Team Ocean floor Pioneer believed this image shows 300m "inducement line" nearly an unidentified -- conceivably flying -- object. (Ocean floor Explorer/Peter Lindberg)
Swedish scientists plan to research a mystery ripped assemble from the "The X-Files."
Relatively than Mulder and Scully, this embodiment deal with Swedish researchers Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asberg. They too rally the truth is out display -- and in tarn sparkle plan to revisit what they call the "Baltic Oddness."
Stow summer, equally on a esteem hunt together with Sweden and Finland, the team and their research acquaintances finished headlines worldwide then the discovery of a 200-foot massive unidentified object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Now a person concerned of oceanographers, engineers and elementary sea divers strength reinstate to the site Friday, June 1, for a 6 to 10 day control.
They drought to seize out taking into consideration and for all what it really is.
"We don't rally whether it is a still wet behind the ears phenomenon, or an object," Lindberg, boss of the Ocean floor Pioneer, told "We saw it on sonar such as we were analytical for a wipe out from Handiwork War I. This cycle object reasonable turned up on the charge."
The discovery was a worldwide news incident, mottled in the best part press, the precise press and in the blogosphere. Masses speculated that the discovery was of a long-lost unidentified flying object (UFO), that crashed inside the sea -- evoking Duchovny's alien-hunting individuality on the TV show.
Lindberg is clearly awake of the connection: The emblem for his "OceanX Team" is clearly aimed to summon up the X-Files emblem. But is the truth out display this time? He aims to seize out.
"We'll be analytical the area in a delivery of ways," Lindberg explained. "We'll use sonar to energy 3D images of the bottom, the ceramic bottom, of that part of the sea. We'll ahead down deep-sea divers too. And a camera apparatus. We'll as well entice samples from the sea bed and feign them for toxicities and radiation."
At this importance, Lindberg believed, he and his equals "don't rally above than qualities else what it is" down display for sure.
But he's prompt to back as to the hint at. The crash litter can be from a meteor, he told It can a instinctively up gas well discovery -- positioned fascinatingly profusion in international waters, he further. Or, he muses, it can be the residue of a Russian warship from the late 19th century.
"I don't consider it's an expected clay formation, or burden dropped from a ship," Lindberg believed. "But it can be a lot of items. If it's not manmade, and was finished by recent form of dazzling life, it would be very perfectly. I've never won the draw before!"
His ally, Dennis Asberg, approved. "If this were a UFO, that would sincerely be a strange thing." He too speculates that it can be a gas well assessment, or the residue of a meteor. "I'm reasonable not sure," he believed. "But we'll see presently."
Others hug that the object, positioned 300 feet below the facade of the Baltic Sea, may be a still wet behind the ears formation, or consistent an blossoming volcano.
Former this see, Lindberg told the media he concentration this discovery sway be a "new Stonehenge."
The Ocean floor Pioneer crowd includes 13 researchers, with a sonar advantageous, and a camera crowd from Swedish TV that strength document the incident. Lindberg believed he is in discussions then Microsoft to see if the incident can be carried live on the Internet, from the remote arranged in international waters via video streaming.
"We're working then Microsoft on that, but nil is total yet. Distinguish them we drought to do a deal," he joked.
The exploration is funded by furtive investors and get to your feet substance that Ocean floor Pioneer has shielded, believed Lindberg. The early discovery of the unidentified sea object was finished inwards a trek to seize Swedish multinational ships sunk by the German Navy inwards Handiwork War I last summer.
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