Friday 15 June 2012

Klaatu Barada Nikto Hey Earthlings Stop With The Nukes

As with the majority of Ufological and Fortean phenomena all we have to rely on is the testimonies of the witnesses. Take for instance last week when a group of retired military officials, lead by Robert Hastings, gathered in Washington DC at the National Press Club to discuss their UAP experiences which took place while they were stationed at Nuclear Facilities during the Cold War. A UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) is a term that NARCAP (National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena) coined in an attempt to avoid the cultural baggage associated with the more common term UFO. The hope was that together with this new, less loaded term and the weight of the ex-military officers' testimonies that perhaps some credibility could be given to this topic by both the public and the media. However, the press conference was given minimal media attention so no credibility was given to the testimonies of the officers. Due to the lack of coverage let's take a moment to review their testimonies. While the officers were underground in nuclear silos, UAPs would appear suddenly in the air over the base. The UAPs were being seen by the ground crews and were being picked up on radar. As these objects were hovering over the silos they would knock all of the nuclear missiles offline simultaneously-the missiles were designed to be operated and maintained independently to prevent such an outcome. The missiles would be reactivated the minute that the UAPs seemed to fly away. These events took place at numerous nuclear facilities around the country. These incidents took place at the height of the cold war meaning the officers would have been on constant high alert to recognize anything that would have been flying in the air.How did the media and the U.S. Military decide to cover this significant event in US History? For starters, John Kelly, of the Washington Post, spent the majority of his article discussing the kind of cookies that were served at the Press Club. The Military most likely did not respond because of the Robertson Panel (which concluded that the Air Force should get out of the UFO business and use the Media to dissuade people from an interest in the phenomena). Retired military officials stood up to publicly admit that they had encountered bizarre occurrences while operating in nuclear silos, and the most the media could muster was a review of the cookies that are served. Obviously there is an air of ridicule still over this topic. no matter the level of credibility of the witness, in this case retired military officials, nor the PR facelift of the term UFO to UAP, this topic may not ever be taken seriously. The best we can hope for is for enough people to come forward so that perhaps we can break through the ridicule, put an end to the Robertson Panel's conclusions, and give this topic the attention it deserves.


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