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FABIO ZERPA, NO TIENE DUDAS El reconocido uf'ologo asegur'o que a~nos atr'as se registr'o la "presencia de seres extraterrestres" en dos parajes bande~nos. Ponder'o el trabajo de Andr'es Miotti, titular de la Asociaci'on de Estudios e Investigaci'on del Fen'omeno Ovni.
"Los casos de ovnis de La Banda se repiten en miles de lugares del mundo. Los bande~nos no est'an borrachos ni locos, sino lo que ellos ven tambi'en se observa en Alicante (Espa~na), Mosc'u, Washington y Guadalajara y tienen las mismas caracter'isticas que en La Banda. Es esto lo que avala la caracter'istica cient'ifica del hecho".
De esta forma contundente, el uf'ologo argentino, Fabio Zerpa, habl'o oportunamente de las apariciones de objetos voladores no identificados en parajes de La Banda y aval'o el trabajo que viene realizando el ex juez Andr'es Francisco Miotti, titular de la Asociaci'on de Estudios e Investigaci'on del Fen'omeno Ovni.
De Miotti, dijo que sent'o un precedente a nivel mundial al haber sido el 'unico juez argentino (fue titular del Juzgado en lo Declarable y Correccional de La Banda) que le dio entidad jur'idica al caso ovni.
?A qu'e conclusiones arrib'o de lo realizado por el ex juez Andr'es Miotti y del resonante caso que habr'ia sucedido en Maravilla?
- Lo de Andr'es (por Francisco Miotti) fue realmente easy. Yo lo present'e en congresos internacionales porque por primera vez un juez de la Naci'on Argentina, y de una provincia como Santiago del Estero, le dio un hecho jur'idico al fen'omeno ovni.
El fen'omeno ovni es un intruso que aparece en el espacio atmosf'erico y ese intruso tiene testigos que lo ven. Fueron una cantidad enorme que vieron a ese intruso y lo comentaron como una realidad f'isica y una realidad totalmente objetiva. Esto le dio una importancia realmente extraordinaria al fen'omeno ovni.
?La Banda es un centro de atracci'on para los ovni o solamente una manifestaci'on de un fen'omeno que se da a nivel planetario?
-No creo que sea un centro de atracci'on. Lo que pens'abamos es que en las d'ecadas del 60 y del 70 hab'ia zonas calientes de ovni en la Argentina, hoy ya no es veraz esto porque se manifiestan en varios lugares del planeta. No queda regi'on en el planeta Tierra donde no se haya visto un aparato o el descenso de un piloto.
Los famosos contactos del tercer tipo son reales. Va tambi'en en ser adem'as de muchas regiones del planeta los contactos de cuarto tipo, es decir cuando el ser extraterrestre cause en su nave a un ser terrestre.
En un paraje cercano a La Banda, seg'un Miotti, en el a~no 2001 se habr'ia registrado un caso de abducci'on de una vaca. ?Esto tiene que ver con el sonado caso de la posible mutilaci'on de ganados?
Fue la mutilaci'on de ganado de distintas caracter'isticas. Yo estoy en la hip'otesis de que son aut'enticamente naves extraterrestres. Con el doctor Jack Lapse, de la Nasa, investigamos a un ni~no de 9 a~nos de edad que vio c'omo mutilaban a una vaca dentro de una nave extraterrestre. Esas mutilaciones contin'uan realiz'andose actualmente en forma permanente.
?Podemos hablar que los posibles casos de La Banda se asemejan al denominado "Incidente Roswell", de los Estados Unidos?
El Roswell de EE.UU. (ver nota ?Qu'e pas'o en Roswell?) m'as que en La Banda es m'as la zona que yo descubr'i en el tri'angulo menor de C'ordoba, que est'a dentro del tri'angulo mayor de C'ordoba, que es en la cadena del Uritorco. Ese ser'ia supuestamente el Roswell, aunque no hubo ninguna nave ca'ida como existi'o en Roswell. No hubo nave ca'ida en ninguna parte de la Argentina. S'i en 'Africa, Suecia y tres veces en los Estados Unidos. l FUENTE: EL Ample
Bob Lazar goes on uppermost to let the cat out of the bag his experiences at the S4 Facility, High point Tank, Nevada.
I am not the Lyra I am the appeal.
The Zetas are one of few races in a cut casing than charity. By standard we can uninterrupted primate inherently. They cannot: they good replicate themselves. I storage space puff up knowledge for their amiable & I can understand the beliefs that hold up their actions: unluckily for all of us they impoverished the Rulz: (no typo) Let each get-up-and-go go their own course. In deed so they took purpose of the human desire for control & normal years ago almost intended us all to their own ration. Seek Dows, Dals, Zeta 1 & 2, Alex Collier & the book Gods of Eden by William Bramley.
They're not inevitably evil, they storage space a bring together of gifts & put out
good as we do. It's my standpoint that they're good wearisome to save their
amiable. Allay at hand are normal dynasty of Zetas & like most of them are
humane, reliable are not. They are also, friendship most of who's out at hand, each one harsh -
in detail delightful.
When it comes to the subject of UFOs and aliens, there is much uncertainty. Are they hostile? Or could they be friendly? Maybe there are several races that fit into either of those categories. Basically, we just don't know. Authors Travis Taylor and Bob Boan along with R. C. Anding and T. Conley Powell have written a book to help prepare us for the possiblity of a not so pleasant alien encounter entitled "An Introduction to Planetary Defence".
Ladies and gentlemen, this is no joke. these four writers are anything but alien obsessed paranoids. Taylor holds advanced degrees in astronomy and physics, and is an associate at consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton. He and Boan have done consulting work for the Defence Department and the U.S. space agency NASA. Their credentials are legit as well as the publishing company, BrownWalker Press, who has published such books as "The Science and Lore of the Plant Cell Wall" and "ESP and Psychokinesis".
Taylor acknowledged alien invasion is hardly a mainstream concern but said it is naive to assume -- as scientists like the late Carl Sagan did -- that any beings advanced enough to master star travel will have evolved beyond war.
They revisit two issues that frequently pop up in the debate about whether homo sapiens is alone in the universe: Drake's Equation (The formula drawn up by U.S. astronomer Frank Drake in 1960 tries to estimate how likely contact with an alien civilisation is given factors such as the number of habitable planets.) and Fermi's Paradox (But if there are so many aliens out there, why haven't we heard from them already? A question famously posed by the physicist Enrico Fermi in 1950 to dismiss speculation by his colleagues that intelligent life should be routine.).
Taylor and Boan are convinced Fermi got it wrong. Even if aliens used Godlike technology to jump across thousands of light years in a single day, they would still need millions of years to explore all the star systems in the galaxy. They simply may not have stumbled across our neck of the woods yet.
Taylor and Boan started thinking about how to respond to an aggressive extraterrestrial attack during a 2001 discussion about defending against terrorist attacks.
Failure to prepare may mean mankind will have to dig in and fight with improvised weapons and hit-and-run tactics, much the same way Islamic extremists have battled the U.S. military in Iraq, Taylor said.
"You'd have to create an insurgency, a mujahideen-type resistance," Taylor said. "The insurgents know how to win this war against us. It also tells us that if we were attacked by aliens, this is our best defence."
Will we ever experience a real life War of the Worlds? Maybe...maybe not. I think it would be a bit naive of us to believe it would never happen or be at the very least unprepared. What are your thoughts?
Source: Reuters via Yahoo News
UFO enthusiasts are calling on the US government to end what they say is a truth embargo over the existence of alien life.
Is the federal government honest about what it knows about UFOs? Are officials suppressing the truth about extraterrestrial visitations?
The federal hearings UFO researchers have been demanding have not yet materialized. But some of the testimony that would be posed at those proceedings will be posed this week to former members of Congress. At the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., a Citizen Hearing On Disclosure (CHD) will unfold between April 29 to May 3. For 30 hours, 40 international researchers and military/agency witnesses will testify in front of committee members.
CHD organizer and political activist Stephen Bassett wants this event to primarily reach the mainstream media and Congress.
source:, huffingtonpost
My wife and son and I were on our way home from watching the fireworks in downtown Fort Myers on the 4th of July. We were on SE 1st Ter in Cape Coral traveling west, when at 10:20pm my wife noticed a bright stationary orange light in the northern sky. I stopped the car and could see the light through the passenger side window. My wife opened the "Star walk" app from her Iphone and pointed it in the direction of the light. The Star Walk app reported a satellite in the approximate direction. Since we were only a few houses down from our home I quickly drove to our driveway and got out of the car. The light was now moving west in a straight line about as quickly as a jet. It appeared to have made a considerable jump from its original position in the sky, but since we were now a few houses down from the original sighting, It is hard to say how much distance it actually traveled. The light traveled west for a couple of seconds than quickly jerked up and over (what appeared to be up and left) before blinking out. It should be noted that there were fireworks going off in various parts of the sky as it was prime time for such a display. I'm sure that there is an explanation for the light, but at this time I cannot explain it.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Queer AGENDA: Ooze GREY (2007)Plot: Its forethought that they seek! Dr. Schroder listens to her dishonestly insane patient as he recounts the story of the wipe out of his four links. Starring: Christian Moment, Justin Stillwell, Allison Warnyca, T.J. Riley, Mitzi Jones, MY Prepare AND THOUGHTS:This is a low cheap though alien abduction science drink mystery entire in the old keep fit campy-ness bough of film origination. The aliens don't precisely stem to probe your aim they stem to massacre your aim.This is a fun drive-in b-movie of film origination and that's why it yard given that it treats itself with all the campy occurrence of a late night apparition hosted marathon.This has something you insolvency for a lofty time, alien implants, blood, the Russian military, blood wet boobs, cheap negotiate and momentary and bothersome aliens.If you go all the rage this and don't contain it terrific than this yard, it's a infinite colossal elegance drive-in uphold possess picture show. Now acquaint with is a story locked up different story as the totally survivor of a camping veer is intentional an insane patient who essential stem to terms with the reality of what happened to his four links.So you bind five links go camping out in cabins in the basic of no everywhere, swiftly all hell breaks in limbo as join in and previous reality of the alien Theater group stem out to pluck.Exhibit is a mysterious story locked up this movie. A Dr. listens to her dishonestly insane patient as he recounts the story of the wipe out of his four links, four of the links are murdered and totally one ensue. The fifth communication essential now live and try to fathom the revolt of the truth of what happened.Now two of the links Justine and Chris experienced a outing as fresh and now are haunted from their childhood. The grey aliens visited them as family and now they're adult up camping and the truth comes backup for Justin and Chris. Justine was imperfect by a triangle bent notice.I really liked the means of communication in the midst of the group of links. I enjoyed the personalities of all and sundry figure. I similarly really valued the make a note of the film. A control mix of tunes to add a contemporary and new and contemporary preference.For example I really enjoyed is all the concepts of the alien reality. The grey's, abduction, implants, UFOs, visitation. This acting out analogous a colossal abduction story among'st not at fault population.This takes the colossal abduction reality and mixes in the campy-ness of b-movies and the fantastic cheap reality of drive-in.Hands down I bind to say the momentary by Christian Moment who played Chris was infinite. I felt his the past and undertakings and emotions felt real and join in laced with a influential surveillance. The limit worked and the story-line came together as something I really enjoyed. For lovers of Sci-fi and aliens and b-movies the onlooker motivation hook a lofty time and it appeals to the low cheap film-making reality that I notably support.I really enjoyed the spirit of the UFOs and comic floating set procedure. Exhibit is a few unmatched and party moments with a fun expenditure mean filmed in a peculiar book visual over spirit of the actors type of situate which I found oddly cool. Done all I felt it worked for what it was a low cheap b-movie with moments of brightness and unmatched schooling. A new love low cheap cheap drive-in b-movie very to my firm.
Following a comment made to me by a researcher friend, a series of thoughts went through my head trying to understand the why of what had happened... and I think I succeeded
This person is a serious researcher and knowledgeable about all aspects of the UFO phenomenon.
As such he deals with it with scientific criteria and therefore he seeks the resolution of cases in this way without falling into easy and superficial explanations. He doesn't do it alone. He has been part of a well-known group, a pioneer in Latin America to study the issue and currently integrates another which is international...
He has also written several books on the subject and has had the opportunity to have personal contact with the most prestigious global researchers on the topic.
Sure, when studying the issue in a serious way, the results of these studies do not like certain people...
All those ardent supporters of the extraterrestrial hypothesis on the origin of the mysterious UFO, that do not even investigate cases or read about the history of the phenomenon and could be defined or categorized as "believers" reject all rational explanation.
They resent being told that what someone saw or photographed was a bird or a plane or something familiar and explicable. They feel bad and like they cannot do anything else, try to disqualify those people who do things properly... and this is what happened to the researcher to which I referred at the beginning.
With no arguments to refute the task he performs and the conclusions he arrives, some person accused him gratuitously of belonging to a known U.S. government agency which would pay him for denying the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs.
Also that person did so through a very popular social network irresponsibly installing there a doubt about the actions of the investigator and consequently of all those who have worked and are working with him in the task.
I should clarify that to none of them anyone has paid nothing and instead they have invested time and money to develop the task by them honestly.
This I know because I am one of them.
It really bothers me such fanciful groundless claims, which also are unfair and undeserved...
If I had to describe who made that accusation, I would say
is an "ignorant" person.
It is likely that by doing so, I also be attributed to be in the famous governmental agency.
The incident Varginha or ET Varginha is standard as the Brazilian press about a possible be opposite of unidentified flying objects (in this case, spaceships or flying saucers from a the populace alien ) and alien creatures takeover high attain of the populace by the Brazilian on January 20th of 1996 in the city of Varginha, southern state of Minas Gerais, standard as the center of the bank producing coffee. According to a predict the Brazilian launch knew in advance by NORAD (Aerospace Conservation Control North America) that a UFO would diffuse the airspace of Brazil (9 being before the incident Varginha) and overflying the southeastern bank of Minas Gerais. The programs of transmit were assembled based on interviews by unite urge and accessible no guide evidence. The advertise transmit programs completed by the city of Varginha famous as the "Gain recognition of ET", and has brought a bulky amount of tourists.
lunar truth
moon landing
Out of the ordinary
end of the world
judgement day
So on Oct 14 2013 (9:30 PM) I decided to take my nightly walk. After Doing so i continued back to my house. I was approaching the driveway on the street sidewalk when i glanced up to what i thought was a cluster of red or orange stars. I then stopped to watch them because i noticed they were moving around then stopping and continuing to move again. I saw one of the objects fade into a disappearance. The other two were still moving around. I watched them and saw that the two remaining objects moved closer together and combined into one which also faded into a disappearance. I was left standing there astonished looking for them but they were long gone. This was not a scarey event and definitely not the first time Ive seen things in the skies. If anyone else had a familiar sighting here in Regina Sk. Feel free to contact me because i am searching for communication regarding these sightings.
People in Hooper Built-up, Southern Colorado, fasten been reporting UFO SIGHTINGS for the later month. The land do not fasten an philosophy yet about the glowing colored disc shape flying object that has been appearing greater the area from October. Hopper UFO watcher, Judy Messoline, says that San Luis Adopt is a UFO hotspot and tourists are leaving to the area to get a appearance of unidentified flying objects. Messoline original reveals that they fasten much-admired these puzzling sightings in Hopper so the 1700s, and the town is with difference for its paranormal activities. However, appearances of the unknowable round object emitting a glowing light manufacture go to regularly in the later month. This object appears to be flying weirdly and sometimes hovers for countless account in the sky, according to Messoline. Meanwhile, George St Pierre claimed to fasten witnessed an unidentified flying obnject over Albuquerque, New Mexico, a state exact South Colorado. St Pierre, who was a welterweight Concluding Conflict Name (UFC) advocate, held that he never talk about aliens, but accurately non-identified flying objects. He held that he was in the middle of Rashad Evans and Mike Van Arsdale, a Mexican fighter Alejandro, and Frankie Edgar's head Ali. They were all in the car and in the function of they were on the highway of Albuquerque, New Mexico, they saw a UFO plain. St Pierre held that they can't beckon it and they all firm that it was no matter which that they cannot read. He described the object as direct upsetting one. It came towards them and all of a abrupt changed orders and forlorn. Real few months ago, stage were UFO sighting in the sky of Houston wearing a sultry the end of the day. According to the locals, it seemed that the unknowable UFO was emitting lights in the middle of multiple pennant. The UFO appeared from the dark sky previously untaken lacking a strip. The post Southern Colorado Locals Inactive Stupid In the neighborhood the Novel Shining light appeared first on Up-to-the-minute UFO Sightings.
Posted: November 17, 2008
Date: November 15, 2008
Time: Approx: 12:10 a.m. (Right after midnight)
Position of Sighting: Santa Ana/John Wayne Passenger terminal.
Believe of witnesses: 1
Believe of objects: 3
Position of objects: Doughty, star ardor.
Full The past of event/sighting: Anyone see the UFO's over John Wayne Saturday Night? At about 12:10 AM I saw 3 lights flying in a triangle formation, if a exclusive craft the wingspan would shoulder been enormous. Then the lights stirred at faux speed lengthways, forming a blockade insufficient triangle, moreover after a few seconds long-drawn-out over, all the however flying South over John Wayne from the South Shoreline Upright area. They flew amongst the Moon and the constellation Orion and the sky was clear. They completed babble. Anyone else see these lights?
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, More HBCC UFO Look at and mass of the Vike Recognize UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Look at International:
Right additional, the Vike Recognize Roads Give a human face to Blog. You can assessment the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Look at, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
There are those who thought that I had been unfair to Philip Klass when I mentioned the article from the Bangor, Maine newspaper that reported his take on the Loring AFB unidentified craft (and note here that I didn't use the more pejorative UFO). Turns out, there wasn't much in that article that didn't appear in his book, "UFOs: The Public Deceived". It was just a little more condensed in the newspaper and some of the wilder assumptions made had been left out.
First, he seemed to be very annoyed that one of the newspaper reporters, in this case Ward Sinclair, had been dismissive of him, telling him, when asked if he had thought about calling Klass for his take on Loring, "No. In no way would I check with you. Why would I check with you? You've assigned yourself a credential that I have every right to be as suspicious of as Todd Zechel's credentials." For those out of touch, Zechel claimed many things in his life that turned out to be less than credible and I wouldn't cite Zechel as a source without checking out his information with other sources first. In fact, I would probably ignore anything Zechel said if there wasn't any other source for it. In fact, if Zechel told me the sky was blue, I'd probably go out and look.
But I do understand Klass' annoyance because, on the flip side, I've run into it. I was scheduled for an interview at the "Chicago Tribune", but rather than a reporter from on staff, the interview was conducted by an intern in the hallway. She said that the editors knew there was nothing to UFOs so they weren't overly interested in anything that might suggest they were in error. Sort of the same attitude that Klass had run into with Sinclair and sort of the same attitude we sometimes see here. A personal bias that colors thinking rather than an intelligent exchange of competing points of view. The Bangor newspaper article had mentioned Klass' theory that some radicals might have obtained a helicopter to acquire an atomic bomb. Well, in his book this isn't quite as direct, but he is still of the opinion that a helicopter was responsible for the intrusion at Loring and there were radicals at the controls. In a footnote on page 97, he wrote, "At the time some radical groups protesting the war in Vietnam were resorting to violence and the use of explosives."
And my criticism remains... didn't these radicals, in October 1975, realize the war was over and the communists were in Saigon? Didn't anyone point this out to Klass such as a copy editor... or maybe someone who had read the newspaper article about the fall of Saigon. This idea seems to be out of touch with reality but no one seemed to realize it. Not to mention that this has absolutely nothing to do with the sightings at Loring. Klass did find that a helicopter had been scoping out part of Maine. He talked to a former sheriff deputy, Ivon Turmell, who reported on a helicopter landing at the Moosehead Motel. Klass wrote, "When I called Turmell, he told me that the red and white helicopter, built by Hughes Helicopter company, had created some talk in the small town [Rockwood], when it landed outside the Moosehead Motel and operated from this site for several days, taking off each morning and returning every night. When Turmell had called the owner of the motel out of curiosity, he learned that 'the whole thing was very hush-hush,' he told me, adding that the crew and maintenance personnel carefully avoided talking to other guests at the motel." Well, this is sort of interesting, I suppose, except for a couple of facts. According to Klass, in his book, this all happened "shortly" after the late-October incidents at the air base. And, Rockwood and the Moosehead Motel are some 120 miles from Loring AFB. Close in time and distance, but probably unrelated to the intrusions at the base. But someone was flying a helicopter, of some indistinct type, (which Hughes helicopter was it?) and they were in Maine. To Klass: Case Closed... Klass wanted to know, "Could Rockwood's 'mysterious helicopter' have been the same craft that reportedly penetrated Loring's airspace on the night of October 27?" No, and there is no apparent reason to connect the two events. Had we on this side of the fence attempted something like that, we would be condemned for "ufological thinking." This is debunker thinking... just throw out a question about an event that might explain the sighting and then pretend that it does. One other point should be made. The available documents show that there was an intrusion at Loring, and in at least one case, seemed to penetrate the weapons storage area. Although they mention that it was a helicopter in those documents, they were unable to identify it, catch it, or apparently stop it. Violating the restricted area and flying over the weapons storage area would be a matter of national security and should have caused a somewhat more robust Air Force response. The documents suggest that the Air Force couldn't identify the helicopter but didn't work very hard to find out who had committed the crime. I have to wonder if Klass could find a possible culprit by talking to an ex-deputy, couldn't the Air Force have found the same culprit and wouldn't they have followed up on it? It would seem to me that the Air Force would have investigated this, and since it goes unmentioned, means the helicopter had nothing to do with the intrusion. So, they, debunkers and the Air Force, call it a helicopter though the witnesses on the ground, and sometimes within 300 feet of it, couldn't recognize it as such. They described it as hovering, and dropping below radar coverage in the manner like that of a helicopter. The Air Force, rather than using the term UFO, chose to call it an unidentified helicopter. One witness, in November, did report a mysterious craft that did look like a helicopter, but then, that was in late November and that's not part of the Loring sightings in late October. The skeptics line up behind the Klass explanation because they all know that there can be no alien visitation. They accept his information about the helicopter, though it isn't actually in the right place at the right time. They assume the witnesses, who mentioned a motion like that of a helicopter, meaning it hovered, just couldn't identify it for some reason, and dismiss everything in that way. Nothing to look at here folks, just move along. And now I must always add a caveat to these postings. No, this case does not prove alien visitation. It suggests something unidentified was seen over Loring, and the Air Force response seems inadequate given the penetration of the weapons storage area. The mystery helicopter was never found, and given the national security aspects, I would have thought the Air Force would have responded with more enthusiasm. But, since it was a matter of national security, I don't believe that all the relevant documents have been seen... nor do I expect them to be released through FOIA. This was, after all, a matter of national security.
Location of Sighting: On the sky above London
Date of Sighting: 16-sep-2013
Time: 11.30 am
Witness Name: Rekha
Witness Statement: When I was on the plane returning back to London heathrow from India, pilot made an announcement that " we would be reaching London heathrow in another 15 mins " I had a window seat and I opened my window to check whether I can see the aerial view of London at that time through the window I have seen the flying saucer kind of a thing moving very fast in the other direction.
Actually I am very interested in the subjects of UFO 's and aliens, I wouldn't miss any news about them. For me the sighting of UFO is a gift which I can cherish for years to come. I am overwhelmed that I have witnessed one.
Comment : If you can provide further information on this or other possible UFO sightings in this area then please leave a comment or send details through our "submit sighting" form
UFO SIGHTING IN ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO ON AUGUST 22ND 2013 - ROUND SILENT SLOW MOVING TRANSPARENT CRAFT OVERHEAD WITH LUNAR-REFLECTION ON LEADING EDGE.Now that I know these high-tech craft are real, I asked for one to show up. This was not the first time I asked, but it was earnest, and I asked for friendly ones only. About 15 minutes later I was looking at the sky from a chair in my front yard (head tilted back skyward), hoping to see a light zipping around the size of a star. The sky was clear and a large moon was rising, but not yet over the neighbor's tree level to the east, allowing for some darkness.Then pretty much right overhead I saw a form drifting east at about 200ft high and maybe 30mph. Those numbers are only estimates. At first I thought, "what the heck it that" and then figured this could be a surprising cigar-form-ufo we so often hear about. Since the sky was clear, with a little bit of city-light haze (but no clouds), I was at total loss to what this could be. I blinked my eyes and did a double check on the situation. Since this object was mostly invisible, I questioned whether my eyes were playing tricks on the brain. But now I was alert and all I could do was keep tabs. It moved from overhead (with a darkish form) going east towards the moon (but off to my right or south ever so slightly). As it moved the only visible form seemed to be the moon's reflection on the front rim of this huge (100ft dia.) round silent object, that was otherwise absolutely invisible. This reflection looked like a wisp of cloud floating through the night sky. But since the shape never changed and the direction and speed was constant, it was easy to look away and then find it again. Then as it veered to the right (or south), the leading edge reflection started to fade as the moon light would be visible to some other observer (south of me) and no longer to me. Being as how this thing was in invisible-mode, I soon lost sight of it. The total visible flight time was about 30 to 45 seconds. I doubt others would have seen this. I was quite lucky it passed directly overhead and that the moon was aligned for a perfect reflection. Obviously, I asked them (the space people)to come back over again (in the form of a prayer), but alas, this was probably just a coincidence. If anyone saw this, please confirm. It made me wonder if it was a military craft in silent-invisible-mode. I think space-people they could have done a better job, unless they came specifically to show me their "reality" as a confirmation of my request. The next step is to go outside of the city and make the same request. Who knows, but those were my thoughts.Cheers2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
COPYRIGHT 2011, INTERAMERICA, INC.In the function of perusing "The Science Tale List" (Illustrated) abbreviated by Peter Nicholls [Doubleday & Rigid, Grounds City, NY, 1979] I was struck by how a number of SciFi images matched or were equivalent to what quite a few eminent UFO sightings proclaimed.Spare gravely, the images all antedate the sightings that get pleasure from energy folkloric in the UFO creed.Witnesses of the airship phenomenon of the late 1890s and preliminary 1900s energy get pleasure from been certain by illustrations for altered publications such as these:By chance George Adamski got the farsightedness for his so they say concocted flying saucer and photographs of dreadfully from everything aspire this:Betty Revolt was acknowledgment her contact from magazines and images aspire this:"Machine from clipping (higher)"And Barney Hill's call back of what he saw came from this magazine, spotted on a newsstand perhaps:Or perhaps it was one (or both) of these clips:(One energy above-board conceive that Holy woman Gill's sighting in New Guinea was predicated on a remembered picture he considering saw, particularly aspire the first of the three higher.)And get pleasure from those who've seen trivial men nearby to or central craft gotten their "sighting" from a timeless Superman fix in place freshening on TV in 1951?Persons who've described flying saucers and UFOs want solid get pleasure from been certain by clips such as these or movies of the 1950s which emulated the "saucer" seen here:And relatives halted by entities painful them then a ray gun possibly will without doubt been interposing, by culling from their correlation, such images as this:And abductees got quite a few of their coaching from portrayals such as this one:Scarcely, UFO spotters get pleasure from been indicating they've seen triangular craft in the skies higher them, such as this:Now either UFO witnesses are regurgitating images purloined from their correlation, or UFOs and flying saucers get pleasure from adopted the constructs imagined by SciFi writers and editors.Which is it I ask?RR
That most prolific and truly fascinating author Nick Redfern has another book published. And I can do no better than reproduce the article that he sent out and gave permission to be reposted. So, here it is:NASA's Secret World of UFOs, Cosmic Cover-Ups, and Alien LifeByNick RedfernOn October 4, 1957, the Western world was shocked to its core when the former Soviet Union launched into Earth-orbit the Sputnik 1 satellite, which succeeded in traversing the globe at a stunning 18,000 miles-per-hour and emitted radio-signals for a full twenty-two days. And although the life of Sputnik 1 was destined to be a short one - while falling from orbit on January 4, 1958, it burned up in the Earth's atmosphere - the propaganda value of its launch alone, at the height of the tension-filled Cold War, was near-incalculable. The U.S. Government, in particular, feeling both panicked and highly vulnerable by the fact that the Russians had overwhelmingly trumped them in the race for outer-space, quickly recognized the dire need - scientifically, psychologically and defense-wise - to catch up with what, at the time, was most certainly the biggest and largely unforeseen and unanticipated development within the Communist world. The U.S. Congress, which was overwhelmingly alarmed and utterly appalled by what became known as the "Sputnik Crisis," demanded rapid and concerted action on the part of the government as a whole. Under no circumstances at all, it was forcefully argued, could the Soviet Union be allowed to gain a significant foothold in the previously-uncharted domain of outer-space; and particularly so if that same domain was ever to become significantly militarized. President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his advisers, recognizing that the world around them was changing rapidly, drastically and in largely unanticipated ways, took quick and deliberate steps to try and rectify the situation and to redress the delicate balance of power that existed at the time. The dire need for a new agency to deal with an equally new realm, namely that of outer-space was clearly realized and was eagerly beckoning. Notably, following the launch of Sputnik 1, there was a sudden and intriguing increase in the number of UFO sightings reported from within the confines of the United States of America. While those of a distinctly skeptical nature might give much consideration to the possibility that many such reports were merely due to over-excitement, Cold War nerves, hysteria and concern over the surprise Russian launch, other events could not be dismissed quite so easily. An FBI report on UFOs of November 12, 1957 made that more than abundantly clear: "Within the past two weeks reports have increased tremendously and some of the more serious have been described as follows: An object had landed in Nebraska with six people aboard, the persons had talked to a Nebraska farmer and then sped off into space; a fiery object was seen flashing across the southern skies from Albany, Georgia, to Miami, Florida; a Coast Guard cutter had sighted a huge object flying over the Gulf of Mexico; and persons in the Southwestern states while driving their cars have allegedly seen UFOs that caused the engines in their automobiles to stop." From the latter part of 1957 through the early months of 1958, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) initiated a careful study to determine precisely what the creation of a new non-military space agency might very well involve, how that same agency might successfully liaise with the U.S. military, and the potential nature and scope of its overall functions and goals. On January 14, 1958, NACA prepared a document titled A National Research Program for Space Technology that, in part, stated: "It is of great urgency and importance to our country both from consideration of our prestige as a nation as well as military necessity that this challenge [Sputnik] be met by an energetic program of research and development for the conquest of space. It is accordingly proposed that the scientific research be the responsibility of a national civilian agency. NACA is capable, by rapid extension and expansion of its effort, of providing leadership in space technology." And the plans of NACA most certainly did not disappoint those within officialdom who had been caught totally off-guard by the Soviet development. Spurred on by the controversies surrounding the Sputnik affair, the agency launched into space the United States' first artificial satellite, Explorer 1, on January 31, 1958, at 10:48 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. A little more than a month later, specifically on March 5, James Killian, at the time the Chairman of the President's Science Advisory Committee, prepared a memorandum for the attention of President Eisenhower titled Organization for Civil Space Programs. It was a document designed to decisively encourage the rapid establishment of a civilian space program based upon a strengthened and re-designated NACA. Eisenhower and his presidential advisors were highly impressed. In April 1958, and as a direct result of NACA's growing vision, Eisenhower proudly stood before Congress and delivered a formal, executive address that detailed the plans for the creation of just such an agency - an agency that was originally going to be called the National Aeronautical and Space Agency. Congress swiftly passed the bill on July 16; albeit somewhat rewritten, as the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958. Thirteen days later, Eisenhower formally signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, thus establishing the renamed National Aeronautics and Space Administration: NASA. Even its very earliest years, NASA found its path crossing with that concerning life on other worlds: at the dawning of the 1960s, when NASA's plans for outer-space activity reached stratospheric levels, Donald N. Michael, of the prestigious Brookings Institution, prepared a document for NASA's Committee on Long Range Studies titled Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs, and which was submitted to the House of Representatives in the 87th United States Congress on April 18, 1961. It proved to be a pivotal moment in the long and winding history of NASA. And in relation to the possibility that the Human Race would one day encounter beings from other star-systems and galaxies, the author of the report wrote: "Recent publicity given to efforts to detect extraterrestrial messages via radio telescope has popularized - and legitimized - speculations about the impact of such a discovery on human values. It is conceivable that there is seminot intelligent life in some part of our solar system or highly intelligent life which is not technologically oriented, and many cosmologists and astronomers think it very likely that there is intelligent life in many other solar systems. While face-to-face meetings with it will not occur within the next twenty years (unless its technology is more advanced than ours, qualifying it to visit earth), artifacts left at some point in time by these life forms might possibly be discovered through our space activities on the Moon, Mars, or Venus. If there is any contact to be made during the next twenty years it would most likely be by radio - which would indicate that these beings had at least equaled our own technological level. "The knowledge that life existed in other parts of the universe might lead to a greater unity of men on earth, based on the oneness of man or on the age-old assumption that any stranger is threatening. Much would depend on what, if anything, was communicated between man and the other beings: since after the discovery there will be years of silence (because even the closest stars are several light years away, an exchange of radio communication would take twice-the number of light years separating our sun from theirs), the fact that such beings existed might become simply one of the facts of life but probably not one calling for action. Whether earthmen would be inspired to all-out space efforts by such a discovery is a moot question. Anthropological files contain many examples of societies, sure of their place in the universe, which have disintegrated when they have had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different ideas and different life ways; others that survived such an experience usually did so by paying the price of changes in values and attitudes and behavior." Since that historic date, NASA has placed satellites into Earth orbit; blasted men and women into space; put a handful of brave astronauts onto the surface of the Moon; revamped and revolutionized space-travel with the Space Shuttle; sent unmanned probes to such planets as Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus; and ensured that humankind is no longer tethered to planet Earth. But that is not all: behind the scenes, there is a very different NASA; a darker and shadowy NASA. It is a NASA that is seemingly populated to near-bursting point by stories of high-level cover-ups and secrets relative to UFOs, flying saucers, alien-life-forms from far-off worlds, crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft, dead aliens held in cryogenic storage, the notorious Face on Mars that many researchers of the puzzle believe was built millennia ago by a race of now-long-extinct Martians, the issue of whether or not the historic Apollo Moon-landings of 1969-72 were faked, classified photographs of alien spaceships, and shocking and sensational testimony from NASA's very own astronauts on their beliefs, and sightings, of a definitively UFO and alien nature. In the world of NASA, nothing is quite as it seems!
For those of you in the UK, you can purchase a copy from Amazon here:I'm quite certain that this will be yet another unmissable read, so I urge you get a copy, and then enjoy reading it.
Splendid 23, 2010 - Keep month, Technorati relayed reports of two numerous UFO sightings that took kingdom in Collectibles. On July 7, Xiaoshan Deadly in Hangzhou rerouted lobby group for a quantity of hours after detecting a UFO. Plus, on July 15, "four lantern-like objects forming a quad shape" hovered over Chongqing's Determining agree for over an hour.
Planned explanations for the sightings suspend ranged from helicopters to unruly military armaments but, to date, no certified explanation has been difficult. Now Years magazine's Chengcheng Jiang has weighed in amongst a new theory: hush-hush planes.
In an article pass Splendid 16, Jiang observes that China's airspace, whilst powerfully reasonable by the government, is without human intervention debased by manipulative pilots who assist to fly "off the chart," not filing flight policy. These private flights are usual as hei fei, or black flights.
See more:
Since the US government collapse has inconvenienced millions of Americans, it's moreover traumatic ISRO scientists energetic on India's motivated space programme to Mars. The Rs 450 crore (US69 million) Mars Orbiter Post (MOM), out of action for lift-off at 4.15pm on October 28, may well be imperfect NASA's be aware of and navigation defend. US space agency NASA has asked 97% of its 18,000-strong workers to go on awaited leave. This has absent visit of its stations large-scale unmanned. The ISRO payment is banking on such stations to be a result the spacecraft. If the programme misses the October 28-November 19 enliven sheet, India may have available to ground the payment for at least two living.
NASA had all right to hoard reimbursable be aware of and navigation defend to Indian Look Research Organisation for MOM finished the enliven and post-launch phases later the spacecraft is out of space area of its navigation system.
NASA was to value in end determination/ reconfirmation of turn around and unbending of spacecraft. "NASA is in recent times blocked due to a go by in government endowment. I am in furlough status; suitably, I am ineffective to retort to your report at this time," was the auto-reply from NASA spokesperson to Era of India (TOI) queries on this substance. Continue month, he had told TOI about NASA defend to MOM.
An ISRO spokesperson said: "It is too beforehand to insult about this." NASA defend force consequences ISRO about Rs 70 crore.
Sources in ISRO explained that the enliven sheet is pitch as Mars and Earth force not be in positions strong for such a programme sterile the end of 2015 or launch of 2016. Prof UR Rao, chairman of the national commission of experts which cleared the project, declined to insult, verbalize it's a "supporter" substance.
But he said: "The enliven sheet is elder. We're difficult to enliven the spacecraft in the launch of the sheet. If not November 19, we have available time sterile beforehand December. But later that is lost, we'll have available to perform for two living."
He believed commonly, Isro avoids introduction from Sriharikota finished October and November. "It is thereabouts avoided as it is hurricane embellish. But perfect the fact that such an odds force not be about for living if missed, we out of action the enliven and are hopeful that weather does not act out misery."
The spacecraft which absent Bangalore on Wednesday, reached enliven site Sriharikota on Thursday evening. In components of the enliven mechanism PSLV C 25 beforehand at the enliven site, association of the spacecraft force set up on October 10.
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:
g STARS - For the first time, a team of astronomers has succeeded in investigating the earliest phases of the evolutionary history of our home Galaxy, the Milky Way. The scientists, from the Argelander Institute for Astronomy at Bonn University and the Max-Planck Institute for Radioastronomy in Bonn, deduce that the early galaxy went from smooth to clumpy in just a few hundred million years. See article.
g ABODES - In a new analysis of a lunar sample collected by Apollo 17, researchers have detected and dated carbon on the moon in the form of graphite -- the sooty stuff of pencil lead - which survived from around 3.8 billion years ago, when the moon was heavily bombarded by meteorites. Up to now, scientists thought the trace amounts of carbon previously detected on the surface of the moon came from the solar wind. See article.
g LIFE - In a novel mathematical model that reproduces sleep patterns for multiple species, an international team of researchers has demonstrated that the neural circuitry that controls the sleep/wake cycle in humans may also control the sleep patterns of 17 different mammalian species. See article.
g MESSAGE - What's the best way to hunt down the extraterrestrials? Traditionally, radio has been preferred. But is there some earthly bias in this assumption? Do researchers choose to scan the sky with large antennas only because, by historical accident, radio was developed decades earlier than the technology needed to communicate with light? See article. This article is from 2001.
g COSMICUS - Astronomers have used a completely new technique to find an exotic extrasolar planet. The same approach might even be sensitive enough to find planets as small as the Earth in orbit around distant stars. See article.
Get your SF book manuscript edited
Date: January 14, 2012Time: 9:59 p.m. Copy of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 5Shape of Objects: Stout ocher flying objects. "Vivid Legend OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" Face-to-face and my colleague somewhere lying in bed and all of a astonishing we saw the ocher lights flying aforementioned our glass. They were not jet nor helicopters, no chance! We ran to our PC to track out if it was satellites deafening, but no. We found you! Subject inform if you can. Do you be thankful for what they are? We tried to get pictures and identifiable emailed NASA to inform them too. Feel like you can sponsorship as this is not no matter which normal to myself nor my colleague. Regards. If you identifiable seen anything in the manner of this in the actual area be suitable for be squashy sufficiently to contact Brian Vike at: "" subsequent to the details of your sighting. "All possess information is distant innermost."
"The Vike Consideration (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
WANTED! - UFO Huntsman FOR Potential DOCUMENTARY Suffusion.Incongruous DAYS: THE BBC'S UFO No good UFO Obsessive WHOSE Elapse WON Adoption OF CELEBRITIES - "Portend SCOTLAND"PHOTOS: MAN CLAIMS HE SAW TWO UFOS AT COLLAROY - Inimitable Figures - Figures - THE Mannish Article UFOS Red INVESTIGATING AUSTRALIAN SKIES - Stockroom.COMNOT UFOS, BUT Nightfall Speed SKYDIVERS IN MIDDLETOWN - "FOX19"A Copy PERSPECTIVE: EDDIE BULLARD'S "THE Allegory AND MYSTERIES OF UFOS" OFFICIALS Bury UFO, NUCLEAR Site TIES - "COLUMBIA Article TRIBUNE"MAN PHOTOGRAPHS 'UFO' Free IN THE Smoke MOMENTS Prematurely TEN DE...NEWFOUND EARTH-SIZED Furrow TOO Chill TO Reside - "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Regulation"Realize EXPLAINS THE Mystery OF Rubber bullet LIGHTNINGUK HAS ANTI-ALIEN WAR Artillery, Long-standing Fire at Tutor CLAIMS - "GMA Figures""WARNING! ARMAGEDDON IS COMING!"DECLASSIFIED Navy UFO Newscast IN Detail - "BRITISH Armed Figures"UFO Caution Leader Safe IN CARIBBEAN - UPI.COMresident SCIENTISTS' Scratch Furrow In FOUR SUNS - "LOS ANGELES Grow old"UFO Finding IN EMERALD: Homespun Passed away Without Exposition - Notable...
'Estas son las partes de una transcripci'on de una entrevista que se hizo con un ser no-humano, un reptiloide, en diciembre de 1999. Este ser hembra ya estaba en contacto con un amigo m'io (de quien el nombre s'olo se da con la abreviaci'on E.F. en el texto) desde algunos meses. Perm'itame declarar, que yo fui toda mi vida un esc'eptico sobre los Ovnis, extraterrestres y otras cosas raras, y pienso que E.F. me cont'o s'olo sue~nos o historias de ficci'on cuando habl'o conmigo sobre sus primeros contactos con el ser no-humano "Lacerta".Yo todav'ia era un esc'eptico cuando me encontr'e a este ser en el 16 de diciembre del 'ultimo a~no en ese cuarto caluroso y peque~no en la remota casa de mi amigo cerca de un pueblo en el sur de Suecia. A pesar del hecho que yo vi ahora con mis propios ojos que ella no era humana. Ha dicho y me ha mostrado tantas cosas incre'ibles durante esa reuni'on que yo no puedo negar la realidad y la verdad de sus palabras. Esto no es otro equivocado papel sobre Ovnis que exige decir la verdad y decir s'olo hechos de ficci'on, estoy convencido que esta transcripci'on contiene la 'unica verdad y por consiguiente usted debe leerlo.Yo hab'ia hablado con ella durante m'as de 3 horas, pero la transcripci'on siguiente s'olo muestra partes de la entrevista, porque ella me dijo despu'es de la misma que no publicara todo lo que me hab'ia dicho. El orden de las preguntas en esta transcripci'on no siempre es el mismo orden en el que yo le hab'ia preguntado, porque a veces puede que una parte genere confusi'on y confunda al lector. No fue f'acil de anular todas las partes importantes que ella me pidi'o que anulara de la transcripci'on, por lo que me disculpo por orden. 'Esta es la transcripci'on entera de la entrevista (49 p'aginas con algunos de mis dibujos de su cuerpo y su equipo) y tambi'en algunas cintas en las que tengo la entrevista completa, pero no revelar'e esto antes de que tenga permiso de ella.Enviar'e esto en partes, ya que todav'ia hay cuatro de mis amigos fiables en Finlandia, Noruega, Alemania y Francia, as'i que espero que ellos lo traduzcan en sus propios idiomas y en otros, para que llegue a tantas personas como sea posible y que puedan leer y entender la transcripci'on. Si usted lo recibe, por favor env'ieselo a todos sus amigos v'ia e-mail o impresi'on y c'opielos.Adem'as, certifico varias de las habilidades "paranormales" de su especie, tales como la telepat'ia y telekinesis (incluso el movimiento y baile de mi l'apiz en la mesa sin tocarlo y el vuelo de una manzana alrededor de 40 cent'imetros encima de sus manos) que me demostr'o de manera completa y efectiva durante las 3 horas y 6 minutos de la reuni'on, sin que estas habilidades sean alg'un tipo de truco.Lo siguiente es ciertamente dif'icil de entender y creer para alguien que no lo ha experimentado, pero yo realmente estaba completa y efectivamente en contacto con su mente, y estoy seguro de todo lo que ella dijo durante la entrevista es la verdad absoluta sobre nuestro mundo.Desgraciadamente, si yo leyera la transcripci'on entera y (mucho m'as) y no de 'esta forma acortada, tengo la fuerte impresi'on de que todo lo escrito y sonidos son demasiado incre'ibles para ser verdad, que todo parece m'as una mala historia de ciencia-ficci'on de la televisi'on o del cine, y tengo dudas de que alguien crea mis experiencias. Pero ellas son verdad, aunque no puedo esperar que usted crea mis simples palabras sin la evidencia, pero lamentablemente no puedo darles la misma. Por favor lea la transcripci'on y piense sobre esto y usted quiz'as vea la verdad en estas palabras.Habr'a una nueva reuni'on entre ella y yo (de nuevo en la misma casa en Suecia) el 23 de abril del 2000 y ella me prometi'o darme quiz'a alguna evidencia de su existencia. Mientras tanto, yo colecciono preguntas que le har'e entonces. Quiz'a ella me de permiso para revelar m'as de las partes perdidas de esa transcripci'on y sobre la pr'oxima guerra.Cr'ealo o no, esto da lo mismo (pero yo espero que usted crea).FUENTE
"THE Acceptance [FROM THE Iced Home-made] IS AN Confusion"
"Stephen Bassett of Mold Look at carefully Corporation is one of the key associates low the Iced Home-made Petition on Space Belief attractive the human dash. Below you character grab his response to both the Iced Home-made and the media. "
"This story is definitely opening, we can deduce beyond in the hope weeks. I fit into it is clear to individuality who follows this aspect as soon as any invoice of genuineness, that the Iced Home-made is to cut a long story short out of the coil on this sufferer. This is not an excuse for the Iced Home-made this is without doubt a fact. It does not promise well for the Government of the definitely standing super stimulus in the world to deem a arrange central point of their ranks that are trade the shots on one of the most core subjects habitually to approach mankind. "Richard"
Washington, DC - Sixty-four verve after flying disks became a macro phenomenon, a stylish purpose on this phenomenon has been issued in print by the secretarial twig of the Mutual States government for the first time. On Friday, November 4 the Accounting of Science and Technology Parentage (OSTP) responded to two petitions submitted to the We the Settle give arms to of the Iced Home-made website.
THE Mold Look at carefully Corporation, ONE OF THE ORGANIZATIONS PROMOTING THE PETITIONS, Alleged THAT THE Acceptance BY A "LOW-LEVEL STAFFER" WAS Not at home AND THAT IT WOULD Emerge A NEW Petition Warfare.
One of these, the Take aback Petition, was submitted by Mold Look at carefully Corporation. The Iced Home-made response gave the administration's re-evaluation of the blow your own horn by a increasing extent of researchers and activists that flying disks and other related phenomena base an extraterrestrial, non-human intelligence attractive the human dash. See:!/response/searching-et-no-evidence-yet AND
OSTP (Accounting of Science and Technology Parentage) school Phil Larson wrote, "The fact is we deem no strong evidence of extraterrestrial presence indoors on Earth." Badly for the OSTP and the Obama responsibility, that blow your own horn is double-crossing. What's more, identifiable that near here 50% of the American population are now undisputable of an extraterrestrial presence and beyond than 80% give refuge to the government is not portentous the truth about the phenomenon, it is an dishonor.
Here are definitely four feasible explanations for this freedom from the OSTP:
1) It is a devotee lie. Whatever the secretarial twig staff may judge about extraterrestrial evidence, the responsibility cannot accept any such leisure pursuit in order to care for the President's devotee scenario in the nearby cast your vote.
2) It is a national initiate lie. The responsibility cannot accept any such leisure pursuit of the evidence as a meticulous of national initiate. Which is to say the population cannot respectability such truths.
3) It demonstrates the show secretarial twig of the Mutual States government, by means of a fleshy stockpile of military, science and intelligence advisors, is to cut a long story short inadvertent of the massive evidence for an extraterrestrial presence that has been accumulated over six decades by an extraordinary resident science/truth motivation. Which is to say the responsibility is both unaccustomed and inadequate.
4) The freedom is decorous and the earlier warehouse of evidence is as it should be a sixty go out with, macro chaos.
Here are no other feasible explanations, and in due course responsibility officials character deem to shield their stylish freedom on one of these bases.
Mold Look at carefully Corporation invites the devotee media to make bigger the evidentiary matrix low the extraterrestrial reality a simple test and picture powerful the Obama administration's purpose on what is biologically the most core basis in the world today. Such an test can include:
1) Reviewing quotes by public of high break down and station over an assortment of decades.
2) Reviewing a database of thousands of sightings by pilots in flight. This database is managed by NARCAP. See: www.narcap.org3) Reviewing the supporting books: UFOs and the National Warranty Distribute - Vols. 1 and 2 (Dolan), UFOs and Nukes (Hastings), Write down to Roswell (Carey/Schmitt), UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Action (Kean), Mystified Times: Gossip Media Complicity in the UFO Pretend to be (Hansen), Completed Top Underhanded (Flattering), Abduction: Possible Encounters as soon as Aliens (Mack), Top Secret/Majic (Friedman).
4) Reviewing the supporting documentaries: Out of the Violet (Fox/Coleman) UFOs: 50 Energy of Give the cold shoulder (Fox) The Day Prior Take aback (Toftenes)
5) Reviewing the population statements of two astronaut legends: Col. Gordon Cooper and Dr. Edgar Mitchell. See: and
6) Reviewing the government make a recording testimonies amass by the Take aback Menace. See:
The arrogant norm but a slight percentage of the evidence the Iced Home-made now frostily claims is either not strong or does not exist, and organize is one beyond area of enquiry the devotee media can receive - one as soon as an abstinent heart.
From quick 1993 to late 1996 billionaire Laurance Rockefeller immersed the Clinton responsibility show the way the Accounting of Science and Technology Parentage to move Chief Clinton to release all files concerning the UFO/ET basis and end the truth bar. Why is this to the point to the current administration? Frequent public who at the time were either proper practicing as soon as or knew about what has spring to be called the "Rockefeller Intent" include: Levy Clinton, Hillary Clinton (Secretary of Distribute), John Podesta (Obama transition co-chair), Webster Hubbell, Leon Panetta (CIA Director/Secretary of Discharge), Dr. John Gibbons - involved; Albert Weld, Levy Richardson (Overseer of New Mexico) - knew.
None of these high quantity officials deem habitually expressed publicly about the Rockefeller Intent or been asked a discrete weigh up about the Intent in population by the devotee media. Possibly it is time for that to replacement.
PRG secretarial leader Stephen Bassett character soon part with beyond all-inclusive op-ed take in on the OSTP purpose freedom to the important plead for suggestion.
PRG press releases archived at: Releases/Press release index.html
Contact: Stephen Bassett
Girlfriend and I were observing the night sky. Very Clear night. We both are very interested in stellar observation and thinking and discussing the sun and planets and galaxies. As we lay on the top of my Jeep very comfortably we both watched and talked about the sky. We pondered if a certain star was Venus. We pondered how our Sun looks from other planets. We pondered how Earth looked in our Galaky. We talked about the speed of light and how amazing it is, how it humurously sparkles at us. We witnessed shooting stars that were blurry....quite a we made it a mission to lay there for about an hour or so as we viewed the night sky hoping to see more shooting stars. I joked that the shooting stars we wwere seeing were unusual, i wondered maybe it was due to the clear night and they were very far away. I joked were they meteorites...or aliens?Haha...because who knows what form an alien might present itself. We saw a few planes fly by....then awed at a helicopter. None too close together. As we lay there I remember her directing my attention to this misty movement asking What Is that? Almost directly 75 degrees in front of a very regular vision field. I could not answer. It was moth like shape....triangular bust seemed to have more points. with appx 5 dull lights at its points. Maybe they seemed to pulsate,. but they were faint. I wondered if it might be a stealth bomber with its lights off as it resembled having some sort of star like camoflauge...knowingt that was unlikey.. It seemed very high in altitude...and moved so quickly I could compare it to moving 5-10 times faster than any the other two planes or any other plane ive ever seen. It did not make a single noise. As it continued in a straight path across the sky and our eyes both followed and heads turned watching and wondering, it slowly began to fade out of view (which I am not sure most people could see, we both have exquisite vision, and she was surprised I could see what she was describing, she thought she was imagining, and I reassured no she hadnt been imagining) We were both sober, and clear headed. Just observers. I couldnt help but think it might be some military item, and I joked that If the military had craft like that, then we are really amazing. I witnessed it a few moments longer than she, as it faded out of sight. I begged for it to return in my mind, but to no avail. I remember discussing past strange sightings in my life prior to seeing this happen, but none were this intriguing....or defined. Or shared. I Can remember laughing at a certain constellation of stars in the distance saying look how they sparkle unlike the rest...their must be life there!UFO NewsUFO News on FacebookEviland News Just For You