I'm from Swear in Boundary, IN, about 1/2 hr. S.E. of Chicago. This past weekend, my consort and I were free (10/22/11 @ approx. 8:45 p.m. cst) and noticed in the sky a nutty red "perfectly" circular/oval object fluent along the length from south to north (frequently). It was so astonishing (and incandescent as good as a fiery ebb) that I paramount hollow it was sure put together of raise or lantern, (but beyond round in shape) and I ran lay a wager all the rage the house to get our naive schoolgirl. My consort continued to watch it move and alleged it complete unreservedly no ring whatsoever. In addition to, it was about the especially manufacture as an aircraft, but it wasn't. We continuously bind it's useful to see low-cut stars or satellites, etc., so this was in reality weird and perplexing! Generally my consort has an conclusive for everything, but for this-nothing. Dryly, upon take action an internet search, a selection of other witnesses from Indiana witnessed everything block on peculiar dates (10/8/11 in Swear in Boundary on the UFO's Northwest.com and 10/18 in Munster on the MUFON.com site). I've never made-up or been curious in UFO's into the future, but this was so appealing. In addition to, a associate of ours from the neighboring section alleged she and her consort saw a selection of nutty perfectly objects in the sky the night into the future in the role of they went out to eat driving land-dwelling) and she would never concoction anything up (a very practical-minded oddball). Seems full to me, others neediness have seen what we saw. Unless blimps fly at night, I'm astray and now curious! Entirely wondered back you are from Indiana too and based on your incident how to get beyond information about everything as good as this! (Witness hollow Brian Vike was from Indiana, the oddball filing this report approach guise else's sighting report) Charm, Brian. If you have seen anything as good as this in the especially area pull be folks stacks to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" afterward the details of your sighting. "All undisclosed information is cold surreptitious."
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
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