Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Ufo News 4Th August 2012
Monday, 30 January 2012
Frequent Ufos Over Capitol Hill
1952 ufos over Capitol hill
Originally uploaded by sakyantThis picture was the cause of public shock and furor in 1953 as ufos were fotographed over the whitehouse on capitol hill1952 started with fewer than one ufo sighting per day in the first three months. In April and May, the flow increased to 3 per day, and this rate doubled in June. For the first half of the year, there had been 300 unexplained observations reports, 4 times the previous annual rate, and still the peak was not reached.
There were 3 nights of intense activity over Washington, D.C. On July 19/20, July 26/27 and August 2/3, the skies above the nation's capital were crowded with UFOs darting here and there, over the White House, over the Capitol Building, over the Pentagon.
They were seen from the ground, seen and also detected on radar from control towers at Washington National Airport, Bolling Air Force Base across the Potomac River, and from nearby Andrews Air Force Base. The radar operators conferred by telephone to ensure they were tracking the same targets. In many cases, airline pilots flying in the area were able to provide visual confirmation of radar tracking.
Source: alienspress.blogspot.com
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Heaths On Qualitative Accounts Of Pk
In the first part of her book, Heath proposes a review of PK in various religions and cultures, to include miraculous feat such as levitation, stigmata, inedia (surviving without food), teleportation, bilocation (to be seen at two locations at the same time), fire immunity, luminosity, physical mediumship, anomalous healing, "ki" related super performance in martial arts, and poltergeists. To this list, it would have been interesting to add tulpas from the Tibetan tradition, as they have often been associated with non-ETH explanations of UFO sightings. Without going in detail for each of them, it is clear that such feats were recorded in many cultures and across time periods; very much like UFOs and like UFOs were interpreted differently according the local culture. One of the common themes found in these accounts is that strong beliefs and religious fervour seem to play an important role. Another one is the role altered states of consciousness as being an important enabler. This is certainly consistent with findings of modern parapsychology.
An interesting opening statement by Heath is that "unfortunately, the database of qualitative studies is still a small one. [...] It is only in the last few years that we have started to see phenomenological studies and surveys of what PK performers say about their experiences (Barrett 1996; Gissurarson 1997a; Heath 1999). Clearly there is a great deal of work yet to be done in this area, as well as unexplored directions of research." (p. xxvi).
This statement by Heath can be put in parallel with the work done by one of the pioneers of non-ETH ufology, Dr. Alex Keul. As stated by KWC Phillips, "Dr. Keul slowly began to work on the missing element in all the various and contradictory reports which came to his attention and, in so doing, came to the somewhat shocking conclusion that the missing factor was "the human witnesses": that is, we knew next to nothing about them, let alone the enigmatic UFOs they were to report in large numbers. Even more fundamentally, we knew nothing of the void between the witness and the object perceived." (Phillips, KWC. (1993). "The psycho-sociology of ufology". In D. Barclay and T. M. Barclay, "UFOs, The Final Answer? Ufology for the 21st century". London: Blandford, 40-64, p. 44.).
The state of research in PK and in the study of UFOs is in many ways similar. Although Keul's efforts were very innovative, the dominance of the ETH approach had the effect of pushing his ideas under the rug. Given that one of my working hypotheses is that UFOs have a substantial PK component, then any advance in parasociology could be beneficial to parapsychology as well.
In spite of Heath's innovative standpoint of working outside the usual parapsychological box (i.e. focussing on qualitative approaches), it is also clear that the author is still battling with the ambient positivist attitude in parapsychology. For instance, the author warns the reader that "accounts of miracles tended to mirror the needs and social beliefs of the age. [...] These stories may thus reflect cultural bias, rather than an accurate picture of either PK or fraud." (p. 1). As a sociologist of science, I would not hesitate a second to turn the table and say that parapsychological accounts (i.e., articles in academic journals) tend to mirror the needs to prove the existence of psi according to the social belief that quantitative and positivist science is the only way to reach the "truth". The exclusion in parapsychological accounts of the non-quantifiable reality of psi reflects a cultural bias, rather than an accurate picture of what constitute psi or fraud...
This bias is also found when she discusses "Spontaneous Nonrecurrent PK" (pp. 94-105). She clearly states that spontaneous cases of PK "are important not only because they allow us to learn about the range of what is possible, but also because, as Beloff noted, 'it is the persistence of such spontaneous phenomena that has kept alive interest in the field among the broad public" (p. 94). Yet, in the same breadth she states also that "nonrecurrent spontaneous PK is impossible to study in the laboratory since it is (by definition) a solitary, uncontrolled event. Thus, it can only be speculated about in anecdotal and case study literature" (p. 94). This is a nice example of positivist epistemological bias from someone who is coming from North American psychology. Political science, sociology and anthropology, to name a few, also deal with solitary, uncontrolled events such as a coup d'etat, the emergence of a new social movement, or cultural manifestations of all kinds. Archaeological findings and physical anthropology findings also fall into the same category, as a dig occurs only once, and what is declared as being observed can only be accepted if someone trusts the archaeologist or physical anthropologist. Does it make these sciences less scientific, and their objects of study less worthy of our research efforts? Or rather, it is the psychologists' definition of science that is problematic? Other disciplines have developed extensive methodologies to handle "solitary and uncontrolled events" and developed knowledge that is not speculation about anecdotes. Once again, I would turn the table and say that parapsychology is suffering from an inferiority complex and thus it tries to be more scientific (i.e. positivist) than everybody else. In spite of great research efforts (like Heath's book) Parasociology will have to be careful in dealing with parapsychologists and their epistemological bias.
Among the older qualitative accounts, teleportation seems particularly pertinent to the study of UFOs. It is a rare spontaneous event (although there are claims of people who mastered it), and appears to be more common among secular individuals, especially children (here read teenagers like in poltergeists phenomenon) (p. 37). People spontaneously disappear from one place and found themselves somewhere else without any memory as to how they got there. Altered states of consciousness and visions of angels were associated with such events. It was also interpreted as a sign of demonic infestation. This pattern clearly resembles cases of "alien abduction," like the well-known story of Betty and Barney Hill. Heath, however, does not make the connection.
Several of the accounts proposed by Heath about teleportation are drawn from: Rogo, D. Scott. (1982). "Miracles: A parascientific inquiry into wonderous phenomena". New York: Dial Press.
It is interesting to note that older accounts of poltergeist activity include more than noise and objects moving violently in the air. Apparitions of various entities are also reported. Heath notes that "St. Paul of the Cross (1694-1775) was similarly said to have been assailed by explosions like pieces of artillery being discharged, vision of grotesque animals, the opening and shutting of the warming pan in his room, and being struck and bruised." (p. 92). Heath also points out that the content of poltergeist events tend to be influenced by idiosyncratic cultural beliefs, "poltergeist agents vomited pins and manifested 'animal familiars' in culture where witchcraft traditions exist, while in other cultures the agent created apparent demonic manifestations in conformance with their local customs and beliefs. If this is true, it makes an interesting comment on how we feel about technology, given recent poltergeist activity with telephones and electrical appliances going haywire". (p. 93). Once again, Heath does not make the obvious connection between the space age, encounters with "aliens" from outer space, and the cultural component of poltergeists.
Heath introduces the controversial notion of spontaneous human combustion (SHC). She provides a good tour of what is known about the phenomenon, and some of the possible explanations. One of them is the role of balls of light. This phenomenon "is capable of floating gently along, squeezing through keyholes and chinks in window frames, or down fireplace chimneys, and has even been said to be able to materialize inside rooms or airplane cabins. Furthermore, this natural phenomenon (which is thought to be electromagnetic plasma) can be small as a pea, or as large as a house, and may be violet, red, blue, or yellow, and may even change colors during its brief life". (p. 100).
The explanation about balls of light is not sufficient to explain some of the more psychological characteristics associated with SHC. "Considering the similarity to the sudden and complete destruction of items by poltergeist fire, the possibility of an ASC [altered state of consciousness] involving a lack of pain, and the correlation with depression, we must consider the possibility of a mind-matter interaction." (p. 101) But she recognizes that "it is possible that some individuals have a mind that is capable of triggering the combustion, perhaps by materializing or attracting ball lightning, through an electrical discharge of some sort, or even a form of nuclear radiation" (p. 101). Once again, if we link Michael Persinger's research on the influence electromagnetism on perception and psi abilities, with some of the findings of Albert Budden on electric UFOs, and these comments from Heath about the PK dimension of SHC and balls of light, one can see a pattern of explanation emerging. Yet, once more Heath does not make the connection with UFOs.
Copyright (c) 2009 Eric Ouellet
Ufos Accompany Sts 127 15 July 2009
Credit: dark-shadowy-line.blogspot.com
Friday, 27 January 2012
Ufo 1 Unidentified Flying Object Look For Send Nations In New Mexico 2012 Hi Def
This information is backed by http://www.ExtremeWordSpinner.com as well as spy http://www.hotairfryer.info, the jovial long curtains website in the sphere of Oxygen Fryer
This article is sponsored by http://www.ExtremeWordSpinner.com and spy http://www.hotairfryer.info, a jovial website about Philips Air Fryer
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Iranian Flying Saucer Technology
This week has brought something to my attention which for once this year is actually interesting when considering the UFO interest around the World,the capture of an US drone in Iran.So what makes the story quiet so interesting ? well the statement by the Iranian authorities that they captured this drone using the advanced technologies ie; UFO type craft to capture this drone.
Iranian authorities apparently stated that they have actually offered this advanced propulsion technology to NASA, they turned it down. Well, why would a so called advanced propulsion system or craft not be of interest to the USA? probably because they have for years denied such technology exists. Iran also claimed to be interested in peace not war and you know what ? I actually believe them. Since they had a war back about twenty years ago with Iraq and many lost their lives due to the fighting Iran hasn't to my knowledge made any advances against any other countries since.Iran wants peace and I believe them.
It would appear that whilst the west has been busy making accusations of Iranian nuclear missile technology, they have been hard at work evolving technologies that we know about but have had hidden from us for years. Free energy and craft that fly with an advanced propulsion system, Iranian scientist stated that they brought down this drone that was spying (note the word) over the country of Iran, by means of beams used from their flying saucer similar to the smaller craft seen on many a story earlier this year.
If you follow Ufology and have read about the hidden technologies that remain a secret under the guise of Black operations mostly in the USA that you will be aware of and is supposed to be around. Anti gravity type craft with propulsion systems capable of fantastic speeds and all manner of back engineered technologies gained from the capture of Alien craft.
Nearly one week on the US government now tries to deny it is one of their drones that has been captured, they say it does not meet the build requirements for stealth technology ! Pull the other one hey ! The fact is that the US military stated categorically that they had been flying over Iran with their drones and that they had lost one over that country. Reminiscent of Roswell stories I think, first it was, then it wasn't bullshit..
Another story about how the drone was brought to ground undamaged is that using Iranian technology they spoofed the GPS system and guided the drone to earth, which story you believe is entirely up to you. I personally don't care which story is correct I am cock a hoop that they managed to get their hands on this thing.
See here for the story from FARS new agency about Iran's flying saucer technology and pictures..
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Les Trangers De Lespace
France Space Agency To Post Ufo Database
According to Reuters, the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) will post a database of some 1,600 UFO sightings to the Web in late January or early February. Names, however, will be redacted from the database for privacy reasons.
The 6,000 documents -- primarily reports made to the police or filed by airline pilots -- stretch back 30 years, and will be available from the CNES's Web site.
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Tuesday, 24 January 2012
More Witnesses Observed 2 Red Lights Over Phoenix Arizona
If you imprison seen anything close this in the extremely area comfortable be nominate a lot to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" bearing in mind the details of your sighting. "All possess information is diffident within."
"The Vike Face (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
Monday, 23 January 2012
Area 51 David Adair Reveals Advanced Symbiotic Technology
Go kaput technology bring shrink and elapsed punch roll kid David Adair speaks out for the first time on camera in this trial about his unexpected encounters as well as an alien engine, DOD agents, and Air Hope against hope Everyday Curtis Lemay in 1971 at Peak Combine, Nevada (Area-51). Harvest first hand note down about self-important alien technology and our military's most comfortably wary secrets in the neighborhood the UFO phenomena.
Adair explains how at age 17 he built an electro-magnetic containment plasma amalgam punch engine and was invited by Air Hope against hope bigwigs to name it at Pallid Sands Missal Pop group. That led to his being obsessed to Connive 51 everywhere he saw an engine that was light being in addition what on Clay - so sophisticated it responded to the demur and emotions of it's pilots.
Now, welcoming as well as the way UFO information is commencing to be professional by the American dwell in, Adair has contracted to show support the vast truth which he held to himself for over 25 being.
Saturday, 21 January 2012
The Latest Ufo Sightings 592010
What Did Curiosity Find On Mars
NASA'S CURIOSITY ROVER ON MARS HAS FOUND SOMETHING THAT HAS RESEARCHERS VERY EXCITED. THE SCIENTISTS ARE HOLDING OFF ON THEIR ANNOUNCEMENT UNTIL THEY HAVE DOUBLE CHECKED THE DATA, BUT NPR GOT THE SPECULATION GOING YESTERDAY WHEN THEY REPORTED THAT CURIOSITY'S PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR, JOHN GROTZINGER, WAS QUOTED SAYING THE TEAM MIGHT HAVE SOME VERY BIG NEWS SOON.A s we re-posted yesterday on our Facebook page, NASA's Curiosity rover on Mars has found something that has researchers very excited. The scientists are holding off on their announcement until they have double checked the data, but NPR got the speculation going yesterday when they reported that Curiosity's principal investigator, John Grotzinger, was quoted saying the team might have some very big news soon.
The exciting results are coming from an instrument in the rover Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM). "We're getting data from SAM as we sit here and speak, and the data looks really interesting," Grotzinger said during NPR's visit last week to his office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. That's where data from SAM first arrive on Earth. "The science team is busily chewing away on it as it comes down," says Grotzinger.
SAM is a miniature chemistry lab on-board Curiosity. It samples Martian soil or rock or even air inside SAM, and calculates what the sample is made of. For the past few weeks, rover Curiosity has been busily scooping dirt from a sandy ridge in a geologically interesting location called "Rocknest."
This image shows part of the small pit or bite created when NASA's Mars rover Curiosity collected its second scoop of Martian soil at a sandy patch called "Rocknest. Image Source: NASA/JPL
Grotzinger says they recently put a soil sample in SAM, and the analysis shows something EARTHSHAKING. "This data is gonna be one for the history books. It's looking really good," he says.
SAM might have found evidence for some organic material, or it could have found nothing. A nil result would be scientifically interesting, too, because it would help round out the history of Gale Crater. But it's safe to assume that Curiosity's principal investigator probably would not describe a nil result as one for the history books.
The case for liquid water flowing on Mars is already well established, so it also unlikely that discovering evidence for water being present there in the past is causing the excitement.
The European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft found this patch of water ice in an unnamed crater on Mars in 2005.
Image Source: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)
What do you think they have found?
By "33rd Square"
"Subscribe to 33rd Square"
For the latest please visit www.33rdsquare.com
Large Triangle Or Boomerang Spotted Over New Jersey And Missouri
I was out walking with my girlfriend and her dog tonight in O'Fallon Missouri. The sky was cloudless, with nice star viewing. I was looking up at the stars while she was watching the dog doing what dogs do when I noticed an object moving through the night sky at approx 11:40PM (plus or minus 15 minutes), Saturday November 9th. I first noticed it because it was blocking out the stars as it moved. The object was completely unlit, and was quite dark - although not as dark as the blackness of the sky itself. I could clearly make out its boomerang V shape as it passed above me, since it was slightly lighter than the background. It was not easy to see, extremely subtle, and would be easily missed. It was silent. It moved at the same speed and in the same unwavering direction the entire time I watched it. I was able to track it for less than one minute. It moved from roughly north to south across the sky, and was nearly directly overhead as it passed me. Its course would have been roughly parallel to Highway K in O'Fallon, MO, the nearest large road to my viewing location. I did not get a chance to view its entire course across the sky, I first noticed it perhaps halfway up from the horizon as it approached me and then lost it in a similar position as it passed into the distance. As it crossed over me its "apparent size" from my location was very similar to holding one of the 2 or 3 inch matchbox type airplanes out at arms length above me. Due to the way it blended in so very well with the night sky I lost it from my sight well before it reached the horizon. It was impossible for me to tell how big it was or how high due to a lack of scale reference to it. When I first noticed it I thought it was a large bird or owl hovering in the sky hunting, however that impression did not last. As it approached closer I thought perhaps it was a kite or odd shaped balloon floating slowly by. None of these impressions lasted more than a few seconds though. It was clear well before it was overhead though that it was neither an animal nor an object floating in the wind. The object was a squared off "V" shaped aerial machine. The angle of the "V" was wide, perhaps as much as 120 degrees. It was a narrow, if you want an approx of its appearance/shape/scale then imagine two black 12 inch rulers pinned together at a wide angle. I commented something like "what the #%@! is that?!" after looking at it a few seconds, and continued to verbally express my incomprehension of what this object was. I pointed it out to my girlfriend but she could not locate it in the sky. The closest aerial vehicle that I know in comparison to what I saw would be the Northrop B2 bomber, which are stationed in central Missouri, and I have seen them in flight before. However, given the actual size of a B2 vs the relative size of the object I saw, the engine noise would have been extreme. Also the object I saw did not have an apparent engine section extension added to the "boomerang" body shape, like the B2 has.
I was traveling home from a local take out restaurant in Malaga new jersey. I first noticed the triangle black object straight ahead of me at a 45 degree angle, out of my front windshield. I made a turn onto Swedesboro rd, heading towards my home aprox 1/4 mile away. I pulled off the road into the grass and got out of my car to see it. I see planes all the time, night and day, because my home is located on the airlines flight path to Philadelphia International Airport. This night time object was so different from commercial planes that I had to get out of the car. The triangle slowly traveled overhead and I could hear a slight hum or whining noise. There were two green light on one corner of the triangle and two red light on the other corner or back of the object. There were also two lights, one in the front and one in the back. I have included a rendering of the object. I first noticed the object in the south west sky and after it traveled over my car it headed to the north east direction then made a turn to the north. I am the Chief Investigator for MUFON in New Jersey and I found out there is another similar sighting. I am wondering if these UFO's, or some people call them alien craft, try to copy the light patterns of our own commercial jets so they can hide in plain sight ? It would make perfect sense to me. temperature was approximately 50 degrees with no winds and partly cloudy. NOTE: The above image is a rendering of the Franklinville object.
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Mayor Roger Claar Abducted By Aliens
BY Teller of tales X
Bolingbrook Mayor Roger Claar is free and in positive medicinal be with Saturday's alien abduction.
According to eyewitnesses, a UFO flew over Claar's nest on Saturday morning.
"I was jogging by his house, subsequent to I noticed that effects ring-shaped me were artifice very drowsily." Said Joan, a national.
According to Joan, the UFO emitted a strut of light. Claar, difficult a exhaustive jogging set of circumstances, floated despondent the roof and towards the saucer.
"He shook his fist at the saucer and yelled, 'don't you work out who I am? I'm the mayor of Bolingbrook!' So I saw three Men in Depressed organize towards the house. They were earsplitting harmful, but it sounded malformed.. It was poverty remark video in super slow-mo."
Further witnesses rumored the UFO tried to escapism the area, but was deskbound.
"It's poverty the thing hit an indiscernible wall in the sky." Said Jack, new to the job national. "The lip end was so smashed in, that I wondered how it can stay at up in the sky."
Sources in vogue the Bolingbrook's Agency of Outer space Contact believe that the aliens managed to finish even the insight amalgamation to get unlikely the in-flight force field that protects Claar's nest. The aliens, although, unaccompanied had the door amalgamation.
"They so it is said didn't all-embracing that they also vital the market amalgamation in normalize to withdraw the force field." Said Tim C. Matthews, a rep for the sphere.
Happening the ten-minute deadlock, the Men in Depressed managed to reactivate the home's preventative weapons, and get hold of them on the UFO. The Men in Depressed thus negotiated Claar's release, in emancipation, they promised not to carnage the aliens after they turned themselves in.
According to sources indoors Claar's nest, past Claar reappeared in his nest, he moral impelled the red swop on his propose, gunfire the weapons, and destroying the UFO.
"I don't zeal what you told them." Claar rumored. "No one does that to me, and lives!"
Claar continued his flurry for numerous minutes.
"Heads will run the same as of this!" Yelled Claar. "If I take to escape every Man in Depressed to get morality, I will!" He thus supplementary, "By the way, I was not probed! Don't you not take the trouble that!"
Confiscation experts who laugh at to "The Babbler" setting that Claar probably wasn't probed indoors the stand-off.
"They haven't second hand anal probes such as the 1960s." Said Charlie X. Miller PhD ABD. "Pretty they use satisfactorily upper CAT scans that can see down to the molecular level. So if they conquer to resign yourself to a handkerchief predilection, they can use a mover to get what they conquer. So he ability take been scanned, but he probably wasn't probed."
Bolingbrook is one of three communities in Illinois wherever alien abductions are endorsed. Aliens who entreaty to abduct Bolingbrook population essential pay an abduction tax first and evade native neighborhoods. Critics control that the Village Municipal uses the plan to safeguard the subdivisions of assured special officials, and that assured subdivisions, poverty Fire Shelf, take a disparate section of abductions. Clique say that aliens abduction will come about no cast doubt on what the village does, so it is best to amass excise from the aliens, and regulate the abduction jog.
As soon as Bolingbrook's dwindling convergence, and the recent spread in the abduction tax, multitude UFO crews are tempted to go during the native neighborhoods in normalize get sufficient abductees to foster a assess. Which may take led this paint the town red to try to abduct Claar.
Matthews disagrees. "We are treating this poverty a politically determined kidnapping, not a criminal abduction."
Sources at Clow UFO base say that 100 aliens take been detained for searching. They take not been charged taking into consideration a irresponsibility, but will be detained until "they tell us what we entreaty to hit."
In an uncharacteristic move, Bolingbrook deported 5 dispossessed men to Chicago. Officials control they were not what went before Men in Depressed agents.
"We light figured they would provisions supercilious under Plan County's safety system than they would under our pro-business government." Said an unnamed amount. "As well, having glossed population in the gutters is a big weave off to word businesses."
When asked for tinge, Claar denied that he was abducted.
"I got dragged out of the touch for this?" Claar yelled. "Admit, the unaccompanied inquisitive I've worldly wise this week is from your inquisitive questions!"
Influence note: All articles on this site are workings of fiction.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Nasa Iss Desktop Photo Confirms Ufo Disclosure Now
Apparently THE ISS COMPUTER'S DESKTOP Highest IS UFO'S Above ground IN Rest. AND THAT Model HAPPENS TO BE THE Emblem FOR A PDF Catalog NAMED: THE Cherish OF Dumbfound. REALLY- Commandment FROM NASA. Irrefutable. IS THIS THE File WE BEEN WAITING FOR? Test A great deal AT THE Model.
As you can see- okay existing are UFO's on NASA's ISS Desktop. This is unarguable.
Now here is a cut in of what we hope the desktop image fit is.
Effectively THE ASTRONAUTS ABOARD THE International Rest Heart ARE IN Tower of strength OF Dumbfound. AND Submit IS NO Natter TO Misgiving THE EXISTANCE OF Rest Touring company As soon as SEEING THIS Among YOUR OWN EYES.
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Has Mars Preserved Evidence Of Ancient Life Seti Takes A Groundbreaking New Look At The 1976 Viking Mission Findings
"Has Mars Preserved Evidence of Ancient Life?" SETI Takes a Groundbreaking New Look at the 1976 Viking Mission Findings
Almost 40 years ago, two NASA probes on the surface of Mars scooped the soil in search of signs of microbes. The results that came back from the twin Viking missions were, to say the least, ambiguous. The scientific literature contains decades of debate over what they found. Rather than focusing on the question of life, a new SETI Institute-lead study, which was carried out at NASA Ames, was more interested in defining the martian environment that the Vikings sampled. The results suggest the landers not only found evidence of perchlorate salts on the surface, but there also should be highly reactive related compounds that can decompose organic compounds at low temperatures and explain the results of the Viking biology experiments.
Was that environment habitable, however? Richard Quinn, who is a SETI Institute researcher with Ames' Planetary Systems Branch, says the more relevant question now is how well Mars can preserve evidence of ancient biosignatures, or chemical signs of life. This focus began to shift in 2009, he said, after published results showed NASA's Mars Phoenix mission detected perchlorates at the north pole.
"People are always looking back at the Viking results. They were never thoroughly explained," Quinn said. "The Phoenix mission has focused the science debate in a new direction, and it's moved away from superoxide-peroxide based chemistry to a chlorine and chlorine-oxide based chemistry."
The difference sounds subtle to the outsider, but looking closer, it does reveal a "different picture" about how habitable the soil is - which is something scientists are still investigating, Quinn added.
"Based on what we know about life in extreme environments, interpretations of mission results indicate that we are currently exploring habitable ancient environments on Mars, and I believe that these are solid interpretations. What the discovery of perchlorate tells us about is how the surface of Mars may have evolved in more recent times. The question is about preservation potential of biosignatures rather than the intrinsic habitability of the ancient environment."
479931main pia09942-390NASA sent the twin Viking landers for a 1976 arrival on the Red Planet, which was an ambitious first for an agency that had just performed the first manned landing on the Moon nine years beforehand. Both missions performed flawlessly for many Earth years beyond their 90-day expiration date.
NASA's Viking Mission was composed of two spacecraft, Viking 1 and Viking 2, each consisting of an orbiter and a lander. The primary mission objectives were to obtain high resolution images of the Martian surface, characterize the structure and composition of the atmosphere and surface, and search for evidence of life. Viking 1 was launched on August 20, 1975 and arrived at Mars on June 19, 1976.
The first month of orbit was devoted to imaging the surface to find appropriate landing sites for the Viking Landers. On July 20, 1976 the Viking 1 Lander separated from the Orbiter and touched down at Chryse Planitia. Viking 2 was launched September 9, 1975 and entered Mars orbit on August 7, 1976. The Viking 2 Lander touched down at Utopia Planitia on September 3, 1976.
The Orbiters imaged the entire surface of Mars at a resolution of 150 to 300 meters, and selected areas at 8 meters. The lowest periapsis altitude for both Orbiters was 300 km. The Viking 2 Orbiter was powered down on July 25, 1978 after 706 orbits, and the Viking 1 Orbiter on August 17, 1980, after over 1400 orbits.
The results from the Viking experiments gave what was then our most complete view of Mars. Volcanoes, lava plains, immense canyons, cratered areas, wind-formed features, and evidence of surface water are apparent in the Orbiter images. The planet appears to be divisible into two main regions, northern low plains and southern cratered highlands. Superimposed on these regions are the Tharsis and Elysium bulges, which are high-standing volcanic areas, and Valles Marineris, a system of giant canyons near the equator. The surface material at both landing sites can best be characterized as iron-rich clay. Measured temperatures at the landing sites ranged from 150 to 250 K, with a variation over a given day of 35 to 50 K. Seasonal dust storms, pressure changes, and transport of atmospheric gases between the polar caps were observed. The biology experiment produced no evidence of life at either landing site.
While the spacecraft carried many experiments on board, it is the three biology experiments they carried that have come under the most scrutiny. These were:
1. A gas exchange experiment that took a sample of Mars soil, brought it inside the lander and spiked it with a liquid solution that had organic and inorganic compounds in it. In this experiment, the soil released oxygen when exposed to water, even before it came in contact with the liquid solution. After contacting the solution, the soil decomposed organic compounds.
2. A labelled release experiment that put Earth organic compounds inside a bit of Mars soil. These compounds were labelled with radioactive markers to see how well any potential microorganisms would absorb the nutrients. The experiment showed carbon dioxide being released.
3. A pyrolytic release experiment heated a sample of Mars soil and saw some organic residues coming off of the soil. (While this was covered in Quinn's other research, this particular experiment was not addressed on this occasion.)
The labelled release experiment and pyrolytic release results appeared to be consistent with how Earth microbes would behave under similar conditions, but scientists were skeptical for a few reasons. One was that that the gas exchange experiment was not consistent with the presence of microbes, and instead indicated the present of reactive compounds, or oxidants in the soil. Additionally, the Viking organic analysis experiment did not detect any organic compounds that were thought to be of martian origin. Further, some scientists say it's probable that high solar ultraviolet radiation hitting the soil makes the surface sterile and hostile to life.
Scientists' understanding of Mars has changed immeasurably in the decades since, however, including the discovery of water ice sitting currently at the poles, and probable flowing water in the ancient past. Further, technology has made it possible to detect smaller bits of stuff than what was possible during the 1970s.
In 2006, a University of Mexico-led study recreated the experiments in several environments on Earth that are considered similar to Mars, such as the Chilean desert, and found organic compounds that contained chlorine. The aforementionted NASA Ames study, which was published in 2010 in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, suggested that organic materials break down into chloromethane and dichloromethane during heating in the presence of perchlorate.
In Quinn's new work, his team took perchlorate samples and sealed them in an atmosphere that is similar to what is found on Mars. These samples were exposed to a gamma radiation source to simulate the harsh radiation environment on the Red Planet, whose thin atmosphere is not enough to shield the surface from highly energetic particles bombarding the surface.
The Viking 1 lander dug trenches on Mars to collect samples for later analysis. Credit: NASA "Perchlorate itself is a relatively common compound; people are familiar with its use in rocket fuel." Quinn said. "It can be a very strong reactant or very strong oxidizer, but you have to heat it. You have to get over an initial energy barrier to activate perchlorates. Perchlorate alone can not explain the Viking biology experiments, because at low temperature perchlorate is not reactive."
In the case of the gas exchange experiment, the researchers were able to reproduce the oxygen release in the lab using this sort of "radiation-damaged" perchlorate. Rerunning the labelled release experiment also duplicated the results of Viking, with carbon dioxide released.
"What we did with the ionizing radiation was to decompose the perchlorate into more reactive, compounds," Quinn said, referring to oxychlorine and "oxygen species" such as oxygen gas, chlorine dioxide and hypochlorite (the latter being best known on Earth as an ingredient of bleach).
The Viking experiments didn't measure the decomposition or perchlorate in the natural environment. This occurs over many thousands of years. But Viking biology experiments did measure the effects of perchlorate decomposition products. When these compounds become wet they release oxygen and they decompose organics used in the labelled release experiment.
"Most likely perchlorate chemistry will not be the focus of that mission. The focus of Mars 2020 will be to cache high priority science samples for a return, and then we'll learn about the perchlorate [back on Earth.]"
The European Space Agency is planning its first rover on the Red Planet, called ExoMars, to launch in 2018. Its planned laser desorption mass spectrometer on board would send a beam of ultraviolet light to soil samples, releasing organic compounds. It is also possible to use this method to detect perchlorate, Quinn said.
"The laser can cause perchlorate to react with soil organics forming chorine containing organics that can be detected with the mass spectrometer," he said.
The SETI findings were recently published in the journal Astrobiology.
The Daily Galaxy via NASA Astrobio.net
"Has Mars Preserved Evidence of Ancient Life?" SETI Takes a Groundbreaking New Look at the 1976 Viking Mission Findings.
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Saturday, 14 January 2012
Best Ufo Documentary A Suburban Ufo Mystery
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At approximately 11.00 am on Wednesday, 6 April 1966, a class of students and a teacher from Westall High School (now Westall Secondary College) were just completing sports on the main oval when an object, described as being a grey saucer shaped craft with a slight purple hue and being about twice the size of a family car, was alleged to have been seen. "BEST UFO DOCUMENTARY"
Witness descriptions were mixed: Andrew Greenwood, a science teacher, told The Dandenong Journal at the time that he saw a silvery-green disc. According to witnesses the object was descending and then crossed and overflew the high school's south-west corner, going in a south-easterly direction, before disappearing from sight as it descended behind a stand of trees and into a paddock at The Grange in front of the Westall State School (primary students).
After a short period (approximately 20 minutes) the object - with witnesses now numbering over 200 - then climbed at speed and departed towards the north-west. As the object gained altitude some accounts describe it as having been pursued from the scene by five unidentified aircraft which circled the object.
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Reference: ufos-and-aliens.blogspot.com
Friday, 13 January 2012
Alien Evolution Part 2
So, sure, this alien abduction researcher can point to evidence showing that aliens used to abduct humans in isolated outdoor areas back in the '60s and now they abduct people right from their bedrooms, and the aliens used to wear snappy uniforms and visor caps in the '60s and now they treat our planet like it's one big nudist colony... but what if the only thing that's changed is our perception of the phenomenon, not the phenomenon itself?
Is it too Freudian to wonder why people in 2011 experience naked beings invading their bedrooms and kidnapping them? And, oh yes, probing them? Maybe that's oversimplification, but it's true that what makes humans insecure changes over time. We had different nightmares in the 1960s than we do in 2011. Why wouldn't our perceptions of a threatening alien encounter change over the course of five decades? The end result is the same: the abductee feels completely powerless.
Kind of makes you wonder what an alien abduction in 2050 might look like...
Credit: aliens-are-friends.blogspot.com
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Could Atom Smasher Be Used As A Time Machine
Alien Abductions Of Primitive Women
Jose Caravaca, our Spanish supporter, conjectures that sure of the images found in the rock paintings of Tassili (above/below) insinuate scenes of abduction by, we bring, extraterrestrial theater company.
The paintings beneath, he envisions, show women being led to a "saucer" or bulbous craft:
This painting (beneath), from Tassili, is normally cited by Melancholy Astronaut theorists as an image of a space-helmeted alien being from impartial the Earth:
And in the washed out painting above, one sees that self-same "helmet" on a being being active anyplace.
Were the helmets looked-for for stir impartial the Earth's atmosphere?
Were the helmets very space helmets? Or division of primitive technical garb?
Senor Caravaca's place is luscious, but is represent unusual explanation for the images?
We don't encounter an anthropological broadsheet on the ball.
Dr. Giorgio Gualco, in the article recycled by Make fun of Sordelet, in his base about Tassili a few time ago, suggests that the paintings are "characterized by human facts like round heads, normally quality headdresses of horns or the length of."
Dr. Gualco is motto the depictions are caricatures of slim, but the Tassili paintings didn't send up the flora and fauna obtainable, or suchlike else.
The humans pictured are (imaginatively) stylized, but not to a size that they are unrecognizable as human beings. The women's breasts are important and their gender compared to pictures of men is acquit.
So why would the painters put up headdresses (helmets!) that are split from their actuality; that is, why helmets that are "caricatured" like no matter which else isn't?
Jose Caravaca's discerning eye may have a meal found no matter which -- no matter which to leftovers AA theory and Strange Annexation stories moreover.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Half Of Ufo Sightings Of 50 And 60 Claimed By Cia
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