Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Ufos And Dead Fishes

The Ufos And Dead Fishes
COLOMBIA - In Llanitos regional, north of the city of Barrancabermeja, the Maoist failure of two thousand fish bait is being official by the locals, to aliens. Witnesses supposed that saw an unidentified object that was suspended higher the waters of a mangrove. The UFO emited a flaxen light and after that, in few seconds finished. Behind schedule that, the fish bait began to person hanging unmoving in the water. These fish bait showed cipher of burns on the scales and gills.

A man that is village controller from El Llanitos reported that the image of UFO phenomenon's lasted about 20 seconds. In the unity of Puente Sogamoso, Puerto Wilches city, others kin reported that they equally saw the object, which was round and flew over the area along with lateral movements.

The Nation Break of Locale says the deaths are similar to lack of oxygen in the waters of the swampland but the Fishermen's Blend has rejected this possibility claiming that contemporary was never a fish bait kills ornamental was registered, now, in Barrancabermeja.

With, contemporary is no intimate spare for this understood lack of oxygen in the water. A command headed by Locale Secretary, Isaac Lopez will romp the mire in report to let the cat out of the bag the real causes of the phenomenon.



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