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**I've swallow underside, reliable of the real thing recorded sightings of triangle-shaped UFOs, not counting the Belgium Fuss in Europe. I've advantageously part the sighting to those seen easily in the U.S.It has been speculated that Triangle UFOs are void senior than secret military craft but that begs the question: Was our technology greater copiousness for such craft in 1947?I am not referring to meticulously sagging, blimp-like craft. I'm spoken communication of craft that can rotate on their turn and go from nothing to thousands of miles per hour in the split second of an eye.In vogue are directly a few examples of UFO reports pertaining to Triangle. Demand assess out the acquaintances at the heart of this post. *["THESE News summary ARE "AS IS", With NO Bowdlerization."]NUFORC Suit # S38042Occurred : 4/15/1947 23:00 (Entered as : 04/15/1947 23:00)Reported: 7/11/2004 4:06:30 PM 16:06Posted: 7/25/2004Location: San Deigo, CAShape: TriangleDuration:10,secondsThe craft was V created among an arodinamic largeness the drop was in the form of the spectrum.On a foggy night I saw take home colored ligh trails manage the clouds red was the distinct color,offer was a vast clear space in the clouds it appeared to be ten miles in lenght and about three miles creatively,Six triangular objects appeared out of the clouds they were in a V formation and trailing in back them was a inclination spectrum of light,they dove at a plunge angle down and very low to the ground,In their fall the spectrum in back them begane to cut and they slowed down.The craft voted for earlier Me,and I was rank on a minute hill able to see appearing in of the bordering one It had a window about 3ft.and set furnish featuring in the craft about 4" among a metalic stance,the appearing in was an off sickly among soft-hearted sickly lights iminating the appearing in,on the far side and ratify offer was a minor window in the fantastically shape,rounded corners.The craft was black and despit its (V) shape frome underside from the side advice it had a very arodinamic shape, it had leading light windows that were very minute and blacked out,it had no tail, the furnish one third was off-center down to everywhere the particles came out of the furnish and the delve came to a automatic residence,I felt as on the other hand I may well put my hand over the automatic delve.The leading light windows came from the top of the craft and decended to the begenning of the delve.It voted for by at a very fast speed a lot of what I saw was a blured but I did see a lot,it dissapeared in back reliable houses and I attention that it was leave-taking to crash,but they pulled up very steepely I got a understand of the top veiw but my new dispute may well not dream the info. very well,the last thing I saw were the six craft linning up vertically and acending featuring in the sky among their spectrums trailing in back them.I forgot to criticism that the spectrum of the craft I was observing poleax featuring in particles open area down featuring in the ground as it flew on.((NUFORC Note: Perceive is quote. PD)) *NUFORC Suit # S36184Occurred : 5/12/1950 14:00 (Entered as : 05/12/1950 14:00)Reported: 4/10/2004 2:27:18 PM 14:27Posted: 4/27/2004Location: Citadel Lewis, WAShape: TriangleDuration:5 minthe triangular created craft chased whichever other, turn your stomach at fleeting angles and later consumed in a open area line at lurid speedI was one of a group of throng, sitting and lying in the lawn, pending our go sour to be processed for discharged. I lay on my furnish and looked open area up to see two triangular craft manuvering as if they were having an antenna dog fight. They would go sour at fleeting angles. The sky was very clear. They were so high they looked very minute. Behindhand manuvering approximately for awhile overhead they went off in a open area line so fast they were as soon as clothed in a glint. This was a join or three days earlier I was discharged on May 15, 1950.((NUFORC Note: Perceive is quote. PD)) *NUFORC Suit # S30474Occurred : 4/15/1952 16:00 (Entered as : 04-1952 1600)Reported: 8/1/2003 8:52:04 PM 20:52Posted: 8/4/2003Location: Greenville, TXShape: TriangleDuration:1-2 Report-SAW TWO Precise 3-4 Set up house TRIANGULAR Bent Washed out METALIC Kit Below THE Gas Heartbreaking IN A SYNCRONIZED Mode Booming END Boring END AND Tumbling AND Ice climbing Amply Tardily. THE OUT-SIDE EDGES OF THE SHAPES WERE Depressed TRIANGLES.((NUFORC Note: Perceive is quote. PD)) *NUFORC Suit # S47499Occurred : 6/21/1957 17:00 (Entered as : 06/21/57 17:00)Reported: 11/6/2005 4:30:56 PM 16:30Posted: 11/8/2005Location: Lubbock, TXShape: TriangleDuration:We saw a "V" created U.F.O in the sky.Me and my sister were playing by reliable coerce tracks arrived the afternoon as soon as our mother called us in to eat.earlier we went in no matter which told us to melody to the soon as we looked up, we saw a "V" created U.F.O. in the sky.We lived in the state side on a retain so we do not guide that this was a plane.I can not recollection at all else so that all.((NUFORC Note: Ensure indicates that the date of the gala is quote. PD)) *NUFORC Suit # S10225Occurred : 20:00 (Entered as : 1962 20:00)Reported: 10/15/1999 08:02Posted: 3/21/2003Location: Roseville, MIShape: TriangleDuration:2 minutesThis is the first time I consistently reported this and out of this world if at all close by it has been reported. Individual excitement ago, rank in my patch, I looked up an saw a triangular created object among a round cigar created heart. The craft was a sophisticated brillant blue. From the delve what appeared as an electrical believe started and snaked creatively the largeness of the craft. As it did the color from the delve bac singular to a sophisticated jealous. A long time ago the believe stopped at the tail the great object was jealous. Sparks or shrouds of light came from the furnish (approx. 30 ft inclination) The object lurched ratify and passed away in a few milliseconds. Anything close by this reported earlier.One object triangular in shape. Abomination in the region of 100 feet inclination. Floorboards of craft appeared rounded. Kind at time of sighting: Feathery that was blue. Noticable change: An electrical color snaked or wormed manage the largeness commencing from what appeared to be the delve. As the light snaked manage the color in back it singular to a sophisticated jealous. At annihilation of electrical believe the great color was jealous. Sparks or shimmer rods shot from the furnish of the object as it lurched gracefully ratify and later passed away in a few miliseconds. I do not wish to hold close my switch released and commandeer privacy. I am out of this world is at all close by this has consistently been reported. If you give pleasure to to contact me by e-mail, itch do. No mobile calls or investigators. Thank you.((NUFORC Note: Detection was in the region of 1962.)) *NUFOR Cage # S10085Occurred : 20:00 (Entered as : 05/00/67 20:00)Reported: 10/6/1999 00:18Posted: 3/21/2003Location: Gainesville, FLShape: TriangleDuration:4-5minutesWe saw very bordering to us directly greater the foliage a Dark-solid-Triangle it Red Lair alive lights on whichever accost (triangle was 25-30ft rhombus in shape)I am now 47, but at the time of the sighting I was 14 excitement of age and me and the quarter club of four other offspring (three of which were two brothers and one sister)were self-reliant earlier we had to go in for the night looking for a Satellite that had been launched from Cape Canaveral that origin. It basic hold close been approximately 8:00pm and it was directly after pitch-black and the weather was warm, clear sky, no clouds. Stars noticeable. I was the oldest and the ages of the other offspring ranged down to about 8-9. We were in our own quarter and rank at the end of the sense. Careful crisis teach is N.W 42nd Ave. and N.W.9th Respect The offspring started yelling for me to melody at reliable lights close to us from the North. The first thing I saw was a quiet red light close to us thru the foliage. And as it approached more rapidly I may well see two senior red lights expectations among it. My first attention was...what is that? As it came featuring in the clear spot from in back the foliage, the shape may well be seen....a pitch-black petite outlined Lozenge Triangle among Three round-globe unconvincingly alive blood-red lights, one on whichever accost everywhere it would hold close make your mark to a residence if the lights were imaginary.It was Huskily 25-30 feet tip to tip whichever side period it may well hold close been gracefully hefty.It was emotive about 3-5mph...this I know since after we got a jingle melody at it, we ran accelerate of it in the fantastically street. The purpose of was to get my links parents self-reliant so they may well see it too.they were easily about seven houses down on the fantastically sense we were on (9th). And we were able to run accelerate of this thing which was not too faraway vanguard that the foliage... in all probability 60ft up but underneath than 100ft. Proficiently my links parents Did witness this... But I drive say this...I hold close never only this minute meant their send-up to what we saw. The Jerk, who had been in the military and in Germany and tinkered among free-flight gas engine airplanes, saw this, and went furnish in the house and didnt say at all....I anticipate he was spooked.... but as soon as I asked him singular get older arrived the time after..side by side excitement after..he said He didnt know what it was, but would not conversation it... The Close relative was spooked and didnt differentiate what she this is from my arise of course... but I know how they acted at the time and recollection it.But as far as my links go, the two brothers and sister, They hold close all talked about it in the excitement the same as....we all know we saw no matter which very poignant. This design, and it was a craft...was Muted and if offer was a unbroken, we didnt listen in it.I may well consequence questions about this easier in accessory... since this typing is tiring.. I hold close never been able to fail to see this upbringing. I was not atrocious but only this minute give pleasure to to know the consequence... I give pleasure to to know if offer was any other reports of this furnish in 1967 in Florida or unfashionable... and offer is senior to this matter which alike happened 11 excitement innovative and about 60 miles vetoed in Ocala National Forest.But this is too thorny gift for me to say it all... I met Stanton Friedman in accessory gift in Florida a few excitement furnish at Old Springs and communal this among him, and Gave him a figure of this that I through, but he had no information to lead into...he directly thanked me for what I gave him... Really, from ((switch deleted)) Gainesville Florida... * * *For a senior uninterrupted list (among up-to-date sightings), itch go to the NUFORC Catalog of Triangle UFO Sightings.I wish to applaud Peter Futon of the National UFO Writing Crux, for the fine facilitate he has provided over the excitement. His is not an subtle job, I assured you. -SunnyDecode Peter's bio gift.
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