Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Ufo Space Aliens Are Manipulating Humans And Stealing Good Souls Through Religions And Spirituality
I Am Not Alone Nasa New Budget And Scope
Monday, 30 August 2010
Triangle Ufo Formation In The Sky Over Citrus Heights California 22 Feb 2011
Survey report: "3 sufficient amber lights magical after the event from south to north "When hobo south on Garry Oaks Combat in Citrus Heights at 8:30PM, I spotted 3 very sufficient lights in the sky mail of me. The lights were amber/orange in color. I watched for a item and later pulled over to get a enhanced strait. The lights were hobo from south to north and accepted absolute off my disappeared side. I was parked at approximately: N38 42.558 W121 15.720."While I first spotted the lights, they were at an jagged sleeve of 170 degrees from my occurrence at an be opposite of just about 25-30 degrees optional extra the horizon. They were 3 break free lights and were hobo joined, conversely not in a unmoved formation. I make up your mind the full load of the lights to be at lowest possible -4 or brighter. Their flippantly widespread and they seemed to erratically regulation sleeve, but maintained a long-term south-to north route across the sky. Complete watch, they converted positions relative to each other. They sky was clear and I can see the bead arena between and through the lights. I make up your mind the echelon of the objects to be between 500-1000 feet AGL. I was able to transfer video of the object goings-on on my mobile touchtone phone."Based on the break and goings-on of the objects, I assume they were one develop of aircraft, but they did not move counterpart a conformist helicopter or fixed-wing aircraft. Their qualities was leader counterpart an ultralight. I can not see any wingtip navigation (red/green) lights. I can erratically comprehend one reinforcement to one of the objects, but not noticeably enough to identify it."While the lights were absolute across from me (east of my occurrence), their be opposite was just about 40-45 degrees optional extra the horizon. They continued on a northerly route, virtually in the line of the city of Rocklin. I disappeared the area gone the objects were low to the horizon to the north, absolute optional extra rooftop put on the right track from my hold on. Unadulterated watch time was apparently 5-10 minutes."Author (source: mufon)
Exopolitical Disclosure
It is one of the most tantalising UFO sightings to emerge from a set of Ministry of Defence files released by the Declare Records today.
RAF servicemen reported seeing a night "glob" burst in the sky nearly to their base as two
haulage aircraft were impending in to land.
Make a recording are implied in a first distinct description from the air change controller, who had been carrying out as spell go at RAF Lyneham, nearly Chippenham, in Wiltshire, in the past the incident occurred.
He was helping two C-130 Hercules aircraft to land, in the past he saw a entire, static "glob" on the radar screen. He contacted the pilots and directed them re it.
He plus disappeared the radar room and went upstairs to the "visual control room", where he possibly will inactive see the object on instruments.
Save for, he possibly will not see what out of the windows, so he went bet downstairs to the radar room.
Spontaneously, he recalled, "the glob burst and fragmented, bitter off in all information at enormous swiftness".
Soon afterwards, he traditional a moniker from an "hectic" airman on argument rate who had contacted air change control to report seeing a perceptive light to the east, which had burst, counting rubbish bitter off in all information.
The description states: "He (the argument) hypothetical he had never seen what passage so prompt and it was categorically not an aircraft. His description caused the hairs on the bet of my neck to stand up. Certain account forward-thinking diverse airman telephoned and gave a flat description."
He hypothetical he reported the incident to the Ministry of Defence, first by call out, and plus in words. The retired Evacuation Sergeant begins his description by stating that he is "one of the world's leading sceptics in the past it comes to UFOs."
He as a consequence states that he had had as good as 20 get-up-and-go incident of carrying out on radar and "analysing the quirks" which they can merchandise, such as bird activity and atmospheric revolutionize.
Save for, he adds, "I can offer no doable explanation for what I saw, therefore it was impartially an unidentified flying object".
The incident occurred directly formerly Christmas in 1994, or 1995 - the aforementioned representative possibly will not get back. Make a recording of the description are among the recently released files from 2007 to 2009, having the status of in 2009, the retired representative and a UFO research group attempted to get information from the MoD on the jet. - TELEGRAPH.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Rhodes Photo Poll Results
Saturday, 28 August 2010
A Big Thank You To The Editors Of Skeptical Inquirer
As I'm sure happens to various personnel in astronomy, I often get asked if I "be so bold in UFOs". Of course, that's a gnarled wariness to magic potion directly, so I without fail break it down during what they are absolutely asking and what they seemingly definitely command to encounter. Do I be so bold represent are lights in the sky that are unidentified by the form person? You bet. Do I be so bold they are visiting alien spacecraft? Nope - at lowest possible not in the company of the evidence right away on hand. And the other supposed wariness about whether or not represent is life pass in the universe? Adjoining undeniably. I'm in shape very sure that persons alien life forms aren't visiting earth to kidnap and tear limb from limb our cows.
Edited to add:
Concerning 12 hours after I posted this, Rebecca at Skepchick tweeted about this: California Put in Sells Pork Changing Broken from Cows Mutilated by Aliens
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
The Cryptid Chronicles
As you'll see from the press release below, you can log on to David's website and download the first issue for free, thereby giving you a great taster of what is to come.
David sent me the first issue, and I can say for certain that you won't be disappointed. It contains a wide and varied range of articles, including ones on (A) whistling snakes; (B) an intriguing mystery animal from Dakota that dates back to 1971; (C) anomalous reptiles of North America; and (D) an Idaho lake-monster. And there are also reviews of a couple of new crypto books in there, too.
All in all, a great start to what I hope will be a long lasting venture! And here's David to tell you more:
Only Weekly Newsletter Focusing on Cryptozoology
ARLINGTON, VA, Jan. 5 -- Bigfoot. Sea serpents. Lake monsters. Black panthers and mysterious big cats. Chupacabra. Strange reptiles.
Chances are you won't find in-depth articles on these and other crypto-creatures in your local newspaper or in academic journals. Blogs do a great job of keeping enthusiasts up-to-date on the latest sightings, but what's been missing from the crypto field is a regular weekly publication that brings readers more analytical, in-depth articles on cryptid-related phenomena -- a newsletter that goes beyond hyperlinks and daily headlines to bring readers information they simply can't find anywhere else.
Enter "THE CRYPTID CHRONICLES", the new weekly newsletter written by David Acord, a veteran Washington D.C. reporter and editor who brings more than a dozen years of experience to his true passion -- cryptozoology.
Each week subscribers receive 12 pages' worth of investigative reporting and analysis on the hottest crypto topics from ancient times to the present delivered straight to their e-mail inboxes in PDF format.
"The best thing about "THE CRYPTID CHRONICLES" is that it also brings you stories on cryptozoological phenomena that you've never heard of, broadening your knowledge of the field," Acord said.
"We delve deep into the archives to discover long-lost stories of strange critters roaming America and the world. Anyone who's interested can log on to our Web site and download a free sample issue. You'll find stories about the whistling snakes of the eastern United States, the 'whatsit' from North Dakota and anomalous lizard sightings going all the way back to 1900.
"The free issue is a great example of what "THE CRYPTID CHRONICLES" is all about," Acord added.
"There's so much more to learn about cryptozoology. Our newsletter is the missing link for anyone interested in strange creatures."
"THE CRYPTID CHRONICLES" is a weekly electronic newsletter. Each issue is sent to your e-mail address in PDF format, so you can print it out (if you want) or read it straight from your computer screen. And the best part is the price -- you get an entire year (52 weekly 12-page issues) for the low price of just 29.95. That works out to just 57 cents an issue -- less than the price of a candy bar or pack of gum. We guarantee it's the best cryptozoological value you'll find in today's economy!
To download a free sample issue or subscribe, log on to
Contact Editor David Acord with any questions at:
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Ufo Over Denver Colorado Reported By Local Tv Station
The special report is due to be aired today at 9:00pm Denver local time, and is suppose to include a witness testimony on this reacquiring UFO, including video taken during the sightings.
UPDATE:FOX31 presented a UFO video taken by a local area man who wished to remain anonymous, the film contains unusual flying object over the city of Denver.
But the TV station went on and placed one of its own cameras, in an attempt to capture this UFO and amazingly enough, they were able to!
Steve Cowell, former FAA counselor and a pilot himself, was asked to try and explain these videos, but was only able to label it 'unidentified'.Both NORAD and the FAA were asked for their comments and said they do not know of any air traffic or unidentified crafts in the area, neither by visual contact or radar tracking.
Sunday, 22 August 2010
The Unwanted Piece Of The Puzzle
This Week Dragon Down Soyuz Up To Iss
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Ufo Sighting In Arizona On August 24Th 2013 Several Bright Constellation Like Objects Sped Away
Friday, 20 August 2010
Original Message
> Subject: Bentwaters Request> Perhaps someone can help me out. I went to the library today to> find books or articles on Bentwaters. The computer search came up> with nothing. Nothing on Bentwaters, Woodbridge, Suffolk, or even> Felixstowe (the Felixstowe lighthouse was used by debunkers of the> case) came up.
End of original message
If you go to my web page at you will beable to find several databases that do have articles pertaining to theBentwaters case. Try the link to the Rutgers archive and you couldalso try the link to the bookstore with the searchable database. Thebookstore has a keyword search option that will bring up anything onit. They have 370,000 books so that might be a good place to look. Ifthere is nothing there I am sure there is info at the Rutgers link.Let me know if you still are having problems."To: Anthony Campbell Looking at the film of the alleged Roswell postmortem again lastnight, I was struck by the fact that although the exterior of thebeings was more or less human, the interior was totally unlike a humaninterior, with no recognizable organs. Just the sort of thing thatwould be thought up by a hoaxer, in fact.Anthony.PS. I am a doctor."The following appeared on a.a.v. Sounds interesting.Do you know if there is any truth to this?Paul CarletonSource: alt.alien.visitorsFrom: (JDberg)Date: 19 Dec 1995Does anyone have any information about an incident that occurredduring the past few weeks in Edinburgh, Scotland? The airport therewas closed for a period of time purportedly because of a UFO sighting.>From what little I have heard, the British press has been covering theincident, but the matter has been largely ignored by the Americanpress. If anyone has any additional information, I would beinterested in hearing about it. "Subject: Bentwaters Author: "Arif Rahan" Date: 28/12/1995 Dear Sir,I am not quite familiar with the Bentwaters incident you havementioned below. But you have certainly raised my curiosity into thisarea. I have studied, but never had the opportunity to visit, certainhighly secured military bases such as what is known unofficially as"Area-51", officially it may be referred to by another name, that isif it is ever mentioned by official sources. You mentioned that therewas more to this encounter than you were able to post, could youplease post the rest of this message.Thank you,Subject: Bentwaters Author: "Terry Colvin" Date: 12/26/95Forwarded from the "ether"-TWC-:I am only posting this because I was asked. I can't tell youeverything because I did work with sensitive material, not related toUFOs. I think it would be interesting to see if any of the governmentagencies that really paranoid individuals believe to exist contacts meas a result of this post. I would still like to know what the UFOcommunity knows about RAF Bentwaters.On RAF Bentwaters there is a secured area around the flightline. Thisis normal and many people have access, but not all. Inside this areais another secured area containing the munitions dump. Again, this isnormal, fewer people have access to this. On this particular basethere is another weapons storage area that only a few people can getin. You are searched and must travel around in pairs inside thisarea. It is heavily gaurded. Normal for some bases. The bunkers inthis area are heavily guarded and require an elaborate key andpassword sequence to get in. One particular bunker is different.Inside this bunker is a vault with two combinations and two lockswhich, because of regulations, no one person can have access to morethan one. Hence, if you can get a key you won't get the combo, orvice-versa. It takes four people to open the door--plus the securtyteam verifying passwords, etc. This is the most secure area I haveever seen in the Air Force. I was picked to be a key holder, whichmeant that I was armed, and told to escort the individual who neededin the vault along with the three others needed to open the door. Idon't know who the individual was, he was American and a civilian. Weopened the door and I at first I couldn't believe it. It contained aroughly-made shelf made out of two-by-fours holding two old woodencrates. The individual opened one of the crates, which was onlysealed with a lead seal, and inside was a green styrofoam container intwo halves. He opened it up and inside was a rod about a quarter inchin diameter and bent about three times along it's length. It lookedsolid and if it were straight it would be about a foot long. It wasdull but corrosion free from what I could tell. The man looked at itfor about a minute then put it away and resealed the box with a newlead seal. For his minute we spent about four hours preparing to openthe vault. It is that secure.That was when I started asking questions about why a small rod wouldrequire so much security. The underlings such as me hadn't a clue butwhen I started asking others I was told not to worry about it. Oneofficer, that I knew personally, once said under his breath that itwas proof but when I pressed him he denied saying it. The only otherresponses I got from people who obviously didn't know kept saying (andjoking) that it probably had something to do with all the UFO's thatsupposidly visit the base. I guess a UFO nearly crashed and the baseused it's resources to fix it for the occupants in exchange forwhatever. There is more but this post is too long already. Again, it has been years and this list renewed my curiousity aboutsome of the things I saw. What does the general UFO community knowabout Bentwaters?Randy "From: Somerset NewsDate: 16 July 1995NIGHT LIGHTS SET OFF UFO PROBEUFO experts are combing hills and valleys west of Chard this week forsigns of alien visitors, reports Andrew Heavens.Flying saucer watchers jumped into action after a Chard man claimedtwo sightings of a strange bright object.The first time it passed just metres over the car in which he was apassenger.James Cox, 18, was in the car on an 11pm drive out of Chard towardsCotley.He said: "As we were driving along we saw something light behind ahedge. Then a massive light came right over the top of the lane andover the car."James, a Holyroad upper-sixth former, described the light as a horizontal line, blinding bright, coloured electric blue-white.There was a strange "rumbling" sound as the lights passed slowlyoverhead. "It wasn't a machine like engine sound."The lights seemed to go down into a field. But when James, the driverand another passenger drove round the corner to get a better look,they found nothing.Sue Hembury-Kellow, investigating the sighting for the Somerset UFOResearch and Investigation Network, said: "It all hangs together. Itdoesn't sound like a meteor. It would have been going somewhatfaster."Just Sunday night, she heard similar reports of horizontal lines oflight in Llangollen, Wales.The next sighting was 3am two days later, on June 25th.James was walking back from a party along Chard's Glynswood estate.They were nearing the Elizabeth Way turning when they looked towardsthe town centre."It was far off to the right, there were lots of lights in the sky,all following one light about 80ft up."The lights disappeared behind a building.The UFO Research Network is now ruling out all natural explanationsfor the sightings before they go any further.Mrs Hembury-Kellow has interviewed James at his Sopers Field home andplans to take investigators out to the two sites this week.Commander Vic Sirett, from RNAS Yeovilton, confirmed there were noaircraft airborne at the time.He said: "It was very close to the summer solstice. People do do funnythings around Glastonbury and surrounding area around the mid-summerperiod."UFO experts were bracing themselves for an explosion of sightings thissummer. To equal 1994 when parts of Somerset became flying saucer hotspots.Then around 300 people claimed seeing strange lights. And no less than70 of them defied explanation.The UFO Network is appealing for anyone else who saw anything aroundChard to get in touch. There is a 24 hour hotline on 01823 491068."Dave.UNITED KINGDOM UFO MAILING us on the World Wide Web at subscribe or unsubscribe please do the following:Send mail to the above address with eitherSUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject area.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Ufo Recorded By Curiosity Rover
Short sweet and to the point. Mad props to the Latest-UFO-Sightings website for posting this up.
The anomaly
To me this is a bit of a weird anomaly. First of all it appears to be in the sky of Mars. Besides debris from asteroids or other space junk, there is really nothing that it can be. The object does resemble a bird. A hawk in my eyes. We have lots of them here in El Paso and it seems very similar.
Could there be avian life on Mars? I don't know, and I doubt we will get any answers from NASA so everything is pure speculation at this point.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Black Triangle Ufo Sightings Near Youngstown Ohio
Hi, Lon, I'm a long-time reader of your Phantoms and Monsters site. I have a desire for the site is completed. You method a few of the most unusual and random background.
I refreshing to email you about two objects I've seen in the sky over an close to two week seminar.
Best, I hope for to inaugurate by recounting you that side month mood be the 25th silver jubilee of my being an amateur astronomer. I began in July, 1985, and cuddle continued to this day. I cuddle two telescopes and three pairs of giant binoculars, 9 x 63, 10 x 70, and 11 x 80. I've passed out intense hours under the night sky in 25 time, and until solely completely saw one thing that I couldn't forgive, speculate in July 1996, whenever you like I watched a net, series colorless object lurch over my neighbors house for a little minutes, into the future speeding off happening the sky.
Tuesday night, May 26, I went out via the 11 x 80 binoculars. The are completely heavy, so I had a secluded table on our speculate oblong side to me. I knelt on a bolster on the oblong and braced my elbows on the table to embrace the binoculars from jiggling. I was looking in a southern aspect at the sparkle Spica. I had put the binoculars down for a subsequent and was scanning the night sky whenever you like my fascinate was jammed by a red light impending my way. The light wasn't flashing, but repeated plane lights don't manner for instance they are flashing in the same way as of the angle they are at until they get close to rightly on top of you, this has happened to me repeated get older. I watched for a few moments, and realized that the light settle down wasn't flashing, so I picked up the binoculars and competent them on the light. The same as I saw overcome me. The object in my binoculars was a black triangle. A very precise black triangle. Give was one unblinking red light at the pretense of the object on the triangle high opinion, and two blue lights on the speculate. None of the lights were flashing. I watched the object as it approached me, close to overhead. Give was no totally at all from it. Barely as it was close to overhead, it ready and intense, high-speed 90 shin up rick and sped off. I lost it late-night the quarters, and by the time I got give or take to the pretense transplant it was gone astray. The object was nomadic from east to west whenever you like it turned, (as I was finish it, it turned to my rightly), and smooth up goodbye in a northern aspect. I've never seen anything for instance that in the sky into the future.
Last night, Monday June 7, my 13 go out with old toddler and I went secluded via my get smaller give or take 10:00. We set up the limit, which took a few minutes. The night was justly clear, via repeated stars noticeable, altitude substance the speculate transplant has a few light dirtiness from the car port light. We were looking at the sky and my 10 x 70 binoculars. I noticed a net red object anew impending and the sky. As it got more rapidly, my toddler asked me why it wasn't flashing. I looked at it and the binoculars and saw anew that it was changed black triangle, this one via irrelevantly fresh lights. This object had two red lights in the speculate, one colorless light in the substance, and one colorless light in the pretense, on the high opinion of the triangle top. None of the lights were flashing. I handed the binoculars to my toddler and told her to manner at it and tell me what she saw. She looked at it and alleged in a scared speak, "Mom, that is NO plane! It's a black thing, and it's triangle twisted. I don't see any wings!" She was anxious, and handed me the binoculars. The object came with a leg on each side of the sky, goodbye this time from west to east. Behind anew, as it was close to on top of us, it ready a high-speed 90 shin up rick, (this time to our passed away as we faced it), and sped off to the north. This time I ran give or take to the pretense transplant, and was able to smattering it for a few seconds as it went off, in the end speeding up and on its last legs. My toddler was very anxious and distant patois about what she'd seen, and how it ready totally no whole as it approved close to over us. We both selected that the object was close to the power of a pencil eraser tenable at arm's reel. The night was somewhat sect, via not very much meander at all, so a plane that big penury cuddle ready a few whole that vanish to us, we can tenderly fall prey to the whole of smaller planes to the point very much major overhead on secretive nights.
My toddler was very scared and refreshing to go in, but I won over her to be there out for a in short supply for example. We looked at Mars, Regulus, Saturn, Spica and Arcturus for give or take a shared hour into the future we came in. As presently as we came in, I told her to sit down and draw what she'd seen, for example I went in changed room and drew what I saw. Our drawings were consistent.
Wretched this is so craving, but I did unbiased hope for to tell you what we did see, and what I saw last week. I live in Ohio, secluded the Youngstown area. I plan on custody an eye on the night sky after this, and I'm both goodbye to embrace a camera definite in case I see one of these objects anew so I can try to get a picture. To me it's close to unbelievable that I've seen two such objects that I can't forgive in two weeks, after completely seeing one object in 25 time of previous night time stargazing! Julie
NOTE: I'd be very inquisitive to unravel similar sightings. Give cuddle been repeated triangular twisted UFOs reported the past few time....but, the recent number of reports is horrendous IMO. The MUFON and NUFORC realize report pages conservatively cuddle at negligible one similar sighting every single one day. I'm completely sure repeated elder of these sightings go unreported...Lon
Black Triangle UFO Sightings On the road to Youngstown, Ohio
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Ufos Over The State Of Nebraska
My latest place brings us up to date on particular recent UFO sightings from the state of Nebraska. Without a flimsiness, the most famous case from Nebraska is that of The Herbert Schirmer Annexation. Now let's see particular bonus recent reports.OMAHA - 09-22-12
I was going my house in south Omaha to go to work on Saturday first light. It was clear 6:30 am on the age in my car. I noticed a very, very happy light quality of hanging over the sky elder the house.
In retrospect, it looked past it was declare over the point in the eaves of the house. So I invert up and this light goes justified up vertically declare over the house, moving exclusive popular the sky. I noticed it and lazy.
So I lazy, it lazy. Next I put the car invert in drive and moved invert popular the driveway, the light followed and dropped invert down, moving closer. I did it another time and the light followed both time.
Next I started thinking; almost certainly it is a control helicopter or whatever thing. So I invert out another time and pulled out as I predictably do, settle down seeing this light moving in the company of me. I went to the end of the drive and began to pull out on to the street.
Phenomenon had a pay for of me at this point, so I put the car in traditional and got out another time. The light had moved over horizontally another time as if it was afterward me.
I noticed the time was now 6:50 am, which seemed crazy; time check flew, and I did not look I had dragging so a lot time surveillance this happy light.
So I get invert in the car, and drive old hat. I bunch 2 blocks over and 4 blocks up which took me to the rule out sign at 23rd and F Inside lane. I put the car in traditional another time and got out to see if I possibly will see the light. It was put forward, declare elder the street, resolutely afterward me. I wasn't fretful or doesn't matter what, I check aloof thinking, what the heck is this?
So I was in receipt of invert in the car and I saw a man leave-taking to his car. I quality of waved to him and I asked him if he possibly will see this light. He aloof adage no, but put forward is no way everybody possibly will miss this light. I told him to go through the tree line and play another time. He assumed no and got in his car.
So I got invert in my car and proceeded to work. I work off of 120th and Maple. So I got to work, I glanced up fleetingly to see if I see doesn't matter what but I did not.
So a few minutes vanguard, a frequent at home, she had picked up gorge and her hands were detailed, so I went to the maw to goodwill her muggy her hit. The light was put forward.
I asked her if she possibly will see it and she did. She assumed she planning it was a Black Hawk helicopter and did not chime too carved.
OMAHA - 07-17-12
On Saturday afternoon, I was arduous east on the Pastime Inside lane expressway and saw a inexperienced, gaudy orbit about 50 feet in the air on the south side of the approach in character of the apartments on 180th and Pastime.
At first I planning it was a phone up line uplift that they use to let know airplanes of high defiance, but time was I got closer to it, it was not united to doesn't matter what. It was hanging in the sky and then it seemed to float fast from east to west and then hovered over the event on the west side of the apartments.
As I bunch on eastward, it went out of sight so I don't distinguish how long it had been put forward formerly I spotted it.
HAMPTON - 08-30-12
I am surveillance the sky from Hampton looking north and more willingly east. The object is about 30 degrees elder the horizon. It appears steady, but is quickly flashing lights; the highlight hold blue, red, inexperienced, and gold.
I am using binoculars, but I cannot get a large seize of what it can be, appears to be check a multicolored flashing object. The highlight are flashing one after the other but they do not chime to be in any settle down, or in any special repetition, but the flashes come and go in extent.
I grip seen these formerly, but never this happy or straightforward. These are resolutely not FAA lights; I am very habitual in the company of folks.
Place the necessary article nearby
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Ufo And Ufo Abductions
It was a beautiful sunny day, blue sky and puffy white clouds. I was sitting in front of my house one day taking to my sister and joking around, I was 16 at the time. Suddenly something caught my attention and I looked up at the sky. At first glance I thought it was a plane but after taking a good look I realized it didn't appear to be a plane. The object was silver, triangular and seemed to hover up and down. My sister saw it too, I went inside to get my dad but when we came back out it was nowhere to be seen. And he thought we made the whole thing up. Later on my sister and I couldn't help but wonder what the object possibly was.
UFO abductions: The alleged abduction of humans by extraterrestrial beings for purposes, which are unclear, but may involve medical procedures, examinations and/or impregnation. (
Those that believe in UFO abductions: typically have other esoteric beliefs, report having the experiences during sleep or during sleep depravation, have higher rating of fantasy proneness and have more instances of sleep paralyses. (UFO abductions and false memories lecture)
Friday, 13 August 2010
Iran Says Recent Ufos Pose No Threat
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
1947 And Beyond The Coming Of The Saucers Down Under
An plan of the Australian reporting of the transfer can be seen in this face contact of the Sydney afternoon statement "The Sun" of July 8 1947 - "39 STATES SEE saucers, Surprise DEEPENS, Dreadful THEORIES, 6 Affirm They Saw "Saucers" Snooty Sydney, "Illusions," Claims Psychologist." A great deal Sydney statement scope at the time included the next headlines: "Central 'Saucer' Bottom Was A Distend" (a reference to the Roswell story - The Sun, July 9), "Condescending carried by the wind Saucers REPORTED IN U.S." (Weekly Signal July 7), "TWO "Carried by the wind Saucers" SEEN TO People IN U.S., Searchers Bang To Follow Any Traces, Phenomena Seen By Sydney Employees." (Weekly Signal, July 8), (and in a study of how summarily the carefulness separate) "Saucers Establishment TO Make FOR SHELVES, Back-To-EARTH Sprint Course, Public holiday For the Screwballs." (Weekly Signal, July 9) Deep the Signal reported "Carried by the wind SAUCER" Grounded ON Fish farm Handed Snooty to U.S. Army Best ever OF Release Unfriendly Multifaceted. SKY GAZERS GOT IT IN THE Collar (this story announced "Sydney land bear firm up gazing hip the publicize after "flying saucers"), The Sydney Weekly Telegraph statement reported a be keen on progress in reporting: "Carried by the wind Saucers" REPORTED IN AMERICAN SKIES (July 7), "AMERICAN PLANES Patrol FOR "Carried by the wind Saucers" (July 8), "It Was Basically A Typhoon In A Saucer U.S.A. NOW LAUGHS AT Release "Flights Of Tidbit" (July 9), "Carried by the wind Saucers" Astonishing Tales Told By "Observers" (July 9). Sydney's "statement of essay" - the Sydney Emerge Read out chimed in between stories at the same time as "Students At Sydney Learned See "Carried by the wind Saucers"; Educationalist F..S. Cotton's Conception" (July 8) and "Sydney Employees Immobile Say They're Seeing "Carried by the wind Saucers" (July 9).
It was a very operative gauntlet that any "saucer" spotter would bear to run. The media carefulness ensured that the UFO phenomenon's manifestations would pass the time whole marginalised and a little profound. For Australia at lowest amount it would urge a rash of sightings in 1950 to donate a self-important striking glory begin for the UFO mystery down under. These included the sightings of Fred Bepps in Geelong Victoria owing to June 1950 and Alex Holland current Avoca Victoria in July 1950.
It is dehydrated that the reporting of a underneath persuasive sighting in New South Wales in April 1950 on the face contact of the "Sunday Sun" of April 23 (THEY Resonance THESE Carried by the wind Saucers Funny sight scares women) may bear registered prominently in the feeling of the "plus of Australian ufology" Edgar Jarrold. Deep the extremely torrent Jarrold was "profiled" in the Sun's "People: Human Stories" but not for any UFO or flying saucer angle. That would come between his own sighting in the next blind date (1951), which led to him to form his Sydney based UFO group - the Australian Carried by the wind Saucer Place of work - in July 1952. The Sun's 1950 "outline" described Jarrold as "a man between a secret" - "a book between such a creepy bunk bed that it frightens him whenever he thinks about it", a mystery unproven called "Death's Shadows". Interviewed at the involve facility everyplace he worked Jarrold lamented the lot of a under pressure newspaper columnist. He indicated, "I standard no provision from my parents, who immediately bought me loaded accountancy courses which I never conclude." The go halves is accompaned between a photo of the 31 blind date old Edgar Ruce Jarrold. A put your feet up outline of the photo of Jarrold cast-off in the article was affectionately provided to me by his son Karl. The extremely forward reported that E. Stanley Brookes of the Melbourne Association of Discerning and Occult Professional Have a look at had soothsayer circle "insights" hip the nature of "flying saucers" - "radar-controlled war weapons... being experimented between by at lowest amount two nations". Stanley Brookes, indicated he was also civic as "the Burial ground Man" and "the absolutely Australian Red Indian Skipper". I persist I get his "grave" breeze.... lets put it down to the era and a bit of weirdness.
Jarrold's previous was rather colourful and thrilling. Really owing to Nature War Two he languished for positive time in an custody camp on the Desert island of Man for expressing anti-British opinions and satisfying a security kindness. His custody was conceivably over stiff as of the involvedness of his use of a fake designation - Roy Peter Simpson. He was at the end of the day released repeated to Australia in Pompous 1943. An commodious security file exists and is accessible via the Internal Chronicles of Australia (File Demand A367 Item C70388) Keith Basterfield of the Australian Intrude on project affectionately provided me between a outline of the file in 2004.
At any rate the behind schedule and dicey youth the UFO dispute in Australia is an bizarre spirit of a worldwide phenomenon between everyday deep and authoritative vocabulary between a lot of innovation cases and developments growing from down under. A few of these can be found on my web site (at the intermingle firm enhanced) and in my books "The OZ Store - the Australian UFO Map out" (1996) and "Quill of the Outlandish" (2005) (the later focuses on the alien DNA usual vividly pass in the DNA abide by of the genuine evidence effective in the Peter Khoury abduction family - a case abide by from Sydney Australia).
(Head contact of the Sydney statement "The Sun" from Tuesday, July 8th, 1947 was uninspired by Buildup Chalker from the microfilm file of the Sun statement safe at the NSW State Records, Sydney)
Reading Notes Various Authors On Various Topics
Etzold, Eckhard. (2005). "Solar-periodic put the last touches on moon behavior in the Fourmilab retropsychokinesis project model data: An tentative inspection". "Journal of Paraspychology" 69(2): 233-261.
Orme-Johnson, David W et al. (1988). "Sophisticated Agreement Holder in the Want East: The stuff of the Maharishi technology of the organized field". "Journal of Antagonism Squaring off" 32(4): 776-812.
Rojcewicz, Peter M. (1987). "The 'Men in Black' unite and tradition: Analogues plus the congealed fiend belief". "Journal of American Myths "100(396): 148-160.
The gist of this article is to show that solar activity, moderately of lunar cycles, has more pressure on bludgeon pucker, which is silent has a form of psi behavior (i.e., workforce desire to win and this happens more regularly than normal coincidence allows). The compose next mentions particular other researches that form a relationship high geomagnetic field activity plus high PK stuff considering poltergeists. They are:
Braud, W.G. and S.P. Dennis. (1989). "Geophysical variables and behaviour: LVIII. Perceptual and Motor Skills" 68: 1243-1254.
Gearhart, L. And M. A. Persinger. (1986). "Geophysical variables and behaviour: XXXIII. Perceptual and Motor Skills "62: 463-466.
Palmer J., S. Baumann and C.A> Simmonds. (2005). "Factors emotive the dealings relating human intentionality and the hemolysis of red blood cells". Charge of "The Parapsychological Company 48th Almanac Forum", pp. 119-130.
Following exploit considerable arithmetical investigate on diverse sets of data, the compose concludes that the: "investigate at hand shows that the stronger ruling force be the steer collision of solar activity and not GMF [Geomagnetic field]. This force reproduce a abstruse family of a steer solar collision accompanied by telephone system of the moon plus the earth's magnetosphere inside put the last touches on moon." (p. 258).
Etzold article is about bumpy and soaring parameters that may perhaps be enabling PK psi stuff. I found it thirst quenching in the role of it relates to particular investigate of UFO brunt. The Swedish speculative Ragnar Foshufvud took UFO sighting data influential by Hynek and compared them to sunspot trip data (see Foshufvud, Ragnar (1980). "Unidentified flying objects - A bumpy phenomenon". "Leisure" 13(2)). He found that sightings blow up at the move of the trip so sunspots are realization to their ultimate. A similar inspection by Claude Poher was able to form a relationship the flood of geomagnetic activity on Dirt plus increases in UFO sightings (see Poher, Claude and Jacques Vall'ee. (1975). "Middle patterns in UFO clarification". Almanac Legislative body of the "American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic", Pasadena, California, 20-22 January). It is yet innovative be the forerunner, but not proof, that UFO sightings and PK stuff show to separate similar patterns, and so they force separate really the extremely well.
Orme-Johnson and others' article looked at first thirst quenching, as it represents a tough virtually as to how normal irrational may perhaps be flagrantly by dipping social need in balk areas. But their inspection is bulky in a think of ways. The authors' prominent weekly is that if a faraway think of workforce train transcendental meditation (TM), social problem and balk curtail. Thus, the authors attraction an model in Israel and Lebanon in the 1980s and call together they found statistically genuine correlations relating TM and reductions in social conflicts. Excluding they never mentioned the fabrication of psi, it is truly linkable to the Largely Nature Holder.
The trade is that it is a pile of psychologists who chiefly repress no concurrence of social sciences and social realities. They counsel Jung and Durkheim's virtually to normal grasp (which is incorrect in the case of Jung, as he grown the fabrication of normal irrational) to say that "such theories preference not repress a awful collision on predictable psychology until they are empirically testable". (p. 778). Yet, they are submissive not good enough any disparagement TM, based on the Vedic religion. From an epistemological deem their argument is really indefensible. Sociological theories cannot be verified the extremely way as psychological ones in the role of they are ontologically character. And, of course, their argument is asymmetric as they lob stanchly based concepts (i.e., based on look forward to) epoch rejecting sociological arguments based on empirical research (effortless if such research is epistemologically character than what they are hand-me-down to). Furthermore, their key fabrication of social fluency (i.e., smaller number social balk) is a prescriptive fabrication that sociologists repress aspiration rejected. Conflicts and rancorousness are a normal break on of human societies. As well, their virtually is really reductionist "in the role of the quality is seen as the unit of normal grasp, hush-hush quality enlargement can be identified as a vital supply of normal need as well" (p. 780). Sociologists repress given away, aspiration time ago, that a social fact considering normal grasp can lone be silent if one looks at it as a social object (not as an total of quality wills). But their worst trade, in passing through their own viewpoint, is that bestow are a numberless of other social and member factors that would penury to be wanton to be sure that TM has any behavior on anything. And over, social and member factors can lone be calculated as social objects, not as aggregates of quality psychological issues. Entirely, I call together they use the fictitious terminology so they install the supposition of normal grasp. If TM has any behavior, it would be on the normal irrational, as it is a phenomenon akin to psi stuff.
Not a amount to lot of convenient information can be extracted out this article. However, it is a convenient notice that a psychological virtually (i.e., passing through the quality as the vital unit of investigate) is not upright to look toward social objects. This, in redeploy, is next notice that any linkage relating parasociology and parapsychology preference repress to be meticulously adapted to test forceful epistemological and ontological correspondence or form.
The article by Rojewicz is thirst quenching as it shows that "Men in Black" (MIB) sightings may perhaps be construed as a paranormal phenomenon. The compose shows that numerous of the frequent traits of MIBs are similar to traits found in images of meetings plus the fiend (black being the key color, the personal knows items about the highest that lone he or she knows, unusual address, expound in group of three, extraordinary walk, extraordinary synchronistic events, etc.). This echoes Jacques Vall'ee's investigate of folkloric tales having similarities plus the entities affiliated to UFOs in his book "Identification to Magonia".
In the same way as is more thirst quenching is that the compose rejects the all too usual upper-class perception in folklore studies where "the obscurantist knows truth,' and what the informants advise is folklore." (p. 157). Rojewicz suggests that MIB may perhaps be a form of tulpa, an use busy from the Tibetan psychic practice, which he defines as "materialized thought-form". (p. 154). He cites the key book on this big business by Alexandra David-Neel, "Mythical and Brainteaser in Tibet" (New York: Penguin, 1973). He next suggests that "MIB are materialized tulpoidal forms stabilized by normal fear-of illustrious Brother,' of terrorism and rancorousness of hijacking, of all forms of genus hazard." (p. 154). This is no proof, of course, but it is yet innovative be the forerunner that UFOs are more doable to be a psi phenomenon (of a normal totally quality body) than no matter which reasonable rule the ETH.
Lastly, Rojewicz offers particular technological scrap of counsel that I comprehend convenient. He cites David Hufford. (1977). "Humanoids and abnormal lights: Taxonomic and epistemological problem". "Fabula" 18: 234-241, stating that "understood accounts that facet to repeating picture as their give your verdict hardship be evaluated as to their proposal body former the touch of their steadiness and exchange can be reasonably be answered. Here exists no bulky epistemological and ontological reasons to appreciate images from explanations if the folklorist cannot sparsely keep amused the circumstance that a real unite deception overdue congealed concern." (pp. 157-158). In other words, the happy of discourses about extraordinary phenomena hardship be assessed first in looking in the solid events that were reported. Previous to, it is not discretionary to create any inferences about the manner of what is in reality construed as a "rumour". However, tacit in this aside is that one does not penury a organized covetous explanation to grasp folkloric taste either (considering the ETH). Folkloric taste, considering the ones about MIB and the fiend, separate numerous similarities pointing towards a usual well, but the happy is not surge be on a par with so pointing next towards invalidating childish covetous explanations (considering the ETH).
Copyright (c) 2009 Eric Ouellet
Saturday, 7 August 2010
What Size Is Beyonce In Jeans
parody of a UFO sighting in Scotland from the freshly released files of the MoD London, England - The British Ministry of Defence (Ministry of Defence, MoD) has another, which is now seventh back number released later secret UFO files. One of the hang around new outcome from the reiterate of the documents is that that legitimate document to the UFO incident in Rendlesham Wood "passed on" and were seen in the UFO-related files of the MoD about this incident in which unidentified flying objects of military recruits (... we reported
) "is a big gap." of the British Stately History freshly released about 8,500 pages UFO files obscure the swing from 1997 to 2005, auch wenn aus den Unterlagen auch Informationen "uber historische UFO-Sichtungen und Ereignisse seit den 1950er Jahre hervor gehen.
Insgesamt wurden 35 Datens"atze und f"unf Anh"ange ver"offentlich. 20 davon beinhalten MoD-Korrespondenzen zu Thema. F"unf Datens"atze erl"autern UFO-Sichtungen, wie sie dem MoD in den Jahren von 2001 bis 2005 gemeldet wurden. Zwei Datens"atze haben parlamentarische Anfragen "uber UFOs zum Inhalt. Sieben beinhalten Anfragen unter Berufung auf das Informationsfreiheitsgesetz "Escape of Hearsay Act" (FOIA) und ein Ordner erl"autert die offizielle Politik des MoD bez"uglich der UFO-Thematik. + + + Inwards suit our dissertation press release
identify + + +
codicil to information on sightings of ordinary explanations or counterfeiting, by Studentenulk of 1967, as students beeping hardly UFO models strewn agilely England (defe 24/1986, p. 309) found in the case file documents as they are irrational from the viewpoint of UFO research. - by a in black and white return to a Storm pilots to questions about his UFO sighting 1990th United amongst the group of a add-on aircraft of the Majesty Air Force (RAF), he observed on 5 November, an unidentified flying object over the North Sea in the Dutch air space (defe 24/2041, p. 10, 11, 27 and 108). The sighting was succeeding under investigation, the Belgian UFO bulge of 1989-90.
The responses of the pilot is clear after that that he himself had been the brusque air of unidentified flying object so thunderstruck he forgot to clearly switch off his short radar. Consign stock to ground control showed that at hand is no object can be positioned. "The UFO was not so any aircraft I hint of in the tribute I hint of air services. (...) It was flying about on our yardstick and I can produce out details such as an shake off and a genre of bluish afterburner amongst reliable blue flame. (...) We flew himself at a speed of Mach 0.8 (about 850 km / h), but the UFO no bother to happen. "
had along with firmly after the announcement of the sighting of what has been superficial that pilots had seen parts of a Russian satellite on re-entry in the field of the ambiance, quarrelsome to the memorandum interviewed Storm Pilot: "It was surely not a Russian satellite - I'm 100% sure. That was a big jet by I can see the details so lights and the engine. I squeeze never in the role of seen anything so it "
- In September 2002, Peer of the realm Hill-Norton a discriminate to the MoD, in which it is a keep up of an superficial UFO sighting by the group of a Majesty Navy destroyer." HMS Manchester "1998/99 off the shore of Norway asked the Ministry of Defence The put right sounds astounding. The logbook of the ship amongst the entries for the background swing was. been blown overboard by a gust of coil" The captain himself can be on the other hand, no appropriate incident think of (defe 24/2092, p. 225). - Telltale along with to hang around observers, the outcome from a search after the MoD UFO files to the incident Rendelsham Wood (... as reported) is. This revealed in 2000 that a leafy set of secret files to the obligatory clique (1980-82), and along with by clear family files to the Rendlesham Wood incident squeeze been wrecked. The disposition reliable had not been able to accustom so and why the files were wrecked while the strategy of split up of the files can not be lifted ended than five excitement "(DEFE 2026, p. 182). A complete, doubtless stretch self-critical fatherland allusion by the MoD on this "get malfunction in the records "needs no early payment comment, as the one grant but sensitive that the circulation of that fact can be interpreted such that" at hand had been a prepared take to court to opening records of the incident. " - on the positions the Fixed Gain in the have a discussion of the UFO constraint at the Fixed Nations (UN) in the excitement 1977-1979 to lapse the freshly released records a recognition light: Romantic by the as well as Precede of Grenada, Sir Eric Gairy, was as well as about investigations of the UFO phenomenon in the context of the Fixed Nations discussed. The files (defe 24/2032, p.10-34) belegen nun die deutlich distanzierte Haltung des Aussenministeriums, weigerten sich die britischen Diplomaten doch, einen solchen Schritt zu sanktionieren. Ein solch "l"acherlicher Antrag br"achte lediglich die Vereinten Nationen in Verruf", so ein Descriptive.
Offizielles Treffen zwischen UN-Diplomaten und UFO-Forschern im Hauptquartier der Vereinten Nationen am 14. Juli 1978. Von friends nach rechts: NASA-Astronaut (Mercury-Atlas 9, Gemini 5) Gordon Cooper, Jacques Vallee, Claude Poher, J. Allen Hynek, Sir Eric Gairy und UN-Generalsekret"ar Kurt Waldheim und David Saunders.
Gairy encouraged his submission originator, but continued his hard work until he was deposed by a military overthrow in 1978 continued UN intern. This culminated in meetings of supercilious UN diplomats (by the as well as UN Secretary Worldwide Kurt Waldheim) amongst premier UFO researchers at the 14th July 1978 (see the emblem) and the ditch of a repair (33/426) of the UN Worldwide Pull through on 18 December 1978 on "extraterrestrial life and UFOs," as they
"all probing Aficionado States (invited) at national yardstick, right course for the synchronization of statistical research and investigation of extra-terrestrial life, not by unidentified flying Important (UFOs) to thinking, and the UN Secretary-General on the clarification, research and consideration to inform these course. " Due to lack of rafter of Aficionado States, the village to this day but not put in the Fixed Nations and the seek is on national yardstick referenced -. On top of irrational cases from the files in a German resume is on sale Inwards
- New UFO files to the MoD in the irregular can be found Inwards A free download is free on sale for a excellent time!
- Truth of diezuvor or ver"offentlichetn the MoD UFO files can be found Inwards
On top of News ON
British Ministry of Defence released ended UFO files
5th Grand 2010
British Ministry of Defence requests to opening next UFO reports
first Store 2010
British Ministry of Defend released ended UFO files 18th February 2010
England: Ehem. Defend family member import of the British UFO files 21st January 2010
British Defence Ministry releases UFO reports in 2009 14th January 2010
British Ministry of Defence UFO closes office 4th December 2009
England publishes ended UFO files
17th Grand 2009
British Ministry of Defence UFO files released are other 22nd Store 2009
British UFO Report: Journalist of "condign Recount" missile secret 16th April 2009 books on the subject:
- - -
sources : international statistical / /
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