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THIS Commentary ESTABLISHES THE Rife University Share out Imaginary CONTRADICTING A LOT OF THE Register PROFFERED BY SITCHIN. SITCHIN Unfilled A Plain Story Track THAT HE Later STRUGGLED TO Swell Surrounded by Unyielding Register. Equal Story Suspicion ARE Sated FROM INDIAN SCRIPTURE AND Then In doubt THE Outlet TO Activist INTERPRETATIONS OF Approximately Register. I Have BEEN Motivated BY THESE CULTURAL SOURCES TO Mug FOR A Plain Archetype OF MY OWN AND Have Paper Greatly THAT IS Handhold IN At the same time as AND Plunk AND Might Promisingly BE THE Imagination FOR THE ACCOUNTS HANDED Tipple. SITCHIN'S Grace IS THAT THE TEXTUAL Description OF CUNEIFORM Tablets IS Generally Improbable AS ALL Older TESTS Obligation BE. IN THIS Sort THE Enterprise OF SUMER Obligation Have BEEN Round about 8,000 Existence AGO The same as THE PERSIAN Flaw Waterlogged. THE Real Understanding OF THE Marine LANDS WAS AT Least A Pair OF THOUSAND Existence Abovementioned Maybe AND Likely INITIATED BY THE COLONIZING Situate LED BY NOAH WHO INTRODUCED Undeveloped SCIENCE. MY Surveillance device IS THE Luxuriousness OF At the same time as. THE NOAH Story SURVIVED Now THE Head AGE AND WAS TRANSLATED Now THEIR WORLDVIEW. IT IS Amazingly Unscratched IN Vocabulary OF Interest TO MY MODERNIST Description. SITCHEN'S Surveillance device IS THAT HE TRIED ASSOCIATING NAMES Surrounded by A Generate Story THAT IS NOT IN THE Prose. Where DID THE Generate Story In fact Turn up FROM? I ASK THAT, In the function of THE Generate Story HEARKENS Generate TO INDIAN Fabric AND IS NOT OUT OF Plunk. IT IS Quite good NOT Visibly REFLECTED IN CUNEIFORM TEXTS AND I Be concerned about HE Anxious THE Register. Natives TEXTS WERE Older IN Vocabulary OF THE Society OF A Everyday Arrangement AND I DO NOT Be concerned about SITCHIN Highly High-quality HAT. MY Unequivocal IS THAT THE Generate Story IS In fact Proud IN POINTING TO NEW QUESTIONS AND Right HAS AWOKEN Concern IN SOUTH AFRICAN ARTISAN Gold bars MINING. IT Might BE THAT IT IS Early Vivacity IN Understanding THE Low down OF Everyday Derivation AND A Magnitude OF Register Chi Irrevocably Vanish Seeing that APPEARS Sizeable. OR A Manage Treatment WAS IN Plunk ALA SITCHIN'S Description. "In doubt Memorandum" "HTTP://WWW.SITCHINISWRONG.COM/LETTER/LETTER.HTM""The work of Zecharia Sitchin was brought to my politeness in 2001, tersely after I extensive my book, The Side. As a trained knowledgeable in ancient Semitic languages moreover a long-term trouble in UFOs and paranormal phenomena, I was inherently encouraged about Mr. Sitchin's studies, particularly for instance I had above and beyond heard he was a Sumerian knowledgeable. I inconvenience I had found a interaction moral fiber. Sorrowfully, I was indecorous. Zecharia Sitchin is not a knowledgeable of ancient languages. Seeing that he has written in his books may possibly neither intervene make equal abridge nor is it sentient by exact data from the chief sources. I have yet to trail one moreover papers or confirmable cunning in Sumerian, Akkadian, or any of the other ancient Semitic languages who has in a good way assessed Mr. Sitchin's quick work.""The reader basic make sure that the bits and pieces of my criticism is not due to "interpretation contemplation," as despite the fact that Mr. Sitchin and I carefully vary over possible translations of be contiguous mail. The same as it comes to the Mesopotamian sources, what is at stake is the politeness of the cuneiform prescription themselves, nominated moreover the inheritance of Sumer and Mesopotamian scribes. Fine sincerely, the ancient Mesopotamians compiled their own dictionaries - we have them and they have been published for instance the mid-20th century. The mail Mr. Sitchin tells us dispatch to accelerate ships have no such meanings according to the ancient Mesopotamians themselves. By the same token past Mr. Sitchin tells readers belongings like the Sumerians expected award were twelve planets, the Anunnaki were space travelers, Nibiru was the believed 12th planet, etc., he is sincerely fabricating data. It isn't a spring of how he translates texts; the factor is that these deliberation don't exist in any cuneiform lettering at all. To support in embracing Mr. Sitchin's views on this zone (and a crowd of others) amounts to rejecting the inheritance of the ancient Sumerian and Akkadian scribes whose hard work have acquire down to us from the ages. Put plainly, is it snooty clear-headed to character a Mesopotamian scribe's explanation of a cautioning, or Mr. Sitchin's?""Zecharia Sitchin's work in other texts, such as the Bible, is correspondingly indelicate. This site bears guarantee to the sorts of erors Sitchin makes in chat recital and interpretation moreover hold to the Hebrew Bible and the Behind schedule Sea Scrolls.""Seeing that I've understood there is very frank. It would be logically neutral to facts that I am indecorous. All one requirements to do is declare texts that I say don't exist, and declare single of Sitchin's translations by other experts (that's called make equal abridge). In the role of I don't character such evidence behest be expansive, I plan this kind mention to Zecharia Sitchin, his followers, and other ancient astronaut theorists who buoy up Sitchin's views.""Precious Mr. Sitchin and others:""Moment in time the matter of this mention may make it to a cope with to your quick agree to, the proposal of this mention is in the trouble of research, not pounce on. In no way do I median to criticize your individuality. Seeing that I ask is that you transfer answers and data to nether the theories you have published. At hand are my questions / needs.""1. Can you divert transfer transcripts of your quick chat work, or an residential home to which I may possibly rough copy to pay for proof of your exercise in the ancient languages in which you exculpate expertise? I would like to post this information on my website, and would blissfully do so.""2. Can you explain why your work on Origin 1:26-27 overlooks so compound undeniable grammatical indications that the cautioning elohim in that path refers to a original deity (as demonstrated on this website)?""3. Can you explain why you did not enclose the family member linguistic be of importance from the Amarna texts that shows the Akkadian chat above and beyond uses the plural cautioning for "gods" to dispatch to a original deity or individual (which of course undermines your punch-up that elohim basic dispatch to a plurality of gods)?""4. Can you explain how your clarification of the cautioning "nephilim" is at all advertisement in light of the language of Hebrew morphology? Can you transfer any evidence that "naphal" has whatsoever to do moreover dash or rockets, for instance you move "nephilim" as "personal of the enthusiastic rockets"? In other mail, can you result in forth a original ancient lettering somewhere naphal has such meanings?""5. Can you declare a original lettering that says the Anunnaki acquire from the planet Nibiru - or that Nibiru is a planet onwards Pluto? I defend that award are no such texts, and cope with you and readers to look at the occurrences of "Anunnaki" sincere there on this website. At hand is a video somewhere I show readers how to carry a search online at the Electronic Mass of Sumerian Marks website. At hand are 182 occurrences of the foretell name Anunnaki. Contents show me any evidence from the Sumerian texts themselves that the Anunnaki have any connection to Nibiru or a 12th planet (or any planet).""6. Can you explain why the assumed sun symbol on swim sticky VA 243 is not the normal sun symbol or the symbol for the sun god Shamash?""7. Can you explain why your god=planet equivalencies do not parallel the fall into line of such similar in cuneiform piercing texts?""8. Can you explain why compound of your impulsive cautioning meanings / translations of Sumerian and Mesopotamian mail are not equal moreover Mesopotamian cuneiform bilingual dictionaries?""Thank you for plunder the time to retort. I behest of course post any responses on this site.""Fervently,""Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D., Hebrew and Semitic Studies, University circles of Wisconsin-Madison"
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