While we do have skepti-bunkies, skeptoid, etc. that seems to offend those that wear those shoes (tough) and confuse some others.
I like Colin Bennett's chronic and cultural skepticism terms, but that may be too esoteric.
Whatever term you use, and I'll probably keep on using various forms of rabid-pathological-fundie myself, the "point" is: there is skepticism, and then there's something else entirely hiding behind the goodly term of skepticism.
When it comes to UFOs, it's not that I'm "skeptical." As I've asked in the past, skeptical of what, exactly? That UFOs exist? Of course I'm not skeptical. That'd be stupid.
It's illogical, and, well, "pathological" to hold yourself up proudly as a "skeptic'" and state that you "don't believe UFOs exist."
UFOs exist. People see them all the time. Whatever in the world is there to dispute, dahlings?
Personal interpretations of what those UFOs "are," now, that's a different matter. And stating, as fact, that they're aliens from Mars, is not one bit skeptical. To be skeptical that UFOs are from other planets is a good and true thing.
This doesn't mean, however, that they "couldn't" be from Mars. It's possible. And in my opinion, it's very likely they are. Or from somewhere. I suspect they are, and that's my opinion. It's not a fact, for no one knows. (Well, possibly "they" know, you know, "them" -- but they're not telling.)
I'm very skeptical alien abductions are: A) carried out by aliens, and B) literal abduction events. I'm also equally skeptical alien abductions are merely road weariness or product of a sleep disorder.
As much as I respect and admire Stanton Friedman, and I do, I am skeptical of the veracity of MJ-12. I think he has been the ongoing target of a disinformation campaign, but I could be wrong. I hope I am. But the history of the source, or his leads, and of UFO disinfo itself, causes me to be skeptical.
Surprising as it may be to the anti-UFO "skeptic" there are skeptics within genuine UFOlogy as well. I remember many years ago, when I was involved in a local UFO study group. I voiced my opinion on abductions; how I think much of that is staged "MILAB' stuff. I was almost run out of town on a rail. One person told me he didn't want to be around me; he couldn't bring himself to associate with someone like me who was "that paranoid."
At a local UFO conference once, I was disinvited to speak, because I was too "negative." My message? Beware the messenger. Too "negative" and they wanted to keep things upbeat. Christ, you would have thought I was talking about the Reptilian Overlords and vats of human body parts in Dulce from the way the conference facilitator carried on.
Anyway, I could go on and on, and I will at some point. Meantime, just know that there are those out there who are no mere skeptics, but a completely different breed altogether, wit no only a bias, but an agenda. There are levels and varieties to these types of course, from the hapless dupes who gladly grab onto the latest meme of anti-UFOism, to the intentional disinformation agents who put the latest anti-UFO meme out there for the dupes to pick up, gossip over, and pass along. There are the debunkers, and the pathological, the rabid, the irrational rationalists. There are the ones with the big egos who pride themselves on being educated and intelligent -- as they never fail to tell the rest of us, implying that many of us are "not" -- and carve out a niche for themselves as skeptics. Finally -- and this is based on my personal experience and observation -- those who are given to sarcasm and sneering 'tudes, just for its own sake, seem to gravitate to the rabid skeptic side.
There are also those who I find particularly intriguing, though at the same time unctuous and nauseating, and that's the mega-rabid anti-UFOist. So obsessed they are! They despise UFos, UFOlogy, UFO experiencers, UFO witnesses, UFO researchers, UFO "enthusiasts" so much, they write virtually daily on UFOlogy, and why it's bad, evil, silly, stupid, dangerous, sad, pathetic, a waste of time. Why, they even "lie" at times! I know, it's positively astonishing, isn't it?
Well, I kind of went off there on a tangent, but nothing new there. Aside from my own brilliant insights into skepticism, there have been some very good entries on the topic by other bloggers as well lately. Greg Bishop, on UFO Mystic, and
Dustin of Odd Things. Dustin mentions Mac Tonnies; with a link to Wikipedia on Tonnies' essay on Skepticism. Nick Redfern has also written something recently on UFO whistle blowers, and the need for skepticism.
One thing I've noticed about "skeptics" and UFO people -- and of course this is a generalization, based on nothing but observation - but it seems that the anti type of skeptic isn't questioning. Unless, of course, they're calling into question one's sanity, character, and innate state of truthfulness. Compare that to the questioning of the UFO witness, or researcher. Most of us are doing nothing "but" questioning. The "true 'bleevers" aside, most of us question quite a lot, while the fundie/rabid/pathological etc. "skeptic" does not. They believe there is nothing to question. They're far from any honest, open "inquiry" they're about denial, derision, and even a sort of cultural cleansing. Rid the world of "woo" -- in this case, flying saucer woo -- and let the questioning end, seems to be the goal.
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