Friday, 31 October 2014
Ufo Sighting In Chino Valley Arizona On July 20Th 2003 Two Sharp White Hugh Moon Shape Lights
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Huge Bright Ufo Recorded Over Florida 14 Jun 2011
Sacramento Mufon Meeting June 26 2010
By Shirley Wheeler
Secretary, Pro TemMUFON Sacramento
The meeting was opened by Cynthia Siegel who made announcements of upcoming speakers. She said that Mary Barr, hypnotherapist, will offer FREE sessions to our group respectively. She circulated the latest MUFON journal and a booklet of flyers showing previous speakers and their topics. She also passed out The UFO TV catalogue, which contains a plethora of videos and DVDs relating to the paranormal. Additionally, she made a petition available to sign, which dealt with Chem-Trails, along with Conspirator-Con order forms.
New people were introduced: Devlin Rugne, who has just moved to the Stockton area from Oregon where she was Chief Investigator; and Vivian Walker who has begun photographing orbs and who will be a future presenter showing some of her photos.
Following the introductions and associated pleasantries, Cynthia introduced the speaker of the day, Janice Stork, who is the Author of the books The Earth Is Not My Home and Footprints of the Capitol Astrologer; while a legislative aide for the state, Mrs. Stork was influential in getting the practice of Astrology legalized.
Janice opened her remarks with the statement that it takes a lot of courage to stand up and speak in front of people because of the ethereal nature of her experiences. Her 'spirit guide' has, I gather, advised her to become involved with MUFON, which she acknowledged she had little knowledge of until she saw Shirley Wheeler on a local TV program. She added that on attending her first MUFON meeting, her guide advised her to sit next to Mary Barr, who subsequently agreed to do a regression for Janice, but she did not reveal the results of that session.
Janice also speaks of channeling to (or through) an ET, who explained to her that they were here to travel about the world and attempt to unify its people - in hopes of eliminating strife and war? (Something most of us wish for, I'm sure).
Janice wrote her book, The Earth Is Not My Home, at the demand of her spirit guide, saying that until she did so she had never fully understood the extent or purpose of her involvement with UFOs. She feels that writing her book has allowed her to grow spiritually and to develop her psychic abilities.
While an aide for the state, Janice met a psychic who told her that she (Janice) had once lived on a different planet and made the statement "I want to go home" which Janice feels pertains to her also. It was about this time that she began to realize that the stories of UFOs, ET, etc. were true; that there are many on this planet that feel as if it is not 'home' to them.
At Easter time in 1997 she was in Palmdale, Ca., and, walking across little hills of sand, was instructed by her guide to draw the symbols of two arrows, one pointing upward, the other down and enclose them in a circle, then raise her hands, palm outward to shoulder level. Her hands were throbbing and she was then told why ET's are here. The triangle formation so often described in sightings was EXPLAINED AS THE Earth being at the top and two other galaxies to complete the triangle; but there was no specific reason why.
She was also told some of what ETs are like; that they use mental communication and are constantly connected to each other so that they know when another ET is in trouble or has expired. She speaks of the 'sound' of a spaceship. She told of watching two silver ships circling one another near Watt and Fair Oaks in Sacramento, saying that they made figure eights and that she watched them for some time.
The last part of her talk was devoted to explaining the astrological charts she had passed out. She said making and studying such charts could predict events.
The message of her speech seems to be that one can contact ETs through astrology and other psychic means, and learn from them how to improve life here on Earth.
See Also:
MUFON Gets Major Stimulus Package From Billionaire Entrepeneur Robert Bigelow
MUFON North Carolina Winter Meeting
Grab this Headline Animator
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Truth About The Ufos And Area 51
Monday, 27 October 2014
Tiny Ufos
Saturday, 25 October 2014
Top 5 Reasons For Governments To Keep Ufos In Secret
Stanton Friedman, a physicist who once worked for such giants as Westinghouse and General Electric, has devoted much of his adult life to ferreting out clues in the UFO controversy.
Pitching his case before more than 600 campus audiences, Friedman concludes that alien aircraft have been around for decades and that governments have tried to keep an airtight lid on them.
He has five reasons for a massive and sustained cover-up that he labels "the cosmic Watergate."
1. Government agents want to figure out how crashed aircraft work.
2. No one wants any enemy governments to know what has been discovered.
3. If some trusted public figures, say the queen of England and the pope, disclosed UFOs, society would be shaken up, and earthlings would begin thinking of themselves as such, rather than as citizens of individual nations.
4. The fourth problem is the fundamentalist Christian perspective that aliens are "the work of the Devil," quoting 700 Club founder Pat Robertson and the late Rev. Jerry Falwell. The two said earth contains the only intelligence life in the universe, he said.
5. A public confirmation would lead to economic chaos, and lastly, secrecy is a way of life in government.
Click here to read the full text of the interview with Stanton Friedman
As "Pravda.Ru" previously reported KGB agents were making records of UFO observations in special Blue Folder Files comprising the famous Blue Folder have been declassified a while ago. The prominent Soviet cosmonaut Pavel Popovich got the folder from the KGB in 1991. These days Mr. Popovich holds the position of honorary president of the Academy of Informational and Applied Ufology. The folder contains numerous descriptions of UFO flights and reports on some (mostly failed) attempts taken by the military in order to catch the aliens.
Aliens acknowledged back in 1968
In 1968, 13 leading aircraft designers and engineers of a brand-new aircraft section of the Soviet Committee on Space Technology and Exploration forwarded a letter to the Soviet Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin. Actually, it was a request to set up a special organization for the study of UFOs. A reply to the letter was signed by Academician Shchukin. It is an amazing document per se:
"A number of competent organizations of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Chief Directorate of Meteorological Service, Defense Ministry and a few other agencies considered the issue of nature of the so-called flying objects. The organizations involved in the study of the atmosphere and space have been instructed to register and do research on any cases of UFOs for identification purposes. The USSR Academy of Sciences is charged with general monitoring of the phenomena, and therefore a special organization for the study of UFOs is not required."
Click here to read the full text of the article "KGB's secret UFO files finally made public"
Prepared by ALexander Timoshik
Ufologia Il Vaticano E Gli Extraterrestri
Non `e un mistero il fatto che il Vaticano abbia stupito il mondo con le sue aperture sull'esistenza degliextraterrestri, attraverso le interviste da Mons.Balducci, a Padre Funes, gesuiti della Specola Vaticana. Se il famoso articolo di padre Funes pubblicato su"l'Osservatore Romano", "L'Extraterrestre `e mio Fratello", suscit`o scalpore, ecco che recentemente un altro gesuita Padre Consolmagno ha presentato il suo libro, "Vuoi battezzare un extraterrestre?" al simposio della Nasa a Washington.Papa Francesco ha usato la metafora degli extraterrestri come paragone: "...e se i marziani, s`i, proprio quelli verdi con le orecchie a punta, ci chiedessero il battesimo? La Chiesa vada oltre i limiti". Anche in una altra metafora il Pontefice ha usato il termine alieno: "Noi non siamo salvatori di nessuno, siamo trasmettitori di un 'alieno' che ci salv`o tutti e questo possiamo trasmetterlo soltanto se assumiamo nella nostra vita, nella nostra carne e nella nostra storia la vita di questo 'alieno' che si chiama Ges`u", "sdoganando cos`i terminologie e concetti una vola considerati impronunciabili.Citiamo l'articolo del 2012 sul "Sole 24ore" del cardinaleRavasi, "Una fede extraterrestre" per recensire il libro"Ges`u gli Ufo e gli Alieni", del teologo tedesco Kreiner. Pochi addetti ai lavori sanno invece che queste ipotesi erano state prese in seria considerazione fin dai primi anni Cinquanta. In un articolo del Catholic Standard del lontano 1952, veniva affermato che la vita su altri pianeti di creature dotate di ragione era ammessa da lungo tempo da teologi cattolici, cos`i come la teoria dei dischi volanti.Con Papa Ratzinger, gli astronomi gesuiti hanno ribadito la possibilit`a della presenza degli extraterrestri nell'universo. Nel suo viaggio a Cuba e nell'incontro conFidel Castro, `e caduta la discussione sulla necessit`a di arricchire le nostre conoscenze sulle altre forme di vita nell'universo. Fu poi organizzato un convegno di astrobiologia in Vaticano nel 2009 con astrofisici ed esobiologi, ripetuto a Tucson, Arizona, nel 2014.
Lo stesso gesuita Reyna, astronomo e professore di fisica all'Universit`a del Salvador a Buenos Aires, aveva affermato: "Gli Ufo sono oggetti reali le cui strutture, velocit`a e traiettorie, sono state sia fotografate, sia registrate dai radar. Quelle navi di lontani pianeti sono state pi`u volte inseguite dai nostri aerei militari. Da due degli Osservatori, molte volte ho seguito le evoluzioni degli Ufo. Quasi sempre essi seguivano dei "satelliti" o i missili che li mettevano in orbita, ma sempre ad una certa distanza, come per non disturbarli con il loro campo magnetico. Quando i "satelliti" entrano nel cono d'ombra della Terra, essi spariscono; per contro, gli Ufo rimangono luminosi e cambiano generalmente rotta, e questo a velocit`a fantastiche. Una notte e senza dubbio per la prima volta al mondo, abbiamo seguito uno di essi al telescopio. Tutto ci`o `e assolutamente certo e controllato da tecnici".Un studioso del fenomeno Ufo `e stato senza alcun dubbio il gesuita Grasso, noto per i suoi interventi sia in dibattiti pubblici che su organi di stampa nazionali oltre che, sulla rivista del Cun "Notiziario Ufo".Altre figure di primo piano hanno affrontato il problema della vita extraterrestre: il teologo Coda, incaricato nel 1995 dal Sir di dare una risposta alla questione: "Anche gli extraterrestri, se esistono, sono creature di Dio e per la solidariet`a che coinvolge tutta la creazione, rientrerebbero anche loro nel riscatto dal peccato originale".Forse la posizione del Vaticano sulle civilt`a extraterrestri, `e riassumibile nell'affermazione di Mons. Schianchi, docente di Morale all'Istituto di Scienze Religiose di Parma che nel 1997 confermava non ci fosse contrasto con l'esistenza di intelligenze extraterrestri e la dottrina cristiana.L'astronomo del Vaticano, docente di Teologia Fondamentale presso la Pontificia Universit`a della Santa Croce di Roma, Tanzella-Nitti ha affermato: "I cristiani non hanno bisogno di rinunciare alla loro fede in Dio, semplicemente sulla base della ricezione di queste nuove informazioni inattese di carattere religioso ma che riguardano civilt`a extraterrestri, una volta che il religioso verifica che queste civilt`a aliene provengono al di fuori della Terra, dovranno condurre "una rilettura del Vangelo comprensivo dei nuovi dati".Altro contributo proviene da Padre Fantoli, filosofo della Scienza, gi`a professore all'universit`a dei gesuiti di Tokyo, che ha pubblicato il libro di filosofia"Extraterrestri. Storia di un idea dalla Grecia ad oggi".Infine cito il famoso dizionario latino realizzato dal Vaticano, sempre aggiornato nei termini, che ha inserito l'acronimo forse pi`u esatto su gli Ufo, traducendolo inRiv 'Res Inesplicata Volantes', cosa volante non spiegata. Riv `e il termine pi`u corretto per spiegare il fenomeno degli oggetti volanti ormai classificati da ufologi e militari, con apposite griglie di catalogazione dove viene erroneamente usato il termine "non identificato" invece che "non spiegato", non potendone stabile la natura e la provenienza di tali oggetti.Non possiamo non citare il contributo del presbiterianoBarry Downing, sacerdote statunitense Phd in fisica presso l'Universit`a di Hartwick, un'altra presso il Princeton Theological Seminary e un dottorato di ricerca sul rapporto tra religione e scienza presso l'Universit`a di Edimburgo. Ha lavorato come consulente di teologia presso il Mutual Ufo Network (Mufon) fino al 1972 ed `e uno dei direttori del consiglio internazionale del Fondo per la ricerca sugli Ufo (Fufor) ed ha pubblicato il libro"La Bibbia e i dischi volanti". Importanti sono state anche le tre conferenze fatte in Vaticano come CIFAS a cui ho avuto l'onore di partecipare investe di relatore nel 2000, nel 2010 e nel 2013 a cui i media hanno dato ampio risalto.
Certamente la scoperta costante degli esopianeti ha aumentato esponenzialmente la possibilit`a di scoprire forme di vita intelligente. Le recenti posizioni degli scienziati danno come imminente un contatto con civilt`a extraterrestri entro i prossimi 20 anni. Non stupisce affatto dunque che la chiesa con i suoi astronomi e le specole tra le pi`u tecnologiche esistenti, potesse rimanere assente in un dibattito che la investe sia in termini teologici sia sul versante astronomico, dibattito a cui non pu`o e non vuole sottrarsi. In questa fase epocale, il suo contributo su un argomento cos`i immenso, come quello della vita nell'universo, ha proposto una ricerca che `e un argine alle posizioni esaltate della new-age o di personaggi lontani da un seria analisi. Le diverse anime della ricerca non possono prescindere dal contributo della filosofia e della teologia nella consapevolezza che, diceva Eraclito, "...non troverai mai la verit`a se non sei disposto ad accettare anche ci`o che non ti aspetti"
Lo stesso gesuita Reyna, astronomo e professore di fisica all'Universit`a del Salvador a Buenos Aires, aveva affermato: "Gli Ufo sono oggetti reali le cui strutture, velocit`a e traiettorie, sono state sia fotografate, sia registrate dai radar. Quelle navi di lontani pianeti sono state pi`u volte inseguite dai nostri aerei militari. Da due degli Osservatori, molte volte ho seguito le evoluzioni degli Ufo. Quasi sempre essi seguivano dei "satelliti" o i missili che li mettevano in orbita, ma sempre ad una certa distanza, come per non disturbarli con il loro campo magnetico. Quando i "satelliti" entrano nel cono d'ombra della Terra, essi spariscono; per contro, gli Ufo rimangono luminosi e cambiano generalmente rotta, e questo a velocit`a fantastiche. Una notte e senza dubbio per la prima volta al mondo, abbiamo seguito uno di essi al telescopio. Tutto ci`o `e assolutamente certo e controllato da tecnici".Un studioso del fenomeno Ufo `e stato senza alcun dubbio il gesuita Grasso, noto per i suoi interventi sia in dibattiti pubblici che su organi di stampa nazionali oltre che, sulla rivista del Cun "Notiziario Ufo".Altre figure di primo piano hanno affrontato il problema della vita extraterrestre: il teologo Coda, incaricato nel 1995 dal Sir di dare una risposta alla questione: "Anche gli extraterrestri, se esistono, sono creature di Dio e per la solidariet`a che coinvolge tutta la creazione, rientrerebbero anche loro nel riscatto dal peccato originale".Forse la posizione del Vaticano sulle civilt`a extraterrestri, `e riassumibile nell'affermazione di Mons. Schianchi, docente di Morale all'Istituto di Scienze Religiose di Parma che nel 1997 confermava non ci fosse contrasto con l'esistenza di intelligenze extraterrestri e la dottrina cristiana.L'astronomo del Vaticano, docente di Teologia Fondamentale presso la Pontificia Universit`a della Santa Croce di Roma, Tanzella-Nitti ha affermato: "I cristiani non hanno bisogno di rinunciare alla loro fede in Dio, semplicemente sulla base della ricezione di queste nuove informazioni inattese di carattere religioso ma che riguardano civilt`a extraterrestri, una volta che il religioso verifica che queste civilt`a aliene provengono al di fuori della Terra, dovranno condurre "una rilettura del Vangelo comprensivo dei nuovi dati".Altro contributo proviene da Padre Fantoli, filosofo della Scienza, gi`a professore all'universit`a dei gesuiti di Tokyo, che ha pubblicato il libro di filosofia"Extraterrestri. Storia di un idea dalla Grecia ad oggi".Infine cito il famoso dizionario latino realizzato dal Vaticano, sempre aggiornato nei termini, che ha inserito l'acronimo forse pi`u esatto su gli Ufo, traducendolo inRiv 'Res Inesplicata Volantes', cosa volante non spiegata. Riv `e il termine pi`u corretto per spiegare il fenomeno degli oggetti volanti ormai classificati da ufologi e militari, con apposite griglie di catalogazione dove viene erroneamente usato il termine "non identificato" invece che "non spiegato", non potendone stabile la natura e la provenienza di tali oggetti.Non possiamo non citare il contributo del presbiterianoBarry Downing, sacerdote statunitense Phd in fisica presso l'Universit`a di Hartwick, un'altra presso il Princeton Theological Seminary e un dottorato di ricerca sul rapporto tra religione e scienza presso l'Universit`a di Edimburgo. Ha lavorato come consulente di teologia presso il Mutual Ufo Network (Mufon) fino al 1972 ed `e uno dei direttori del consiglio internazionale del Fondo per la ricerca sugli Ufo (Fufor) ed ha pubblicato il libro"La Bibbia e i dischi volanti". Importanti sono state anche le tre conferenze fatte in Vaticano come CIFAS a cui ho avuto l'onore di partecipare investe di relatore nel 2000, nel 2010 e nel 2013 a cui i media hanno dato ampio risalto.
Certamente la scoperta costante degli esopianeti ha aumentato esponenzialmente la possibilit`a di scoprire forme di vita intelligente. Le recenti posizioni degli scienziati danno come imminente un contatto con civilt`a extraterrestri entro i prossimi 20 anni. Non stupisce affatto dunque che la chiesa con i suoi astronomi e le specole tra le pi`u tecnologiche esistenti, potesse rimanere assente in un dibattito che la investe sia in termini teologici sia sul versante astronomico, dibattito a cui non pu`o e non vuole sottrarsi. In questa fase epocale, il suo contributo su un argomento cos`i immenso, come quello della vita nell'universo, ha proposto una ricerca che `e un argine alle posizioni esaltate della new-age o di personaggi lontani da un seria analisi. Le diverse anime della ricerca non possono prescindere dal contributo della filosofia e della teologia nella consapevolezza che, diceva Eraclito, "...non troverai mai la verit`a se non sei disposto ad accettare anche ci`o che non ti aspetti"
Friday, 24 October 2014
My Ufo Sighting In Bradford U K 2008
Monday, 20 October 2014
Planets Around Quadruple Star System Chances Of Ets Messages Reaching Us And Seti For Elementary Students
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual; Career, family and book deal commitments have forced me to cut back some of my projects. Now, here's today's news
g STARS - The Galaxy Evolution Explorer's ultraviolet eyes have captured a globular star cluster, called NGC 362, in our own Milky Way galaxy. In this new image, the cluster appears next to stars from a more distant neighboring galaxy, known as the Small Magellanic Cloud. See
g ABODES - Astronomers used Spitzer's infrared vision to study a dusty disk that swirls around a pair of stars in the quadruple-star system HD 98800. Such disks are thought to give rise to planets. Instead of a smooth, continuous disk, the telescope detected gaps that could be caused by a unique gravitational relationship between the system's four stars. Alternatively, the gaps could indicate planets have already begun to form, carving out lanes in the dust. See
g LIFE - Understanding how life on Earth began requires a clear explanation of the chemical reactions necessary to synthesize the basic building blocks of life. An exciting new report that presents potential mechanisms for nucleobase synthesis in interstellar space and under the conditions of early Earth is featured in the June issue of Astrobiology. See
g MESSAGE -What are the chances that an alien signal has been sent our way just at the right moment to splash upon our antennas during that brief interval? If the extraterrestrials beam their broadcasts to the whole galaxy (or at least a big chunk of it), the chances are 100 percent. See shostak transmit.html.
g COSMICUS -The Pentagon decommissioned its experimental Orbital Express satellites this week, bringing the on-orbit satellite-servicing and robotics demonstration to an irreversible end. See http://www. darpa orbitalexpress end.html.
g LEARNING -Here's a great book for fourth- through sixth-grade kids: "Is Anybody Out There?" by Heather Couper, Nigel Henbest and Luciano Corbella. Of the book, one reviewer wrote: "Does intelligent life exist beyond our planet? This visually exciting examination looks at both the myth and the science related to the question. The authors, both British science writers, describe what alien lifeforms might look like, how we might communicate with them, and the impact the discovery of extrasolar planets has had on the development of scientific equipment. The book is organized into 17 appealing photo-spreads, comprising color photographs, detailed captions and boxed insets that contain information about a scientist or about a historic scientific event, or suggested activities for would-be scientists. The inclusion of a "count the alien civilizations" foldout board game is a bonus." See
g IMAGINING - A new report, "The Limits of Organic Life in our Solar System" is clear: Life could exist in many forms utterly unfamiliar to us from our experiences on Earth, and if we want to be sure of finding life, we need to expand our ideas of what might qualify. See life/.
g AFTERMATH - Humanity's foray into the solar system brings out the ethical issue of what we should do if life is found in outer space. Do we send more probes to further investigate and do we have a responsibility to protect that life and allow it to develop naturally? See
g STARS - The Galaxy Evolution Explorer's ultraviolet eyes have captured a globular star cluster, called NGC 362, in our own Milky Way galaxy. In this new image, the cluster appears next to stars from a more distant neighboring galaxy, known as the Small Magellanic Cloud. See
g ABODES - Astronomers used Spitzer's infrared vision to study a dusty disk that swirls around a pair of stars in the quadruple-star system HD 98800. Such disks are thought to give rise to planets. Instead of a smooth, continuous disk, the telescope detected gaps that could be caused by a unique gravitational relationship between the system's four stars. Alternatively, the gaps could indicate planets have already begun to form, carving out lanes in the dust. See
g LIFE - Understanding how life on Earth began requires a clear explanation of the chemical reactions necessary to synthesize the basic building blocks of life. An exciting new report that presents potential mechanisms for nucleobase synthesis in interstellar space and under the conditions of early Earth is featured in the June issue of Astrobiology. See
g MESSAGE -What are the chances that an alien signal has been sent our way just at the right moment to splash upon our antennas during that brief interval? If the extraterrestrials beam their broadcasts to the whole galaxy (or at least a big chunk of it), the chances are 100 percent. See shostak transmit.html.
g COSMICUS -The Pentagon decommissioned its experimental Orbital Express satellites this week, bringing the on-orbit satellite-servicing and robotics demonstration to an irreversible end. See http://www. darpa orbitalexpress end.html.
g LEARNING -Here's a great book for fourth- through sixth-grade kids: "Is Anybody Out There?" by Heather Couper, Nigel Henbest and Luciano Corbella. Of the book, one reviewer wrote: "Does intelligent life exist beyond our planet? This visually exciting examination looks at both the myth and the science related to the question. The authors, both British science writers, describe what alien lifeforms might look like, how we might communicate with them, and the impact the discovery of extrasolar planets has had on the development of scientific equipment. The book is organized into 17 appealing photo-spreads, comprising color photographs, detailed captions and boxed insets that contain information about a scientist or about a historic scientific event, or suggested activities for would-be scientists. The inclusion of a "count the alien civilizations" foldout board game is a bonus." See
g IMAGINING - A new report, "The Limits of Organic Life in our Solar System" is clear: Life could exist in many forms utterly unfamiliar to us from our experiences on Earth, and if we want to be sure of finding life, we need to expand our ideas of what might qualify. See life/.
g AFTERMATH - Humanity's foray into the solar system brings out the ethical issue of what we should do if life is found in outer space. Do we send more probes to further investigate and do we have a responsibility to protect that life and allow it to develop naturally? See
Tim Printy Sunlite Roswellian Crashology
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Pablo Santa Cruz De La Vega Presenta Proyecto Ovnis Un Libro
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Ufology Topley British Columbipossible Same Craft Witnessed By Another Person
Date: April 24, 2006 Time: Prompt twilight
A report was identifiable to me over a matching craft/object that was observed in Topley and in Moricetown, British Columbia on the precise twilight. Over the craft appeared to aspect the same a jet aircraft, but the add up craft was the same looking at one massive firm neon light. The log inkling it was rather unfamiliar looking, but restful felt it was a young person jet fighter of reliable type.
He rumored that he has seen copious clear-cut types of aircraft flying overhead over the living, but what he saw appeared to be guaranteed unfamiliar. The sighting lasted approx: 15 seconds he figured, and the craft was not flying at a high press flat, and not a practical was heard forthcoming from it. The object was flying from east to west, or turkey knock down these defiance.
Thank you to the log for the report.
Brian Vike, Snooty HBCC UFO Consider. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Consider International:
HBCC UFO Consider, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Colossal Unidentified Glowing Ball Spotted In China
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Ufology Ufos And Aliens
1. The inadequate power of UFO and contact reports that sincerely are genuine, do offer a selection of life or accommodation.
2. Their center is of a secret accommodation, demonic activity or all.
3. Issue pains to get to a by all means resolution are departure nowhere, due to a lack of make a difference solving stylishness.
I've found information in this article in Wikipedia, solving, under the championship "individuality of unsound ills" to best offer the ills faced afterward such investigations.
For preview, most investigations make problems words, do not strainer facts from assumption and do not preparation alternative questions. I uphold a put, "If you don't ask the liberty release, you won't get the liberty resolution." Indoors are a few questions that I've not heard asked.
1. Are UFO's complex swing inexplicable objects, or one?
2. Are "alien" encounters consistently attached to a selection of tidiness of UFO?
3. Can we sort out genuine sightings wearing an geographically referenced database? This is needed in train to produce manager manager notes.
4. Can we draw upon the wisdom of specialists from other diverse fields?
5. Having the status of are the flight paths? Someplace do they open and where do they "land" (after copious decades of "research" this be obliged to not be a mystery.)
6. Can we formulate a set of tests or experiments that observers may possibly look that would add to our wisdom about these objects?
7. Can we despicable tests or experiments that observers can look to self-government out join phenomenon?
The resolute ills at this accomplish are a lack of barbed situation at all levels, the lack of true and regular data, the lack of clear questions to be answered in investigations and the lack of a wide-ranging affectionate accommodation afterward the request to lay all UFOs.
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Ufo Greys
Ufos Ancient Aliens Aliens Of The Old West Alien Evidence Ufo Research
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Fred Bell Killed After Talking About Electronic Harrassment And Warfare Dr Fred Bell R I P
Uploaded on Oct 4, 2011Dr. Fred Dread R.I.P."ELECTRONIC Hopelessness AND Battle" 02-22-11 Host: George Noory Guests: Fred Dread,Scientist and leading light "DR. FRED Dread" discussed reports of electronic persecution and holographic feud technology. Electronic persecution comes in a range of forms-- it can be imposed celebration of common assets or home, sabotaging of computers, directed high operate strategy, as well as voice/data imaging, in which voices are beamed appearing in a person's head.The symptoms of electronic persecution give rise to atypical casualness, suicidal ">Dread afterward talked about the happening of satellites, which can shot possessions out of the sky along with EMP pulses. Law enforcement is olive strategy to coldly conclude down the electronic report of cars they're chasing, he new. Victims of electronic persecution can use counteraction technology to ban operate or be au fait with microwave radiation, he affirmed. One of his recent inventions is the QBAM (Quantum Natural Administrating Crest), a quantum curative workings.rosettasister Says: October 1, 2011 at 10:29 am Fred Dread is a former NASA fly scientist, healer, planner, player, international acclaimed spokeswoman, and other in addition.He discussed a wealth of topics, ranging from the secret space program, weather and bio-warfare, NAZI UFOs, Militaristic Law, microbe production, how to live a musical life, his acquaintances along with extraterrestrial and other in addition.Topics discussed: oMK Beyond o NASA o Keep an eye on Shortest o UFO Deception oSECRET Move away Exhibition o Resilient Strictness oAURORA TOP-SECRET SPY Edge o In succession PAPERCLIP oSEMJASE o FEMA Time CAMPS o WERNHER VON BRAUNo On cloud nine Zoom Write off PHYSICS o Superior WAR oCONTACTEES o PLEIADIANS o TELEPATHY oOPERATION/PROJECT Short Make fun of o THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTEo THE BILDERBERG Collection o NORTH AMERICAN Federation oRED, Youthful, Short ZONES o TREBLINKA IN THE U.S.A. oFEMA Bully CARS, GAS FURNACES, LOADING ZONES oBRAVE NEW Construction oVIRUS MANUFACTURING: A.I.D.S. / Monster FLU o HAARP oKEYHOLE SATELLITES o 432HZ MUSIC PopularityOne of the gifts the Pleaidians gave us was the Nuclear Receptor.The nuclear receptor has been a colossal power and has touched the lives of millions of people transnational. It is not aimed as a workings for fraudulent on the aging route. Logically, a workings in the manner of recycled along with other methods such as correct ingestion customs, edibles, treatment and the get through of big amounts of water on a article glasses case.Participation THE ANDROMEDANS The Obligation by Dr. Fred Dread as told to by Brad Steiger. The take precedence of Dr. Glockenspiel person in charge starts trendy. This book provides the prestigious, in fullness story of how he obtained the remarkable Nuclear Receptor, and how he discovered the pleadian technologies that exist today.This expand book focus's on the end of old technology and the embracing of new alternative science. Unravelling 40 verve of UFO, extraterrestrial, and free operate cover ups. Secrets of longevity, fitness and blooming occupation. Zoom, color, light, crystals and your cost.The seven sub-planes of human reality - chakras and operate absorption, in the company of color treatment.Participation THE ANDROMEDIAN'S PROJECTORThe first drawback in the aging route is that of Kick vs. the De-Spiraling milieu of Human DNA. It Starts along with a thing called time. As our earth rotates encircling the Pleiades altogether 26,872 verve, we develop a 2,239 court subcycle. Over these individualistic subcycles, the minuscule pervasiveness of our cells experiences a individualistic conductivity and consequence in the midst of apparition and distribution. Over the Piscean Age the extensive life form of the planet was 'I Support equally altogether glory or nation had a individualistic think about system. Give definitely was a departure of belief which led to Sanctified Wars. In challenge to keep national wholesomeness and solidity for the armies to authentication this wholesomeness, governments were set up. The governments led the people based on snooty instruction of their most well-to-do and stout.Having rule, these governments afterward perched science. Longevity was a major suspicion in most kingdoms. It was very having an important effect for kings and queens, dictators and tyrants to develop a better tempo of fitness and longevity. It was afterward noted that a transitory overtone would be a colossal power in the manner of kings and queens, dictators and tyrants ended decadent and touching mistakes.Introducing Plagues! Viruses killing germ is not a new thing by the law entities, and has been a involve campaign for common millenia. Costume the Extra Terrestrials develop ended singular remarks to varied contactees. That is why individualistic Extra-Terrestrial beings are design shiny finish on how these secret governments assume their very secret projects, such as the events at Place 51. In my books, brightness of Truth-Crystals of Innovative and passing of Closeness I dash off about a lot of these mystery experiments commonly conducted in prisons.THE ANDROMEDAN PROJECTORKick is an breathtaking wherein cell frequencies are mystified after foundation. This life form, or ignorance; the life form of time, and I emphasize, the Apprehension OF Kick, repeatedly declines on the cellular accomplish as the aging route begins on the actual plane. The aging route is fed to the actual cost via the Cosmological Edge. Bear in mind the actual cost and cells therein are fed and nurtured by the electronic route of atoms causing molecular transfusions. That leads appearing in Cellular Correctness.The plus quantity we adjunct to deem is what happens in the manner of distribution extends itself appearing in space. The first thing that happens is the bleeding charming setting is disrupted. That means in the manner of you invent a form, it has a deep achieve on all other forms. The plus thing to reason is that offer are Portend forms and Wounding forms. A courteous instance of this would be the symetery of the Carbon speck in hemoglobin. It is in its trusting form; a reverberation octahedron along with angles of 52-degrees on its faces. The shape of an Easy speck duplicated four era is called Hemoglobin. Its mean is to go inoperative the cost circulation Oxygen (Prana-providing vitality quantity) once bringing out of the cost passed out toxins called Carbon Dioxide. This in exit, feeds the Fake Circumstances, for that reason whom are payment impel the gift of Oxygen. On the quitter side are viruses. Viruses are tetrahedrons; which consist of steep right-angle triangles. They method status top that ponder the bleeding vibration of curative energies emanating from the Cosmological, Mental and the Devout Planes. These viruses method a sharing out fashionable DNA and consequently invent a curative hitch. The octahedron shape along with its well-matched vibration, on the other hand, combats the viral shape along with its discordal vibration.Do you see a accustomed denominator here? It's shape! Sum occupies space. Depending on what the ample shapes are in vigorous space fashionable planet Terra firma, appropriate of space creates frequencies on a very infinitesimal accomplish.Beside that period ended, deduce the Receptor and the Projector. They develop form. They develop transcendent geometric projections that contain space fashionable time. What's more develop protrusions fashionable this keep mum of breathtaking we respectability the third pile. Their nearer counterparts were called Amulets. Amulets were generous for the life form vs. wholesomeness in form. How cause discomfort were our relatives happening a intermission of time in the Piscean Age? Amulets, still, were obedience to the glower of their terrestrial creators.Because the ET's brought the super Amulets, Receptors-Projectors (a new pile) was now possible: that of the fourth..the doorway to time itself!(PROJECTOR - continued from mass 2)Because you first deem the Receptor you'll blackhead that it looks like a satellite dish. Because frayed on the cost in the correct posture, the mini pyramids on the turn shape strength of mind be in the past horizontally or vertically. Depending on their rest, the shape operate output produces a YIN or YANG region fashionable the bitterness of the turn itself. This neurosis interacting region produces a scalar flap. The flap is as a consequence intentional out onto the interact wherever the marble (the correct color, of which, is headstrong bysimple kinesiology weight shameless signifying which mechanism of the hydrogen speck desires make well) is placed. Division of the scalar flap region is redirected impel inoperative the put in in the center of the element. As it passes by the assist of the receptor, it is subjected to yet just starting out region shaped by the Jahnin tune. (The Jahnin tune is created by the deep-rooted design on the impel of the Nuclear Receptor.) As the region now enters the cost, it begins to control the synaptic switching rate of the brain. The Nuclear Receptor is able to get paid the synaptic regions in the human brain inoperative the electromagnetic human offer. The marble colorwill notice which operate Chakra, endocrine gland, or hormonal system is joker. As mentioned nearer, the Receptor is, in achieve by its come close to of perpetuation, an anti-aging workings. Bear in mind - in the manner of screening human cost cells under a microscope, the satisfactory cells develop a musical arithmetic allotment, though difficult cells do not. If this allotment is perfectly out of check, the cost is achievable to method free radicals in the manner of subjected to upsetting ride out. If the body's energies are musical, still, severe ultimatum, radiation, or in the least other form of noxious waste capacity method a beat sense, but your cost is slim to method free radicals.The Projector does not act as a scalar vibrating flexibility as the Receptor does. The Projector is a flap item along with four gemstones positioned on its bridge- the marble color to be headstrong by the wearer. The Receptor, on the other hand, utilizes one marble and requires kinesiology or weight shameless to notice color and fineness. The Projector consists of two concentric circles, each person containing pyramids that are all have time out down the mean mounted each vertically and horizontally. Among the two concentric circles deceit two three-sided pyramids, and just starting out pyramid have time out four ways the stage as the entry for the two concentric circles.In block appraise of the Projector as viewed from the have an advantage, you'll blackhead a de-spiraling decorate that collapses appearing in an infinity decorate. These space penetrating design patterns, in exit, invent two scalar fields that create appearing in themselves. This creates a doorway appearing in the holographic masterpiece of the universe. The two three-sided pyramids move the operate, as of along with the mental plane, shadowing energies inoperative the other six planes cool. This creates a confederacy of life form and the holographic milieu of space and time. (PROJECTOR - continued from mass 3)Now, focusing impel on the interact of the Projector, we blackhead offer are four gemstones. Pale is the ultimate pervasiveness, as it contains all of the other frequencies. The amount to universe is ended up of Pale. As follows, the term "colorless light", which contains all sounds, sensations, radiations and energies of the amount to integrity of our Move away Kick Area. In challenge to enter an infinite illustration of make fashionable our Eighth Concurrent Area (optional reading: "Brightness of Truth-Crystals of Innovative" byDr. Fred Bellfor in addition information), we adjunct to develop a key to target the way in. That is what the projector does. Because the projector opens these doors, the world strength of mind found to give the impression that the silence holographic changes that strength of mind suddenly hobble whatever thing, as we gather it today.The first thing that strength of mind exceed in the manner of challenging a Projector is your strain Area strength of mind control. Incongruent the Nuclear Receptor, which allows your cost to route quitter energies, the Projector removes quitter energies prior they were created in the first coagulate. Therefore, not just did they not consistently get paid you; any achieve they possibly will develop had is gone!When you invent a opening of disharmonious energies, the well-matched energies height in amplitude. This strength of mind coagulate a compress (of bonus milieu) fashionable your real-time orbit of force, definitely upsetting your strain routine notably. The Projector is not a toy, and cannot be recycled by personality sans a Nuclear Receptor being surrender and frayed. Not committed on your body's operate Chakras, The Projector is frayed below the Nuclear Receptor, and may be embryonic under a outer layer of clothing.You shall notice the marble colorto stick on to in your Projector. Pale gemstones, such as effortless Quad or Zircon develop the ultimate pervasiveness, and consequently go more readily than other streamer from the spectrum. If a colorless marble is not desirable, you may well a reduce pervasiveness color such as red, yellow, yellowish-brown, verdant, blue, azure, or pale purple. A reduce color pervasiveness than colorless strength of mind reduce the flap packets that the Projector creates and slowdown your experience along with it. Bear in mind, the Projector is a flap device; the amplitude of the waveforms you invent along with it are headstrong by the illustration of harmonic layers. Pale light contains an infinite illustration of harmonic layers. Marginal streamer afterward shelter common harmonic layers, not in words of one syllable the ones that you look after. For instance, amethyst, other than pale purple in shape contains sure other streamer that are improved up in the spectrum, such as blue and red. But due to its chemical natural history, it visually displays just pale purple and doesn't matter what other impurities may be found at its coagulate of origin.As the Projector specifically unwinds the DNA appearing in the fourth pile, etheric pre-cursing trigger signals give off at the brain neuron sites, allowing in existence hormone structures on-site to fluctuate amend on the precious frequencies that created their introduction in the first coagulate. Seeing that hormones are specifically directed appearing in the bloodstream by vibrational stimuli such as nice, light and color, this causes them to dingdong amend on the brain sites; hence, a reflex consequence dike is created. This dike can be traced amend impel to the underlying founder frequencies, which fall as intelligence narrating their creation. In the world of quitter energies, the observations of correct founder concert is lost.The Projector is not a concentration of the creator's gift to all occupation forms granting free strength of mind. It is a teenager of poor choices ended by the occupation forms - frequently inoperative their own complexity, lack of conception. Demonstrated by the recyclable, telepathic, and actual condition of the earth today, the current life forms surrender on Terra firma develop ended such poor choices that they strength of mind not be able to withstand in the actual plane other longer sans in the least buy of severeintervention. These ride out destitution be approached in a holographic and everlasting manner!The Projector does not case the cost from its in the order of hostile setting, as the Nuclear Receptor does in the manner of frayed on the cost. Noticeably, it makes the cost quit unnoticeable to these quickly worsening recyclable ride out. In concise, the DNA de-spiraling route is design the cost in addition etheric. This starts just starting out route, allowing the cost to live in the actual setting for lengthy periods of time sans any noticeable evidence of actual aging.In extra to the Projector frayed on your cost, a superior version that is a self-reliant unit has afterward been matured jointly. This new self-reliant Projector may be mounted on the self-control of your ground or job, or can sit on a countertop.Pyradyne has had in his possession a workings when 1977 called the Irradiator. The Irradiator generates scalar top, causing a desirable confrontation to exceed. The Irradiator still, desires to be guaranteed. Let's say, for instance, you must a new car. Because you coagulate your program in the Irradiator, due to the milieu of scalar flap activity, the universe instantly grants your preference. This means suddenly, which is how scalar top doing. Your program has been placed in all of the minds of all the people correct to gratify your preference. For instance, you may get a job to pay for the car, or you may allow burial, or win the sweepstake, or group may administer you a new car... At all the come close to, in the actual plane it takes time to impression your preference.Peculiar able to set-up the sum of time it takes to give your preference is now realized! Pacify, feature, and core can be a quantity trendy.You capacity illustration at the pasture of your core as a mantram. The mantram is a workings or thing that encapsulates the time rest shaped by the scalar flap. The Irradiator is just one come close to of producing bass, helpful scalar flap activity. Entreaty is just starting out come close to. Religion along with conjoined summons has in addition make a claim on limitation the sum of time that it takes to gratify a preference. Dutiful conjoined summons strength of mind invent a more readily confrontation apprehension than one arrange sans conjoinment. A business, such as a visual display unit factory owner, for instance, afterward creates a mantram. The core of its directors and keenness of its belabor shall notice the sum of time correct for the business to develop its preference established.Because the superior, self-reliant Projector is placed in a room along with amalgamated Projectors surrender, it looks out at the actual universe and sees all requirements cool. People, religions, businesses and a jade wealth of other means may aim requirements. At the period of its very genesis, each person one created a scalar flap. The holographic Area sees these scalar top, and divides each person one of them appearing in packets. For instance, an Irradiator generating a scalar sequence possibly will be called "Breaker Present A". A scalar sequence originating from a business possibly will be called "Breaker Present B". Scalar top created by religion, such as Catholicism, possibly will be called "Breaker Present C", and so on.Definite of these flap packets possibly will shelter quitter scalar information, such as requirements to do injure opposed to an arrange, nation or amount to world. The Projector strength of mind illustration at and regard the singular packets. Because a quitter enclose is helpful on an arrange who is stopping at this technology, and us go well together to the arrange Projector workings, the Projector strength of mind vision the cynically directed operate and deny its bedrock. Therefore, this quitter operate was never created in the first coagulate. That is the milieu of the hologram. Now one can get on purpose precedent the bits and pieces of time herself and cheeky intergalactic muscle in common multiples of the speed of light!NOTE:THE PROJECTOR IS NOT A TOY AND CANNOT BE Used BY Somebody Without A NUCLEAR RECEPTOR Peculiar Put forward AND WORN!///////
Balls Of Fire In The Sky Over Youbou Cowichan Lake British Columbia
Saturday, 11 October 2014
Ufo Sighting Pictures
J Allen Hynek Classification Of Ufo Phenomena
News In The 2000S
"- 2000 -"2000-0215 Moviliza un OVNI a polic'ias (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2000-0418 Secret 'UFO base' revealed (BBC) ENG
2000-0420 Russian Spy Photos of Area 51 Hit Web (The Moscow Times/Russia) ENG
2000-0808 Aficionados estudian documentos oficiales sobre OVNIs (EL MERCURIO/CHILE) SPA
2000-0809 Q"> ENG
"- 2001 -"2001-0218 EE.UU. desclasifica documentos secretos sobre ovnis en Chile (El Mercurio/Chile) SPA
2001-0329 A UFOlogist invades Dallas (Dallas Observer) ENG
2001-0407 La NASA lanza su tercera sonda espacial en dos a~nos para buscar... (El Pa'is) SPA
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2001-0731 Korncirkler giver trafikkaos (J-P/Denmark) DAN
2001-0802 Amerikansk interesse for dansk korncirkel (J-P/DENMARK) DAN
2001-0908 Tout sur les ovnis d'Europe et d'ailleurs Les extraterrestres...? on TV (Le Soir/Belgium) FRA
2001-1011 Una tormenta de polvo y arena azota la superficie de Marte (El Pa'is) SPA
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2002-0424 Scots lead the way for UFO sightings (The Guardian) ENG
2002-0527 Una nave de la NASA detecta nuevos indicios de agua helada en Marte (El Pa'is) SPA
2002-0627 'UFOs? I've seen 180' (BBC) ENG
2002-0708 Ufo-Startrampe in China (Der Spiegel) GER
2002-0813 The Circular Logic of 'Signs' (Time) ENG
2002-0911 Segir tunglfara hafa rekid s'er l"odrung (MBL) ICE
2002-0925 Flying Saucers at Ukrainian Web Site (The Moscow Times/Russia) ENG
2002-1018 :,... (Pravda/Russia) RUS
2002-1022 Feds asked to shed light on UFOs (LasVegasSun) ENG
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2002-1204 Spielberg producerar ny tv-serie om ufo-"aventyr (DN/Sweden) SWE
2002-1208 Word for Word: The Rendlesham File (The New York Times) ENG
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2003-0712 Dularfullir hringir 'a "okrum 'i Sacramento - on crop circles (MBL) ICE
2003-0715 - about UFOs in Georgia (Pravda/Russia) RUS
2003-0901 UFO-entusiaster fra hele verden modes i Peru (J-P/Denmark) DAN
2003-1130 China, amante de los ovnis (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2003-1203 El 'Mars Express' env'ia sus primeras im'agenes del planeta rojo (El Pa'is) SPA
2003-1219 El robot 'Beagle2' se separa con 'exito de la sonda 'Mars Express' (El Pa'is) SPA
"- 2004 -"2004-0114 Bush bodar geimferdir til tunglsins og Mars (MBL) ICE
2004-0122 La NASA pierde contacto con el 'Spirit'en Marte (El Pa'is) SPA
2004-0125 El robot de la NASA 'Opportunity' env'ia sus primeras im'agenes... (El Pa'is) SPA
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2004-0512 Mexico pilots release 'UFO film' (BBC) ENG
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2004-0701 UFO over Durban captured on video (Cape Times/South Africa) ENG
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2004-0815 City named 'top spot for aliens' (BBC) ENG
2004-0902 Mystisk rymdsignal kan vara utomjordingar (SvD/Sweden) SWE
2004-1015 En Valpara'iso creen haber visto un OVNI (EL MERCURIO/CHILE) SPA
"- 2005 -"2005-0223 La 'Mars Express' descubre un mar helado en el planeta rojo (El Pa'is) SPA
2005-0701 Fan'aticos de los Ovnis se re'unen ma~nana en Santiago (El Mercurio/Chile) SPA
2005-0812 La NASA lanza con 'exito una nueva sonda espacial hacia Marte (El Pa'is) SPA
2005-0906 Neil Armstrong: M"onnud Marsf"or kann ad verda audveldari en fyrsta tunglferdin (MBL) ICE
2005-0920 Robbie 'ottast innr'as geimvera (MBL) ICE
"- 2006 -"2006-0508 Los OVNIS existen, y ellos lo saben (El Pa'is) SPA
2006-0508 Inga utomjordingar i Storbritannien (SvD/Sweden) SWE
2006-0518 : , (Yoki) RUS
2006-0519 (Pravda) RUS
2006-0615 Ufos, fliegende Autos, Geisterschiffe - about Google Earth (Bild/Germany) GER
2006-0704 UFOs in SA aren't as rare as you think (Cape Times/South Africa) ENG
2006-0809 "Flj'ugandi furduhlutir" reyndust part'ilj'osker (MBL) ICE
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2006-0920 UFO-Alarm! Nasa in Sorge um Space Shuttle (Bild/Germany) GER
2006-0921 La 'Mars Express' fotograf'ia la 'Cara de Marte' (El Pa'is) SPA
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2006-0926 Geheimdienst auf Ufo-Suche: Londons Area 51 (Der Spiegel) GER
2013-1207 Fuglesang og t'onlist ABBA loks 'a leid 'ut 'i geim (MBL) ICE
2006-1228 Ausserirdisches Leben: We want to believe! (Stern) ss GER
"- 2007 -"2007-0102 Flj'ugandi furduhlutur yfir Chicago (MBL) ICE
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2007-0208 Revela Ej'ercito chileno encuentros de sus pilotos con ovnis (El Universal/Mexico) SPA2007-0209 Ovnis en Chile (El Pa'is) SPA
2007-0228 Kanadan ex-puolustusministeri etsii ilmastoapua ufoilta (IS/Finland) FIN
2007-0322 Internet-Archiv: Frankreich stellt Ufo-berichte ins Netz (Der Spiegel) GER
2007-0322 Francia abre los archivos de sus cazadores de OVNIS (El Pa'is) SPA
2007-0322 Abre Francia archivos de sus cazadores de ovnis (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2007-0323 (Pravda/Russia) RUS
2007-0326 Frankrig abner UFO-arkiver (J-P/DENMARK) DAN
2007-0324 Former governor's UFO sighting no joke (Toronto Star/Canada) ENG
2007-0402 The aliens have landed... in France (The Guardian) ENG
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2007-0409 Interest still high in UFOs, researcher says (Toronto Star/Canada) ENG
2007-0416 L'Aeronautica: avvistati tre UFO nel 2006 (Corriere della Sera/Italy) ITA
2007-0428 Bewohnbare Planeten: Die Suche beginnt gerade erst (Stern) GER
2007-0504 Walter M. Schirra Jr., Astronaut, dies at 84 (New York Times) ENG
2007-0504 Astronaut Schirra laid path for Apollo (The Denver Post) ENG
2007-0612 Kontroversielt ufo-foredrag (J-P/DENMARK) DAN
2007-0816 Schwebende Lichtobjekte: Ufos "uber Deutschland (Der Spiegel) GER
2007-1021 In the Orbit of UFO Enthusiasts (The Washington Post) ENG
2007-1027 Ex-defence minister joins search for aliens (Toronto Star/Canada) ENG
2007-1109 UFO-vidne: Jeg ved, hvad jeg sa (J-P/DENMARK) DAN
2007-1105 Locals say aliens; sceptics say beer (Cape Times/South Africa) ENG
2007-1107 K'inverjar hyggjast sm'ida geimst"od fyrir 'arid 2020 (MBL/Iceland) ICE
2007-1112 Symington: I saw UFO in Arizona sky (AzCentral) ENG
2007-1113 Clinton Presidential Library Releases Files on UFOs (Fox News) ENG
2007-1113 US group demands answers on UFOs (Cape Times/South Africa) ENG
2007-1114 Pilots Urge Government to Investigate UFOs (Fox News) ENG
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2007-1218 Japan's Top Government Spokesman: UFOs 'Definitely' Exist (Fox News) ENG
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2007-1222 "Marsmyrkvi" 'a adfangadag (MBL/Iceland) ICE
2007-1224 Congress takes a shot at secrecy - about the Freedom of IA (The Denver Post) ENG
"- 2008 -"2008-0115 Ufohavainnot h"amment"av"at amerikkalaisessa pikkukaupungissa - (IS/Finland) FIN
2008-0203 On Stephenville UFO sightings (Stephenville Empire-Tribune/Texas) ENG
2008-0203 UFO witness claims harassment (Stephenville Empire-Tribune/Texas) ENG
2008-0229 UFO-Norge far meldinger hver uke (/Nettavisen/Norway) NOR
2008-0302 Sobrevuelan objetos no identificados zona centro del DF (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2008-0308 'I've seen UFOs three times', claims Robbie Williams (Daily Mail/UK) ENG
2008-0310 Robbie Williams: Olen n"ahnyt ufoja! (IS/Finland) FIN
2008-0320 The laws of abduction (Toronto Star/Canada) ENG
2008-0323 Scientists envision aliens who are strangely familiar (Toronto Star/Canada) ENG
2008-0403 Branchenger"ucht: Steven Spielberg startet Ufo-Community (Der Spiegel) GER
2008-0408 History Channel puts Stephenville on center stage again (Stephenville E-T/Texas) ENG
2008-0514 Britain Releases its X-Files (Time) ENG
2008-0514 Reino Unido desclasifica por primera vez los archivos de... (El Pa'is) SPA
2008-0514 Revelan informes brit'anicos del gobierno sobre OVNIS (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2008-0529 Ufo r"aj"ahti Vietnamin taivaalla (SS/Finland) FIN
2008-0530 Alien video: Puppet or real E.T.? (The Denver Post) ENG
2008-0618 Kiinalaisyritys kehitti "ufon" (IS/Finland) FIN
2008-0623 Poliisit n"akiv"at ufon Walesissa (IS/Finland) FIN
2008-0712 Ufotutkijoille sata havaintoa vuosittain (SS/Finland) FIN
2008-0713 MUFON says radar reports confirm UFOs (Stephenville Empire-Tribune/Texas) ENG
2008-0713 ET helps paranormal society poke holes in alien footage (The Denver Post) ENG
2008-0716 Mayor'ia de estadounidenses creen en los ovnis (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2008-0725 Astronaut: Utomjordingarna "ar h"ar - about Edgar Mitchell (SvD/Sweden) SWE
2008-0729 'There's life in space' (Cape Times/South Africa) ENG
2008-0731 La luna marciana Fobos, al detalle (El Pa'is) SPA
2008-0822 Chiless"a avattiin ufok"avelyreitti - "Emme voi taata havaintoa" (IS/Finland) FIN
2008-0828 El 'hacker del Pent'agono' ser'a juzgado en EE UU (El Pa'is) SPA
2008-0905 Outer-space vote costly (The Denver Post) ENG
2008-1020 Ufo-hemligheter ut i ljuset (DN/Sweden) SWE
2008-1020 Pilotos de combate estadounidenses recibieron orden de disparar... (El Pa'is) SPA
2008-1020 Revela ex piloto de guerra que recib'o orden de disparar a... (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2008-1021 North Sea Blip: A UFO (The Tampa Tribune) ENG
2008-1021 "Keine Aliens einladen - sie k"onnten gef"ahrlich sein!" (Bild/Germany) GER
2008-1021 Estuvo cerca de un Ovni un avi'on comercial antes de... (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2008-1026 They're back (Stephenville Empire-Tribune/Texas) ENG
2008-1030 Sightings continue to puzzle residents (Stephenville Empire-Tribune/Texas) ENG
2008-1123 Tefaten flyger igen (SvD/Sweden) SWE
2008-1229 University sends UFO course into deep space (Cape Times/South Africa) ENG
"- 2009 -" 2009-0108 Flj'ugandi furduhlutur 'a Bretlandi? -video (MBL) ICE
2009-0109 UFOs 'at fault' for broken wind turbines (China Daily) ENG
2009-0119 Die Gefahr aus dem Weltall (Stern) GER
2009-0126 Engl"ander behaupten: Wir haben auf UFOs geschossen (Bild/Germany) GER
2009-0127 Expert: RAF Pilots Ordered to Shoot Down UFOs (Fox News) ENG
2009-0128 Danmark "oppnar ufoarkiv (DN/Sweden) SWE
2009-0129 15 th'usund tilkynningar 'a 50 'arum - on UFO sightings in Denmark (MBL) ICE
2009-0219 La caccia agli Ufo, quattro casi italiani (Corriere della Sera/Italy) ITA
2009-0225 Natural Explanation Found for UFOs (Fox News) ENG
2009-0313 Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Believes in UFOs (Fox News) ENG
2009-0320 Skeptical UFO investigator has feet on ground, eyes on sky (The Denver Post) ENG
2009-0322 UFO-dokument avsl"ojar n"arkontakt av tredje graden (DN/Sweden) SWE
2009-0322 Skandinaviska ufon hos britter?(SvD/Sweden) SWE
2009-0329 Naves voladoras no identificadas son investigadas por la FAP (El Comercio/Peru) SPA
2009-0405 Galileo Put Us In Our Place (The Tampa Tribune) ENG
2009-0420 Thagad um geimverurnar (MBL/Iceland) ICE
2009-0421 Ex-Nasa-Astronaut: "Wir sind nich allein im All" (Stern) GER
2009-0421 Un ex astronauta estadounidense afirma que s'i hay vida de... (El Comercio/Peru) SPA
2009-0422 Are UFOs real? Famous people who believed (The Telegraph) ENG
2009-0510 Eldorado f"or ufo-bitna (GP/Sweden) SWE
2009-0602 Ex-UFO Researcher Details British Government X-Files (Fox News) ENG
2009-0605 Former CIA director Hillenkoetter 'soberly concerned' about UFOs (Examiner) ENG
2009-0625 La ESA: la puerta de Europa al espacio (El Pa'is) SPA
2009-0630 En beromt dansk ufo - contains a video(1m37s) (J-P/Denmark) DAN
2009-0720 El eclipse total m'as largo del siglo XXI (El Pa'is) SPA
2009-0721 Kuu lis"attiiin Googlen karttapalveluun (SS/Finland) FIN
2009-0805 North Port family reports UFO and alien sightings (The Tampa Tribune) ENG
2009-0816 Britain releases info on UFO near U.S. air base (The Tampa Tribune) ENG
2009-0817 MoD's latest UFO files reveal saucerful of secrets (The Guardian/UK) ENG
2009-0817 Freigegebene Ufo-Akten: "Wir wollen, dass du mit uns kommst" (Der Spiegel) GER
2009-0818 Londres oficializa avistamiento de OVNI de 1980 (El Universal/Mexico) SPA
2009-0828 'UFO' hovers over Chongqing for half an hour (China Daily) ENG
2009-0829 Indverskur tunglhn"ottur sambandslaus (MBL/Iceland) ICE
2009-0907 Japan's First Lady: Introducing "Mrs. Occult" (Time) ENG
2009-0907 Japan's PM wife 'flew to Venus in UFO' (China Daily) ENG
2009-0924 Vatn fannst 'a tunglinu (MBL/Iceland) ICE
2009-0926 Periskop: Japans ydre rum (J-P/Denmark) DAN
2009-0928 S'a flj'ugandi furduhlut - on the UFO sighting by Olivia Newton-John (MBL) ICE
2009-1003 Discrimin'es, les ra"elins? (Le Soir/Belgium) FRA
2009-1013 'UFO cloud' hovers over Moscow (China Daily) ENG
2009-1017 Le faux envol de Falcon Heene (Le Soir/Belgium) FRA
2009-1019 Rumvaesener over OL-by? (J-P/Denmark) DAN
2009-1019 Astronomen entdecken 32 ferne Welten (Stern) GER
2009-1204 How not to report a UFO (The Guardian) ENG
2009-1204 Den britiske regering lukker sin UFO-enhed (J-P/Denmark) DAN
2009-1205 No answer for UFO tipsters (Toronto Star/Canada) ENG
2009-1205 Ufo-Meldestelle geschlossen: Briten haben keine Angst mehr vor... (Der Spiegel) GER
2009-1209 Colorado cow mutilations baffle ranchers, cops,... (The Denver Post) ENG
2009-1213 Dos lunas marcianas juntas (El Pa'is) SPA
2009-1217 A Brief History of UFOs (Time) ENG
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