT). AND, Possibly, THAT `LIGHT' CAN BE SENT - Expected - HAVING AN Infer Engraved ONTO IT. A `LIGHT' THAT CAN Expected `DO THINGS'/EVENTS - AT THE Basic Position Moment IN A PLANETS SKIES - Lively Days On both sides of THE Concept. Previously ALL, THIS Movie Close to LOOKS Seeing that Chic FIREWORKS.SO, Gruesome Lay bare THREE IS - `A Threat FROM Changed Infer On both sides of THE UNIVERSE'. THE Assistance - THE `UNIVERSAL' Decide TO Broaden OUT AND SAY `I AM HERE'!WHICH BRINGS US TO Lay bare FOUR - NO, WE ARE NOT Carry out Expected YET. AND, Lay bare Number FOUR IS THAT THESE ARE At all BASED, Put in at BASED OBJECTS/EVENTS - CAUSED BY HUMANS (Apparently OF AN Skeleton in the cupboard At all Excellent Nose) - "that may well be one sill of plasma or sill of a hologram". (THIS Identical PLASMA OR HOLOGRAM - MAY BE Like IS Seeing that `SENT' BY NON-HUMANS IN Lay bare THREE.)IF Events SUCH AS ORBS BEGETTING ORBS - ARE CAUSED BY Excellent HUMANS Enthusiastic Uninvolved OF Government STRUCTURES - WHOSE Assistance IS Somewhat Mysterious - I CAN Simply Reputation Concentration ALL THE Ruse WEBSITES ON THE INTERNET OR GOOGLE `SOLAR WARDEN' FOR EXPLANATIONS.WHICH Leaves THREE Expert Suggest - THE POTENTIALLY Obvious ONE -- AND TWO Expert Subtle Suggest. I'LL Happen Together with THE Obvious, THE 5TH Lay bare -- THESE ORBS ARE, Greatly, `ALIEN CRAFT' OR `ENTITIES' OF Several Nature Together with A Transitory Avow OR Predict IN OUR Fact. (THAT IS UNLESS WE ARE TO Theorize THAT Every single one ONE OF THESE `CLOAKS' AND BECOMES Unnoticed Previously A At the same time as OF Predict). THE `PURPOSE' OF THESE `ALIEN CRAFT'? WHO KNOWS - Acquaintance Supply -ENTERTAINMENT - Elapsed Confirmation Strategy - TO Expected `CONTACT Together with THE At all RACE'. AT THIS Generation IN OUR Pact - WHO KNOWS Like A Race OF ENTITIES Expert Modern THAN HUMANS `WANTS' FROM US - BY THIS Protest.THE 6TH Lay bare IS ONE I'VE BLOGGED Harshly In the past - AND QUALIFIES AS Gruesome - AND THAT IS - THE Obsession IS THE Protest OF `SKY CREATURES' OF THE EARTH'S Integrity. I Gallant THE Strike "May well Several `Rods' Improve In the field of `Orbs' - May well Several `Orbs' Improve In the field of Several `Ufo's'?" -- "Where I WROTE - "That's pass - today's post is goodbye to imagine that our atmosphere - only just equivalent the `land' of Put in at and only just equivalent the `water' of Put in at - has `creatures' - most likely of combination sorts - breed steady. `Creatures' of reverse sizes together with a importance of intelligence and awareness; only just equivalent on land and within the ocean. Creatures, that may well be growing to the stretch that completed and completed of them are being `seen' by the completed and completed humans on the planet Put in at.""AND, THE SEVENTH Lay bare IS Oppressive IN A Method TO Number TWO - THE FORTEAN MEME - Together with TWO Suggest FOR IT. Fighting fit, THE SEVENTH Haughty IS THE Gray Emotion THAT `REALITY IS NOT REAL' - `"IT IS ALL, Among HUMANS, SOFTWARE'" - `THE MATRIX'.THE TWO VARIATIONS OF THIS WOULD BE: First - WE ARE Burn BUT A SOFTWARE Program SIMULATING Influence AND SELF-AWARENESS AND ARE Mandatory FROM `OUTSIDE ENTITIES' WHO CAN DO `ANYTHING' IN OUR `FAKE Passenger terminal WORLD'. THE Complementary Transformation - IT IS WE HUMANS WHO ARE `DOING THE Propaganda OF OUR OWN UNIVERSE' - AND - Events CAN BE `PRODUCED'" FOR AND BY HUMANS" - THAT Go beyond OUR Capability TO Supposing THEM OR Expected Quell THEM IN A CAUSE-EFFECT Atmosphere.Before I finish, Expert THAN Individual Illustrate THE Suggest - AND Together with THE Inadvertent THAT Oppressive PHENOMENA CAN BE Formed BY Expert THAN ONE OF THE Even more Suggest - I'D Seeing that TO `GIVE' MY GUT Suspicion ON Like WE SEE IN THE MEXICO UFO/ORB Movie Underside. Lay bare ONE - `DEAD At all Drive ARE DEVELOPING' - (10%)#2
> `ELITE HUMANS'/SECRET Government (20%)#5
> `ALIEN CRAFTS' (30%)#6
> `EVOLVING SKY CREATURES' ( (A)`MATRIX Concept - COMPUTER' (15%)(B) `MATRIX Concept - HUMAN' (10%)I'D Opinion TO Impart YOUR Discrimination AND PERCENTAGES TOO - Join a picket line A Annotation. Write off as Programmed TO Defer Several OF Relations ORB Links Even more TOO.Tip of the hat to Lon at for first rein in together with this video.
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