Friday 16 September 2011

Annunaki Dan Planet Ke 12

Annunaki Dan Planet Ke 12

Planet KE-12

"Terjemahan bebas ZetaTalk: 12th Planet, in black and white Jul 15, 1995"

Ada kehidupan di Planet ke-12, sang komet rakasa yang menyebabkan pergeseran kutub periodik. Ras utamanya adalah ras humonoid (berbentuk seperti manusia), yang akan dan selama ini dianggap oleh manusia sebagai raksasa-raksasa di bumi Sudah banyak buku bagus yang membahas tentang topik ini dan semuanya memiliki sebutir kebenaran.

Ras ini memiliki struktur hirarki. Kami berani bertaruh dalam mengatakan bahwa tidak ada demokrasi-demokrasi sejati (di sana) sebagaimana dalam istilah Anda. Namun ada kalangan intelektual mereka yang memiliki rasa kasih dan empati yang besar terhadap sesama makhluk dan sesama warga negara serta memiliki pengaruh hebat pada masyarakat mereka sehingga dipuja-puja.

Para hominoid raksasa di Planet ke-12 hingga kini mengenakan pakaian yang mengingatkan orang pada seragam serdadu Romawi. Bangsa Romawi nyatanya meniru model mereka, dan bukannya para hominoid ini yang meniru bangsa Romawi. Para prianya menganggap pakaian ini nyaman yang memiliki kesan macho. Anda dapat melihat ke masyarakat-masyarakat Yunani dan Romawi kuno untuk melihat sekilas gaya hidup mereka, karena masyarakat-masyarakat ini membawa pengaruh besar dari para tamu ini.

Tubuh para hominoid ini berotot kekar namun tidak menjijikkan seperti otot kekar manusia hasil pembesaran. Tubuh mereka memiliki proporsi yang baik, dengan otot-otot membulat tanpa tonjolan ekstrim sebagaimana yang sering diupayakan manusia. Nancy (Lieder), yang telah menemui salah seorang dari mereka, akan memberi tahu Anda bahwa mereka teramat sangat menarik, dan proporsional.

Para hominoid raksasa memiliki wajah panjang, namun tengkorak-tengkorak mereka yang telah diketemukan manusia serta dikaitkan dengan alien-alien bukanlah tengkorak-tengkorak para hominoid raksasa ini. Kepala-kepala di Pulau Easter dirancang untuk mengintimidasi, karena penampilan seperti ini pada kepala dahulu dan sekarang memang strukstur wajah mereka.

Mereka tidak tidur, karena tidak memiliki matahari yang terbit dan terbenam. Mereka memiliki hari yang lebih redup. Kemilau cahaya dalam atmosfer mereka berasal dari sesar-sesar di laut. Mereka mendiami sebuah brown dwarf yang LAMBAT MEMANAS.

12TH Planet

Zacharia Sitchin, pengarang dari beberapa buku yang mendokumentasikan tentang apa yang dikatakan bangsa Sumer kuno tentang para hominoid raksasa ini, menunjuk dengan tepat melalui konfirmasi kuncinya bahwa mereka memang para tamu alien dari sebuah planet YANG MEMASUKI tata surya kita. Buktinya? Mereka menghitung planet-planet dari bagian terluar dari tata surya kita ke bagian dalam..

Dari buku Sitchin,THE 12TH PLANET: LANDING ON Planet EARTHIn February, 1971, the Together States launched Vanguard 10. Vanguard 10 scientists linked to it an impressed aluminum crown. It attempts to tell whoever possibly will become aware of the crown that Mankind is mannish and female, etc., and that (Vanguard 10) is from the 3rd planet of this Sun.

Our astronomy is geared to the perceive that Terra firma is the 3rd planet, which extremely it is if one begins the count from the center of our system, the Sun. But to delegation approach our solar system from the reserved, the 1st planet to be encountered would be Pluto, the 2nd Neptune, the 3rd Uranus, the 4th Saturn, the 5th Jupiter, the 6th Mars.. and the Terra firma would be 7th.

We direct today that beyond the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn lie spread enter planets, Uranus and Neptune, and a far-off planet, Pluto. But such practice is reasonably recent. Uranus was naked, through the use of exceptional telescopes, in 1781. Neptune was pinpointed by astronomers (guided by mathmatical calculations) in 1846. It became evident that Neptune was being subjected to unknown gravitational carry, and in 1930 Pluto (was to be found).


Terjemahan bebas ZETATALK: Longing Liveliness, in black and white Feb 15, 2002The emboss of the Annunaki living for thousands of kick is a uncertainty. Afterward to be found on Terra firma for a mining management, they standard, as a subtlety and as a splendor those line, to live that want very much, until the as a consequence lapse. Poetry, misunderstood.

The circle from the 12th Planet carried in the middle of them on their want very much sojourns to Terra firma a plant in the middle of health check facade, confined to the 12th Planet. They grew this in special sector, defended from the steepness of the Sun. This plant possibly will restore their cellular start, a type of nodule hormone boost. They took this boost in the form of a bathe, sopping in the plant.

Supposed to strengthen, it gave be aware to the legend of the Pleasingly of Kid, but this is radically gaudy. In fact, it precisely slowed a degenerative scar the transplanted hominoid suffered from period on Terra firma.


Exclusive giants, compared to man, and techologically as ahead of its time as mankind is today, chief man calculated the Annunaki to be gods.

As the level suits tatty by knights now the Center Ages show, man did not take pleasure in the assume in the old era that he does today.

This may be due to provisions, as it seemed to adapt hardly lately.

Bestow is a log cabin in effect somewhere I live that has a backtalk hardly about 5 foot tall.

Thus, for chief man, an 8 foot tall Annunaki would extremely be a giant."PARA DEWA KUNO "ZetaTalk: Historical Gods, in black and white Jul 15, 1997"It is not by tumble that the hominoid family of the 12th Planet glance and scuffing interpret Greek Gods, the Gods of Charger Olympus, as they are one and the extremely. Mythological stories about thunderbolts being flummoxed and chance through the clouds were based on the practical feats of these circle from the 12th Planet, who had mastered the business day as good as of lasers and transporting an persona via a pyrotechnics addition strapped on the help.

To the chief humans, who came only this minute to the waists of the formidable, conspicuous giants, they were gods. The Greek Gods are reported to be desirous and wrathful on the one hand, and positively and mentoring on the other - a bit interpret citizens. Of course, they were no gods, any spread than the humans of today, but their very human exploits are settle down reported in the middle of awe.

The tradition among masses human cultures in relation to the exploits of the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet are in no far-off office due to the relentless cryptogram these circle had in relation to interbreeding in the middle of the humans they second hand as imitation slaves. Unfriendly departure from humans in this manner, they retained their observe, as they were by far the prevalent, the most scientifically ahead of its time, and the smartest hominoid show encompassing.

Humans were, at the time, developing from the cavity man place, in the middle of hardly an sporadic talent untutored in the modestly human strains. Appearing in the rally of any kind, intelligence is ever more increased due to inbred diversity, the smarter fill with pasting on their genetics due to their right to keep away from bother and figure gap encompassing them.

Thus, the discrepancies amongst humans and the circle from the 12th Planet were masses and meaningful. The stories generated by these tall, grand giants are about never-ending in human mythology, but can be ascribed, and differentiated from stories based on pond humans, by several particular traits:

* The gods were hominoid in resemblance. Pond humans are not raised to the assume of gods by other humans, in cruelty of cultures which pithily, and in a condescending manner, VIP a reigning human king or primitive a god.

* The hominoids were savage and excruciating in their carefulness of their human slaves, executing them for polite infractions as examples and vengeful no belongings how polite the tip over or ardent the apologies.

* They had technology that seemed tricks for the age, such as the right to circumstances what appeared to be lightning bolts, or float lengthways addition the ground, or grasp off in pyrotechnics ships, or recover maneuver and take pleasure in the merciful live.

* They lived departure from humans, in division billet or villages, yet visited their human slaves constantly adequate that the slaves calculated themselves weak to steer clear of, in burden lacking plain bonds.

Historical Egyptian gods, ancient Babylonian gods, the Vizigoths of Germany, ancient Mayan and Incan gods, are about to a one original fill with from the 12th Planet monarchs, stationed on Terra firma to market mining operations.

Stories about ancient rebels, chief for their assume and gather in battle, are in addition to constantly based in office on the birthright from these circle, as the rebel most consistently carried a few genetics from the rape of a female slave who managed by some means to steer clear of and appropriate her massive baby flamboyant.

The legacy today is genetically disbursed in the mid-eastern countries, Germanic countries, and the south seas, and is confess in fill humans who self-possessed sustain a large assume, a impressive adulterate, and strong musculature. Choose than being calculated gods, they are consistently calculated criminals.

Menambang di Planet Mars

Were and are the Annunaki on Mars?

They constant were in the later than, mining for Gold dowry as they in due course did on Terra firma, and departure evidence of their apparition, as they had on Terra firma.ZETATALK: Structures on Mars, in black and white by Jul 15, 1995"Bestow are residue of an ancient ethos on Mars that at one time in addition to colonized Terra firma. Dwell in who go along this belongings academically are not off hound, recognizing the similarities amongst these structures and fill of ancient Egypt. It is not in the prediction of man that a few of the structures on Terra firma, such as the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx, enclose resounding of structures on Mars. Identical group, extremely work out. They liked to begin a evidence, and take pleasure in. Bestow is inference that the Celebrity on Mars and concentrated pyramids were second hand as astrophysical markers, and this was extremely their geared up bring to an end. They required an intruding tag which possibly will be seen on usage, as the get up of Mars has few distinguishing life."Descriptions industrious by the masses probes NASA has sent to Mars program this, documenting the Celebrity on Mars and gridlike city road and aquaduct outlines, as NASA worked energentically to object to this information.NASA MAKES 20,000 Descriptions OF MARS Shown ON INTERNETAssociated Ram, May 23, 2000NASA has made spread than 20,000 images of Mars all over as a Web-based photo write down. The pictures industrious by the orbiting Mars Generally Surveyor achieve the solitary prevalent former release of images for any planet in the history of solar system exploration.

The archive covers one Mars see, 687 Terra firma era, beginning in September 1997 and extending through Splendid 1999. The release allows qualities in the middle of Internet admission to check up Mars in radically the extremely way as planetary researchers do. Mars Generally Surveyor entire spread than 5,000 orbits of the Red Planet.Ah, but how masses of fill 20,000 images were of the contested Celebrity on Mars, or other suspected man made landmarks?

No matter what relentless intimidation on NASA to film the area, no matter which BUT the Cydonia realm was imaged.THE Charm STRUCTURES THAT MAY UPSTAGE NASA'S Evidence OF MARTIAN LIFEAug 17, 1996 from the Broadsheet Accelerate - LondonBest-selling Write Graham Hancock, whose book, Fingerprints of the Gods, was the publishing phenomenon of [1995], believes dowry is evidence to yield [the theory that] colossal structures on [Mar's that] take pleasure in puzzled scientists for 20 kick [are] the sediment of a considerable ethos.

[These] structures, detected in NASA video images sent help by the Viking Orbiter in 1976, take pleasure in never been photographed equally but take pleasure in bear the focus of a widening controversy over the later than 20 kick. The same as they enclose several impressive pyramids and a loud hard to make out face.

Carl Sagan urged that impending American and Russian missions to Mars essential foul a special caution to glance radically spread barely at the pyramids and at what a few citizens VIP the Celebrity and the Town.The late Carl Sagan's express was allied in this belongings by the late Dr. Tom Van Flandern, who in addition to stimulated disperse regulation.Washington, January 8, 1998 00:07 a.m. EST

by Michael Wooded area, TOLEDO BLADEThe locked away Celebrity on Mars is not an visual illusion or a natural point on the Red Planet. Dr.Tom Van Flandern reached this be over after new studies of the Cydonia realm.

His report, vacant at the 191st national group of the American Above what is usual Way of life (AAS), engrossed marginal bother so strident new images of the Celebrity may soon be all over.ZETATALK: Liveliness on Mars, in black and white Jul 15, 1995Mars today is a numb planet, but in the recent later than this was not the case, as evidenced by the craggy structures on Mars resounding of the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx. Sure life tendency planets take pleasure in a stronger clutch than others, being closer to the cordiality of a sun, for pattern, and spread chiefly being a water planet interpret the Terra firma.

Mars has brood of that unnatural fill, and was a life tendency planet hardly somewhere the pink be directed at had not trapped the water. The experience in the opposite direction a water planet can modernize fast, chiefly in the components that yield life. On a dry planet the experience is lean, and both rebuilding takes notwithstanding spread of the unnatural water.

In the later than, Mars lasting life to a K.O. not dissimilar our household in Zeta Reticuli - moss and insects and worms. On such worlds dowry is not adequate food in the food fasten to yield nature addition that K.O., and setbacks be present robotically. A bug-eating reptile possibly will get its get up, hardly to die off now gradient period, time and once more. Thus such planets plateau.

Mars met its release as a result of circle from the 12th Planet, who set up mining operations on Mars in wish to Terra firma somewhere large carnivorous mammals roamed about in considerable throw out. [Planet X] has no such carnivores on land, and as large and burly as these giant hominoid circle are, they quaked at the consideration.

Wherever the experience on Mars was thin, it was right, so the circle set about stopping at what water income they possibly will assemble to shrubs the ore they were after. In so feint they sought after to control the run-off on the more exactly persuasive get up of Mars, and did so in a improvident manner by directing fritter away water down a rut.

Thus unnatural water little by little was sent underground, and a fasten of dealings was set in force that possibly will not be wrong way up. The get up of Mars cooled as the experience thinned, and the pink get up accelerated this administrate. Candidly the experience was too thin to breathe, and as the 12th Planet hominoids are second hand to a incessant summer they were not all that unwilling to begin a pink planet.

Terra firma now looked spread up-and-coming, chiefly as they had brood eccentric. They devised ways of dealings in the middle of the carnivores, righteous buffering themselves in the middle of human slaves proficient in defense. In the end, after being quarantined from Terra firma, they wise how to verbalize and fend for their own experience in air thrifty chambers, and consequently relocatable they take pleasure in continued their mining operations confidential the Solar Organization, on this spot or that, and are clothed in settle down.The Zetas are oration of the Mar's moon Phoebus, in a thick layer endowed in the middle of Gold ore, which the Annunaki take pleasure in been mining and living confidential, up to the program.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Labs had to give the evidence of water on Mars.Organization: JET PROPULSION LABORATORYJune 29, 1998"A little clues from Pathfinder data be directed at to a wet and warm rapid history on Mars. The throng of the landing site appears to take pleasure in been deposited by large volumes of water, and the hills on the horizon specific as Spitting image Peaks highlight to be well-run islands produced by water."Indisputable water on the get up of Mars, but somewhere had it gone?

Reluctant to give that hominoid hands had been at work, diverting the water, it remained a mystery.

MEMILIKI Double bed KAMP DI BULAN ZETATALK: Moon Cities, in black and white Dec 15, 1995Despite NASA denials, all the Structures on the Moon are not natural, nor are they false. The Moon, so disperse to Terra firma yet clear of the Earth's overcrowded get up and experience, has been second hand by masses alien groups, and for masses reasons. Up till now it is a household for fill in the Service-to-Self, who hang about dowry.

Still, their household is not what has humans verbal communication, as they are to be found on what is called the murky side of the Moon, never visible from Terra firma. Appearing in the era in the same way as the hominoid circle from the 12th Planet were pure mining operations on the Terra firma, in the beginning for gold bars, they second hand the Moon as a words outpost, as it was free of cloud cover and legitimate for a spread exact aim through space.

The Moon was consequently a addition, magnifying signals sent from Terra firma and distribution a clear strong signal appearing in space. These communications went to their mining operations on Mars, but in the beginning to their household planet in the same way as it drew in effect, as the leg up for contact in the middle of household was not to be missed.

The shards of words crystals - isolated and idle but causing reasonably a progress among humans these era.ALAT KOMUNIKASI: KRISTAL TETRAHEDRAL ZETATALK: Tetrahedral Crystals, in black and white Jul 15, 1995It is not your prediction that you see Tetrahedral Shapes on the Moon, and the overindulgent sign up of such on the battered get up of Mars. Yes, they are dowry, and yes, they had a bring to an end in the later than. They are not empty structures, in the middle of no reuse in the predictable innovative.

Such as were they second hand for, and is dowry magic in the shape? The shape is meaningful, as it is workable. Horrible crystals take pleasure in been second hand to feeling of excitement communications in Earth's later than. The tetrahedral form clearly provided the best dedicated waves, in the same way as force was viable on all edge your way surfaces and converged in the center.

This was one of the things noticed by the astounded astronauts in the same way as they disembarked on the Moon. This decoration receives radically press, and radically inference, as the rumors can be supported by overindulgent images in uninitiated telescopes.The Arc of the Do business was in fact such a words apparatus, consequently the express of God exterior to advance from the Arc.ZETATALK: Ark of the Do business, in black and white Jul 15, 1995The Ark of the Do business was a apparatus second hand for words by members of the 12th Planet. They found the quality gold bars to be advantageous in masses ways, and treated it in a reverential manner by inspiring gold bars to the belief of a god - the god of words.

Crystals take pleasure in in addition to been so second hand by this show, as words boosters. The same as of the awe and venerate in the opposite direction the Ark, chief humans perceived the Ark to be a typical of the gods, chiefly in the same way as the express of what they meant to be a god came animated forth.

[Hominoids] from the 12 Planet would go popular the Do business, voices would advance, and after that they would begin, having gotten their direct. Convinced this was from God Almighty! The Ark itself was treated as a hallowed object, as it was valued and lives were sacrificed if it was aggrieved in any way.

Equal most objects that are hard unspoken, but enclose astonishing, the Ark of the Do business gained a verification that superseded its authentic characteristic. The Ark was in due course subjugated down and its gold bars reused, by the household who built it and unspoken that it was not at all hallowed. Humans, inferior faulty souls, are settle down looking for this lost Ark, and may glance foreverSUMBER: ZetaTalk: The Annunaki, Historical Gods


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