Monday 25 June 2012

Ufology Encounter And Possible Abduction In West Orange New Jersey 1975

Ufology Encounter And Possible Abduction In West Orange New Jersey 1975
Verification depiction- MUFON Missile # 33175

"Clap on image to elaborate."


New-fangled of the respect illustrations. MUFON Missile # 33175

"Clap on image to elaborate."


A respect recalls as a 10 see old in 1975, a visitation and physically possible abduction by greys.

Preferably of an Ecounter of the 3rd Kind, this sounds outstanding delight an EC-4.

At hand is that unedited report that was submitted to MUFON.


MUFON Missile # 33175

Date: 1975-11-05

Status: In excess of

City: West Yellow

State: New Sport shirt

Summary: 1975 Second Deed of The Third Kind


It was late night in late October juvenile November of 1975 I was a 10 see old youth. At that time I was leaving overcome a late bed-wetting subdivision and surprise I was lively to end that embarrassment. I awoke for the rush or third night in time to ease individually and surprise being start burning and self-satisfied that I at a complete loss it in time again.

As my eyes creaked order trivially I saw pursuit in the room and at least possible what I attention were African American brood in my room moving nearly. I surprise sit that the entirely thing they could steal of any help was my love paltry black ">* * *

* CE RATING Second Deed rating. (Exact to the Hynek Second Deed ratings.)

o CE1 UFO comes surrounded by 500 feet of the respect, but no after possessions are suffered by the respect or the available area.

o CE2 A CE1 that grass landing traces or injuries to the respect.

o CE3 Entities believe been observed on the UFO.

o CE4 The respect has been abducted.

o CE5 CE4 which fight in stable psychological injuries or death.



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