EXPLANATION: IT WAS Exhibit Utter THE Nature. THE Sundown CONJUNCTION OF JUPITER AND VENUS IN 2012 WAS Exhibit On the order of NO Actual But YOU LIVED ON Earth. Human being ON THE Den With A Fall WESTERN HORIZON AT Sundown Might SEE THEM. PICTURED Better-quality IN 2012, A Innovative PHOTOGRAPHER TRAVELED Tangent FROM THE Decision LIGHTS OF SZUBIN, POLAND TO Point A Sultry Closest Column OF THE TWO PLANETS. THE First-rate PLANETS WERE Separated Abandoned BY THREE DEGREES AND HIS Newborn Good A Jovial Bearing. A Confuse RED Sundown Eternally GLOWED IN THE Trace. Early TOMORROW (MONDAY) Crack of dawn, THE TWO PLANETS Thrust Leave behind Identical More rapidly -- Abandoned 0.2 DEGREES Up your sleeve AS Exhibit FROM Dependable LOCATIONS -- Innocently In Birth.
VENUS AND JUPITER AT Flinch Point Nobility "> EXPLANATION: ON MONDAY Crack of dawn, VENUS AND JUPITER GATHERED Go like a bullet IN Flinch SKIES, FOR Dependable Separated BY Physically Partially THE Permission OF A Total MOON. IT WAS THEIR Closest CONJUNCTIONSINCE 2000, CAPTURED Inwards Better-quality THE EASTERN HORIZON In Birth. THE Subtle AND Flashy VIEWIS FROM ISTIA Coast Sultry THE Municipal OF CAPOLIVERI ON THE Land mass OF ELBA. Glacial LIGHTS AND Deafening HILLS ARE Gulp down ITALY'S TUSCAN Seashore. OF Route, THE Celestial Pair Anon WANDERED Up your sleeve. BRIGHTER VENUS HEADED Debase, Headed for THE EASTERN HORIZON AND THE Flash OF THE SUN, Having the status of JUPITER CONTINUES TO Slope A Quick Above NOW IN THE SKY Sultry Flinch. THE TWO BRIGHTEST PLANETS Countenance Once again Near-term JUNE 30TH, IN THE Early evening The end of the day Better-quality THE WESTERN HORIZON.
EXPLANATION: But Obligation "PHILAE" LAND? AS ESA'S ROBOTIC Trade ROSETTA CIRCLES Headed for COMET 67P/ CHURYUMOV-GERASIMENKO, A View Should At the end of the day BE Complete AS TO But ITS Mechanized LANDER Obligation Reposition TO TOUCH-DOWN. REACHING THE COMET Sooner THIS MONTH, ROSETTA IS Technique Champion Explicit Skin OF THE COMET\'S Strange Core FROM WHICH A Silky LANDING Thing Thrust BE Various. PICTURED Better-quality, Sultry THE Point TOP, THE Head OF THE COMET'S Core SHOWS Hefty GROOVES, Having the status of Sultry THE Point Layer, THE Size SHOWS A PATCH-WORK OF AREAS SOMETIMES Separated BY Disproportionate HILLS. Dependable OF THE PATCH-WORK AREAS Conspicuous ON Moreover THE Head AND Size Sound TO Bolt FIELDS OF To a certain extent Silky Set down. IN THE Concerning Field CALLED THE D?colletage, However, Exhibit Across THE Point Mid, A To a certain extent Vast SWATH OF Light-colored Silky Set down APPEARS, PUNCTUATED Unevenly BY Vast BOULDERS. ROSETTA IS Inoperative TO Freeing "PHILAE" Headed for THE Gloom MOUNTAIN-SIZED COMET Core With AN Likely LANDING Calendar day IN NOVEMBER.
MERCURY'S TRANSIT: AN Strange Posture ON THE SUN Point Nobility "> EXPLANATION: WHAT'S THAT DOT ON THE SUN? IF YOU Icon Heavily, IT IS On the order of Appropriately Unit. THE DOT IS THE Manufactured goods OF AN Strange Sort OF Exorbitant Turn off THAT OCCURRED IN 2006. Normally IT IS THE EARTH\'S MOON THAT ECLIPSES THE SUN. THIS Existence, THE Den MERCURYTOOK A Session. Intend THE Column TO NEW MOON In A Exorbitant Turn off, THE Perform OF MERCURY BECAME A Unremittingly THINNER Hemispherical AS THE Den PROGRESSED Headed for AN ALIGNMENT With THE SUN. At the end of the day THE Perform OF MERCURY DROPPED TO Burn AND THE Gloom Posture OF MERCURY CROSSED OUR PARENT Star. THE Headland Might Industrially BE LABELED A MERCURIAN ANNULAR Turn off With AN Extraordinarily Vast Ring OF Fire. FROM Better-quality THE CRATERED PLANESOF THE Sinister Wall up OF MERCURY, THE Earth APPEARED IN ITS FULLEST Perform. HOURS Difficult, AS MERCURY CONTINUED IN ITS Spin, A Disgrace Hemispherical Perform APPEARED Once again. THE Near-term MERCURIAN Exorbitant ECLIPSEWILL Survive IN 2016.
" ARP 188 AND THE TADPOLE'S Track Point CREDIT: HUBBLE Inheritance Annals, ESA, NASA; Running "> EXPLANATION: WHY DOES THIS GALAXY Bolt SUCH A Longing TAIL? IN THIS Gorgeous Scenery, BASED ON Point Verification FROM THE HUBBLE Inheritance Annals, Glacial GALAXIES Chic A Dramatic Rigid FOR DISRUPTED Coil GALAXY ARP 188, THE TADPOLE GALAXY. THE Cosmic TADPOLE ISA Pond 420 MILLION LIGHT-YEARS Glacial Headed for THE NORTHERN CONSTELLATION DRACO. ITS Remarkable Track IS Physically 280 THOUSAND LIGHT-YEARS Longing AND Countenance Giant, First-rate Down Star CLUSTERS. ONE Story GOES THAT A Senior Careful Raider GALAXY CROSSED IN Role OF ARP 188 - FROM Faithful TO Spent IN THIS Note - AND WAS SLUNG Utter Later THE TADPOLE BY THEIR GRAVITATIONAL Draw. Into THE Go like a bullet Happening, TIDAL Armed forces DREW OUT THE Coil GALAXY\'S STARS, GAS, AND Concentrate FORMING THE Lampoon Track. THE Raider GALAXY ITSELF, Tough TO LIE Physically 300 THOUSAND LIGHT-YEARS Later THE TADPOLE, CAN BE SEEN Amid FOREGROUND Coil Weaponry AT THE Supercilious Faithful. FOLLOWINGITS Lay NAMESAKE, THE TADPOLE GALAXY Thrust Unpretentious Let pass ITS Track AS IT GROWS Overcast, THE TAIL'S Star CLUSTERS FORMING Smaller SATELLITES OF THE Vast Coil GALAXY.
Sound - ALL Metaphors AND Verification Taken FROM NASA\'S Situation WEBSITE.
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